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Author: nut.legacy

Handbag / Shoes / Accesories Lovers: Part 10

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Post time 7-12-2016 08:30 PM | Show all posts

colorful nyaaa!
chuols, iols ingin bertanya pasal jual beli henbeg ni sbb iols tak penah beli. jadi sebelum beli, iols kene pahamkan dlu

iols ada tgk kt IG handbag police. ada sorang ni dia bayar sampai 40k kt satu IG seller utk org tu belikan handbag & a few other items. tup2, kene tipu. bila i tgk brand yg dia nak beli tu, i rasa ada je kt malaysia. jadi persoalan iols:

1. adakah designers handbags / accessories yg berada di local boutique (i.e pavilion,klcc) terlalu mahal berbanding harga yg selalu IG seller offer? sbb i merasa pelik bila dia buleh transfer 40k kt IG seller instead of beli kt boutique.
2. adakah collection handbags/ accessories yg ada di local boutique tu selalunya old collection, jadi org selalu kirim kt IG seller / personal shopper utk beli?

mohon pencerahan dgn spotlight


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 Author| Post time 8-12-2016 09:37 AM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 7-12-2016 12:30 PM
colorful nyaaa!
chuols, iols ingin bertanya pasal jual beli henbeg ni sbb iols tak penah ...

this is my personal opinion la...

1. sometimes buyer terpengaruh dengan offer yg ig seller jual. not necessarily PS jual murah sebenarnya. sometimes diorang mark up lg tinggi dari harga butik. kene rajin survey kt butik jugak. sometimes ada aje PS yg beli kt butik sini during sale, then sell it back with higher price. berbalik ke soalan 40k tu, satu bag ke few? mmg ada beza price sini dgn sana tp for PS of course diorang amik VAT for their services. kdg tu diff dlm 1k, depending on the currency etc. i pernah tgk ig seller jual brg same price as the boutique, tp kene byr postage pulak..

2. tidak semestinya jugak, Malaysia skang collection kita up to date iols lama x g survey2 sbb faktor ekonomi dan tidak mahu makan hati tika membelek henbeg tersebut.. gituhhh

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Post time 8-12-2016 10:52 AM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 6-12-2016 10:35 AM
HANDBAGThis little handbag with a detachable shoulder strap features a body  ...

OMG!!! longchamp jugak ada juga yg bru. yg tulis 'LUCKY' kt luar tu, cantikkkkk


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 Author| Post time 8-12-2016 11:20 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 8-12-2016 02:52 AM
OMG!!! longchamp jugak ada juga yg bru. yg tulis 'LUCKY' kt luar tu, cantikkkkk

tepek pic.. i x perasan pn..

yg ni x tau brape ribu la sbb leather kan

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Post time 8-12-2016 11:30 AM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 8-12-2016 11:20 AM
tepek pic.. i x perasan pn..

yg ni x tau brape ribu la sbb leather kan

cuir biasanya RM1K++, i penah tgk org pakai cuir. cantik je org tu pakai. i suka leather. sbb lama boleh pakai.


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Post time 8-12-2016 11:30 AM | Show all posts
semoga nafsu i x kalah bila tgk ig lisandfiz

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2016 12:05 PM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 8-12-2016 03:30 AM
semoga nafsu i x kalah bila tgk ig lisandfiz

i dah stop tgk ig bag ni dah few months... x sanggup!!!

semoga kita kuat menahan godaan

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Post time 8-12-2016 01:04 PM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 8-12-2016 09:37 AM
this is my personal opinion la...

1. sometimes buyer terpengaruh dengan offer yg ig seller jual ...

this is interesting! although IG seller /PS jual lagi mahal org sanggup beli. huhuhuh..

yg i tgk tu, 40k consist of prada handbag, prada shoes and other two items. i tak ingat. i mcm terkejut serta pelik bila org sanggup bayar sampai 40K kt IG seller. klo i ada duit byk tu utk spend, i pegi ke boutique. dijamin ori. klo jadi ape2 mcm nak repair ke, nk polish ke, diorang akan setelkan.

thank you babe, atas pencerahan

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2016 04:53 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 8-12-2016 05:04 AM
this is interesting! although IG seller /PS jual lagi mahal org sanggup beli. huhuhuh..

yg i tg ...

Tu i pun terpengaruh juga tgk bags & shoes kt ig ni.. one time i pergi survey kt butik kenzo t shirt, harga dia murah skit dr ig seller. the best to survey masa time sale sbb kita dpt great deal.

sana shoes district dia best kan? bila la dpt smpi Dubai

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Post time 8-12-2016 05:13 PM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 8-12-2016 04:53 PM
Tu i pun terpengaruh juga tgk bags & shoes kt ig ni.. one time i pergi survey kt butik kenzo t shi ...

i masuk pusing2 shoe district tu dua kali je sepanjang i dok sini. saia ta kuaaadddd
ditambah bulan depan sale festival, lagi la ta kuaaaddd.hahaha!! boutique yg ada kt situ,ade je kt malls lain. tapi sebab 'presentation' kt shoe district tu nampak sgt menarik & cantik, tu yg buleh terguda.  


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 Author| Post time 9-12-2016 09:18 AM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 8-12-2016 09:13 AM
i masuk pusing2 shoe district tu dua kali je sepanjang i dok sini. saia ta kuaaadddd
ditam ...

i know!!! i tgk kt ig mmg geram!! kat situ bole take photos tak? kalo bole, snap la and tepek kt sini..


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Post time 3-1-2017 08:18 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 7-12-2016 12:30 PM
colorful nyaaa!
chuols, iols ingin bertanya pasal jual beli henbeg ni sbb iols tak penah ...

Faktor paling nyata..

Purchaser nak collector's item..

Or some models not available in malaysia, hence, buyer have to scout outside the radius and on seller..

Ada buyer jenis malas nak keluar, nak cpt, senang so through personal shopper will be easiest as they are actively moving around and familiar with 'hot spot' bag's place..

The last time i checked, christian louboutin dont have any boutique in malaysia, the nearest is singapore.. Do they have one now in malaysia?

Utk buyer mcm i, i have to scout by myself using any methods i find x pe la i mmg dkt land of loubies pon..

In terms of pricings, x byk beza..but vast varieties can be scout in overseas of course, dkt malaysia, butik ada brp dkt overseas butik berderet2..


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Post time 3-1-2017 08:23 PM | Show all posts

Sharing some of my year end 2016 purchases, louboutin satin for myself and kipling sling bag for my daughter who's  turned 11 years old..

Needed bigger space for her things so moving on from cath kidston to kipling, 1 step at a time, darling,hihi

Am eyeing on MCM bag pack in red for her..

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Post time 3-1-2017 08:44 PM | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 3-1-2017 08:18 PM
Faktor paling nyata..

Purchaser nak collector's item..

i i'm completely understand why some people buleh bayar 40k or so to a PS. for me, i rather book a flight and hotel, go to europe and buy the handbags that i want instead of bayar kt org. tapi ye la, mcm u ckp..some buyer malas nak keluar scouting for the bags they want.

i tak sure if louboutin dah ada ke belum kt malaysia. maybe @nut.legacy boleh tlg, sbb i sendiri pon tak duduk malaysia. huhuhu..

thank you Sarah, for your explanation.

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Post time 3-1-2017 08:51 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 3-1-2017 12:44 PM
i i'm completely understand why some people buleh bayar 40k or so to a PS. for me, i rath ...

Byr sedikit fees to ps, so jimat rather than u book a flite and hotel room, perhaps boleh deduct the amount of shopping,hehehe

Tp kan, brg apa from prada yg buyer beli smpi 40k?

Knowing ps, depa akan scout dkt bicester, sbb murah and they can hike the price.

My friend cerita, sillicone ladle costing at £2.50 (approx. rm10 plus) @ ASDA grocer tu seller jual kt malaysia almost rm100, u bygkan brp marked up tu?

Brand biasa je, pro cook x silap..bukan premium cookware ie staubs and whatnot..


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Post time 3-1-2017 09:22 PM | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 3-1-2017 08:51 PM
Byr sedikit fees to ps, so jimat rather than u book a flite and hotel room, perhaps boleh deduct t ...

betul jugak. boleh dapat byk barang dari spend utk flight ticket & hotel. i sbb pikir, sambil berjalan pusing2, sambil bershopping. hahahah!!

yg i ingat, prada handbag & sandals, lepas tu ada lagi dua barang. lagi dua tu brand chanel ke dior cmtu la. jadi semua 40K. bila tgk all these brands, seingat i ada kat pavilion/klcc.  jd mcm u ckp, mungkin yg dia nak tu collector's item.

ada jugak some of my friends yg nak mintak i tlg belikan handbag,since i duduk UAE. i ckp..i tak reti & i tak berani. bila i dah pandai bab2 handbag / luxury items ni, baru boleh. i don't think it's as easy as go to the shop, show the photo and purchase for the item. lain kalau makeup, itu ye, i reti.


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Post time 3-1-2017 09:41 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 3-1-2017 01:22 PM
betul jugak. boleh dapat byk barang dari spend utk flight ticket & hotel. i sbb pikir, sambil berj ...

Leceh la u..

Jd ps ni kena sabar, nak layan karenah customers yg bukan sorang dua..

Mcm2 hal plak..

Nak yg mcm ni, mcm tu..

Nak branded tp x mampu nak spend so nak cr cheaper source, kena tipu meratib meraban plak..

Ingat ps yg pergi beli kan tu masuk lenggang kangkung mcm butik kt kl tu ke..

Imagine dkt bicester hari tu line maha pjg, beratur luar kedai, tu baru 1 brand..

Not just factory outlet, dkt butik2 in london city pon penuh..

Nasib baik i scout mine in Dublin, aman2 dkt brown thomas dan sewaktu dgn nya..

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Post time 3-1-2017 09:43 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 3-1-2017 01:22 PM
betul jugak. boleh dapat byk barang dari spend utk flight ticket & hotel. i sbb pikir, sambil berj ...

I think smpi 40k tu sbb brg2 chanel..

Klu prada 5k and less boleh scout dkt outlet je..

While chanel mmg kena pergi butik dkt london, no choice as they dont carry their products into factory outlets

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2017 10:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 3-1-2017 12:18 PM
Faktor paling nyata..

Purchaser nak collector's item..

No loubies boutique here. Saint Laurent pn baru pindah masuk KLCC

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2017 10:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 3-1-2017 12:23 PM
Sharing some of my year end 2016 purchases, louboutin satin for myself and kipling sling bag for ...

MCM bag mmg worth it!! Tahan lasak.. jealous u bole menggayakan heels mcm ni. Kalo kaki i cuma mampu g kenduri.. jalan masuk hall, duduk and makan then balik..

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