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Author: Buntatt

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:07 PM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 11:02 PM
Ya Allah girl yang sebelah tu pakai van cleef arpel alhambra design.

Aku mampu tengok n nang ...

Yang last pic tu ke? Sebelah tu anak Mukhriz Mahathir, Ally..
Ally tu mmg fashionista..

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 15-3-2017 08:03 PM

Hancengnyaaaaa nmpk style heshe dulu2  

Sama hanceng dgn karatz heshe kt forem ni. Ehhhhh oopssss terlepas pulekkk   

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:10 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 15-3-2017 11:07 PM
Yang last pic tu ke? Sebelah tu anak Mukhriz Mahathir, Ally..
Ally tu mmg fashionist ...

Yes pic last yg pakai baju with white background.  

Mahal giler rantai dia pakai tu tau. Yer lah anak org kaya can afford lah. Nangis

My tabung ayam tak penuh lagi ler

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:12 PM | Show all posts
kakasotong replied at 15-3-2017 11:10 PM
Hancengnyaaaaa nmpk style heshe dulu2   

Sama hanceng dgn karatz heshe kt forem ni. Ehhhhh ...

Belum ada lagi pics dia yg tak hanceng dik. Karatz jer memuja2.

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 11:12 PM
Belum ada lagi pics dia yg tak hanceng dik. Karatz jer memuja2.

Dulu style hancenggg, skrg bacenggggg. Hanceng bacengg mmg xlari style heshe. Tetap ada persamaan  

Karatz heshe xramai dlm forem ni. Ada berapa ketul je. Sape yg terasa sakit bace post ni dia lah orgnya  

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:16 PM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 11:10 PM
Yes pic last yg pakai baju with white background.  

Mahal giler rantai dia pakai tu tau. Yer la ...

Yes itu Ally Mukhriz. Mmg most of her stuff yang dia pakai to events pun designers /high ends stuff..
Baru tahu necklace tu mahal I kalau bab2 jewelry mmg x berapa expert n interested sgt

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:23 PM | Show all posts
kakasotong replied at 15-3-2017 11:15 PM
Dulu style hancenggg, skrg bacenggggg. Hanceng bacengg mmg xlari style heshe. Tetap ada persamaan  ...

Hanceng, appropriate.  Karats 2-3 ketul sure tengah ketap bibir n tahan jari

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 05:42 PM
Maybe ada ct cket kot. But jauh beza lah adib lagi cantik compared to ct or cekta.

Summer ni di ...

I believe Adib is prettier than ct.. Ct tu lps dah 'transform' pun bg i still so-so je.. Met her few times at family event, takde wow factor pun..sape2 yg ckp cantik gila tu myb tak high taste mcm i...jgn kecam sis

Oh.. u live abroad ke.. Or adib..?

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peya replied at 15-3-2017 06:36 PM
Knp baju taib mahmud ni dah mcm pak uda pi mai pi mai tang tu? Kesian, xde org betolkan

Why why. Tell me why?      


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Post time 15-3-2017 11:26 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 15-3-2017 11:16 PM
Yes itu Ally Mukhriz. Mmg most of her stuff yang dia pakai to events pun designers /high ends stuf ...

Yer....i even noticed her bangle n watch too. Sumer high ends brands.  Anak org kaya lah kan.

I memang target alhambra ni dah lama tau tapi tabung ayam puloh taun baru penoh kot

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 05:46 PM
I don't think her pics ada kat google. Yes she is a private person. Fb dia pun tak public n she ta ...

I rasa yg theyols jmp dulu salah org lah kot.. Those yg social media / settings semua private is very unlikely lah nak jumpa kan..

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 15-3-2017 08:07 PM
Iols rasa dlm bertimbun2 stock gf nedim,Eva ni antara yg tercantik.Makin cantik ex gf heshe.

Cantiknya sheols....  

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:30 PM | Show all posts
Heydidle replied at 15-3-2017 11:24 PM
I believe Adib is prettier than ct.. Ct tu lps dah 'transform' pun bg i still so-so je.. Met her f ...

Bab height kot sama mcm ct. Masa zaman anak dara kurus mcm ct but definitely Adib is way2 too pretty compared to ct. Adibah ni pun lemah lembut org nyer.

Yes i live abroad, adibah live in msia.

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 11:02 PM
Ya Allah girl yang sebelah tu pakai van cleef arpel alhambra design.

Aku mampu tengok n nang ...

Erkkk i tak blh dgr nama brand ni nt nanges jugak... Hanya mampu aim je.... Masuk butik ni kat emirates mall haritu keluar tgn kosong hahaha... fine day...#hope  

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kibodwatriuh replied at 15-3-2017 06:34 PM
comelnya taib mahmud

Ni tadi quickie lepas telan viagra ke hape? Baju salah butang......     

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:45 PM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 11:26 PM
Yer....i even noticed her bangle n watch too. Sumer high ends brands.  Anak org kaya lah kan.

I ...

Kan? Untunglah atuk bekas PM, ayah bekas MB dpt wear all the expensive stuff..
Hehe bukan u je, I pun tabung berapa puluh  tahun pun belum tentu lagi boleh afford

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:48 PM | Show all posts
Duli Yang Maha Mulia, Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah dan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Permaisuri Perak, Tuanku Zara Salim telah berkenan mencemar duli berangkat ke Istiadat Pentauliahan DiRaja Pegawai Kadet PALAPES Universiti Awam yang ke-35.

Dengan bertemakan 'Watan Martabat Negara Bangsa Berdaulat', istiadat yang diadakan pada 20 Ogos 2016 di Universiti Malaya ini telah menyaksikan pentauliahan seramai lebih daripada 1,600 pegawai Palapes dari ketiga-tiga perkhidmatan, Darat, Laut dan Udara.

Turut hadir adalah semua Naib-Canselor daripada universiti-universiti yang menjalankan latihan ini, orang-orang kenamaan negara, ibu-bapa, dan tetamu lain.

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:49 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 15-3-2017 11:45 PM
Kan? Untunglah atuk bekas PM, ayah bekas MB dpt wear all the expensive stuff..
Hehe bukan u je,  ...

Dorang close x amongst cousins?

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:50 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-3-2017 11:55 PM | Show all posts
Souvenir (bekas telur) Antik dari Istana.

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