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Author: pendeta

[Tempatan] Edisi fitnah : Dalam kristian tiada kasta!

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Post time 18-2-2018 05:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 18-2-2018 01:19 AM

Sam kan u cakap u jenis yang beriman i faham  

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Post time 18-2-2018 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 18-2-2018 04:37 PM
Kalau ikut logic gila sam solomon temple sekarang masih wujud  lol

Hahahahaha........solomon temple sekarang masih wujud....hahahahaha

Bodoh punya penipu bersiri. Ada hati nak jadi lawyer....

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Post time 18-2-2018 10:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 9-2-2018 05:41 PM
Bukti Isle memartabatkan Isle ialah : Isle menganggap pompuan macam kuih koci. Kueh koci musti lah ...

Hujah dangkal

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Post time 19-2-2018 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 19-2-2018 09:32 AM
Dwdrum replied at 18-2-2018 04:55 PM
Historical event berlaku sekitar 620 AD 16 bulan selepas penghijrahan ke medinah  622 AD
Nabi Muham ...

Ha ha ... boleh konfom yg lobainita minah sewel tak tau apa yg sendiri dok cakap

Aku tepek apa ko cakap :
Historical event berlaku sekitar 620 AD 16 bulan selepas penghijrahan ke medinah  622 AD
Nabi Muhammad meninggal 632 AD
Abd malik bina dome of rock 685 - 691 AD
Adjacent Al aqsa mosque 712 AD
Di sempurnakan oleh Amir abd malik

Jeruselam when the area was invaded dan conquered by Caliph Uthman in 637 AD sebelum itu tiada lagi umat islam .... predominately penganut christian ....

Evidence so far adalah ini

In 49-50 AH / 670 CE, Bishop Arculfus, a Christian visitor in Jerusalem, reported:

On the famous place where once stood the temple, the Saracens worship at a square house of prayer, which they have built with little art, of boards and large beams on the remains of some ruins..

Boleh konfom skg , ko tak tau apa maksud Islam , muslim & mesjid ... betul tak

Ertikata lain ko hanya argue out of ignorance.

Ko dok mati2 klaim Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah bawah pemerintahan kristian jadik tak ada mesjid kat situ. Tu pasal aku bagi sebahagian dari bukti adalah dari pengakuan Patriarch Of Jerusalem (post#399)
The Patriarch of Jerusalem was there, standing next to Caesar. The Patriarch of Jerusalem said: `I know that night.' Caesar looked at him and said, `How do you know about this' He said, `I never used to sleep at night until I closed the doors of the sanctuary. On that night I closed all the doors except for one, which I could not manage to close. I asked my workers and others who were with me to help me deal with it, but we could not move it. It was like trying to move a mountain. So I called the carpenters, and they looked at it and said: The lintel and some part of the structure has fallen onto it. We cannot move it until morning, when we will be able to see what the problem is. So I went back and left those two doors open. The next morning I went back, and saw that the stone at the corner of the sanctuary had a hole in it, and there were traces of an animal having been tethered there. I said to my companions: This door has not been closed last night except for a Prophet, who prayed last night in our sanctuary.'''

Bila tanya soalan ko terlampau takut nak jawab ... takut pada bayang2 sendiri.

Mesjid bukan makna bangunan , sama jugak kalo org kristian kata 'church' ia lebih bermaksud kepada congregation mereka. Ko terlampau ignorant , mesjid :
The Arab grammarians classify masjid as "ism makan", i.e., "name of location"; it indicates the place where an action takes place. Masjid being derived from the root sa-ja-da (to prostrate), it means "place of prostration". Since a place of worship is a place where believers prostrate to God, "masjid" is a general term to designate any place of worship without any religious distinction. Later, this word was used to designate Islamic places of worship in particular, i.e., the mosques.

The Prophet's night journey was from "the inviolable place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Haram) to "the farthest place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Aqsa). The former is certainly located in Makkah, but what about the latter? The reference to Allah blessing its surroundings (... whose precincts We did bless) suggests a location in the "Holy Land" (cf. 21:81; 7:137; 34:18). Neal Robinson states:

    The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]

This view is also shared by many western scholars.[5]

As it was mentioned earlier that masjid refers to a place of prostration without any religious distinction; an excellent example of the usage of the word "masjid" referring to a non-Islamic sanctuary can be seen in the verse 17:7. The verse describes briefly the destruction of the masjid in Jerusalem (i.e., the Temple) by the enemies of Children of Israel. Allah says in the Qur'an that the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was a punishment was inflicted upon the Children of Israel for their tyranny and arrogance.

** Note : tersebut adalah rujukkan dari scholars yg bukan Islam tau [4] & [5] ... a neutral perspective

Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa

Ha ha ha ha .... senang macam ni pon ko tak paham ke ... dah lah buta sejarah , ignorant pulak tu .... kureng membaca lah ni

Ni lah dia belajar Islam dari gereja atau kuil .... ni jadik dia.

Zaman tersebut , geng kristian telah membina bangunan mereka kat tempat tersebut , logik lah , tu pasal ada pintu and bangunan.

Aiyoyo ... ko terlampau ignorant lah lobainita minah sewel ... bangga pulak tu dgn ignorance dia ... betul2 muka tak tau malu

Ok ... dah bagi banyak clues. Skg boleh tak ko bagi tau apa tu Islam & muslim. Kalo ni pon ko takut jawab ... something is wrong with you

Kah kah kah ... ni lah dia ... lobainita minah sewel yg menjadik jurucakap utk geng lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis , apa yg ko bagi adalah dari ignorance ko  .... bangga pulak tu yg diri tu tu kureng berpengetahuan


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Post time 19-2-2018 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 19-2-2018 09:48 AM
Dwdrum replied at 18-2-2018 05:00 PM
Sam kan u cakap u jenis yang beriman i faham

Ha ha ... terlampau senang utk pekenakan lobainita minah sewel

The moment ko bukak mulut ttg Al Malik Marwan yg kononnya bina Mesjid Al Aqsa aku dah tau ko tak tau apa tu
- Islam
- Muslim
- Mesjid

Tu pasal aku tanya tersebut tapi ko teramat takut nak jawab

Ha ha ha ha .... all I have to do adalah letak umpan & ko telan sekali dgn mata kail

Skg ko macam ikan yg kena pancing .... reeling you in

Kah kah kah .... kalo nak argue pon , lobainita minah sewel , the least you could do is to get your facts right

Oh yeah ... nampak gaya abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , cukup syok kalo cakap ttg pembohongan ... memang lah , abam deeen (sengau2 slang mat salleh) adalah penipu bersiri .... betul tak

Mengaku pulak tu ada firma guaman sendiri ... terkebil kebil mata lobainita minah sewel ttg demikian .... 'my hero' kot2 lah


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Post time 19-2-2018 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 18-2-2018 05:00 PM
Sam kan u cakap u jenis yang beriman i faham


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Post time 20-2-2018 09:20 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 12-2-2018 05:08 PM

(In Kristian, gereja or jemaah gereja or umat yang percaya Isa Almasih Jesus tu Tuhan, j ...
Kata ganti nama 'they'  dalam frasa 'may they also be in us' tu, merujuk pada umat Kristian yang percaya pada Jesus sebagai Tuhan.

If chuol notice, ayat ini sebenarnya adalah doa Jesus kepada believersnya.

Jesus doakan believersnya hidop dalam Tuhan ('be in us') which merujuk kepada hidop dalam kekudusan agar disbelievers yang melihat gimana cara penganut Kristian hidop menjaga testimony diri masing2 akan percaya jua kepada Jesus.
Saya rasa cikgu memberi hujah berdasarkan "kepercayaan" kristian. Tetapi, adakah kepercayaan ini konsisten dgn apa yg ada dalam Bible? Nampak seperti tidak...
21: that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
"be in us" dianggap sebagai hidup dalam kekudusan, tetapi "I am in you" dianggap sebagai ketuhanan; explanation cikgu menunjukkan oneness yg berbeza, walhal Jesus merujuk pada "oneness" yg sama.


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Post time 20-2-2018 02:13 PM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 12-2-2018 05:08 PM

(In Kristian, gereja or jemaah gereja or umat yang percaya Isa Almasih Jesus tu Tuhan, j ...

Kenyataan dalam bible memang banyak mengelirukan. Contoh bible kata Syaitan tu tuhan. Rujuk Corinthians 4:4 New Living Translation (NLT)"

"Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded theminds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light ofthe Good News."

Memang gereja selalu membohong. Ini buktinya:

The word ‘begotten’ mentioned in the Gospel of John, Chap 3 vs. 16 has been thrown out from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible as an interpolation, as a fabrication. The Revised Standard Version has been revised by 32 Christian Scholars of the highest eminence, backed by 50 different co-operating denominations and these Scholars have removed this blasphemous word without any ceremony as an interpolation, concoction, fabrication, and adulteration. Yet the majority of Christians are unaware of this important fact because they do not read their own Bibles. The priests in their sermons continue to use this blasphemous verse and indoctrinate the masses with false teachings.

Rujukan: Video Ahmad Deedat.

Untuk makluman kau 'holy spirit' tu merujuk kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW la. Cuba kau baca John 13:14. Semua ciri-ciri dalam verse tu merujuk tepat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW termasuk tindakan beliau yang sentiasa mengagungkan Nabi Isa a.s.

"However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide youinto all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what Hehears, and He will declare to you what is to come. 14He will glorify Me bytaking from what is Mine and disclosing it to you."   


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Post time 20-2-2018 03:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 19-2-2018 05:27 AM

Pejuang isle mahu jadi lawyer

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Post time 20-2-2018 03:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 19-2-2018 11:55 PM
sam1528 replied at 18-2-2018 05:19 PM
Ha ha ... boleh konfom yg lobainita minah sewel tak tau apa yg sendiri dok cakap

Aku tepek apa  ...

Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa

The verse describes briefly the destruction of the masjid in Jerusalem (i.e., the Temple) by the enemies of Children of Israel. Allah says in the Qur'an that the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was a punishment was inflicted upon the Children of Israel for their tyranny and arrogance.

U sudah makan ubat gila sam?
U maksud kan nabi sembahyang dalam solomon temple ?

Tuhan buat silap kah gila sam or telah di selewang ....boleh pula tuhan tukar arah kiblat kan.....


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Post time 20-2-2018 03:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Solomon temple bertukar jadi masjid al aqsa
Ini logic u kan

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Post time 20-2-2018 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 20-2-2018 03:29 PM
Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Alla ...

Hahahahahahaa.......nabi sembahyang kat Solomon Temple......hahahahahaha

Kita tengok macamana pejuang Isle penipu bersiri yang lemah bahasa inggeris tapi ada hati mahu jadi lawyer ini, konar....

Kita harap dia tak akan menunjukan kebodohan sekali lagui gengan meminta medical term ...kahkahkah

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Post time 20-2-2018 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 20-2-2018 03:29 PM
Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Alla ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel telah dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

Tu lah , kalo dah ignorant , tak usah nak tonjolkan kejahilan ko tu , aku tepek apa ko cakap :
U sudah makan ubat gila sam?
U maksud kan nabi sembahyang dalam solomon temple ?

Tuhan buat silap kah gila sam or telah di selewang ....boleh pula tuhan tukar arah kiblat kan.....
Lobainita minah sewel diam lebih dari satu hari dok pikir apa nak jawab. Last2 tak mampu jawab apa2 , jawab aje lah dgn jawapan cuba alih topik. Tetiba skg cakap pasal tukar arah kiblat.

That is not the issue. Isu skg adalah ko dah kantoi malu dgn terhina sekali pasal ko tak tau apa tu 'mesjid'.

Malu oooiiiii ..... belajar lagi lah Islam dari gereja atau kuil

Biasak lah dgn lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ni

Bila dah malu , first thing mereka akan cuba sedaya upaya alih topik

Cuba ko baca balik apa yg dicacat , baca banyak kali & perlahan lahan kalo tak paham
The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]

Bukan aku cakap , tersebut adalah dari [4] Neil Robinson & [5] Heribert Busse
Neil Robinson
Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies in Leeds University, Professor of Islamic Studies in the University of Wales, Professorial Research Fellow in Leuven, Professor of Religious Studies in Sogang University Seoul, and Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Australian National University. More recently he spent two years as Visiting Professor in Astana, Kazakhstan, and a semester in Kazan, Russia. He has written journal articles, essays and encyclopedia entries on a wide range of topics in Islamic Studies. Robinson is best known for his research on the Qur’an. He is the author of Discovering the Qur’an: A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text, a book widely regarded as a seminal work. Although originally published in 1996, it is still frequently quoted in the secondary literature.
Heribert Busse
Assistant professor University Hamburg (Germany), 1956-1970. Associate professor University Bochum (Germany), 1971-1973. Professor University Kiel (Germany), 1973-1991, professor emeritus, since 1991.

Visiting professor University Bordeaux (France), 1970-1971. Director Oriental Institute University Bochum, 1971-1973, Oriental Institute University Kiel, 1973-1991.

Ha ha ha ha .... aku rasa org patut lebih percaya kepada 2 org professors yg pakar dlm pengajian mereka daripada lobainita minah sewel yg terkenal sebagai kaki kencing kat CI ni.

Ooops ... lobainita minah sewel mana tau malu ... muka tebal ... sama lah macam si abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , banyak kali dimalukan dgn terhina sebagai penipu bersiri pon tak tau malu

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel dok cari jalan macamana nak lari


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Post time 20-2-2018 07:03 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 20-2-2018 07:10 PM
Dwdrum replied at 20-2-2018 03:46 PM
Solomon temple bertukar jadi masjid al aqsa
Ini logic u kan

Ha ha ... kesian kat lobainita minah sewel & abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen.  , yg telah dimalukan dgn begitu terhina sekali , skg dok berpulas konar pasal dah malu ... oops korang mana tau malu

Ni dari lobainita minah sewel :
Solomon temple bertukar jadi masjid al aqsa
Ini logic u kan

Ni dari abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh)
Hahahahahahaa.......nabi sembahyang kat Solomon Temple......hahahahahaha

Kita tengok macamana pejuang Isle penipu bersiri yang lemah bahasa inggeris tapi ada hati mahu jadi lawyer ini, konar....

Kita harap dia tak akan menunjukan kebodohan sekali lagui gengan meminta medical term ...kahkahkah

Ha ha ha ha ... ni lah dia respond kaki2 kencing kat CI ni , lobainita minah sewel tak tau apa tu 'mesjid' & abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) ... hmmm ... hanyalah kaki kencing yg kureng fasih english

Aku bagi lagi sekali apa yg dicatat oleh Prof Neal Robinson & Prof Heribert Busse
Neal Robinson states:

    The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]

This view is also shared by many western scholars.[5]

As it was mentioned earlier that masjid refers to a place of prostration without any religious distinction; an excellent example of the usage of the word "masjid" referring to a non-Islamic sanctuary can be seen in the verse 17:7. The verse describes briefly the destruction of the masjid in Jerusalem (i.e., the Temple) by the enemies of Children of Israel. Allah says in the Qur'an that the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was a punishment was inflicted upon the Children of Israel for their tyranny and arrogance.

Skg geng lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis tak mampu nak jawab apa2 .... next best thing adalah trying to make light of the issue & laugh their way out.

Ha ha ha ha .... lobainita minah sewel & aban deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) TAK TAU apa tu 'mesjid'

Kesian ... ni lah dia belajar Islam dari gereja atau kuil , aku ulang lagi kedangkalan korang ni : korang TAK TAU apa tu 'mesjid' ... cukup memalukan dgn terhina sekali , kot2 belajar Islam dari gereja atau kuil

Cuba ko tanya lobai king of tunggeng @katowjo , mungkin dia dapat cari hadith ttg apa tu mesjid ... ye lah hadith macam 'hadith bukhari' ttg kambing makan cebisan ayat rejm ... he he he he

Kah kah kah .... terbongkar lagi tembelang korang ... lobainita minah sewel & abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) TAK TAU apa tu 'mesjid'

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Post time 20-2-2018 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Hahahahahahaa.......nabi sembahyang kat Solomon Temple......hahahahahaha

Penipu bersiri tak tahu malu  yang lemah English dah mintak definisi mesjid untuk cover malu setelah dikantoikan bodoh oleh Dwdrum..... Nasib baik dia tak mintak medical term mesjid! hahahaha

Dimanakah tukang tukang soraknya  pakar modify kotey @Redskin dan pakar perbezaan mengulom zakar yang bersunat dengan zakar yang tidak bersunat @sofea_uk ?

Kita tunggu tukang tukang soraknya masuk dan menerangkan kandungan bible....hahahaha

Maideen~Pejuang Isle kununnnnnnn....nak jadi lawyer kununnnnnn......forumners semua kagum dengan hujah dia kat board sendu kununnnnnnn....kahkahkah

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Post time 20-2-2018 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 20-2-2018 07:20 PM
Hahahahahahaa.......nabi sembahyang kat Solomon Temple......hahahahahaha{:1_56 ...

Ha ha ... .abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dah kantoi malu dgn terhina sekali tapi masih nak teruskan yg diri tu kureng cerdik pasal TAK TAU apa tu mesjid

Tersebut adalah rujukkan dari Prof Neal Robinson & Prof Heribert Busse
Neal Robinson states:

    The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]

This view is also shared by many western scholars.[5]

As it was mentioned earlier that masjid refers to a place of prostration without any religious distinction; an excellent example of the usage of the word "masjid" referring to a non-Islamic sanctuary can be seen in the verse 17:7. The verse describes briefly the destruction of the masjid in Jerusalem (i.e., the Temple) by the enemies of Children of Israel. Allah says in the Qur'an that the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was a punishment was inflicted upon the Children of Israel for their tyranny and arrogance.
Kesian .... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dimalukan dgn terhina & disekolahkan oleh Professor bukan Islam ttg apa tu mesjid

Ha ha ha ha .... oops .. sorry , artikel tersebut dlm english & kita tau yg abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) kureng fasih english. Cuba ko tanya cikgu sekolah rendah ko utk tolong ko paham artikel tersebut

He he he he .... kesian tengok abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) & lobainita minah sewel , @Dwdrum , TAK TAU apa tu mesjid.

Ni terlampau lawak , aku kena bagi tau org lain , @Redskin , @sofea_uk , @mashimaru83 - rupa2 nya abam deeen(sengau slang mat salleh) & lobainita minah sewel tak tau apa tu mesjid ... depa pikir mesjid adalah bangunan .... LOL ... diri tu dah tua & dah beranak pinak pon tak tau apa tu mesjid

Ni lah akan terjadik kalo belajar Islam dari gereja atau kuil

Kah kah kah .... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) yg konfom tak tau apa tu mesjid .... ko dah tua lah tambi tapi masih kureng pengetahuan ... mengaku pulak tu ada firma guaman sendiri


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Post time 20-2-2018 09:36 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-2-2018 09:20 PM
Ha ha ... .abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dah kantoi malu dgn terhina sekali tapi masih nak  ...

Dia pakai taktik lama mintak medical definition untuk "mesjid" pulak dah.....

Kenapa tak pakai taktik "science hadeees" untuk cover malu setelah dikantoikan bodoh sekali lagi? Hahahahaha

Yerlah semantara menunggu you punya tukang-tukang sorak yakni pakar modify kotey @Redskin dan lobainita pakar perbezaan mengulom zakar yang bersunat dengan yang tak sunat @sofea_uk masuk cerita pasal bible elok gak you cerita pasal science hadeees...hahahaha

Hahahahahahaa.......nabi sembahyang kat Solomon Temple......hahahahahaha

Maideen~Pejuang Isle kununnnnnnn....nak jadi lawyer kununnnnnn......forumners semua kagum dengan hujah dia kat board sendu kununnnnnnn....kahkahkah


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Post time 20-2-2018 09:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 20-2-2018 10:06 PM
Maideen. replied at 20-2-2018 09:36 PM
Dia pakai taktik lama mintak medical definition untuk "mesjid" pulak dah..... {:1_530 ...

Ha ha ... abam deen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dgn begitu tak cerdik sekali dok cakap pasal 'medical definition'

Kesian ... dah tersepit & kantoi malu dgn terhina , mula lah merapu macam org hilang akal

Ha ha ha ha .... isu skg ko TAK TAU apa tu mesjid. Ni penjelasan ttg apa tu mesjid dari Prof Neal Robinson & Prof Heribert Busse
The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]

This view is also shared by many western scholars.[5]

As it was mentioned earlier that masjid refers to a place of prostration without any religious distinction; an excellent example of the usage of the word "masjid" referring to a non-Islamic sanctuary can be seen in the verse 17:7. The verse describes briefly the destruction of the masjid in Jerusalem (i.e., the Temple) by the enemies of Children of Israel. Allah says in the Qur'an that the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was a punishment was inflicted upon the Children of Israel for their tyranny and arrogance.

He he he he .... malu dgn begitu terhina sekali pasal ko TAK TAK apa tu mesjid & kena pulak org bukan Islam bagi penjelasan. Ko dah tua , dah beranak pinak tapi masih TAK TAU apa tu mesjid.

Tambah pulak ko & lobainita minah sewel , @Dwdrum , mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah kapiak. LOL , macamana korang boleh berpikiran dgn begitu kuno sekali.

Bila dah tersepit , mula lah merepek pasal 'medical definition' lah , 'science of hadith' lah , 'sembahyang kat Solomon Temple' lah ... semua tersebut adalah cubaan nak alih topik pasal ko dah kantoi malu dgn terhina sekali pasal
- TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah kapiak

Mengaku pulak tu ada firma guaman sendiri .... ko buat malu diri ko & geng loyar aje

Belajar lagi lah Islam dari gereja atau kuil .... jadik macam ni lah

Kah kah kah .... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) TAK TAU apa tu mesjid & mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah kapiak


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Post time 20-2-2018 10:37 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-2-2018 09:50 PM
Ha ha ... abam deen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dgn begitu tak cerdik sekali dok cakap pasal 'medica ...

Konar cara Isle dengan meminta medical definition mesjid untuk cover malu setelah sekali lagi dibuktikan bodoh....hahahahahaha
Tukang tukang sorak pakar modify totey dengan pakar perbezaan mengulom kotey sunat dengan yang tak sunat tak masuk masuk pulak......kahkahkahakah

Taktik "Science Hadeeees" tak mahu pakai ka?

Maideen~Pejuang Isle kununnnnnnn....nak jadi lawyer kununnnnnn......forumners semua kagum dengan hujah dia kat board sendu kununnnnnnn....kahkahkah


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Post time 21-2-2018 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 21-2-2018 09:44 AM
Maideen. replied at 20-2-2018 10:37 PM
Konar cara Isle dengan meminta medical definition mesjid untuk cover malu setelah sekali lagi dibu ...

Ha ha ... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dimalukan dgn terhina sekali & skg dah terlampau terdesak

Ko dah jadik macam budak tak cukup umur , kalo tidak ko  dah separuh mereng

Isu skg ko dah kantoi malu dgn terhina sekali pasal
- TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah kapiak

Tengok aje jwapan ko :
Konar cara Isle dengan meminta medical definition mesjid untuk cover malu setelah sekali lagi dibuktikan bodoh....hahahahahaha
Tukang tukang sorak pakar modify totey dengan pakar perbezaan mengulom kotey sunat dengan yang tak sunat tak masuk masuk pulak......kahkahkahakah

Taktik "Science Hadeeees" tak mahu pakai ka?

Ha ha ha ha ... sejak bila mesjid ada apa2 kaitan dgn medicine? Ni lah dia gara2 org yg dah terlampau terdesak

Oops , dont tell me ... pada diri ko yg kureng fasih english
- mesjid = medical term

Ko masih blur ke ... tu lah mati2 klaim tak ada perkataan 'science of hadith'. Ko mati2 ingat 'science' bermakna duduk kat lab buat experiment.

Mengaku pulak tu ada firma guaman sendiri & geng lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis kira2 kagum lah lah tu

He he he he ... ko belajar Islam dari gereja atau kuil yg mana satu .... malu nak jawab lah tu

Kah kah kah .... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dah kantoi malu dgn terhina sekali pasal pada dia
- TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah kapiak
- mesjid = medical term


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