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Author: manjalara_01


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Post time 25-11-2015 12:37 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 24-11-2015 03:37 PM
i guess...that's memasing...represent...watak memasingkan?...

too bad rambut emilly d ...

mungkin, some part is prequel .. and some part is sequel ..

cume watak snow white tu xde kat situasi tu je kot . huhu .


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Post time 25-11-2015 12:39 PM | Show all posts

kiki skang couple ngn sp ? sorry i da lme tgl psl gossip depa .. tbaru yg i tau, yang beliau ngaku sheols bi .. tp smlm gugel, cam ngaku couple ngn nicholas hault tu . rasanya dorg dulu mmg pnh gossip lps dia putus ngan jlaw kan ??

tolong kompomkan !

x off topic sgt kan .. lalala


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 Author| Post time 25-11-2015 01:40 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 25-11-2015 12:37 PM
mungkin, some part is prequel .. and some part is sequel ..

cume watak snow white tu xde kat s ...

ya...i pun rasa mcm tu u....
that's why...ttiber..charlize kata..."i've missed u"...dekat chris....
so...of course la..die org dh kira fasa sequel..lepas fasa snow she allz..hidup balik...

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 Author| Post time 25-11-2015 01:48 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 25-11-2015 12:39 PM
kiki skang couple ngn sp ? sorry i da lme tgl psl gossip depa .. tbaru yg i tau, yang beliau ngaku ...

ahahah....i pun dh lame x follow...kiki....
tp baru2 stalk die...rupe2nye she allz dh break up...dgn gf she allz....
cause...alicia..rasa...x brape nak style kiki yg fast terkejar2..sini sana..very busy...

so..skrg kiki kan tgh shooting dgn nicholas...ex j-law....
he allz..pun kata...sronok..dpt berkawan dgn kiki...after break up dgn j-law...something like that la...
hhmmm...skrg kalau kiki & nic ni..couple...rasa2nye...fanz j-law & kiki gaduh x?....

xde sape bleh lawan rob dah bertunang...ngan gf die pun...
sape tu? twiggy?...teruk she kena hentam dgn fanz...kiki...serious....i bc...pun terkejut...
walaupun punca break up robsten dulu terang2...kiki fanz she allz...fuh...giler fanatic...

p/s: i pun dh jarang masuk board baru2 ni terjun balik...

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Post time 25-11-2015 02:14 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 25-11-2015 01:48 PM
ahahah....i pun dh lame x follow...kiki....
tp baru2 stalk die...rupe2nye she allz dh b ...

iols sbg fanz jlaw frust jgk pas dgr dy clash buat kali k'berapa ngn nic tu. masa putus ngn chris martin iols la org paling happy. hak hak . sbb iols suka ngn nic . tapi kalo kiki nak amek nic . iols oky je . x kisah hak hak hak . ada plak rumors kan psl ngn liam . tp tak tau nak suka ke tak . huk huk huk.

bagus la kiki ada bf .. naluri minat laki tu masih tinggi la gitu ..


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 Author| Post time 25-11-2015 03:17 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 25-11-2015 02:14 PM
iols sbg fanz jlaw frust jgk pas dgr dy clash buat kali k'berapa ngn nic tu. masa putus ngn  ...

lor...u fanz..j-law rupenye...
u jgn marah tau...kiki kemungkinan...akan bercouple dgn nicholas....

ya..i pun ade dengar...kat radio x lame dulu..bout j-law & chris gi dating...
b4 die gi dates ngan Chris...prince henry...dh queue..dulu nak ajek j-law dating gi tgk buckingham palace...
but j-law menolak dgn baik....sure u dh tau psl ni...nyway..i guess prince henry not her taste...hehe...

Liam??..Liam mana pulak ni?.....

hhmmm...tu la...kiki ni mcm angie skit far die...nobody knows...
setahu i kiki dah ade 4 bfs...dh termasuk rob....

same la mcm angie..b4 this...setahu i..die ade sorg je dgn list of ex bfs...& ex hubby...


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Post time 25-11-2015 04:17 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 25-11-2015 03:17 PM
lor...u fanz..j-law rupenye...
u jgn marah tau...kiki kemungkinan...akan bercouple dgn nicholas.. ...

nak mara pun tak guna kan . nic ngan pon kejap on kejap off . huhu . xpe la , kiki g la couple ngn nic . iols x mara keh ! hak hak hak . iols suke jek . tp bgs laa dia plih nic dr ex gf beliau tu hahaha ..

taste x ley jangka la . nak kata dia tak suka yg muda . dlu couple dy si nic tu muda jugk . mungkin dy pilih chris tu sbb ubah angin kot . also chris tu mmg agak laku jgk kan . klu x nape la ex beliau masih x move on lg .

liam yg i maksudkan opkoss lew liam hemsworth .. x mungkin liam neeson pnyerrrr . tak tau la if pr jek sbb skang kan film dorg bru kua . tp tah la ... klu on , oky jak .. dlm hunger game pon aku suke je jlaw ngn liam dari jlaw ngn josh . josh xley hadam btul


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 Author| Post time 25-11-2015 04:31 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 25-11-2015 04:17 PM
nak mara pun tak guna kan . nic ngan pon kejap on kejap off . huhu . xpe la , kiki g la coup ...

i saje je nak provoke u tadi...
mana tau kan.kadang tu kalau dh minat..then something happen...pd yg kite minat tu...
sure bleh tersentapnye....

honestly...i x brape suke kalau kiki dgn nic....hhmm...ntah la..6th sense i x brape nak suke..
i lagi suke..time kiki & rob..sgt serasi...infact..bile i jenguk...kiki & alicia pun..nampak serasi...
kiki & nic?....i x tau la die tu spesis..mcm mana...i blum skodeng..die lagi..cara dressing die...etc...i x tau camner...

u mean gweyneth ke?...yea la..kan..bukan senang nak get over some one...
lagi2 kalau dh kawin & beranak pinak.....sesame....

i x tau pulak psl on off die & tu...lagi2 dh mature...dh status bapak org...
mesti la mudah cair kot kan?......chris pun sure cair..tgk j-law yg bergetah...

ttiber rs mcm nak bukak thread movie terbaru kiki pulak...


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Post time 25-11-2015 04:50 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 25-11-2015 04:31 PM
i saje je nak provoke u tadi...
mana tau kan.kadang tu kalau dh minat..then something happen... ...

nic tu so far okay la . encem lg dy dr rob . rob tu dlm movie je encem . kt lua selebet iols tgk . hahaha . jgn mara cuols . . nic tu cume x feymes sgt cm rob tu . dia dpt watak pon bkn hero . dy ngn jlaw tu pon lme .. mse dy off ngn dlu .. dy pnh gossip ngn kiki .. mse tu kiki da clash kot ngn rob .. also blum kes dy ngaku dy bi .. pastu dgr cite nic on blik ngn after clash ngn chris .. tup2 putus blik .. n nic blik kt kiki .. haaa cmtu laaa .. nic tu oky kot . setia jgk kot . kiki tu jek xtau setia ke x

ap movie bru dy ?? bbalik pd cite rob . aku siyes x sngka dy da tunang . hak hak .. seriously ? hmmm


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 Author| Post time 25-11-2015 06:05 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 25-11-2015 04:50 PM
nic tu so far okay la . encem lg dy dr rob . rob tu dlm movie je encem . kt lua selebet iols tgk . ...

fk twigs...haa..twiggies...pulak...
tu tunang..robs...yea la..robs kan dah berumur..rasanye dh masuk 30 kot tahun ni...
i rs masa dgn kiki lagi die nak kawin bukan jodoh....nk buat mcm mana...?

x minat la dgn nic..kalau i ade power...i mmg x nak kiki couple dgn nic ni....
still blum google...psl die......setakat ensem je...hhhmmm...
tp kalau nak detect they allz...close or dh couple... dressing die org...sure akan bertukar2 baju..sesame sndiri..

ya..i remember..psl gosip tu...
kiki bleh setia ke x?...x payah la setia dgn nic tu...ahahahha....


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Post time 26-11-2015 08:40 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 25-11-2015 06:05 PM
fk twigs...haa..twiggies...pulak...
tu tunang..robs...yea la..robs kan dah berumur..rasanye dh  ...

mana la tua sangat chuolsss . baru 30 . tapi kalo heols dah siyes nak bebini. its good for him la . hope dia hapy ngn minah twiggy tu hahahaha .

dun wory , x lama la tu nic ngn kiki . kalau chuols da x ske . nnt i suh nic balik kat ye . iols suka jek. huuhuhuhu


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 Author| Post time 26-11-2015 10:02 AM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 26-11-2015 08:40 AM
mana la tua sangat chuolsss . baru 30 . tapi kalo heols dah siyes nak bebini. its good for him la  ...

maksud i...dh x sabar nak berumah tangga....
baru google...smlm...jenguk pic rob & twigs...happy banget...
dressing pun makin kemas & stylo...nak tepek takut mod marah nnt...

i pun harap...nic gi balik la kat j-law..
i x nak persahabatan antara kiki & j-law...tergugat...psl nic...
that is so not cool...


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 Author| Post time 26-11-2015 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 26-11-2015 10:53 AM

Behind the Scenes

Charlize Theron and Emily Blunt film scenes for their upcoming film The Huntsman outside Wells Cathedral on Friday (July 17) in Somerset, England.
The duo, decked out in full costume, was filming a funeral scene for the prequel to Snow White and the Huntsman.

The dark fantasy film revolves around Huntsman Eric and Ravenna and how their paths crossed before they met Snow White.


“Long before the evil Queen Ravenna (Theron) was thought vanquished by Snow White’s blade, she watched silently as her sister, Freya (Blunt), suffered a heartbreaking betrayal and fled their kingdom. With Freya’s ability to freeze any enemy, the young ice queen has spent decades in a remote wintry palace raising a legion of deadly huntsmen—including Eric (Hemsworth) and warrior Sara (Chastain)—only to find that her prized two defied her one demand: Forever harden your hearts to love.

When Freya learns of her sister’s demise, she summons her remaining soldiers to bring the Magic Mirror home to the only sorceress left who can harness its power. But once she discovers Ravenna can be resurrected from its golden depths, the wicked sisters threaten this enchanted land with twice the darkest force it’s ever seen. Now, their amassing army shall prove undefeatable…unless the banished huntsmen who broke their queen’s cardinal rule can fight their way back to one another.”


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 Author| Post time 26-11-2015 10:59 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 26-11-2015 03:00 PM | Show all posts

chuolsss , xde gambo akak charlize theron lg ke ?? adore dengan kecantekan beliau <3 <3


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Post time 26-11-2015 03:01 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 26-11-2015 10:02 AM
maksud i...dh x sabar nak berumah tangga....
baru google...smlm...jenguk pic ro ... so pro . takkan gadoh pasal jantan punya . lalalala

aah , aku pon baru jek mengugel smlm psl rob . happy n bahagiaaaa sangat .. makan ati peminat robsten khen khen lalalala


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 Author| Post time 26-11-2015 03:31 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 26-11-2015 03:00 PM
chuolsss , xde gambo akak charlize theron lg ke ?? adore dengan kecantekan beliau

i rs...nnt bile nak premiere... byk la gambar she allz...kat red carpet...
byk they allz buat interview....etc...nak

i ade la jenguk2...behind the scene/the
tp xde ape lagi...dpt pics..paparazi ni jek......

kan...? rob look so happy.....dari segi dressing skrg...i bg...7/10.....
ni mesti pengaruh tunang die....ehehhee....

u tau x kiki...skrg tgh shooting movie biorgraphy Coco Chanel...
die pegang watak Coco..masa muda....fuh!...bulu kening she allz.. kalah Cara....
i thought nak bukak thread movie ni...tgk dulu la mcm mana....

die org komen...Evil Queen..Charlize..serupe je..dgn iklan dior die...


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 Author| Post time 26-11-2015 03:37 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 26-11-2015 03:01 PM so pro . takkan gadoh pasal jantan punya . lalalala

aah , aku pon baru jek mengugel smlm  ...

pro...luaran...dalaman...kite x tau kan?..

ape2 pun...i pun harap they allz x gaduh psl jejanz...
i just want them to be friends...bukan senang nk dpt..kawan...
dlm industri

J-law & kiki ni mula berlakon...since they were very young...
so...ape2 pun..i'm sure they can handle it well... nasib kiki ni...this is suppose to be her 2nd
rugi...nye......nasib she allz.....

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Post time 26-11-2015 04:12 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 26-11-2015 03:31 PM
i rs...nnt bile nak premiere... byk la gambar she allz...kat red carpet...
byk  ...

7/10 ??? sikit sgt tu .. skang beliau x encem la . why ek ???? dlm filem kmain encem lg . effect banyak sgt ni . kantoi kat luar x encem . hehehe . tp, mmg dy x kisah kan tunang beliau x secun org len . bagus la .. love is blind sgt nih

pas chuols ckp kalah kening cara .. terusss iols gugel .. okay lg kiki dr cara .. cara tebal lgik . nice2 . cam bes film tu . nnt chuols bukak la benang .. bole ngumpat kiki bebanyak dlm tu ,, gagagagagag

cerita ni bln 6 thn dpn baru kua .. lame lg nk tgk akak charlize theron kua promo ... mst teruja tgk gambo2 sheols.. cuz sheols sgt cantekk to me .. hussssshusss


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Post time 26-11-2015 04:14 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 26-11-2015 03:37 PM
pro...luaran...dalaman...kite x tau kan?..

ape2 pun...i pun harap they allz x gaduh psl jejanz. ...

she's cool with that ( .

xpe2 rjeki kan ada kat mana2 ... pasni ade jek filem2 lebih hebat utk dy ... khen khen ?? buat biopic tu da ad chance yg baik dah tu ...  goo kiki gooo


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