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[EDISI ALL ABOUT ZAMANI/SLAM V10] Happy 44th Birthday AbgAdek!

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Post time 25-5-2015 12:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by doubleA at 7-6-2015 06:47 PM

To #fansbersatuZamani rumah lepak baru here!

happy birthday zamani ibrahim!! we love you so much!

[edisi video rare baru upload]

[Kompilasi thread Zamani/Slam edisi 2015]

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6. v8 - edisi selesai / edisi pengasih : ... light=zamani%2Bslam

7. v9 :
all are welcome!!

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Post time 25-5-2015 12:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Check in.. Happy birthday zamani..semoga panjang umur,dimurahkan rezeki dan ditemukan jodoh yg baik2..

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Post time 25-5-2015 12:52 AM | Show all posts
hepy besday... bro zamani
seangil chukae... zamani oppa

hope ALLAH bless you...

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Post time 25-5-2015 12:52 AM | Show all posts
hepy besday... bro zamani
seangil chukae... zamani oppa

hope ALLAH bless you...

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Post time 25-5-2015 12:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ade video zamani sambut birthday kat zsr

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Post time 25-5-2015 12:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah wish kat rumah lama.. Malas nak taip lagi

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 12:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mice_cheese replied at 25-5-2015 12:52 AM
Ade video zamani sambut birthday kat zsr

Kt fb lawyer ada 2 video lagi uols.

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sukebintang at 25-5-2015 01:12 AM

Happy birthday abg adek..

Sedih plak rase nmpk org post video kt group slam tu.. siap ade mention zamani dgn pengurusan baru.. tak sanggup nk tengok.. selama ni abg adek sambut dgn abg jo..sekarang abg adek dah ade org baru... iols plak rase terlebih lebih sedih..

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 01:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sukebintang replied at 25-5-2015 01:10 AM
Happy birthday abg adek..

Iols tengok, xtau apsal sedih jugak rasa.

When he kiss pipi k.ida,i can sense dia syg sgt3 kt k.ida

Bagus lah abgadek, semoga pjalanan hidupmu lepas ni lebih baik. And pls3 dont forget org yg sygkan and celebrate your birthday dulu. I knew u wont forget them right? Deep inside u remember them kan?

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 01:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols pun teringatkan gambar baju biru topi kertas rambut panjang beg sandang dulu tu.


Tapi happy tahu abgadek dah jumpa jiwanya kembali. Berada disamping keluarga.
Its a mix feeling.

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
doubleA replied at 25-5-2015 01:13 AM
Iols tengok, xtau apsal sedih jugak rasa.

When he kiss pipi k.ida,i can sense dia syg sgt3 kt  ...

Khennn..meols rasa sebak pulak bila heols cium pipi akak heols..jarang org sekarang nak cium adik beradik theyols smpai camtu sekali..btw abgadek nampak letih..n x ceria..

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
doubleA replied at 25-5-2015 01:13 AM
Iols tengok, xtau apsal sedih jugak rasa.

When he kiss pipi k.ida,i can sense dia syg sgt3 kt  ...

Me dpt rase abg adek tak lupe abg jo.. insyaAllah.. cume Me berharap sangat ade Pengakhiran yang Baik utk abg Jo & Abg Adek..


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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 01:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
momozzz replied at 25-5-2015 01:15 AM
Khennn..meols rasa sebak pulak bila heols cium pipi akak heols..jarang org sekarang nak cium adik  ...

Rasanya itu rakaman kan? Celebrate awal bukan mlm ni?

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 01:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sukebintang replied at 25-5-2015 01:19 AM
Me dpt rase abg adek tak lupe abg jo.. insyaAllah.. cume Me berharap sangat ade Pengakhiran yang B ...

Yeah,iols pun rasa mcm tu,dalam hati dia mesti terkenang juga walau dia pendam dalam.

Amin2. But i can also sense, abgjo mesti sedih jauh hati kan. Semoga Allah beri dia kekuatan.

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
doubleA replied at 25-5-2015 01:20 AM
Rasanya itu rakaman kan? Celebrate awal bukan mlm ni?

Yuppp, x silap meols dlm 2 or 3 days before,,sbb kat pengasih ade buat event ape tah..btw,tugas acik loyer tu da settle ke lom?haihh

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
doubleA replied at 25-5-2015 01:15 AM
Iols pun teringatkan gambar baju biru topi kertas rambut panjang beg sandang dulu tu.


sedih sbb bile terkenangkn masa org tak amik kisah/susah..abg jo jugak beria sambut birthday abg adek..

Bile abg adek dah ok, mcm dipinggirkan plak orang itu..

Nmpknye lawyer dah ambik tugas abg jo..upload video video abg adek..

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 01:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
momozzz replied at 25-5-2015 01:22 AM
Yuppp, x silap meols dlm 2 or 3 days before,,sbb kat pengasih ade buat event ape tah..btw,tugas ac ...

Dia akan kekal bersama abgadek lepas ni. He is a part of management baru kan?

Stop being like a child boleh tak loyer? Upload video,status mcm nak cari gaduh,kau nak tegakkan apa? Kau betul sentiasa,siapa yg khianat kt kau? Mcm budak2 gaduh taknak kalah. I cant stop from feeling that this loyer makes me feel annoyed.

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 01:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sukebintang replied at 25-5-2015 01:25 AM
sedih sbb bile terkenangkn masa org tak amik kisah/susah..abg jo jugak beria sambut birthday abg a ...

And for sure they will feel,abgadek dah lupakan dorang.

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sukebintang at 25-5-2015 01:47 AM
doubleA replied at 25-5-2015 01:29 AM
And for sure they will feel,abgadek dah lupakan dorang.

Sometime me duk fikir.. adakah abg adek duk terpikir pikir and tertanya tanya.. kenapa abg jo dgn abg alan tak lawat lawat dia.. sebabnya me dapat rase yg abg adek tak tahu 100% cerita sebenar keadaan sebenar yg berlaku ni..

And dari ape yg kat sini crita pasal status status and komen tu.. (me tak baca langsung komen lawyer) tak mustahil team baru buat cerita or mempengaruhi abg adek..

Buat mase ni me tak nk marah or kecewa dgn abg adek pasal hal die dgn abg jo because we don't know ape yg jadi.. tapi me rase terkilan sangat abg adek tak kuat nk dah hadapi kekecewaan hidup sampai boleh terlibat dgn dadih..

I'm happy die dah dpt ketenangan dan dapat balik jiwa die..tapi dlm mase yg ade rase sedih..tak tahu kenape boleh ade perasaan mcm ni..

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2015 01:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sukebintang replied at 25-5-2015 01:44 AM
Sometime me duk fikir.. adakah abg adek duk terpikir pikir and tertanya tanya.. kenapa abg jo dg ...

U tgk melodi today? Dia ada cakap punca dia hanyut dalam dadih. Mcm yg kita dah ckp kt rumah2 sebelum, sejak kematian mak,perpecahan slam kekecewaan yg dia alami,ambik dadih dia rasa rileks,dia hanyut. Dia kata dia dgn dadih tu salah diri sendiri.

Dadih jgk membantu dia dlm kerjaya sbb dia pemalu. Tp baru dia sedar dadih bukan sebab yg baik.

Dia tersasar sbb jiwa dia mati dulu,dia lupa Tuhan. Kt pengasih baru dia kembali semula. Itu la yg dorang lain maksudkan,dia hanyut dlm jiwa lara dia dulu.

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