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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Six Flying Dragons ~ Yoo Ah In, Shin Se Kyung, Kim Myung Min [Part 3]

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Post time 18-2-2016 02:36 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 18-2-2016 12:33 PM
ant tk bgi byk sumbangan...

hanya kak ayu @cess dan @melati_kesuma

mane adeee...sebab ai tengok time germann

masa uol sembang iols ape yang iols nak cakap uols da cakap punn

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Post time 18-2-2016 02:37 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 18-2-2016 12:36 PM
YH tu mmg over berlagak kan..
sejak dia baik dgn SB....ego tinggi wooo

wow..deabak lerr bw

akhirnya punah juga ditangan beliau

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 02:43 PM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 18-2-2016 02:36 PM
mane adeee...sebab ai tengok time germann

masa uol sembang iols ape yang iols nak ca ...

kita tk cakap....kita hanya tulis ajer

boleh aje ler...nk buat rujukan klu nk buat review nti...

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 02:44 PM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 18-2-2016 02:37 PM
wow..deabak lerr bw

akhirnya punah juga ditangan beliau

tak tau ler pulak dlm cite ni kan....
rasanya sure benda yg sama...

sama mcm kes PE..mmg BW hantar org lain bunuh...

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Post time 18-2-2016 02:44 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 18-2-2016 02:43 PM
kita tk cakap....kita hanya tulis ajer

boleh aje ler...nk buat rujukan klu nk buat review nti ...

ai prinstscren jah


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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Conflict with Yi Bang-won[edit]
After Joseon was established in July 1392, Jeong Do-jeon soon collided with Yi Bang-won over the question of choosing the crown prince, the future successor to Yi Seong-gye (Taejo of Joseon). Of all princes, Yi Bang-won contributed most to his father's rise to power and expected to be appointed as the crown prince even though he was Taejo's fifth son. However, Jeong Do-jeon persuaded Taejo to appoint his young eighth son Yi Bang-seok (Yi Bang-won's half-brother) as the crown prince. Their conflict arose because Jeong Do-jeon saw Joseon as a kingdom led by ministers while the king was to be largely symbolic figure, whereas Yi Bang-won wanted to establish the absolute monarchy ruled directly by the king. Both sides were well aware of each other's great animosity and were getting ready to strike first. After the sudden death of Queen Sindeok in 1398, while King Taejo was still in mourning for her (his second wife and mother of Yi Bang-seok), Yi Bang-won struck first by raiding the palace and killed Jeong Do-jeon and his supporters as well as Queen Sindeok's two sons including the crown prince, in a coup that came to be known as the First Strife of Princes. Taejo, who helplessly watched his favorite sons and ministers being killed by Yi Bang-won's forces, abdicated in disgust and remained angry with Yi Bang-won well after Yi Bang-won became the third king of Joseon, Taejong of Joseon.[citation needed]

For much of Joseon history, Jeong Do-jeon was vilified or ignored despite his contribution to its founding. He was finally rehabilitated in 1865 in recognition of his role in designing Gyeongbokgung (main palace). Earlier Jeongjo published a collection of Jeong Do-jeon's writings in 1791. Jeong Do-jeon's once-close friend and rival Jeong Mong-ju, who was assassinated by Yi Bang-won for remaining loyal to Goryeo Dynasty, was honored by Yi Bang-won posthumously and was remembered as symbol of loyalty throughout the Joseon Dynasty despite being its most determined foe.

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Post time 18-2-2016 02:49 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 18-2-2016 02:44 PM
tak tau ler pulak dlm cite ni kan....
rasanya sure benda yg sama...

memang marah betul bw kat sb kan kak

sampai tak harap kat sesepa..dia sendiri g bunuh

yang adik dia jadi sp tu dia juga bunuh ke orang suruhan?

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 02:51 PM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 18-2-2016 02:49 PM
memang marah betul bw kat sb kan kak

sampai tak harap kat sesepa..dia sendiri g bunuh

ant...kak ayu tk wujud lagi dlm zaman Joseon ni....

maybe dia juga kot yg bunuh...


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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 02:52 PM | Show all posts
Strife of princes[edit]
In 1392 he helped his father to overthrow Goryeo and establish a new dynasty, Joseon. He expected to be appointed as the successor to the throne for he contributed most to the founding of Joseon, but his father, Taejo, and prime minister Jeong Do-jeon favored Taejo's eighth son and Lee Bangwon's half-brother (second son of Queen Sindeok), Lee Bangseok, as the crown prince. This conflict arose chiefly because Jeong Dojeon, who shaped and laid down ideological, institutional and legal foundations of the new dynasty more than anyone else, saw Joseon as a kingdom led by ministers appointed by the king while Lee Bangwon wanted to establish the absolute monarchy ruled directly by the king. Both sides were well aware of each other's great animosity and were getting ready to strike first. After the sudden death of Queen Sindeok, and while King Taejo was still in mourning for his second wife, Lee Bang-won struck first by raiding the palace and killed Jeong Do-jeon and his supporters, as well as Queen Sindeok's two sons including the crown prince in 1398. This incident became known as the First Strife of Princes.

Aghast at the fact that his sons were willing to kill each other for the crown, and psychologically exhausted from the death of his second wife, King Taejo abdicated and immediately crowned his second son Lee Bang-gwa, or King Jeongjong, as the new ruler. One of King Jeongjong's first acts as monarch was to revert the capital to Gaeseong, where he is believed to have been considerably more comfortable. Yet Lee Bangwon retained real power and was soon in conflict with his disgruntled older brother Lee Bang-gan, who also yearned for power. In 1400, General Bak Po, who was disappointed by Lee Bangwon for not rewarding him enough for his action in the First Strife of Princes, allied with Bangwon's older brother Lee Bang-gan (Prince Hoean) and rebelled against him in what came to be known as the Second Strife of Princes. Lee Bangwon successfully defeated his brother's forces, then executed Bak Po and sent Lee Bang-gan into exile. King Jeongjong, who was afraid of his powerful brother, named Lee Bangwon as crown prince and abdicated in the same year. Lee Bangwon assumed the throne of Joseon at long last as King Taejong, the third king of Joseon.

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Yi Seong-gye declared a new dynasty in 1392–1393 under the name of Joseon, thereby reviving an older state, also known as Joseon, that was, legendarily, established nearly three thousand years previously, and renamed the country the "Kingdom of Great Joseon".[[url=]citation needed[/url]] An early achievement of the new monarch was improved relations with China; and indeed, Joseon had its origin in General Yi's refusal to attack China in response to raids from Chinese bandits.[1] Shortly after his accession, the new monarch sent envoys to inform the Ming court at Nanjing that a dynastic change had taken place.[2]
Envoys from the Ryūkyū Kingdom were received in 1392, 1394 and 1397. Siam sent an envoy in 1393.[2] In this process of establishing the new dynasty's foreign relations, envoys were dispatched to Japan, seeking the re-establishment of amicable relations. The mission was successful; and Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was reported to have been favorably impressed by this initial embassy.[3]
In 1394, the capital was established at Hanseong (Seoul).[4] When the new dynasty was promulgated and officially brought into existence, Taejo brought up the issue of which son would be his successor. Although Taejo's fifth son by Queen Sineui, Yi Bang-won, had contributed most to assisting his father's rise to power, he harbored a profound hatred against two of his father's key allies in the court, the prime minister Jeong Do-jeon and Nam Eun.
Both sides were fully aware of the mutual animosity that existed between each other and constantly felt threatened. When it became clear that Yi Bang-won was the most worthy successor to the throne, Jeong Do-jeon used his influence on the king to convince him that the wisest choice would be in the son that Taejo loved most, not the son that Taejo felt was best for the kingdom.
In 1392, the eighth son of King Taejo (the second son of Queen Sindeok), Grand Prince Uian (Yi Bang-seok) was appointed Prince Royal, or successor to the throne. After the sudden death of the queen, and while King Taejo was still in mourning for his second wife, Jeong Do-jeon conspired to pre-emptively kill Yi Bang-won and his brothers to secure his position in court.
In 1398, upon hearing of this plan, Yi Bang-won immediately revolted and raided the palace, killing Jeong Do-jeon, his followers, and the two sons of the late Queen Sindeok. This incident became known as the First Strife of Princes. Aghast at the fact that his sons were willing to kill each other for the crown, and psychologically exhausted from the death of his second wife, King Taejo immediately crowned his second son Yi Bang-gwa, later King Jeongjong, as the new ruler. Thereafter, King Taejo retired to the Hamhung Royal Villa.
In 1400, King Jeongjong invested his brother Yi Bang-won as heir presumptive and voluntarily abdicated. That same year, Yi Bang-won assumed the throne of Joseon at long last as King Taejong.
Ten years after his abdication, King Taejo died on May 24, 1408 in Changdeok Palace. He was buried at the tomb of Geonwonneung (건원릉, 健元陵) in the city of Guri.[5]


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Post time 18-2-2016 03:04 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 18-2-2016 02:51 PM
ant...kak ayu tk wujud lagi dlm zaman Joseon ni....

maybe dia juga kot yg bunuh...

memang kak ayu belum wujud tapi selalunya kak ayu ni multi talented pasal korean ni

lelebih lagi zaman joseon..wakakakak

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 03:06 PM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 18-2-2016 03:04 PM
memang kak ayu belum wujud tapi selalunya kak ayu ni multi talented pasal korean ni

lelebih lag ...

kak ayu dh tepekkan tu....baca le yer...

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Post time 18-2-2016 03:26 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 18-2-2016 03:06 PM
kak ayu dh tepekkan tu....baca le yer...

macam sebelum ni memang da kak ayu tepek

memang takhta tu selayaknya untuk bw

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 03:58 PM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 18-2-2016 03:26 PM
macam sebelum ni memang da kak ayu tepek

memang takhta tu selayaknya untuk bw

kan....sbb BW tak mau follow cara SB...
kerabat tkder kuasa sepenuhnya...

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Post time 18-2-2016 05:04 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 18-2-2016 11:56 AM
wah bz studi kekdahnya..good luck yer nohas..

yg tk tahan tu...YH leh kenakan BW..

tenkiu, exam gangnam uni...
stay back kt ofis, study benang gangnam, blog cari kdrama
stay up kt umah, tengok citer she was pretty..

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 05:10 PM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 18-2-2016 05:04 PM
tenkiu, exam gangnam uni...
stay back kt ofis, study benang gangnam, blog car ...

cheh....gangnam uni rupanya...

nohas terer tkde masalah....
ayu pun bru nk tgk cite she was pretty..
tu pun follow kat tv je...

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 05:10 PM | Show all posts
wah...dh page 16....

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2016 08:02 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 39~40
The historical background to help understand Ep. 39~40

■ The list of founding contributors. 개국공신 開國功臣
Bang-Won found his name excluded from the list of founding contributors. It’s historically true that all princes were ruled out from the list.
You may wonder why King Taejong treated Bang-Won like that even though his son saved his followers’ lives. Well, it is true Bang-Won saved them from the crisis, but it was also true that Sadaebu’s boycott on the state exam, many bureaucrats’ resignation, Domoon-dong village, the worsening public sentiment… all of them were caused by Bang-Won’s murder of Jung Mong-Joo.
All their efforts for peaceful transfer of political power ended in failure, and their new regime started with blood against their will. In spite of being winners, they felt like walking on thin ice. The new country’s prospects look rather bleak. They needed to clear the ominous image as soon as possible to appease the public opinion, because it could threaten its legitimacy in the future. That’s why the king kept his distance from Bang-Won.
However, it caused an unexpected reverse effect. People also thought it was unfair treatment to the devoted son, and a bond of sympathy for Bang-Won started to develope. As a result, more and more Sambong opponents united around Bang-Won as time went by.
After the success of his coup in 1398, Bang-Won finally added his name and his elder brothers’ names to the list of founding contributors. It must have been his biggest grudge.


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 Author| Post time 19-2-2016 08:03 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 39~40
The historical background to help understand Ep. 39~40

■ The relationships between King Taejo and Jung Do-Jeon
Was King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) a puppet king manipulated by Jung Do-Jeon? Nope. I know you may misunderstand their relationship like that, but it’s not true at all in the history as well as in Six Flying Dragons.
Remember it was King Taejo himself who convinced Sambong to protect the little Crown prince from any potential threat. (ep. 38~39) Sambong is now doing what the king has ordered him to do. Therefore, blame King Taejo first who sowed the seeds of disaster. It is still a mystery to Koreans why King Taejo made such a ridiculous decision to make his youngest son the Crown prince, even if he loved his second wife so much. I guess the invincible general was overconfident that his grown-up sons would follow his order no matter what.
In the history, King Taejo and Sambong were hand in glove with each other. If Jung Do-Jeon came up with an idea, Yi Seong-Gye fully supported him to achieve it. They were close friends sharing the same dream.
During his 7 years as a prime minister (1392~1398), Jung Do-Jeon achieved so many things in all areas : Managing the state affairs, making Constitutional laws, writing history books, designing and building the new palace in Hanyang (Seoul), composing formal court music, stabilizing the national defense, creating various battle formations for military training, diplomacy, etc.
The genius had lived a fierce life after Joseon was founded. I can’t believe how he did all those things for such a short period of time. Maybe, in the history of Korea, no one can equal him except for King Sejong the Great, the son of Yi Bang-Won and Lady Min.


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 Author| Post time 19-2-2016 08:05 AM | Show all posts
Edited by ayushuhada04 at 19-2-2016 08:06 AM

Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 39~40
The historical background to help understand Ep. 39~40

■ The secret treaty with Jurchens (여진족 女眞族)
I read Non-Korean SFD fan’s comment like “Why did Sambong the prime minister sell the nation’s lands to Jurchens, while he gave no land to Boon-Yi’s people? He is out of his mind.”
Oh, no. It’s a misunderstanding. Sambong didn’t sell the nation’s lands.Here is a detailed explanation about why he did such a thing. The following is the international situation right after Joseon was founded.
There existed many Jurchen warriors in Yi Seong-Gye’s private army including his sworn brother General Yi Ji-Ran. Jurchens were afraid of the undefeated warrior Yi Seong-Gye and showed great respect to him. They also took pride in the fact that the founder of Joseon came from their Northeast region. (Yi Seong-Gye’s ancestors lived with Jurchens long time ago. )
Therefore, many Jurchens hoped to become a naturalized Joseon citizen after Joseon was established. King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) also sent Yi Ji-Ran to convince them to defect to Joseon. He built schools to educate Jurchen children and encouraged them to marry Joseon people.  

However, about 10 months after Joseon was founded (May 23, 1393),Hongwu Emperor of Ming China (홍무제 洪武帝, reign 1368~1398) threatened to go to war against Joseon, blaming that Joseon government appeased 500 Jurchen soldiers with silk and gold and naturalized them as Joseon citizens. The defected Jurchen soldiers had worked for Ming China for many years. The Ming Emperor believed that Joseon stole his soldiers with rebellious mind. He was also wary of Joseon’s alliance with Jurchens, which would be the biggest threat to Ming China like Jin (Jurchen, 1115–1234) andYuan (Mongol, 1271–1368) Dynasty did.
In fact, many of the Jurchen soldiers in question were originally Goryeo refugees who lost their land and joined Jurchens, or Goryeo prisonerscaptured by Nahachu and Hobaldo who were the Jurchen invaders in alliance with Ming China. Many of the soldiers just came back to their homeland. However, Joseon government was forced to deport them to Liaodong region in order to avoid the war against Ming China. King Taejo got angry about this situation, and decided to work on something.

One month later, Jung Do-Jeon was appointed as a military commander of Northeast region (동북면 도안무사 東北面都安撫使) to stabilize the border, as you’ve seen in ep. 39. He personally visited Jurchen tribes there and made connections with their chiefs. The Jurchens’ admiration for Yi Seong-Gye made it easy for him to form an alliance with them.

Jung Do-Jeon’s plan was to find a new route to attack the Liaodong peninsula via Jurchen’s Northeast territory. Liadong was the lost territory of ancient Korean kingdom, Goguryeo (고구려, 高句麗 BC 37 ~ AD 668). Goryeo was named after the Goguryeo kingdom. It had been every Goryeo people’s dream to regain the lost territory for the past 700 years. General Choi Youngwas not an exception. He tried to conquer it, but failed due to Yi Seong-Gye’sWihwa Island retreat in 1388 (ep. 19~22).

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