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Author: syue86


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Post time 7-11-2017 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sukebintang at 7-11-2017 09:59 AM
syue86 replied at 6-11-2017 10:02 AM
waaaa...hwang chi yeol ke mentor die?
cm menarikkkk trgin sgt tgk die mgajar vokal
mmg keje die  ...

yes..die mentor bhgn vocal..
hope nnt ade screentime die ngajar vocal ke..baru semangat nak tengok

cerita pasal hwang cyi yeol..first time iols tgk die dkt ICSYV..mase tu jatuh cinta tgk die..dah la hensem..suara deep
sekarang popular gile..album pun jual sampai 100k++..agak banyak utk solo artist


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Post time 7-11-2017 11:55 AM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 6-11-2017 07:36 PM
Lepas Jisung, Minhyun pulak diorg target...adoilaaa..nak CB ni mcm2  antis buat kan??? Mmg xdak  ...

annoyingnyaaaa apa la yang diorang dapat buat benda tak berfaedah gini

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:10 PM | Show all posts
the unit & mix nine ratings drop last week. maybe sebab masih tunjuk audition kot.
semalam nampak kat twitter the unit dah ada list group untuk first mission. kalau jumpa balik iols tepek sini. or kalau chuols jumpa sila la tepek gak.
mix nine kalau betul 5 ep just untuk audition... good luck lah ye iols plan nak skip part YG merepek2 lol

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2017 12:13 PM | Show all posts
sukebintang replied at 7-11-2017 09:52 AM
yes..die mentor bhgn vocal..
hope nnt ade screentime die ngajar vocal ke..baru semangat nak tengo ...

ICSYV ms die jd contestant ke?
ai kenal die kat I Live Alone

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:23 PM | Show all posts
cikpah27 replied at 6-11-2017 08:59 PM
nuest & c-clown dalam satu show..  kelakar tengok muka dorg waktu ni..

dulu i suka gak C-clown ni. Rome's stanner. tapi lepas disband ni dia nampak try-hard sangat. not like Jay Park tryhard, more like a "L" tryhard.

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:26 PM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 7-11-2017 12:13 PM
ICSYV ms die jd contestant ke?
ai kenal die kat I Live Alone

yup..die jadi peserta..
semua pun mcm tak percaya dia boleh nyanyi..
ramai igt die dancer

die dulu ex-vocal trainer Infinite..and rasenye Nuest jugak kot..sbb die ade cite mase pd101..kang dongho ade call die mintak advice

Hwang Chi Yeol, a respected singer and vocal trainer, recently sat down for an interview with Xportsnews. Being a successful vocal teacher, he has given lessons to many idols. During the interview, he was asked to name some of his most memorable students.

He said, “I thought that INFINITE’s Woohyun, Sunggyu, and Hoya had very interesting voices. As soon as I heard Sunggyu’s voice, I thought, ‘He sounds like a rocker.’ Woohyun also had a very different voice, and although Hoya is a rapper, he is a hard worker who really likes singing. I was stimulated after I saw how hard he works. Also, Kang Dongho, who is currently on ‘Produce 101 Season 2.’ His voice is great and it’s also very different. He called me recently and I advised him to work as hard as he possibly can.”


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Post time 7-11-2017 12:26 PM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 6-11-2017 08:36 PM
Lepas Jisung, Minhyun pulak diorg target...adoilaaa..nak CB ni mcm2  antis buat kan??? Mmg xdak  ...

jaehwan - Nigga/Naega issue
Jisung -Bully
Minhyun - Possible dating scandal.

Attack bertalu-talu dorang ni. Jangan la serang dik daehwi pulak. budak innocent tu, belum tercemar lagi

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:30 PM | Show all posts
BTS from album jacket shooting

special untuk kaka @azimodin  


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Post time 7-11-2017 12:32 PM | Show all posts
azimodin replied at 7-11-2017 12:26 PM
jaehwan - Nigga/Naega issue
Jisung -Bully
Minhyun - Possible dating scandal.

jangan lupa kaka.. Dik daehwi dah kena dulu dengan si joonggi who r yuss iteww..

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2017 12:35 PM | Show all posts
sukebintang replied at 7-11-2017 12:26 PM
yup..die jadi peserta..
semua pun mcm tak percaya dia boleh nyanyi..
ramai igt die dancer :sweat ...

wahhh kira bukan calang2 gak die train
igtkan train org biasa..skali idol

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 7-11-2017 12:30 PM
BTS from album jacket shooting

otomatik tersenyum kambeng bila nengok gambar dik daniel ni.. Hahaha..

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 7-11-2017 11:55 AM
annoyingnyaaaa apa la yang diorang dapat buat benda tak berfaedah gini

Entah la ..yg kesian budak pompuan yg diaorg nak kenakan far LOVEs tengah kumpul bukti nak report dekat pledis. Wannables maybe tunggu je rumours keluar nanti baru backup.
Bukan ke kalau antis sepatutnya xamik peduli ke dgn orang yg dia x suka???x pon kutuk je apa orang tu buat. Tp Ni siap create fake rumours lagi. Sejenis kegigihan apakah???

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:39 PM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 6-11-2017 08:36 PM
Lepas Jisung, Minhyun pulak diorg target...adoilaaa..nak CB ni mcm2  antis buat kan??? Mmg xdak  ...

and sekarang ade cite dieorg nak pecah belahkan nuest punye fandom
patutla minggu lepas Aron punye fansite beramai2 kate nak REST.. sebabnye dieorg dpt DM dari unknown duk kutuk2 and perlekehkan dieorg kate gambar tak lawa la...ape la..bukan takat fansite je..twitter yg post GIF aron pun kene
baru2 ni Ren punye fansite plak kene same jugak dgn Aron nye fansite..dpt DM dari unknown lps ni tunggu je la sape yg kene..

takleh hadam tul dgn perangai2 mcm ni..

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Post time 7-11-2017 12:45 PM | Show all posts
list tugasan the unit..

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Post time 7-11-2017 01:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sukebintang replied at 7-11-2017 12:39 PM
and sekarang ade cite dieorg nak pecah belahkan nuest punye fandom
patutla minggu lepas Aro ...

Fansite Ren pon kena ke???tau last week Aron je yg kena siap fansite master nim Aronhada buat essay berjela..
Yg tau MO antis kali ni diaorg pura2 jadi diehard fans. Lepas tu spread rumors among fans then baru public.. Mmg xdak life betol..
Rasanya sebelum ni yg kena Baekho je kan??sampai Fantasista master nim rest sekejap. Nasib baik ramai bagi sokongan dekat dia. And Nuest pon dah habis promotion. Yg kesian Minhyun ni..x lama lagi je nak comeback..

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Post time 7-11-2017 01:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
azimodin replied at 7-11-2017 12:26 PM
jaehwan - Nigga/Naega issue
Jisung -Bully
Minhyun - Possible dating scandal.

Yang jaehwan tu betol ke cakap nigga??awat dari telinga iols dgr dia cakap naega?? Ke telinga iols kurang pendengaran

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Post time 7-11-2017 01:35 PM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 7-11-2017 01:23 PM
Yang jaehwan tu betol ke cakap nigga??awat dari telinga iols dgr dia cakap naega?? Ke telinga iols ...

Iouls pon dengar naega tapi benda tu x drag lama so antis berpeluh nak cari scandal lain

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Post time 7-11-2017 01:36 PM | Show all posts
cikpah27 replied at 7-11-2017 12:32 PM
jangan lupa kaka.. Dik daehwi dah kena dulu dengan si joonggi who r yuss iteww..

jungji tu iouls x kira sebab dah ala2 lawak hambar gichew

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Post time 7-11-2017 01:38 PM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 7-11-2017 11:38 AM
Entah la ..yg kesian budak pompuan yg diaorg nak kenakan far LOVEs tengah kumpul bukti nak  ...

takut sangat wanna one kalahkan group oppa diorang tu. diorang tak paham lagi ke w1 ni temporary group je?
lepas diorang dah disband ha ko amik jela sapu semua. bagi la can diorang nak aman2 semetara ada masa ni.
sian W1, dah la fans sendiri ramai akgae n tingtong, fans group lain pon nak attack diorang gak


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Post time 7-11-2017 01:41 PM | Show all posts

ok thanks senang nak refer balik. iols nak tengok performance cuts je nanti

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