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Author: melnanzz

[V59] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **Gosip status Fattah & Fazura rancak dibincang

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:36 PM | Show all posts
jennyhanx replied at 16-11-2017 05:27 PM
Tak tahu lah nak menangis ke nak gelak hahaha sabo ye peot dgn pooja

skrg meols kesedihan dlm kegembiraan jen... abam bahagia..sedihnya bukan meols yg bertudung labuh itu... fazzy  cantikk sgt pakai labuh camtu.. alahaiii... dahlah muka dia mcm adik fattah..jodohhh abam..pooja tumpang bahagia.


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Post time 16-11-2017 05:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 16-11-2017 04:58 PM
Betul mom, suppose theyolls their mgt boleh je clear the air deny pasal news nikah tu semua, mgt ...

Betul tu chuols.. setuju.. nothing to butthurt.. i xkisah mana retis skang ni.. buat perangai jer tetap kena carut.. tp i rasa merisik jer chuols... xda bertunang or akad nikah pun.. my informer bgtau la...

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shaynina replied at 16-11-2017 04:21 PM
kak surya tu nampak muda je
bapa umur dia eh..46 ke 50

apa ig kat surya?

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ayieain replied at 16-11-2017 05:31 PM
Ni katernyer dari number sahih...

Bertunang pun tidak, bernikah pun tidak. Semua kene game.

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ya allah cntik nya ciptaa  allah ni..sejuk mata fattah memandang..cantik yg xlogik

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shaynina replied at 16-11-2017 04:10 PM
haha none of above kikikikk

jenama Jam kah?

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:38 PM | Show all posts
kumak replied at 16-11-2017 05:37 PM
Betul tu chuols.. setuju.. nothing to butthurt.. i xkisah mana retis skang ni.. buat perangai jer  ...

lah informer kumak bagitau bertunang haje pulak

mak confuse dah! mana informer mak ni manaaaaaaaaaa

aku takde informer

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maybe bertunang kat mekah kot..nikah rkyt msia dah tak leh dah kat mekah.

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kipasartis replied at 16-11-2017 05:34 PM
Sama la kita...nk gelak pun serba slh sgt..hiba betul bunyinya...

betul betul frust tapi dalam yang sama redhoooo hahaha merelakan melepaskan bamtah berbahagia bersama kak faz

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:39 PM | Show all posts
kumak replied at 16-11-2017 05:37 PM
Betul tu chuols.. setuju.. nothing to butthurt.. i xkisah mana retis skang ni.. buat perangai jer  ...

last2 semua kena game.

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Huhu lamanya nk tggu Khamis mggu depan...nk tau jgk apa crita psl depa dua nie

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak perasan dah ade rumah baru..i reply @love_warrior kat sini la
Faz tertarik dengan satu sikap fattah amin ni .., kalau nak tau itu uolls kena la tunggu romantika ke interview kalau both kawen nnt .. itu yang buat faz suka dengan fattah

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nur9786 replied at 16-11-2017 05:37 PM
Bertunang pun tidak, bernikah pun tidak. Semua kene game.

sumber yg boleh dipercayai katernyer...dari keluarga fattah...

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 16-11-2017 05:38 PM
lah informer kumak bagitau bertunang haje pulak

mak confuse dah! mana informer mak ni manaaaaaa ...

Bukan bertunang... merisik jer.. mostly lebih pada majlis kesyukuran nak buat umrah.. i skang berhati hati nak leak info.. bahaya bangsat bangsat yg screenshot bgtau yg lain...

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Pandanleaf at 16-11-2017 05:44 PM
kipasartis replied at 16-11-2017 05:08 PM

Fazz...cantiknyaaaaaaaaa. Lantak la i nk cakap jugak....... Harap faz akan bertudung tak kisah la bila .....lagi cepat lagi bagus. Cantik sgt bila bertudung. Nampak mcm awal 20an sgtttt. Haha.. Even karatz faz hencap meols ke lepas ni tp di mata meols mmg cantik sheols dlm gambar ni walaupun tak make up bila compare sheols tak make up & tak bertudung dlm iv Wanita Terindah dgn hlive ke apa yg pki bomber jaket ypm tu.

P/s : fans ni terserempak mereka berdua je ke? Hmm kalau berdua maknanya menguatkan spekuan dah selamat la tu..takkan nk jalan dua org sambil buat umrah di kota mekah plak tu..maap ye.. Kaka speku. Sapa srh tak explain ken..

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:43 PM | Show all posts
ahhh konfius dah niiii cpt lah 23nov huhihuuuuu

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tapi iolss rasa dah nikah.  Sbb gambar tadi pun,  maksudnya dorg memang jalan sama2. Macam seorang suami soleh salu teman isteri kesayangan gitew. Sweeetnye. Haha delulu ke ni.  Tapi harini banyak pulak keluar news kata belom nikah,  dari sumber terdekat plak tu.  Hmmm 23 hb ni je akan terjawab semua persoalan ni.  

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kumak replied at 16-11-2017 05:37 PM
Betul tu chuols.. setuju.. nothing to butthurt.. i xkisah mana retis skang ni.. buat perangai jer  ...

Sorry la kumak, utk kes fatzura ni, skrg ni satu informer pun tak boleh betul dipercayai ....hahahahaha....kosser la masing2 ada sumber, pastu semua tak tally.....sdgkan kawan rapat theyolls pun cakap dah bertunang ....motip kwn2 rapat fatzura masing2 bg info tak tally....coverline sangat la nak buat PC ni announce ape? Setakat nk announce "ya kami dah merisik...akan bertunang sekian sekian" baik buat ig live sudeyyyyy..biasa org buat PC ni announce nk kawen jeeee...kekeke

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 16-11-2017 05:24 PM
Labuhnyaaa tudung sis hahaha

Yg mana satu pilihan chuols? dua2 bertudung labuh.

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Post time 16-11-2017 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ayieain replied at 16-11-2017 05:41 PM
sumber yg boleh dipercayai katernyer...dari keluarga fattah...

Iolls speku tunang. Nmpknyaaa salah jugak laa spekuan ituwwww. Tunang kt mekah jelah abamm. Lamar faz dpn kaabah. Awwww.

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