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Author: apikwaeh

[KBS] On The Way to The Airport - Lee Sang Yoon, Kim Ha Neul, Shin Sung Rok [Re

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Post time 7-10-2016 12:07 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 7-10-2016 10:34 AM
laaaa mcm sama je kita ni makdik..
kak ayu bila tgk cite ni...selalu berwasap dgn forumer Cess
w ...

saya mmg x minat LSY nie...drama dia sebelom nie
mmg x tgok...sbb dia x ensem bg saya...nampak busuk..
muka cm x mandi..tapiiii dlm cite nie lain semcm je tarikannya..

betol tu yg x kawen nie pon mcm leh
paham perasaan diaorg.. laki CSA tu
langsung x amek berat psl dia..dan suka wat keputusan
sendiri..dh la jarang jumpa..
geram gak perangai somi CSA nie..x take care langsung
mcm SDW...pastu xde la nak jaga hati isteri..

bini SDW tu x yah ckp la...perangai pon lebih kurang
sama mcm somi CSW..SDW dgn bini dia mcm x dok sekali kan...
so bila SDW dan CSA jumpa mcm melengkapi 1 sama lain..


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Post time 7-10-2016 12:09 PM | Show all posts
irie^nad replied at 7-10-2016 10:47 AM
aah..sbb mak heols dh cukup kaya.hehe..human cultural asset kat korea mmg dipandang tinggi

nenek anna tu mak SDW ke mak hyewon??
sbb nenek tu mcm taw je rahsia psl ayah anna..


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Post time 7-10-2016 12:09 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 7-10-2016 12:04 PM
sy tgk pic ja kak ayu
pic game dia
dr situ leh nmpk keserabaian dia

so mmg cara dia begitu kah?? selekeh dan serabai

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Post time 7-10-2016 12:09 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 7-10-2016 11:09 AM
sy pnh tgk dia lg serabai n masam lg drpd ni
jd x kisah

ko tengok dia kat mana weh????
mmg semulajadi busuk,serabai eh LSY ko ni?


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Post time 7-10-2016 12:12 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 7-10-2016 12:09 PM
nenek anna tu mak SDW ke mak hyewon??
sbb nenek tu mcm taw je rahsia psl ayah anna..

mak SDW supposedly.sbb hyewon yg dtg bekerja kat umh theyolss..yup.sheolls mcm tau rahsia hyewon kan


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Post time 7-10-2016 12:15 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 7-10-2016 12:07 PM
saya mmg x minat LSY nie...drama dia sebelom nie
mmg x tgok...sbb dia x ensem bg saya...nampak bu ...

kak ayu biasa tgk drama2 LSY byk mcm kaku je lakonan dia
dpt watak kot yg lembut dlm cite Angel Eyes...mmg okay dh
tp dlm cite ni mmg best sgt ler...watak SDW tu mmg sesuai jer dgn
LSY ni le makdik....

tu le pasal....memasing kurang kasih perempuan ni lain
leh lagi bertahan...sbb fikir diri tu adalah seorang isteri...tetapi
lelaki lain....kebetulan lak CSA ni jenis lembut...byk amik berat kan
especially psl Annie tu...mana le tk tersentuh jiwa SDW...
dan SDW lak mmg orangnya bertanggungjawab...mmg tk sama le
dgn capt Park tu...ikut cakap dia jer..dah ler leh hantar anak bini
duk dgn mak dia..dgn mak dia yg cerewet...semua berkira.

jd bila dorang berdua ni berjumpa..jiwa rasa tenang jer..
memasing leh lak rasa selesa kan..
aah le kot...SDW dgn wife dia mcm tk duk sama je kan..


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Post time 7-10-2016 12:29 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 7-10-2016 12:09 PM
ko tengok dia kat mana weh????
mmg semulajadi busuk,serabai eh LSY ko ni?

dlu rjin tgk ig fans dia
skrg dh mls
dia kn aktif main basketball
skali ngn SSR tu 1 team la
ms main mst la busuk
bila nk shoot utk mjalah mst la wangi
tp ari tu pegi bercuti2 lps shooting mmg serabai

tul x @ichi
tp masyam2 pn @trexxxxxi suka amat

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Post time 7-10-2016 12:33 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 7-10-2016 12:09 PM
so mmg cara dia begitu kah?? selekeh dan serabai

ari tu pegi bercuti pn mmg serabai

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Post time 7-10-2016 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by qis13 at 7-10-2016 02:32 PM

EP. 5

Sports Seoul - Naver: 'On The Way to the Airport', Kim Ha Neul ♥ Lee Sang Yoon begin to meet each other

1. [+2,657, -91] Woa I know they're having an affair but they're irresistibleㅠㅠ The dialogues are novel-like, the directing is nice too..

2. [+1,620, -70] When they held hands and ran away, it's so crazy sweet ㅠ

3. [+1,388, -43] ahhhh~~~~~~ My heart almost burst ㅜㅜㅜ

4. [+1,052, -42] My heart is fluttering like crazy

5. [+1,052, -42] I love this drama

6. [+582, -10] Love is expressed in such a direct way in dramas lately, I like how it's subtly and delicately done here. One hour went too fast

7. [+501, -17] They're having an affair but not really

8. [+463, -17] Kim Ha Neul and Lee Sang Yoon met the drama of their lives!! Daebak!!

Sports Seoul - Naver: 'Airport', Kim Ha Neul♥ Lee Sang Yoon, from 'secret' to 'daring' skinship

1. [+733, -39] Their coordis are matching their outfits~ It's like a way of telling us that they're feeling the same way. Such a detailed drama, from the acting, director to styling but it's a shame it's about affairs..

2. [+594, -40] The subtlety in their acting and emotions.. gorgeous cinematography!

3. [+499, -40] Made my heart flutter when they held hands to hide^^ I hope they no longer feel a sense of obligation to continue their loveless marriage and should just start anew. Shin Sung Rok is cold-hearted and Jang Hee Jin is full of secrets, both are strange.


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Post time 7-10-2016 02:40 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 7-10-2016 12:33 PM
ari tu pegi bercuti pn mmg serabai

mmg style dia gitu ler...
mcm man le UEE leh suka

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Post time 7-10-2016 02:53 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 7-10-2016 02:57 PM | Show all posts

sape yg kata LSY tak mandi tu... bukti dia mandi tau

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Post time 7-10-2016 03:07 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 7-10-2016 02:40 PM
mmg style dia gitu ler...
mcm man le UEE leh suka

hihihhi...cinta itu buta


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Post time 7-10-2016 03:30 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 7-10-2016 03:07 PM
hihihhi...cinta itu buta

kdg2 rupa tk penting..
klu dh mmg hati dh suka....

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Post time 7-10-2016 03:53 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 7-10-2016 11:55 AM
sama lahh.. terbuai2 je tenguk cite ni

adoiiai walau rasa cam salah.. tapi nak tenguk jugak

kann iols tengok cite nie rasa rileks je..
xyah serabut2 nak pk psl lain..
boleh tengok dengan tenang je part SDw dgn CSA tu

kalo uols rasa bersalah tengok diaorg..
CSA lagi la rasa bersalah..SDW lak jenis rileks,cool je..
dia mcm x rasa bersalah pon..
sbb maybe dia laki so x kesah nak curang..
tp mcm CSA ni kan dia pompuan..bini dan mak org..
pastu skg dok dgn mertua,..


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Post time 7-10-2016 04:04 PM | Show all posts
kesian nya soo ah... boleh rasa berat bebanan dia..melawan perasaan dan rasa takut...bersalah...


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Post time 7-10-2016 04:51 PM | Show all posts
irie^nad replied at 7-10-2016 12:12 PM
mak SDW supposedly.sbb hyewon yg dtg bekerja kat umh theyolss..yup.sheolls mcm tau rahsia hyewon k ...

ooo mak SDW..mak SDW pon leh time anna dh mcm
cucu sendiri...apa tah masalah hyewon x suka org len syg
kat anak dia..


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Post time 7-10-2016 04:55 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 7-10-2016 12:15 PM
kak ayu biasa tgk drama2 LSY byk mcm kaku je lakonan dia
dpt watak kot yg lembut ...

pandai la dia menjiwai watak SDW..mmg masuk sangat..terasa feel tu..
harap LSY in real life mcm SDW la..caring,cool..
dan kemas xde la nampak busuk,serabai cm x mandi

dia htr anak bini suh duk dgn mak dia..
tp dia sendiri xmo duk sekali..
sbb dia dh taw perangai mak dia cmna...
pastu siap pesan kat CSA jgn nak berkira dgn mak dia..
ee geramm la..CSA ni mmg jenis baik..
tu yg buat SDW tertarik beza dgn perangai bini dia..

nasib SDW la kenal dgn pompuan ada anak je..


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Post time 7-10-2016 04:57 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 7-10-2016 12:29 PM
dlu rjin tgk ig fans dia
skrg dh mls

ooo dia bff ke dgn SSR..eloklah
berlakon sekali..dan dia jadi pemusnah
rumahtangga bff sendiri..gituu

skg nie tambah lg 1,nak p detim dgn uee
pon mst kena wangi gak weh


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Post time 7-10-2016 05:10 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 7-10-2016 02:57 PM
sape yg kata LSY tak mandi tu...  bukti dia mandi tau

perlu la tempek gmbr bagai nk buktikan dia mandi

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