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Author: idakamaruddin

:) ALM CHAT ZONE V.24 :)

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Post time 26-9-2016 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 26-9-2016 08:30 PM
iols tgh queue nk beli burger king ni motip kt sini pasang lagu ost i remember oh hae young?

: ...

Hihi..dorg layan ohy gak la tu..

Uols baru abih layan mesti tengiang2 je lagu tu kan..

Iols aritu masa moyan ohy x leh move on tu, hari2 dok ulang folder ost ohy tu dlm keta..feeling abis..huhu

Sume ost best2..iols pasan ada 2,3 show iols tgk pakai ost ohy ni jd bgm...esp yg hyun jin sendiri nyanyi...

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Post time 26-9-2016 10:50 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 26-9-2016 09:28 AM
ko kan wakil presiden fanclub abgjo semalaysia

caitt....dh lupa kt abg jo
dia kn tgh dikelilingi oleh 2 ahjumma
biarkan la dia

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Post time 26-9-2016 10:55 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 26-9-2016 10:16 AM
sume dlm tv kan kak

ida mgkn nnt nk tgk on the way to airport ngn cite unni je la tp nk tggu du ...

jom lyn drama unni..
xtau la best ke x

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2016 11:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 26-9-2016 10:13 PM
Hihi..dorg layan ohy gak la tu..

Uols baru abih layan mesti tengiang2 je lagu tu kan..

ost beautiful mind pn best

bernard park - dirt

ni pn iols sllu ulang2

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Post time 27-9-2016 08:15 AM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 26-9-2016 06:00 PM
yo..busy sikit sekrg ni..
rindu kt YAI ye...

aah ler...rindu kat YAI..
tu yg tetiba teringin layan cite JOJ ni...

nohas....dh tgk ep terbaru cite FIP?
perggh semakin menarik ler...
dah tau Ok Nyeo ni anak sapa...

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Post time 27-9-2016 08:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 26-9-2016 11:23 PM
ost beautiful mind pn best

bernard park - dirt

Morning uols...
Arini sejuk..mlm td ujan smpai subuh...

Yg ni  iols x pasan sbb beautiful mind x layan abih...

Suka drama tu tp aritu stop sbb overload sgt dgn drama n keja time tu..

Ingat nk smbg balik..blum kesampaian..

Btw, iols suka sgt sume ost dr its ok its love n kill me heal me..n latest ohy..

Yg drama2 lain x sume ost bg iols best..dlm 2,3 bijik je..

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2016 09:05 AM | Show all posts
wima replied at 27-9-2016 08:27 AM
Morning uols...
Arini sejuk..mlm td ujan smpai subuh...

morning wima

wow hujan ke..area umah ida xde lak hujan

panas jugak

ni ha lagu ost beautiful mind

best sgt lagu ni

lagu ost age of youth pn best


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 Author| Post time 27-9-2016 09:07 AM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 26-9-2016 06:00 PM
yo..busy sikit sekrg ni..
rindu kt YAI ye...

gumoning kaka

bz ek..sama la kita bz bz ayam


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Post time 27-9-2016 09:11 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 26-9-2016 10:50 PM
caitt....dh lupa kt abg jo
dia kn tgh dikelilingi oleh 2 ahjumma
biarkan la dia

hebat abgjo skg...
kemain dihimpit oleh 2 org ahjumma
x sedar diri...
nasib abgjo la dpt 2 org janda


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Post time 27-9-2016 09:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 27-9-2016 09:05 AM
morning wima

wow hujan ke..area umah ida xde lak hujan


Trus rs ngantuk..

Ok..nnti wima lyn n donlot..

Lama gak x wat keja donlot ni..

Last donlot ost uf...byk gak lagu best2...


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Post time 27-9-2016 09:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Uols abih dh lyn youth?

Iols lyn running man smlm..
Blum abih lg marathon youth tu..

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Post time 27-9-2016 09:18 AM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 27-9-2016 09:11 AM
hebat abgjo skg...
kemain dihimpit oleh 2 org ahjumma
x sedar diri...

jnda pn jnda hot
mst abg jo lena diulit mmpi lg

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Post time 27-9-2016 09:19 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 26-9-2016 03:01 PM
tetiba nk lyn lak cite ni semula...

@ismaha @makdik2301 @santubung @nohas

cite apa kakayu?
xleh la nak tengok gambarnya..
x kuar..


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 Author| Post time 27-9-2016 09:19 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 27-9-2016 09:18 AM
jnda pn jnda hot
mst abg jo lena diulit mmpi lg

cite unnie dh tgk ke?

nk tggu redha sikit br layan tgk review2 dulu


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 Author| Post time 27-9-2016 09:20 AM | Show all posts
wima replied at 27-9-2016 09:17 AM
Uols abih dh lyn youth?

Iols lyn running man smlm..

smlm tgk smpai ep 8

hr ni atau esk hbs la cite AOY kot

ost cite tu pn best2 gak..

mendayu2..iols suka


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Post time 27-9-2016 09:23 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 27-9-2016 09:19 AM
cite unnie dh tgk ke?

nk tggu redha sikit br layan tgk review2 dulu

x ada sub lg
plih kasih subbers ni

review pn x byk


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Post time 27-9-2016 09:28 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 27-9-2016 09:18 AM
jnda pn jnda hot
mst abg jo lena diulit mmpi lg

abgjo sbnrnya bukan kesah pon
janda ke ahjumma ke apa..
yg penting dpt dihimpit pompuan dh la..


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Post time 27-9-2016 09:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 27-9-2016 09:20 AM
smlm tgk smpai ep 8

hr ni atau esk hbs la cite AOY kot

Aah..perasan gak...

Ost sayu2 je..

Iols pun rs dlm arini or esok leh abis..

Skrg tgh lyn ost kill me heal me...

Tetiba rs nk lyn balik drama ni...


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Post time 27-9-2016 09:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 27-9-2016 09:28 AM
abgjo sbnrnya bukan kesah pon
janda ke ahjumma ke apa..
yg penting dpt dihimpit pompuan dh la.. ...

Bkn abg jo konon2 mati pucuk ke dlm tu..

Ahjumma mana la yg bleh menawan hati abg jo tu..

Sbb dh mkn ubat ada hati gakla kot abg jo bile dh dihimpit2 tu..hihi

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2016 09:33 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 27-9-2016 09:23 AM
x ada sub lg
plih kasih subbers ni

la ye ke?

x sgka lak xde subs lg..motip sgt

kurang promo ke?

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