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Author: EJALTI

[Tempatan] Isu bir tiada alkohol: Siti tembak, Mujahid tepis

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Post time 18-7-2019 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 17-7-2019 05:45 PM
sam1528 replied at 16-7-2019 07:45 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 nak konar lagi

Cuba ko pakai otak sikit , ini da ...

Hi skidmark sniffer!
Macamana mereka tau haram? Apasal di arab saudi boleh di benar kan menjual beer 0% alcohol?

Masalah di malaysia ni JAKIM JAWI JAWA BANJAR haramkan beer 0% alkohol kerana terlalu ramai ummah bodoh iq rendah keliru kehulu kehilir seperti samdol ni kerana itu di haramkan! Ada faham ka samdol? Sehinggakan nak bersihkan diri selepas menggunakan tandas pun alim ulama kena ajar!

Sampai bila nak keliru?

PETALING JAYA: Heineken Malaysia Bhd has reiterated that the sale of its new non-alcoholic malt beverage, Heineken 0.0, is aimed at non-Muslims only.
It clarified that the beverage was non-halal and only targeted for non-Muslims aged 21 and above, as mentioned during their product launch and in previous media reports.

“All Heineken 0.0 products are only available at the non-halal zone of supermarkets and convenience stores, with clear signage indicating that it is strictly for non-Muslims, aged 21 and above only.
“For stores without designated non-halal areas, we are placing clear signages to inform consumers that Heineken 0.0 is strictly for non-Muslims, aged 21 and above,” it said in a statement.
The beverage, said the company, was for non-Muslim consumers who wished to moderate their alcohol consumption.
“The purpose for introducing Heineken 0.0 in Malaysia is to provide a choice for non-Muslim consumers who enjoy the taste of beer but not necessarily the effects of alcohol, particularly beer drinkers seeking to moderate their alcohol consumption as part of a balanced lifestyle,” it added.
It said this in response to complaints, including by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof (pic), for beer manufacturers in the country not to confuse consumers, especially Muslims, by producing alcohol-free drinks.
Bernama reported that Mujahid had told reporters during a function in Parit Buntar that the alcohol-free beer was only confusing Muslims and not a wise move as the process of producing the drink included distillation carried out in a system used to produce alcoholic products.
He also advised Muslims not to consume any product if they were doubtful of its halal status.
Jakim had also uploaded information on its Facebook, saying that the drink was made from the same process as alcoholic drinks and Muslims were prohibited from taking the drink – regardless if it had alcohol or not.
Heineken Malaysia said its “Now You Can” tagline for the Heineken 0.0 referred to the various new occasions that the drink could allow non-Muslim consumers to enjoy a beer, including lunch and work meetings or while driving.
“Our advertising materials on social media educate non-Muslim consumers about the ‘Now You Can’ occasions.
“As a responsible and progressive brewer, Heineken Malaysia is committed to advocating responsible consumption, and we believe Heineken 0.0 has an important role to play in this regard,” it said.
The company said it was “culturally sensitive” in its operations, adding that all its marketing materials had visible disclaimers that Heineken 0.0 was strictly for non-Muslims aged 21 and above only.


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Post time 18-7-2019 10:01 AM | Show all posts
i sokong Mujahid, lagipun punya lah banyak minuman lain ko boleh minum apahal sibuk nk minum beer tak kisah la zero alcohol ke 100% alcohol. Minum air kosong aje lagi healthy...kalua nk high minum coke, dh abis cerita

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Post time 18-7-2019 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Aje yg or Islam yg beli arak kat 7E..yg versi baru ni lebih kurang macam minum coke aje lah...lg senang minum2 tak mabuk.

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Post time 18-7-2019 11:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 05:37 AM
IQ lobai samdol terlalu rendah sehinggakan nak membersihkan diri selepas menggunakan toilet pun al ...

ini semua typical syndrom cult of personality. double the effect bila petik nama tuhan. di momok kan dgn rahmatan lil alamin, senang saja herd mentality bercambah dlm kepala ummah. sampai mau calit taik pun semua kena ikut apa pak ereb cakap

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Post time 18-7-2019 11:38 AM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 09:42 AM
Hi skidmark sniffer!
Macamana mereka tau haram? Apasal di arab saudi boleh di benar kan  ...

JAKIM? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpffftght

Lambang kebodohan orang Isle di Malaya.

Ingat lagi JAKIM suruh A&W tukar nama minuman sarsinya dan makanannya dari "Root Beer" dan "Coney Dog" baru boleh apply sijil halal?

"Mana boleh jual beer dengan daging anjing apply sijil halal?", kata lobai JAKIM yang gajinya dibayar dengan kutipan cukai dari rakyat!

Takajutkah kita bila menterinya juga lagi bodoh dari baghal?

Maideen~Hanya Isle menjana minda......Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpfffftght

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Post time 18-7-2019 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 18-7-2019 11:38 AM
JAKIM? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpffftght

Lambang kebodohan orang Isle di Malaya.

kau bodoh kena tipu dgn apek pentipu sijil

tolol kau paryah

dgn newbie pun kau hati tisu report mod




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Post time 18-7-2019 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 18-7-2019 03:38 AM
JAKIM? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpffftght

Lambang kebodohan orang Isle di Malaya.

nginzal ssme sndiri ke maideen...kerandut wan ji tu citer arr

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Post time 18-7-2019 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 18-7-2019 09:29 AM
Baaahwahwahwa ... lobai eukaryote M5 dah kena tampar sampai beol

Hang merepek apa ni tambi?

cambridge cerita lain, ko selit2 kunun kisah mitos pak ereb tu betul. kat sana pun dah boleh nampak kedangkalan pemikiran lobai sambil sesuka hati petik artikel cambridge. kalu kat bod sendu yg dikerumuni dgn muslim muslimah berbincang hukum makan pisang baja taik babi, hukum bercukur bulu kemaluan dsbnya mmg la depa kagum dgn peer reviewed cambridge tu

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Post time 18-7-2019 12:00 PM | Show all posts
MissVixen replied at 18-7-2019 09:40 AM
Dekat botol dalam gambar tu ada tulis brewed, jadi dia diperbuat dengan  kaedah fermentasi macam b ...

Apa2 yg ada 'brewed' bermakna ada fermentation bermakna alcohol akan jadik

Tapi tapai kita makan dlm 2 - 3 hari dimana carbohydrate ditukar jadik glucose (sugar) amat sedikit ethanol

Tak akan mabuk kalo makan satu tempayan pon

Kalo tunggu lama lagi , say 1 minggu (tak masuk peti ais) dah jadik haram pasal ethanol dah terbentuk & boleh memabukkan

Tunggu lama lagi akan jadik cuka (acetic acid) , halal balik

Kalo macam arak , depa akan tunggu sampai kandungang alcohol tu tahap memabukkan & akan hentikan proses fermentasi

Cara mereka hentikan fermentasi adalah dgn gunakan 'stopper' macam potassiun sorbate


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Post time 18-7-2019 12:24 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 09:42 AM
Hi skidmark sniffer!
Macamana mereka tau haram? Apasal di arab saudi boleh di benar kan  ...

Ha ha ha ha ... konfom lah lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 memang bodoh

Nampak benar ko tak pakai otak dgn hilite ko berkenaan isu ini :
He also advised Muslims not to consume any product if they were doubtful of its halal status.
Jakim had also uploaded information on its Facebook, saying that the drink was made from the same process as alcoholic drinks and Muslims were prohibited from taking the drink – regardless if it had alcohol or not.
Heineken Malaysia said its “Now You Can” tagline for the Heineken 0.0 referred to the various new occasions that the drink could allow non-Muslim consumers to enjoy a beer, including lunch and work meetings or while driving.

Beer yg Heineken buat tu yg kononnya 0.0 % alcohol adalah dari beer yg disuling atau distilled

Bermakna alkohol dia telah disuling atau distilled

Sebelum disuling , beer 0.0 tersebut adalah haram & considered najis

Najis tersebut is everything in there ; combination alcohol + glucose + vitamins + minerals

Walaupon alcohol tersebut dah kena distilled , najis kepada combination tersebut tetap najis

Adalah haram kalo kita consume najis

Sama lah kalo ko salam dgn abam deeen s*ks kambing tu yg tak basuh berak & tak basuh tangan pon

Transfer kat diri ko (kering atau tidak , aku tak tau lah tu) , camno?

Isu skg ko nak samakan dgn kononnya 'beer' kat saudi tu

Macamana cara perbuatan dia? Kalo tak ikut cara arak diperbuat & tak ada alcohol

Haram atau halal?

LOOOOLLL ... pahaman benda2 macam ni amat2 basic lah tambi tapi ko masih konfius lagi

Tu pasal aku dok kata , ko ni agak slow

Yg konfius skg adalah ko & geng ko : geng ateis , pro ateis , liberal & super liberal

Geng muslim , we are very clear about it



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Post time 18-7-2019 12:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 18-7-2019 12:00 PM
Apa2 yg ada 'brewed' bermakna ada fermentation bermakna alcohol akan jadik

ni ko ceduk kat sumber soal jawab isle mana ni lobai sam? sains la sangat penjelasan isle ni kan? pseudo sains versi lobai

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Post time 18-7-2019 12:28 PM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 18-7-2019 12:26 PM
ni ko ceduk kat sumber soal jawab isle mana ni lobai sam? sains la sangat penjelasan isle ni kan?  ...

arak membunuh

baby mampos sebab atuk bodh bunuh dia dgn arak

rezki yang baik konon

paryah maideen boleh la kau tipu


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Post time 18-7-2019 12:36 PM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 18-7-2019 11:59 AM
cambridge cerita lain, ko selit2 kunun kisah mitos pak ereb tu betul. kat sana pun dah boleh nampa ...

Baaahwahwahwa ... bila dah kena 'peeeek' setepek tang dahi , lobai eukaryote M5 buat U turn

Pulak dah , kalo peer reviewed publication dari Cambridge University kes lain pulak

Pada diri ko bukan pseudo science tapi ... pseudo pseudo science kot

Macamana dgn peer reviewed publication dari university lain?

Bila kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali , kata pulak suka2 petik publication tersebut

Ko ni mental lah , tak kan kalo dok cakap ttg 'stature of humans decreasing' nak bagi publication ttg space shuttle pulak

Lets face it lah : Ko dah malu dgn terhina sekali

Ko dok sibuk & klaim ttg

- Quran catat arak adalah rezki baik
- sakaran ... sakaran ... sakaran
tapi sampai skg bukti & rujukkan ko , 2 kali mati pon ko takut bagi

If you are a coward , just say so ... tak payah nak pusing2

Modal ayak liuk basi tak kemana lah tambi

Lepas ni , pi lah menganjing dgn boss k o, abam deeen s*ks kambing

Mamat tu tak basuh berak & tangan pon tak basuh

Cakap aje banyak ... habuk pon tadak

Last2 dok bebel bagai mabok todi ttg

- cukur bulu kemaluan lah
- baja taik babi lah

Dah desperate nak lari ke?



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Post time 18-7-2019 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 18-7-2019 12:48 PM
M5 replied at 18-7-2019 12:26 PM
ni ko ceduk kat sumber soal jawab isle mana ni lobai sam? sains la sangat penjelasan isle ni kan?  ...

Pulak dah , perkataan 'brewed' pon ko tak paham & ada isu pulak

Errr ni dia :
brew  (bru)  
v.t.    1. to  make  (beer,  ale,  etc.)  by  steeping,  boiling,  and  fermenting  malt  and  hops.
   2. to  prepare  (tea,  coffee,  etc.)  by  boiling,  steeping,  or  the  like.
   3. to  contrive,  plan,  or  bring  about:  to  brew  mischief.
v.i.    4. to  make  beer  or  ale.
   5. to  boil,  steep,  soak,  or  cook.
n.    6. a  quantity  brewed  in  a  single  process.
   7. a  brewed  beverage.
   8. any  concoction,  esp.  a  liquid  produced  by  a  mixture  of  unusual  ingredients:  a  witches'  brew.
   9. Informal. beer  or  ale.

Tolong lah sikit

Jgn lah teruk sgt ... malu tau lobai eukaryote M5

Nampak macam ko ni tak pernah ke sekolah aje

Ni pon dah kes jabat tangan dgn abam deeen s*ks kambing lepas tu pegang kepala

Alamat lah 'benda' tu dah transfer kat kepala

Boss ko tu tak basuh berak & tak basuh tangan tau

Aiyoyo ....



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Post time 18-7-2019 02:38 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 17-7-2019 08:24 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... konfom lah lobai mat slow kaki homosek v2 memang bodoh

Nampak benar ko tak paka ...

Puas lobai samdol iq rendah nak putarbelit...kekononya nak tunjuk cerdik!

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Post time 18-7-2019 02:40 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 06:38 AM
Puas lobai samdol iq rendah nak putarbelit...kekononya nak tunjuk cerdik!

tngok ..kapir bodoh ni nginzal

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Post time 18-7-2019 02:52 PM | Show all posts
Bersotong replied at 17-7-2019 10:40 PM
tngok ..kapir bodoh ni nginzal

Salawaalaikom gayporn!

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Post time 18-7-2019 02:54 PM | Show all posts

tngok kapir ni cite die ske gayporn..haha

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Post time 18-7-2019 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Bersotong replied at 17-7-2019 10:54 PM
tngok kapir ni cite die ske gayporn..haha

Hi kafir gayporn apa khabar?

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Post time 18-7-2019 02:56 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 18-7-2019 06:55 AM
Hi kafir gayporn apa khabar?

kapir ske gayporn..haha

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