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Author: EJALTI

[Tempatan] Isu bir tiada alkohol: Siti tembak, Mujahid tepis

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Post time 15-7-2019 10:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 15-7-2019 09:47 PM
Macamanalah lobai yang mudah keliru percaya mereka layak membimbing orang menjadi seperti mereka.. ...

Yang lobai tak keliru cuma hukum mencukur bulu kemaluan, hikmah berjimak malam jemaat, hukum makan pisang baja taik babi serta hukum mencukur bulu kening.


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Post time 15-7-2019 11:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sedap ke?
Kalau barbican berperisa tu sedapla jugak
Kalau malta tu tak sedap langsung


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Post time 15-7-2019 11:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
clarizsa replied at 15-7-2019 07:05 AM
Sedap ke?
Kalau barbican berperisa tu sedapla jugak
Kalau malta tu  tak sedap langsung

some campur malta dengan condensed milk  ....u cuba lah ...i tidak sukabau busuk

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Post time 15-7-2019 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 15-7-2019 10:43 PM
gelak dekat u lah .....tunggu respond FM ......hahahaahhahahahahhahaahahhaa

1 jah mahu cakap ka ...

Looool ... dok harap si lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 jawab?

Dia tau maki hamun aje , tak percaya tengok aje

Tak konfius pon kat US tu.

Beer tetap beer , ada alcohol

Alcopop tu masih ada alcohol lah meenachi

Agak2 lah , apa definisi alcohol by volume (ABV) kat US

Tak kan tu pon ko blur , garanti ko bagi anak ko togok , betul tak

Kan dah kata , lobainita minah  sewel akan alih isu

Biasak lah kan

Kah kah kah

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Post time 15-7-2019 11:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 15-7-2019 08:18 AM
sam1528 replied at 15-7-2019 07:13 AM
Looool ... dok harap si lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 jawab?

Dia tau maki hamun aje , tak perc ...

baru lepas google kah ? ....
hang tahu tidak di saudi labelling beer guna us standard ?
beer juga di label malt beverage sometimes ...

i bukan apa gila sam ....yang u ambil peduli kandungan alcohol ....non alcoholic drinks masih ada kandungan alcohol but ada limit ....bagi lobai macam u ini memang memilih asal kan bunyi arak ssmua haram ..... kalau u ambil kira kandungan heineken 0.0 ini better lobai jumud haram kan terus budu dan soy ketchup kandungan lebih dari 0.5% abv ...... tetapi makanan kegemaran lobai boleh pula pejam mata kan ?

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Post time 15-7-2019 11:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
M5 replied at 15-7-2019 10:57 PM
Yang lobai tak keliru cuma hukum mencukur bulu kemaluan, hikmah berjimak malam jemaat, hukum makan ...

Looool .... kata dah , lobai eukaryote M5 tak akan berani bagi apa2 bukti ttg klaim yg Quran catat arak tak haram

Bebel lah ttg cukur bulu kemaluan lah , jimak malam jumaat lah

Apa pasal tak cakap ttg seks dgn kambing

Oh yeah , tersebut adalah kepakaran boss ko , abam deeen seks kambing , mamat yg tak basuh berak tu

Gigih alih topic nampak

Lol , baik ko pencen aje lah


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Post time 16-7-2019 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
clarizsa replied at 15-7-2019 11:05 PM
Sedap ke?
Kalau barbican berperisa tu sedapla jugak
Kalau malta tu  tak sedap langsung

Tak minat malta, but if like to savour beer, would highly rekomen hoegarden, ada mix dgn coriander n orange peel. Ini ikut resepi turun temurun belgium kristian monk.
tapi sebelum minum, baca bismillah dulu dan akhiri dgn alhamdullah kerana memberi rezeki yg baik.
Dan jgn lupa jugak mintak jenama hoegarden untuk sungai arak jika ke syorga nanti ya

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Post time 16-7-2019 12:13 AM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 16-7-2019 12:09 AM
Tak minat malta, but if like to savour beer, would highly rekomen hoegarden, ada mix dgn coriander ...

mende la kapir ni nginzal tah



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Post time 16-7-2019 12:13 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 15-7-2019 11:30 PM
Looool .... kata dah , lobai eukaryote M5 tak akan berani bagi apa2 bukti ttg klaim yg Quran catat ...

maideen x basuh berak? baru smlm dia cite sal kerandut wan ji

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Post time 16-7-2019 12:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bersotong replied at 15-7-2019 08:13 AM
maideen x basuh berak? baru smlm dia cite sal kerandut wan ji

sotong u ini remyda kan?
butthurt dengan maideen tidak habis lagi .....bunyi sotong dengan gay ...harmony sangat

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Post time 16-7-2019 12:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 15-7-2019 11:30 PM
Looool .... kata dah , lobai eukaryote M5 tak akan berani bagi apa2 bukti ttg klaim yg Quran catat ...

Aku ni idak la cakap tak seropa bikin. pi google dulu pasal sakaran, lepas tu tepek kat sini kajian ilmiah yg lobai sam jumpa apa pejuang2 isle putar 360 darjah ayat yg kata arak itu adalah rezeki yg baik.

tapi jgn la tak malu buat perangai lama, bukti merata, siap mengaku paham pasal evolusi, tapi dok purcaya tuhan buat manusia pakai tanah liat, adam mengecut, purcaya kuda bersayap terbang ke langit

ini macam punya level pemikiran, lagi ada hati mau tanya bukti


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Post time 16-7-2019 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 16-7-2019 12:21 AM
sotong u ini remyda kan?
butthurt dengan maideen tidak habis lagi .....bunyi sotong dengan  ...

ni sekor lagi kapir nginzal



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Post time 16-7-2019 12:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bersotong replied at 15-7-2019 08:45 AM
ni sekor lagi kapir nginzal

seekor ?.......hang lah sotong .... hang pula inzal dengan kerandut kan ....beberapa thread i buka kerandut wan ji ke hulu ke hilir  

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Post time 16-7-2019 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 16-7-2019 12:50 AM
seekor ?.......hang lah sotong .... hang pula inzal dengan kerandut kan ....beberapa thread i buka ...

pnjang bebel kapir ni



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Post time 16-7-2019 01:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tembak pakai pistol air ke tu

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Post time 16-7-2019 04:04 AM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 16-7-2019 12:26 AM
Aku ni idak la cakap tak seropa bikin. pi google dulu pasal sakaran, lepas tu tepek kat sini kajia ...

Buang masa hang layan peminum kincing unta itu bro.......

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Post time 16-7-2019 04:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 15-7-2019 12:43 PM
sam1528 replied at 15-7-2019 06:02 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... apa lah lu lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2

Yg keliru hanyalah org macam ko & Si ...

Samdol nak tunjuk cerdik konon! Tapi belum apa apa dah putarbelit! Beer jenama lain tu apasal dibenarkandijual di arob saudik? Sepatutnya di arab saudi 100% tidak dibenarkan ada beer?
Malt drink tu juga adalah beer dan cara buatannya sama seperti buat beer samdol bodoh kalau tak tau!  Lobai malaya haramkan non alcoholic beer kerana mereka klim cara buaya sama seperti beer yang ber alcohol! Lain kali cerdikan sikit kalau nak quote orang!

Thirsty Thursdays: Top 7 Non Alcoholic Beers in Saudi ArabiaPosted on May 31, 2018
Thirsty Thursdays: Top 7 Non Alcoholic Beers in Saudi Arabia

While backpacking in Saudi Arabia recently, I realised it was one of the rare countries I visited where I didn’t consume any alcohol. This is due to the strict law – alcohol is simply forbidden here and will result in imprisonment, fines or expulsion. There are so many strict rules in Saudi Arabia with no alcohol, no pork and no gambling. It makes it hard for companies such as Budweiser, Danepak and Online Casino Bluebook to make money here, or any impact. However, Budweiser, are present as I found out! Did you hear the one about the Mexican, the Portuguese Guy, the Ukrainian and the travelling Northern Irishman who walked into a bar in Saudi Arabia?
Thirsty Thursdays: Top 7 Non Alcoholic Beers in Saudi Arabia

However this was not the first dry country for me, there were a few other countries/regions I backpacked without indulging into the booze, and as far as I remember these were:
Afghanistan – I didn’t see any alcohol on my trip.
Austenasia – It was a quick day trip and I didn’t see any alcohol on my trip.
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – I took a day off the rip to do this trip but there was alcohol in the hotel inside Chernobyl.
Iran – I was once offered whiskey (in Shahr e Kord) but declined and spent a month in the country without any alcohol.
Kuwait – I didn’t see any alcohol on my trip.
Lovely – Millwall Neil and I were running in the Camden Locks that night with Good Gym, so we stayed off the sauce while backpacking the sights of Lovely.
Qatar – I have been three times but I wasn’t looking for alcohol, but remember having a wine at the airport.
Western Sahara – I didn’t see any alcohol on my trip.
And these remote places, I did have a beer in:
Adammia – I tried the local wine from the Adammic Winery.
Algeria – I had a local Algerian beer here.
Antarctica – On our last night near the Polish Base on King George Island, we had a beer by the rocks.
Bahrain – I had one night on the rip in this city, visiting three bars.
Bangladesh – I only visited one bar and had a single beer here during a one week stint in the country.
Don’t Stop Living – I often consume beer while visiting the world’s only travel blog country.
Iraq – I actually had beer in three different cities here – Duhok, Sulaymaniyeh and Erbil, even compiling a top 4 bars in the Iraqi Kurdistan part.
Jordan – Despite bordering Saudi Arabia and being very strict, alcohol is widely available and I especially loved the 8% proof Petra Beer.
Ladonia – I cracked open a beer in the capital, Nimis, but my backpacking buddy Daniel was driving that day.
Palestine – Alcohol is widely available in Palestine, they even brew their own Taybeh beer which is impressive. I attended a beer festival there.
Uzupis – I popped into Spunka Bar and tried some imported Lithuanian beer on tap.
Having a drink with Paulius the pub owner of Spunka in Uzupis

So here it is – my ultimate list of my top 7 (only 7 I tried) non alcoholic beers in Saudi Arabia…
1.Budweiser 0%
My first beer in the country was on my first evening there – I was out with my tour friends Albert and Eduardo and we went to the local diner – TGI Friday’s. In here, I spied a zero per cent Budweiser so I nabbed it, and ate it down with a dish of cheesey nachos. Not too cultured here into Saudi Arabia, but hey I loved it!
Price – 15 Riyals ($4 US)
Venue – TGI Friday’s, Al Hamra, Jeddah
Having a Budweiser in Saudi Arabia!

Having a Budweiser in Saudi Arabia!

Having a Budweiser with cheesey nachos in Saudi Arabia!

Having a Budweiser with cheesey nachos in Saudi Arabia!

2.Holsten Pomegranate
I sipped an ice cold Holsten pomegranate while watching the Manchester City v. Liverpool Champions League match down the pub. This was beer, pub, pizza, football. Except my pepperoni pizza was made of beef and the Holsten was non alcoholic but it was delicious.
Price – 15 Riyals ($4 US)
Venue – Ruby Tuesdays, Al Hamra, Jeddah
Holsten Pomegranate with pizza in Ruby Tuesdays

Holsten Pomegranate with pizza in Ruby Tuesdays

Holsten Pomegranate with pizza in Ruby Tuesdays

Holsten Pomegranate with pizza in Ruby Tuesdays

3.Holsten Classic
After the Holsten pomegranate, I decided to try the classic for the second half of the match. This was actually not as nice, the lack of fruit and blandness was definitely not something I was craving.
Price – 15 Riyals ($4 US)
Venue – Ruby Tuesdays, Al Hamra, Jeddah
A Holsten classic

Price – 7 Riyals ($2 US)
Venue – Saedi Fish Restaurant, Corniche, Jeddah
Our first full night together as a group of six, and after the first day of sightseeing and the Hotel Show in Jeddah, we went for an incredible fish meal in Jeddah – this (along with the camel fried rice) was my favourite meal in my time backpacking Saudi Arabia. This was also the cheapest beer in a bar that I had, as it was 7 Riyals, however, the label on it said 3 Riyals, so we knew that from the shop it would have been less than half that price. However, this was delicious and eclipsed the Holsten classic and the Budweiser. The restaurants was Saedi Fish Restaurant.
Thirsty Thursdays: Top 7 Non Alcoholic Beers in Saudi Arabia

Hillsburg Beer with a delicious fish and rice dish in Jeddah

Hillsburg Beer with a delicious fish and rice dish in Jeddah

Hillsburg Beer with a delicious fish and rice dish in Jeddah

Hillsburg Beer with a delicious fish and rice dish in Jeddah

Hillsburg Beer with a delicious fish and rice dish in Jeddah

Hillsburg Beer with a delicious fish and rice dish in Jeddah

Hillsburg Beer with a delicious fish and rice dish in Jeddah

  • Barbican
    On the penultimate night of our trip, I went to the local shop near our Hotel (the Plaza Inn Business in Riyadh) and bought two cold non-alcoholic beers. The first of these was a Barbican, which I always knew before as a London tube station. I drank one in my hotel room. But the next night which was the final beer of our trip, four of us lads (Marko, Agustin, Eduardo and I) went to the Marriott Hotel bar for a beer. In here I chose the Barbican. I later had a Moussy in there.
Price – 17 Riyals ($4.2 US)
Venue – Hotel Marriott Bar, Riyadh
Having a Barbican in the Marriott Hotel Bar in Riyadh

6.Holsten Blackberry
On the penultimate night of our trip, I went to the local shop near our Hotel (the Plaza Inn Business in Riyadh) and bought two beers, the second of these was the Holsten Blackberry. And although I only sipped this in my hotel room while blogging, this remains the best beer from my time in Saudi Arabia. In the irony of life, as it was purchased from a shop, this was also the cheapest!
Price – 3 Riyals ($0.80 US)
Venue – Plaza Inn Business, Riyadh
Holsten Blackberry in my hotel room in Riyadh

My final beer in Saudi Arabia was a Moussy. And this wasn’t a first time for me. I had also had these in Iraq and Jordan – they must be made in the middle east region and they come in a few flavours. This was my final beer with the lads in the Marriott Hotel Bar in Riyadh, before we headed on in life, to another adventure.
Price – 16 Riyals ($4 US)
Venue – Marriott Hotel Bar, Riyadh
Moussy at the Marriott Hotel Bar, Riyadh

Moussy at the Marriott Hotel Bar, Riyadh

So in short, it was nice to have a 10 day break for my body from alcohol, I really should do that more often as it cleanses you somehow, but these ice cold alternatives are worth it. They had me dreaming of some delicious real beers that I could be drinking and enjoying some casino games with them. Even though I wasn’t able to gamble, I spent some time on Online Casino Bluebook reading casino reviews and brushing up on my poker skills for the next country I am in, where I can play.
How to Organise your trip to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia
As Saudi Arabia continues to develop its tourist potential, there are still no tourist visas available. However, if like me you have a work event, a business opportunity or commerce, you can get a business visa. I was there for the Hotel Show 2018 in Jeddah!  Once you have that, organise your trip with two of my partners, Young Pioneer Tours and Haya Tours:
Young Pioneer Tours
No. 2804 South Block Lijing Building, Caiwuwei, Jintang Road 48#, Guiyuan Street, Luohu District, Shenzhen City, 518000, CHINA
Haya Tour
First Floor, Alia Plaza, Exit 6,
Cnr: Thumamah Road and Abi Bakr As-Siddiq Street,
Ar Rabi, Riyadh 13316
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
Here is a video of my times drinking non-alcoholic beer in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
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Post time 16-7-2019 04:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Muka siti kasim ni skeri meri ya ampun

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Post time 16-7-2019 04:36 AM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 15-7-2019 06:57 AM
Yang lobai tak keliru cuma hukum mencukur bulu kemaluan, hikmah berjimak malam jemaat, hukum makan ...

Tambah satu lagi kawen 4!

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Post time 16-7-2019 05:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 15-7-2019 01:28 PM
sam1528 replied at 15-7-2019 06:02 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... apa lah lu lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2

Yg keliru hanyalah org macam ko & Si ...

Lobai bodoh Samdol fikir malt drink bukan beer dan malt drink tak ada yang mengandungi alkohol tinggi seperti beer! Hahahaha...nampak sangat samdol ni bodoh!

Cara buatanya sama seperti buat beer ataupun malt yang mengandungi alcohol tinggi lah samdol bodoh sebab itu ada malt liquor! Lain kali cerdikan diri tu dahulu sebelum nak quote orang!

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