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Author: pendeta

[Tempatan] Edisi fitnah : Dalam kristian tiada kasta!

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Post time 13-2-2018 04:33 PM | Show all posts

Jadi lah ......

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Post time 13-2-2018 04:33 PM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 11-2-2018 04:00 PM
Apa pula takda?

Habis tu John 14: 9-11 segala tu apa bila Jesus kata he is in the father and th ...
Habis tu John 14: 9-11 segala tu apa bila Jesus kata he isin the father and the father is in him bagai?

Aku tanya pasal Trinity , Jesus kata “he is in the father and the father is in him “

Ini dua sajer ( Jesus & Father) , camno ko bulehh pahamini Trinity…bingaii?

Holy Ghost  mana ? Takdepon cakap gabung bersama…piiirah..

Konsep Trinity tarak dlm Bibel, itu yg sebetulnya tapi takmo mengaku.

...senyap ajer, cikgu mahu lariiiii kaaa..


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Post time 13-2-2018 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-2-2018 10:46 AM
Lol..... sentap sangat kan gila sam.... dekat sini pun berapa banyak u fitnah i ....

Kan i caka ...

Kehkehkeh.......nasib baik pejuang Isle penipu bersiri yang bercita cita jadi lawyer tu tak berhujah bahawa tak pa menala tawanan perang sebab dulu dulu omputih di England dan Amrika pon menala tawanan perang mereka jugak!

Dulu dia ada berhujah bahawa tak apa Pedo Tu kutok kawen budak pompuan 6 tahun sebab dulu dulu Pedo Tua Kutok di Englnd dan Amrika pon kawen budak pompuan berumur 6 tahun jugak! Kahkahkahkah

Maideen~Nak jadi lawyer kunun...... Kat board sendu orang kgum dengan hujah dia kununnnnnn

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Post time 13-2-2018 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Redskin at 13-2-2018 04:54 PM
chazey replied at 12-2-2018 04:48 PM
Lobai (bodo) Foreskin,

Pertama sekali akak ingin mengucapkan tahniah kerana berjaya mengagumkan ...
Pendapat ayat Thomas "My God" itu maksudnya Thomas takajut nampak Jesus lalu berkata "OMG Oh my God!" seperti tingkah laku manusia2 moden di zaman smartphone.

Hahaha..Cikgu Tadika Chazey the Crazy tak tahu his own Bible...

Dah kantoii yg pengikut2 Jesus semua tarkaajuttt bila melihat KONONNYA HANTU Jesus!!!

Luke 24
36And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 37But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

Harap cikgu chazey buat homework dulu sebelum nak tunjuk pandai...

Jesus memang tak mati terus pon menurut fahaman Kristian. Dia mati untok 3 hari, pastu hidop balik.
So... what was the argument again?

Kalo hidop balik, Cikgu Chazey kato Jesus hidop balik ..
Maknanya dia tak mati laaaaa....

In the First place...Betul ke PASTI Jesus dah mati setelah turun dari SALIB??

Cemana ko pasti Jesus mati untok 3 hari....ko ada KIRA kaa..Cikgu???

Macamano SEORANG manusia yg mati boleh cover hapuskan dosa BERJUTA2 org sekali gus???
Tak logik !!!

Hahaha..Cikgu Chazey bangang dah confused ??

Yg mana satu betoi ni..make up your mind, Jesus hidop atau mati??? ...


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Post time 13-2-2018 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-2-2018 10:38 AM
So tiadalah amazing sangat kan yang hukum tuhan boleh merubah manusia ke jalan yang bener.... tiba ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel masih konfius ... tu lah dia personal problem dah dtg balik

Hukum tuhan memang lah boleh bawak manusia ke jalan benar. Isu skg , org tersebut mempunyai Free Will samada nak ikut atau tidak

Ha ha ha ha ..... Tersebut lah konsep Free Will yg ko dah teramat konfius

Tu pasal aku tanya , ko jugak yg bagi hadith Sahih Muslim 3383

Kalo ko klaim
(1) rape - apa bukti / rujukkan ko
(2) consensual sex - apa buklti / rujukkan ko

counter = 5
Kita sama2 tengok counter sampai berapa .... aku rasa kiamat 2x pon ko tak jawab

Takut pulak jawab

Kah kah kah ... konar lobainita minah sewel , konar baring sampai telinga cecah jalan


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Post time 13-2-2018 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-2-2018 10:46 AM
Lol..... sentap sangat kan gila sam.... dekat sini pun berapa banyak u fitnah i ....

Kan i caka ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel masih lagi nak lari pasal tak mau jawab soalan

Aku tepek apa ko bagi :
Lol..... sentap sangat kan gila sam.... dekat sini pun berapa banyak u fitnah i ....

Kan i cakap concept untuk tala hamba i tidak peduli pun ... sebab dalam hadith memang tertulis ada hamba boleh di tala kan...... even ambil nasihat dari ketua lagi beri saranan ...

Referring kepada 2nd hadith yang di beri .....adakah tuhan kurniakan ganjaran kepada hambanya dengan menala hamba.... so di situ i tidak nampak pun hukum tuhan itu adil (kalau hukum tuhan lah) ia lebih kepada rtuntutan nafsu ..bukan kah islam tiada kasta ? ..... sekarang u hujah free willl pula ....
Ha ha ha ha ... yg sentap adalah hang , bukan aku pasal aku tanya soalan , ko meroyan bagaikan janda gila talak utk lari dari menjawab

Atas dasar apa ko buat conclusion yg hukum tersebut tak adil?

Ko tak jawab lagi soalan aku : ko yg bagi hadith Sahih Muslim 3383

Kalo ko klaim
(1) rape - apa bukti / rujukkan ko
(2) consensual sex - apa buklti / rujukkan ko

counter = 6
Kita sama2 tengok counter sampai berapa .... aku rasa kiamat 2x pon ko tak jawab

Out of the blue , tetiba tak adil ini & itu .... jadik ko serkap jarang aje

Conclusion ko tak ada basis

Kah kah kah .... kesian lobainita minah sewel , dah kata dah kalo personal problem dtg balik ... mula lah pemikiran tu bercelaru


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Post time 13-2-2018 06:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-2-2018 08:17 PM
katowjo replied at 13-2-2018 02:26 PM
antara konar sam yang buat2 buta hadis direka sendiri oleh puak2 mullah dia..
-Ko hanya mampu rec ...

Ha ha ... lobai king of tunggeng dah malu tapi tak mau mengaku dah buat blunder

Aku tepek apa ko bagi :
antara konar sam yang buat2 buta hadis direka sendiri oleh puak2 mullah dia..
-Ko hanya mampu recycle argumen yg Abu Huraira(as) menipu .. langsung tak mampu to address the issue
terang giler dah ..dia reka hadis..dia taruk jual nama nabi kata..prrftthh...tu lah issue nye ..bongok betul..tu pun tak paham ka?kata wannabe lawyer..simple je..
kalau ini salah satu contoh kriteria hadis..apa jaminan beribu2 hadis lain tu bukan "direka"?..maklumlah...nabi ko pun tak bukukan hadis..khalifah sahabat dia pun tak bukukan hadis..tup2 200 tahun later timbul lak..siap boleh "ada" kan hukum yang takde sebelum ni...pooodahhh

dah nyata buku magic hadis tu ade kemungkinan direka oleh pengarang2 dia je.malah TERBUKTI dah direka.ko je mereng anggap 100% hadis konon..

habis semua bentuk mak nenenk hadis u boleh je dipertikaikan..dah terbukti tolol..konar la ke syiah pulak..patut la saudi kata ..HADIS DAH BOLEH DIPINDA

dei thamby...hadis ni puak u kata sahih..hadis ni puak U yang "tulis"...hadis ni puak U yang "terkantoi"...alih2 ko pi salahkan syiah tu apehal?..tu je MODAL?PAS NI SALAHKAN KRISTIAN LAK KE?

sam duk bangang rasa hebat ngan mutawities ke ape..

    Oh yeah , hadith tersebut adalah mutawatir atau multiple attested. Ko tau tak maksud 'multiple attested' , ada tau historical method of 'multiple attestation'. Oops ... ko mana ada pelajaran ... ko bukan tau ni semua. Bila dah malu ... apa tu ... 'burung ketitir' ... LOL

ni ke contoh bangang matawatir ko tu?

    Telah menceritakan kepada kami ‘Umar bin Hafsh yang berkata telah menceritakan kepada kami ayahku yang berkata telah menceritakan kepada kami Al A’masy yang berkata telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Shalih yang berkata telah menceritakan kepadaku Abu Hurairah radiallahu ‘anhu yang berkata Nabi [shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam]

tutu2 last2..abu hurairah tersasul menipu..rupanya hadis tu dia reka..peerrghhh..

dei macha sam..apa maksud hadis ko ni?bukan kah kisah nabi ko ..tingkah laku  la sunnah la etc2..bukan hadis bab hikayat para pendeta parsi cam bukhari dan abu hurairah ko tu oiii...

kalu gitu tulis je hadis para pengarang parsi mabuk todi pakai jubah yahudi mabuk brandy

terima lah hakikat yang ko kena tipu semasa dalam telur bapak ko lagi..koleksi hadis nabi konon...ade jugak hadis abu hurairah..

Ha ha ha ha .... nampak betul yg ko terlampau konfius & clueless ... boleh pulak cakap imacam ni :
dia taruk jual nama nabi kata..prrftthh...tu lah issue nye

Hadith yg ko bagi terang2 catat yg dia mengaku yg dia buat tambahan tersebut. Kalo dah mengaku bermakna he was truthful about it. Kalo dia nak jual nama Nabi , dia akan kata Nabi Muhammad(saw) yg cakap

LOL , ko dah konfius lah tambi ... ko tak mampu paham apa isu sebenar ... maklum lah ... ko pon kureng fasih english. Isu simple aje tapi ko masih kureng daya intelek nak paham

Apa criteria yg ko nak cakap ni?

Kan dah bagi 2 hadith lagi , satu adalah selepas hadith yg ko bagi tapi ko tak check pasal ko langsung tak buat any due dilligence. Ko buat tak nampak aje pasal ko dah malu. Malu ooi ... ko dah kantoi pasal you did not do any upfront work.

Ini adalah modal syiah lah kononnya nak pekena Abu Huraira(ra) & ko bulat2 copy paste tanpa buat apa2 kaji selidik. Skg ko dah malu pasal
(1) Abu Huraira(ra) mengaku bermakna he was a truthful man
(2) ada 2 hadith (satu daripada hadith selang aje dari hadith ko bagi) lain yg konfom apa sebenarnya hadith tersebut
Tapi ko tak tau berkenaan 2 isu di atas pasal ko terlampau gairah ingat ko ada poin nak pekena geng muslim ... skg ko dah malu

Ini bermakna ko copy paste buta ... padan muka .. skg dah malu

Laaaa , apa yg kristian disalahkan? Org dok cakap pasal trinity tak ada dlm bible & aku dah bagi bukti / rujukkan

Lawan lah kalo ko mampu ... ko tak mampu kan ... tu pasal ko cari alasan yg kononnya 'kristian salah'

Daripada ko mengerang macam berak sembelit ... lawan aje poin aku gunakan rujukkan bible ... senang aje

Aku boleh konfom ko tak paham apa tu 'mutawatir' atau 'multiple attested' , yg ko cakap ttg dia ni cerita kat lagi sorang & diturun kepada org lain adalah 'isnad' atau chain of narration

He he he he .... patut pon ko terlampau konfius , pada ko
- mutawair = isnad
atau dlm english
- multiple attestation = chain of narration

Nak pecah perut aku gelak ... you have misunderstood everything lah tambi

Ni aku kena bagi tau org lain .... @sofea_uk , @Redskin , @mashimaru83 - tengok tu pahaman si lobai king of tunggeng katowjo ttg mutawatir yg dia mati2 ingat isnad

Ko dah terlampau konfius & clueless ... tu pasal aku kata ... I wonder how you manage to hold on to your day job

Teruk benar pahaman ko , aku ulangi pahaman ko yg songsang :
- mutawair = isnad
atau dlm english
- multiple attestation = chain of narration

Hmmm , patut pon ko meroyan macam org gila , rupa2 nya ko tak paham apa tu 'mutawatir' atau 'multiple attestation' .... oops belum lagi ko panggil tersebut burung ketitir

Ni lah dia bahana org belajar Islam dari gereja atau kuil

Kah kah kah .... terbarai lagi pahaman songsang lobai king of tunggeng katowjo ... malu besar ooi


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Post time 13-2-2018 06:19 PM | Show all posts
Redskin replied at 13-2-2018 04:52 PM
Hahaha..Cikgu Tadika Chazey the Crazy tak tahu his own Bible...

Dah kantoii yg pengi ...

Hang ni pon satu lah bro , jgn lah nak pressure si clueless cikgu chazey teruk sgt

Tak boleh tau

Nanti dia naik hantu , pekik & tampar anak murid dia dlm kelas ... sapa nak jawab


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Post time 13-2-2018 06:56 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 13-2-2018 06:10 PM
Ha ha ... lobai king of tunggeng dah malu tapi tak mau mengaku dah buat blunder

Aku tepek apa k ...
Hadith yg ko bagi terang2 catat yg dia mengaku yg dia buat tambahan tersebut. Kalo dah mengaku bermakna he was truthful about it. Kalo dia nak jual nama Nabi , dia akan kata Nabi Muhammad(saw) yg cakap
gila kan sam buku hadis korang..

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, 'The best alms is that which is given when one is rich, and a giving hand is better than a taking one, and you should start first to support your dependents.' A wife says, 'You should either provide me with food or divorce me.' A slave says, 'Give me food and enjoy my service." A son says, "Give me food; to whom do you leave me?" The people said, "O Abu Huraira! Did you hear that from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) ?" He said, "No, it is from my own self."

abu huraiarah buat tambahan...ko akui..hahaha...hadis sahih from nabi ada tambahan?bodoh giler swhos to say yang beribu lain tu takde tambahan?lagi2 contradict ngan quran..malah hukum pun laen laen...sape tambah..sini diakui hadis adalah "TAMBAHAN"..ko akui..

2-ko kata kalo abu hurairah nak jual nama nabi..dia kan kata nabi yg cakap..errr...

ko ni ada masaalah pemahaman english ke?tu ..busat tu..THE PROPHET SAID..from abu hurairah...chain link sana sini pastu "TERSASUL"..dia je yang cipta" hadis tu..bwhhahahah

kalau benda gini pun salah..mana guarenatee yang hadis2 ini adalah betul..dah la main tambah2..kaedah chinese whispers je..taruk nama orang yang dah mati beratus tahun dulu..

orang bebal je caya...

last2 pi salahkan syiah..prrftthhhhhhh...macam la syiah yang buat HADIS ko tu..jenis muka tak malu..agama dia kantoi..asas akidah dia dah goyah..habis semua orang dia pi salahkan

la ni syiah..then kristian..puak ko sendiri tak tau mana satu yang betul..wahhabi la sufi la.syiah la..sunni la..mazhab san sini la..prrftthhhhh..pastu habis perang..masing2 auta kata sect dia butul..lawak giler puak agama isle banyak versi ni..pastu saling "memaksa" orang laen ikut "cara" dia..pas tu bunuhan..

baik atheist ngan kaper..jepun takdak agama pun tak memaksa and lebih bermoral berakhlak dari puak ni

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Post time 13-2-2018 07:01 PM | Show all posts
sam=hadis ada tambahan oleh pengarang hadis...prrfthhhhh..ok lah tu...

sapa yang tentukan sahih?
-pengarang hadis

ada tambahan tak?

sapa tambah2?
-pengarang/pencipta hadis lah

apa beza torah injil yang dikata puak isele diseleweng ditokok tambah dari original ngan quran?
-bezanya quran ditambah mengunakan buku extra..yang lain depa claim di tambah dari kitab asal yang di alter..

2x5 je la..pi mai pi mai tang tu je...

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Post time 13-2-2018 07:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-2-2018 08:19 PM
katowjo replied at 13-2-2018 06:56 PM
gila kan sam buku hadis korang..

The Prophet () said, 'The best alms is tha ...

Ha ha ...lobai king of tunggeng dah malu & skg nak cuba cover line

Kena tepek apa ko cakap ... takut nanti ko tukar :
abu huraiarah buat tambahan...ko akui..hahaha...hadis sahih from nabi ada tambahan?bodoh giler swhos to say yang beribu lain tu takde tambahan?lagi2 contradict ngan quran..malah hukum pun laen laen...sape tambah..sini diakui hadis adalah "TAMBAHAN"..ko akui..

2-ko kata kalo abu hurairah nak jual nama nabi..dia kan kata nabi yg cakap..errr...

ko ni ada masaalah pemahaman english ke?tu ..busat tu..THE PROPHET SAID..from abu hurairah...chain link sana sini pastu "TERSASUL"..dia je yang cipta" hadis tu..bwhhahahah

kalau benda gini pun salah..mana guarenatee yang hadis2 ini adalah betul..dah la main tambah2..kaedah chinese whispers je..taruk nama orang yang dah mati beratus tahun dulu..

orang bebal je caya...

last2 pi salahkan syiah..prrftthhhhhhh...macam la syiah yang buat HADIS ko tu..jenis muka tak malu..agama dia kantoi..asas akidah dia dah goyah..habis semua orang dia pi salahkan

la ni syiah..then kristian..puak ko sendiri tak tau mana satu yang betul..wahhabi la sufi la.syiah la..sunni la..mazhab san sini la..prrftthhhhh..pastu habis perang..masing2 auta kata sect dia butul..lawak giler puak agama isle banyak versi ni..pastu saling "memaksa" orang laen ikut "cara" dia..pas tu bunuhan..

baik atheist ngan kaper..jepun takdak agama pun tak memaksa and lebih bermoral berakhlak dari puak ni
Tak payah nak meroyanlah

Ko dah malu .... rupa2 nya ko tak tau apa tu 'isnad' & mutawatir

Tu pasal ko mati2 kata Abu Huraira(ra) menipu tapi daya intelek ko tak seberapa pasal kalo dia dah mengaku bermakna he was truthful

Ko tak tau pulak hadith tersebut adalah mutawatir. Tu pasal kita boleh tau apa sebenar nya yg diungkapkan Nabi Muhammad(saw)

Ha ha ha ha ... macamana ko boleh dgn pahaman songsang :
- mutawair = isnad
atau dlm english
- multiple attestation = chain of narration

Ni lah dia bahana kalo belajar Islam dari kuil atau gereja. Tambah pulak tak buat apa2 kaji selidik sebelum post. Konon2 dah tak sabar nak pekena kan geng muslim

Skg dah kena 'peeek' , setepek tang dahi

Ini lah dia lobai king of tunggeng katowjo ... pejuang tegar lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ... rupa2 nya kureng cerdik , kureng daya intelek & kureng fasih english

He he he he .... muka tak malu ... ada hati pulak tu nak cover line

Kah kah kah .... lobai king of katowjo dah malu besar ... langsungtak paham konteks hadith


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Post time 13-2-2018 07:31 PM | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 13-2-2018 07:01 PM
sam=hadis ada tambahan oleh pengarang hadis...prrfthhhhh..ok lah tu...

sapa yang tentukan sahih?

Ha ha ... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo cuba sedaya upaya nak spin pasal nak lari

Kena tepek apa ko cakap pasal nanti ko ubah :
sam=hadis ada tambahan oleh pengarang hadis...prrfthhhhh..ok lah tu...

sapa yang tentukan sahih?
-pengarang hadis

ada tambahan tak?

sapa tambah2?
-pengarang/pencipta hadis lah

apa beza torah injil yang dikata puak isele diseleweng ditokok tambah dari original ngan quran?
-bezanya quran ditambah mengunakan buku extra..yang lain depa claim di tambah dari kitab asal yang di alter..

2x5 je la..pi mai pi mai tang tu je...
Ha ha ha ha ... apa yg ko dok meroyan ni ... aku tau , aku tau ... pasal ko dah malu

Pasal apa ko malu? Ko dgn pahaman songsang :
- mutawair = isnad
atau dlm english
- multiple attestation = chain of narration

Kan dah malu besar ... mula lah meroyan pasal pengarang hadith lah , pencipta hadith lah , torah lah , injil lah  etc

Nak cover line pasal dah malu lah tu. Nampak benar ko tak paham selok belok hadith

Pssst ... ko belajar Islam dari gereja atau kuil mana satu?

Ko boleh meroyan macamana ko suka ... isu skg dah terbarai yg ko ni konfom tak tau selok belok hadith

Muka tak malu ... oh ye ... lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis macam ko mana tau malu

Kah kah kah .... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo mula meroyan pasal nak cover line ... dah malu besar ... tak tau hadith rupa2 nya


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Post time 14-2-2018 03:29 AM | Show all posts
hanya orang gila yang kata ..nabi kata blablabla..pastu last sekali bila ditanya dari nabi ke?..tak..dari aku(abu hurairah) sendiri...(tersasul..banyak sangat "cipta" hadis)

motif nak jual/name drop nama nabi?

dah tentu lah nak "create" hadis nak tambah2 hukum ..ehhh..bukankah "kerja" sama ngan ahli2 kitab terdahulu yang korang claim menyonsangkan dan menambah hukum dalam kitab2 tuhan ko?

2x5 je..nyata dan jelas dan terang..hadis direka oleh puak mullah bila dia rasa perlu "DITAMBAH" apa -ape yang dia mahu dlam "agama" yang dia cipta tu..

yang ngok orang yang ikut membuta tuli..kan sam n the geng kan...bwahahah

pas ni boleh la sambung berbunuhan sesama muslim dan kristian yahudi dan orang awam yang tak mau ikut cara puak2 kamu yang banyak gila mazhab sect tu..

oarang2 cam jepun yang takde agama hidup aman je..

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Post time 14-2-2018 07:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 13-2-2018 12:41 AM
Kehkehkeh.......nasib baik pejuang Isle penipu bersiri yang bercita cita jadi lawyer tu tak berhuj ...

Belum lagi keluar ... tunggu beliau minta medical term .... terpancar sisi gelap sadistic beliau .... sedangkan besar ganjaran Allah  untuk golongan beriman dengan layanan sepatutnya kepada hamba .....iaitu  hukum  free will untuk tala tawanan perang ....... lol.....

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Post time 14-2-2018 07:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 13-2-2018 03:56 PM
sam1528 replied at 13-2-2018 01:38 AM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel masih konfius ... tu lah dia personal problem dah dtg balik

Huk ...

U ini kan gila sam suka sangat yang sadistic even hujah tentang pedo.... semua sadist tentang u

Female slaves and their position

Women and girls taken captive by the enemy during the war were taken as female slaves. Because they were regarded as the spoils by the law, they were given, by the Islamic State, to ghazis (warriors) who needed a servant. They were bought and sold as if they were commercial goods unless they were set free. After that moment, the female slaves were accepted and treated as a member and part of family. The master who had a female slave could employ her in the daily and personal works of him and if he wished, he could have a sexual relationship with her. Although it seems unusual at first sight, it was accepted normal in the historical conditions of that time. In fact, there is a permission about it in the Quran.

In the Surah of Al-Mu’minun the permission is expressed as follows:
“Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame.”10

There are two important advantages of, for the benefit of female slave, that the master sexually has a relationship with his female slave. The first and most important one is that those women whose husbands died at war can be prevented from being neglected. Otherwise, it would be unavoidable that they would prostitute themselves. In this way, she would be dependent on her master’s home.

The other advantage: if she gave birth to a child from her master, she would be called “ummul walad” (the mother of the child). That child from the female slave is considered as free. Her mother becomes free and does not pass to the heirs by inheritance when her master dies. If she did not have the child or if her master did not set her free, like the other goods, the female slave would pass to the heirs by inheritance.
It was not obligatory that the master and female slave should be wife and husband. The master can employ her only as maidservant.

It was narrated from Jabir that:
the Messenger of Allah () sold a Mudabbar.
Grade        : Sahih (Darussalam)       
English reference         : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2512
Arabic reference         : Book 19, Hadith 2608

It was narrated that Jabir bin 'Abdullah said:
“A man among us promised freedom to a slave after his death, and he did not have any property other than him (this slave). So the Prophet () sold him, and Ibn (Nahham), a man from Banu 'Adi, bought him.”
English reference         : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2513
Arabic reference         : Book 19, Hadith 2609

Jabir bin `Abdullah was heard to say:
“We used to sell our slave women and the mothers of our children (Umahat Awaldina) when the Prophet () was still living among us, and we did not see anything wrong with that.”
Grade        : Sahih (Darussalam)       
English reference         : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2517
Arabic reference         : Book 19, Hadith 2613

It was narrated from `Amr bin Shu'aib , from his father, from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah () said:
“Any slave who has made a contract to buy his freedom for one hundread Uqiyyah and pays it all except ten Uqiyyah; he is still a slave.” (One Uqiyyah is equal to 40 Dirham.)
Grade        : Hasan (Darussalam)       
English reference         : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2519
Arabic reference         : Book 19, Hadith 2615

It was narrated from Umm Salamah that the Prophet () said:
“If anyone of you (women) has a Mukatab, and he has enough (wealth) to pay off (his contact of manumission), she must veil herself from him.”
Grade        : Hasan (Darussalam)       
English reference         : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2520
Arabic reference         : Book 19, Hadith 2616

It was narrated from Hisham bin 'Urwah, from his father, about 'Aishah the wife of the Prophet () - :
that Barirah came to her when she was came to her when she was Muktabah, and her masters had written a contract of manumission for nine Uqiyyah. She (`Aishah) said: “If your masters wish I will pay them that in one sum, and the right of inheritance will belong to me.” He said: “So she went to her masters and told them about that, but they insisted that the right of inheritance should belong to them. `Aishah mentioned that to the Prophet () and he said: 'Do it.' Then the Prophet () stood up and addressed the people. He praised and glorified Allah (SWT), then he said: 'What is the matter with some people who stipulated conditions that are not in the Book of Allah (SWT)? Every conditions that is not in the Book of Allah (SWT) is invalid, even if there are one hundred conditions. The Book of Allah(SWT) is more deserving of being followed and the conditions of Allah (SWT) are more binding. And the Wala belongs to the one who manumits (the slave).”
Grade        : Sahih (Darussalam)       
English reference         : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2521
Arabic reference         : Book 19, Hadith 2617

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Post time 14-2-2018 07:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 13-2-2018 03:52 PM
sam1528 replied at 13-2-2018 01:44 AM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel masih lagi nak lari pasal tak mau jawab soalan

Aku tepek apa k ...

U ini kan kuat kelentong kan gila sam .....

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Post time 14-2-2018 10:09 AM | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 14-2-2018 03:29 AM
hanya orang gila yang kata ..nabi kata blablabla..pastu last sekali bila ditanya dari nabi ke?. ...

Ha ha ... lobi king of tunggeng katowjo dah malu besar tapi masih lagi nak buat argumen buta tuli

Memang betul pon ko skg dok menyondol yondol mengasak tanpa berpikir

Konfom yg ko ni
- kureng daya intelek
- kureng fasih english
- intellectually dishonest

Aku tepek apa ko bagi :
hanya orang gila yang kata ..nabi kata blablabla..pastu last sekali bila ditanya dari nabi ke?..tak..dari aku(abu hurairah) sendiri...(tersasul..banyak sangat "cipta" hadis)

motif nak jual/name drop nama nabi?

dah tentu lah nak "create" hadis nak tambah2 hukum ..ehhh..bukankah "kerja" sama ngan ahli2 kitab terdahulu yang korang claim menyonsangkan dan menambah hukum dalam kitab2 tuhan ko?

2x5 je..nyata dan jelas dan terang..hadis direka oleh puak mullah bila dia rasa perlu "DITAMBAH" apa -ape yang dia mahu dlam "agama" yang dia cipta tu..

yang ngok orang yang ikut membuta tuli..kan sam n the geng kan...bwahahah

pas ni boleh la sambung berbunuhan sesama muslim dan kristian yahudi dan orang awam yang tak mau ikut cara puak2 kamu yang banyak gila mazhab sect tu..

oarang2 cam jepun yang takde agama hidup aman je..
Ini kes lobai king of tunggeng katowjo kurang daya intelek. Tak mampu nak isolate apa konteks hadith tersebut & isu tersebut.

Kalo org mengaku yg dia dah buat , bermakna he was truthful. Kalo dia jual nama Nabi Muhammad(saw) , Abu Huraira(ra) akan kata 'yes I heard it from the prophet'. Tersebut adalah pahaman basic yg mana2 org berakal akan senang aje paham. Oops , ko kan kureng daya intelek ... mana nak paham walaupon macamana senang.

Lepas tu menyondol yondol konon nak force your opinion thru ... tak menjadi lah tambi ... ko tak mampu berpikir secara waras

Senang aje nak tau apa sebenarnya ungkapan Nabi Muhammad(saw). Hadith tersebut adalah hadith 'mutawatir' & kita boleh rujuk kepada 2 hadith lain yg sama konteks iaitu Sahih Bukhari #5356 (selang satu hadith selepas hadith ko bagi ) &  Sunan an-Nasa'i 2543.

Senang aje kalo nak rujuk kepada apa ungkapan Nabi Muhammad(saw) yg sebenar. Tapi ko kureng fasih english , pada ko
- mutawatir (multiple attestation) = isnad (chain of narration) .... oops tak termasuk lagi burung ketitir
Tambah pulak , ko sebenarnya intellectually dishonest. Ko buat tak nampak aje 2 hadith tersebut. You only believe what you want to believe ... ertikata lain , menipu diri sendiri

Ha ha ha ha .... Skg ko dah tersepit. Tu lah ,  pasal ko tak sabar2 bagi hadith bukhari #5355 tanpa apa2 due dilligence , kononnya nak tunjuk kelemahan hadith & now the situation has backfired on you.

Boleh konfom yg ko ni
- langsung tak tau ttg hadith
- kureng daya intelek
- kureng fasih english
- intellectually dishonest

Ini kali 3 (atau mungkin lebih) yg ko buat blunder besar ttg hadith
- 1st case : ko mati klaim ttg 'hadith bukhari' pasal kes kambing makan cebisan ayat rejm - sampai skg hadith tersebut bawah OSA
- 2nd case : ko mati2 klaim - hadith sahih = sunnah nabi
- 3rd case : ko tak tau apa tu 'mutawatir' (multiple attestation) , pada ko - mutawatir (multiple attestation) = isnad (chain of narration)

Jadik selama ini ko dok buat argumen berdasarkan your ignorance. Tu pasal argumen ko hanyalah retorik semata mata , bila mintak fakta & rujukkan ... tak boleh jawab ... semua bawah OSA

Besar malu ni tau ... oops ko kan geng lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ... mana tak malu ... betul tak

He he he he ..... Last2 bila dah tak mampu jawab apa2 dgn fakta , mula lah meroyan & mengerang macam beruk mak yeh kena belacan , cipta hadith lah , tambah hadith lah , tapi - tapi - tapi bukti /rujukkan ko semua bawah OSA ... tak boleh bagi tau , rahsia. Bila ko berani bagi rujukkan hadith , ternyata ko tak paham apa konteks & isu tersebut pasal ko
- langsung tak tau ttg hadith
- kureng daya intelek
- kureng fasih english
- intellectually dishonest
Last2 dimalukan dgn begitu hina

Ni lah dia kalo org kurang pengetahuan nak berlagak & belajar ttg Islam dari gereja atau kuil

Kah kah kah .... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo masih nak melawan tapi dah dimalukan dgn begitu hina sekali ... Oops ko mana tu malu .. kan kan kan


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Post time 14-2-2018 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 14-2-2018 07:38 AM
U ini kan gila sam suka sangat yang sadistic even hujah tentang pedo.... semua sadist tentang u  ...

Ha ha .. lobainita minah sewel masih lagi cuba sedaya upaya nak lari

Aku tanya soalan simple aje :
ko yg bagi hadith Sahih Muslim 3383

Kalo ko klaim
(1) rape - apa bukti / rujukkan ko
(2) consensual sex - apa buklti / rujukkan ko

counter = 7
Kita sama2 tengok counter sampai berapa .... aku rasa kiamat 2x pon ko tak jawab
Tak mampu jawab langsung : skg ko hanya jawab dgn copy paste tapi tak bagi link .... intellectually dishonest

Penyakit intellectually dishonest ni typical dgn lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ... takut sgt bagi sumber depa

Copy paste ko dah kantoi kan ko :
Women and girls taken captive by the enemy during the war were taken as female slaves. Because they were regarded as the spoils by the law, they were given, by the Islamic State, to ghazis (warriors) who needed a servant. They were bought and sold as if they were commercial goods unless they were set free. After that moment, the female slaves were accepted and treated as a member and part of family. The master who had a female slave could employ her in the daily and personal works of him and if he wished, he could have a sexual relationship with her. Although it seems unusual at first sight, it was accepted normal in the historical conditions of that time. In fact, there is a permission about it in the Quran.
Ha ha ha ha ... ni lagi sorang daripada lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis yg tak paham apa dia dok hujah. Membuta tuli aje

Ko tau tak apa tu spoils of war? Ia adalah war booty & sampai skg (masa kini tau) war booty goes to the victors.
All movable State property captured on the battlefield may be appropriated by the capturing belligerent State as booty of war, this includes arms and ammunition, depots of merchandise, machines, instruments and even cash.
All private property actually used for hostile purposes found on the battlefield or in a combat zone may be appropriated by a belligerent State as booty of war.[15]
Knowing ko ni lobainita minah sewel & tak paham sejarah , kureng membaca tapi dok serkap jarang :
Baca paragraph 13
We know that it was usual in ancient times for women , when they were so circumstanced as to expect to become captives if their friend were defeated , to put on their finest dresses and ornaments to an engagement , in a hope of obtaining the favourable consideration of the conquerors , should their fears be realised
Pasal at that time the women followed their manfolk to battle , secara automatic depa jadik 'spoils of war'. Simple case inpoint , selepas the defeat of Iraq , US & UK took over the oil , it being the 'spoils of war'. Ko diam aje ... suka pulak tu , betul tak

Aiyoyo , lobainita minah sewel ... senang macam ni pon ko dah blur.

Ok , kita berbalik ke isu tersebut :
- cases di mana slaves were set free
- treated as a member and part of family
- accepted normal in the historical conditions of that time

Apa problem ko skg? tu pasal aku tanya ko soalan senang :
Kalo ko klaim
(1) rape - apa bukti / rujukkan ko
(2) consensual sex - apa buklti / rujukkan ko

counter = 8
Kita sama2 tengok counter sampai berapa .... aku rasa kiamat 2x pon ko tak jawab

Ni lagi apa yg ko bagi :
There are two important advantages of, for the benefit of female slave, that the master sexually has a relationship with his female slave. The first and most important one is that those women whose husbands died at war can be prevented from being neglected. Otherwise, it would be unavoidable that they would prostitute themselves. In this way, she would be dependent on her master’s home.

The other advantage: if she gave birth to a child from her master, she would be called “ummul walad” (the mother of the child). That child from the female slave is considered as free. Her mother becomes free and does not pass to the heirs by inheritance when her master dies. If she did not have the child or if her master did not set her free, like the other goods, the female slave would pass to the heirs by inheritance.
It was not obligatory that the master and female slave should be wife and husband. The master can employ her only as maidservant.
Dah explain pon
- a worse fate awaits pompuan tu ... dia akan jadik pelacur kalo tak diambil jadik hamba
- anak dari hamba pompuan & tuan dia ... a free person
- kalo pompuan tu dah ada anak , tuan dia mati , she would be free
Banyak hamba & anak2 hamba dlm sejarah Islam rose to position of prominence
This much will suffice on the spiritual side. Coming to the politics, we see countless slaves in highest responsible posts, including the command of armies, governorship and judgeship. Not only in administration, we find theologians, commentators of the Qur'an, traditionists, jurists and authors who either were slaves or the children of the slaves or ex-slaves. Except for the first, third, fourth and fifth caliphs, all the 'Abbasid caliphs were born from slave women, the famous al-Mansur (the 2nd caliph) being the first of them whose mother, Salamah, was a slave from Berber. Then beginning from Ma'mun al-Rashid (the 6th caliph) up to the last all were sons of slave-girls.

Ha ha ha ha ... apa ko nak cakap skg? Copy paste ko support aku & dah kantoikan ko.

TQ aje aku ucapkan ... ko kantoi dgn rujukkan ko sendiri ... you just shot yourself in your head

Kak kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel baru aje bagi a self defeating argument ... TQ ye

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Post time 14-2-2018 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 14-2-2018 07:42 AM
U ini kan kuat kelentong kan gila sam .....

Ha ha .. lobainita minah sewel tak sedar diri sendiri dah kantoi dgn rujukkan yg sendiri bagi

Aku TQ aje lah , apa ko bagi support position geng muslim & kantoikan ko

Ha ha ha ha .... Too bad ... so sad

Akhirnya , lobainita minah sewel , kaki kencing nombor 1 kat CI ni kantoi dgn rujukkan sendiri

TQ lagi sekali ye ...

Kah kah kah ... tak susah nak kantoi kan lobainit aminah sewel & geng lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis


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Post time 14-2-2018 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-2-2018 03:42 PM
U ini kan kuat kelentong kan gila sam .....

Siapa tak kenal samdol, Kalau tak putar belit tak lobai lah!

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