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Life as Taitai (Sit Still, Look Pretty)

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Post time 13-2-2020 08:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
I'm very sure many girls are dreaming to live a life as a Taitai?  Tp is it really seindah yg disangka? Boleh tahan ke duk dendiam goyang kaki kat rumah? Bergantung sepenuh nya duit laki? And adakah husband (or partner) korang tu treat you kindly, knowing korang perabih boreh ja duk rumah tak membantu ekonomi? Jom discuss...

Could dress up
To get love
But guess what?
I'm never gonna be that girl
Who's living in a Barbie world
Could wake up
And make up
And play dumb
Pretending that I need a boy
Who's gonna treat me like a toy
I know the other girlies wanna wear expensive things
Like diamond rings
But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string
This queen don't need a king
Oh, I don't know what you've been told
But this gal right here's gonna rule the world
Yeah, that is where I'm gonna be because I wanna be
No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty
You get off on your nine to five
Dream of picket fences and trophy wives
But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be
No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty
Mister Right could be nice for one night
But then he wanna…

Disclaimer : i'm not a tai tai, but i have few of my gym friends yang mmg taitai yg keje nya cuma jaga badan, kecantikan, travel, spend time on hobbies, bela anak ikan...

i'm just a curious being tak boring ke life camtu? Takde goals and target to achieve?


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Post time 13-2-2020 09:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
No...A big no...umur akak dah 40an ni...sekarang ni cuma takut kematian merenggut anytime. ..bila2. ..banyak manusia2 sekeliling akak dan selebriti yang mati mengejut. ..terasa tiap hari masa bertambah...terasa umur makin berkurang. pendapat akak untuk diri akak sendiri. ...orang lain terpulang tu hak masing2. ...

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Post time 13-2-2020 09:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada, xbff meols masa sekolah.. now xde ber-bff sangat sbb meols rengsa tengok dia jd bimbo, mmg sejenis tai2 dgn driver & 2 maids.. ank 2 org je pun

Nk jd cerita, pernah tersempak dgn laki sheols dgn perempuan lain yg bertiang2 bergetah dr sheols.. but meols malas nk kabo

Kalo la laki dia ceraikan, mau masuk tanjung rambutan agaknya sbb sheols mmg x penah kerja n x sambung belajo

That kind of life.. not for me, tq. If shuben byk duit, lg elok mintak modal utk setup biz sendiri ikut minat memasing

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Post time 13-2-2020 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Sempat ke boring? sounds like their schedule is filled with things to do. Unless dia tai tai marhaen, mampu untuk tak kerja tapi laki tak cukup kaya untuk hantar enjoy dia sana sini.

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Post time 13-2-2020 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by rospinki at 13-2-2020 09:38 AM

reminds me of my little sister..tapi penatlah tengok dia. asik jaga mekap dan dressing ala2 retis holiwood. kadang aku tanya..kau ok tak? hahaha..

macam penyakit mental jugak banda ni sebab kita obses utk kelihatan sentiasa cantik dan bergaya tapi hakikatnya terpaksa memaksa diri utk terus bekerja dan memujuk orang.


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Post time 13-2-2020 11:01 AM | Show all posts
cakpa pasal tai tai ni kan..memang life diorg macam tu..ada laki anak-anak jgak. tapi still hang out ngan kawan2 sekufu macam biasa.
tak masak tak buat keja2 umah mcm normal wife..unlike me.
dapat laki kaya tapi kena menten vogue dan outstanding. mekap sentiasa fresh..asal jumpa aku je mesti dia ajak lepak kt sb mcm vip gaya. anak biar je kat umah..eeee..tak reti aku.

tak kisahle apa yg dia pilih..aku cakap as long as kau jgan pertikai cara aku. bila dia start pertikai keja dan life aku..ok bye.

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Post time 13-2-2020 11:16 AM | Show all posts
dulu ex kak ipar aku pun tai-tai.
keje melawa je,housewife  tp siap ade maid jaga anak.keje mengabihkan duit laki je.
blaja tak tinggi,lps  spm terus org kutip buat sebegitu untung asik soping je,memang kalah la kitorg laki bini yg bekerja ni.

tp x appreciate, kua jumpe jantan,bela jantan lain dgn duit laki bagi.kantoi pun laki maafkan,sampai 3 kali mmg babai la.skrg dgn xde duit nye,xde pengalaman keje blaja pun x tinggi mana,merana la hidup.dari elok dapat laki businessman,hidup tai-tai.skang laki yg die bela dulu pun dah lari.

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Post time 13-2-2020 11:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cantik + tak baik sangat tapi tak jahat = okay pe... hahahaha itu sebab boleh dapat apa nak.. shopping makan.. what a life!

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Post time 13-2-2020 11:34 AM | Show all posts
bestnya kalau jadi taitai..

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2020 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Kitty_catz replied at 13-2-2020 09:16 AM
Ada, xbff meols masa sekolah.. now xde ber-bff sangat sbb meols rengsa tengok dia jd bimbo, mmg seje ...

ah yes.. this is what i meant... leverage on kekayaan laki tu utk set up bisnes.. attend kursus2 utk membina hidup just in case husband masuk gol... prepare and secure oneself (and the kids future of course)...

nape laa taitai2 i kenal ni bodoh, bimbo, tak pikir amsa depan... yang i nampak.. just brag tunjuk acc bank jea juta2.. its not that i envy them, i sendiri pun ada career, i have my own businesses and funds... i cuba laa nak relate kan diorang ni dgn future and common sense.. tp cam i plak digelakkan balik

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2020 11:54 AM | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 13-2-2020 09:00 AM
No...A big no...umur akak dah 40an ni...sekarang ni cuma takut kematian merenggut anytime. ..bila2.  ...

i truly agree on your point... sepatutnya they include program2 utk masa depan dan akhirat... attend those classes... tp my circle of taitais ni byk jenis menyeksiiii je, mmg merapu je i rasa aktiviti2 diorang tu... gym ke sana sini

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2020 11:58 AM | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 13-2-2020 11:01 AM
cakpa pasal tai tai ni kan..memang life diorg macam tu..ada laki anak-anak jgak. tapi still hang out ...

ahh.. sebut pasal masak kan.... one of my taitai friend chose to cook meal preps and clean eating meals for her whole family... so segala mak nenek resipi clean eating lengkap skali calories counting and schedule of menu for the whole month can u imagine that!!! peti ais rumah dia ada 3 .... satu dedicated utk simpan meals yang dia dah siap2 prep... satu deep freezer utk keep the stocks... siap ada almari besar utk simpan all those organics ingredients... tp kadang2 i boring la jugak sbb asikk kena teman dia beli kat mercato dgn village/jaya grocer or cold storage semata.. sbb dia ni dah macam tahap freak, kalo beli kat pasaraya lain, dia rasa cam khasiat bahan2 tu diragukan.. hahahhahahahha whatever laaa haaa... kiasu? kancheong? u name it...

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2020 11:59 AM | Show all posts

best laa dengar tp i dapat rasa diorang ni kurang kasih sayang laki je hahahahahhahaha..

most of my taitai friends bini no 2 onwards... hahahahha..

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2020 12:08 PM | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 13-2-2020 11:01 AM
cakpa pasal tai tai ni kan..memang life diorg macam tu..ada laki anak-anak jgak. tapi still hang out ...

yes.. kengkadang ade je yang menggelakkan i.. sbb i choose and try to live a humble and simple life... i've been in their circle, tp i tak suka sbb i rasa kosong... so i find new motivation, reason for living....
i bukan taitai and i build my own career and business  from scratch... dari bawah...


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Post time 13-2-2020 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by supermum at 13-2-2020 12:22 PM
DatinAxia replied at 13-2-2020 11:35 AM
the problem is... are the activities yang dia buat tu ada value added / ada goals? busy mmg everyo ...

Well tak bermanfaat for u mungkin bermanfaat bagi dorang. They are living their dream life at the moment. Enjoy je lah. Ada org enjoy kerja, carik duit, bina career. Ada org enjoy rileks begitu duit tak habis makan. Ada org enjoy recluse life. Non issue pun.

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2020 12:38 PM | Show all posts
damiqula replied at 13-2-2020 11:16 AM
dulu ex kak ipar aku pun tai-tai.
keje melawa je,housewife  tp siap ade maid jaga anak.keje mengabi ...

sangat menginsafkan lesson learnt from ur ex SIL... ini yang i cuba surface out... dah bosan life as tai tai... takde hobi cari hobi... kawan2 pun susah nak stay dgn lifestyle camtu... then theyols cari anak ikan utk isi masa lapang, takde attention suami... or even worse... sex cuma dpt kadang2 je dari husband, sbb husband dah kecut terung nya... takde stamina.. ahhahahahha

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Post time 13-2-2020 12:46 PM | Show all posts
DatinAxia replied at 13-2-2020 12:08 PM
yes.. kengkadang ade je yang menggelakkan i.. sbb i choose and try to live a humble and simple lif ...

tai tai my sister bukan 2nd wife..dia solely wife to her lovely laki..tapi nak kena keja kuat utk tambah income utk menten lifestyle cam orang kaya..pefeeling saja barangkali. kaya sgt tidakla..dia je suka bgitu. bagi aku bersederhana sudah takyah ikut orang. ni jadi tak tentu asik nak catch up life kaya-kaya sampai orang yg tak sepikiran lalu dikata takde hala tuju..apakah? dia? asal jumpa je citer pasal bisnes...ok for bisnes tapi nak amik kesempatan orang lain tu aku tak suka. apa dia ingat bila nampak kayaterus cakap dia orang akan ikut ke? sukahati je..wekk

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Post time 13-2-2020 01:31 PM | Show all posts

dulu ada ofismate, kami gelar dia tai-tai sbb hubby dia mmg kaya raya, dia takyah kerja pun takper....tapi salary my ex-ofismate tu pun byk gak around 30-40k per month....last year dia dpt VSS, terus jadi tai-tai....lps jadi tai-tai, dia buka kedai kat satu mall di KL. Selain kedai, sibuk jaga anak lah kot...

Ada kawan lagi, tai-tai jugak, ok jer...ada kedai jugak....but I don't think dia active uruskan kedai far nie tgk dia active dgn mcm2 activity, kawan2 pun ramai...dia mmg educated orgnyer dan mmg dilahirkan in silver spoon gitu...pnh kerja tapi resigned dan buka kedai, hubby dia lebih dari mampu nak support. She's the only wife to her hubby. Anak2 pun dah besar2....takde plak tgk dia giler makeup or berfesyen....still humble mcm dulu2...

Who are we to say psl life choice org, tak semua org sama kehendaknyer....choice kita tak semestinyer terbaik...


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 Author| Post time 13-2-2020 01:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 13-2-2020 12:46 PM
tai tai my sister bukan 2nd wife..dia solely wife to her lovely laki..tapi nak kena keja kuat utk  ...

Mmg susah nak change lifestyle.. apatah lagi nak tone down kalo dah biasa bermewah... i pun still in my journey towards achieving simple life and humble lifestyle...

Thats why im proud calling myself datin axia.. i want to be humble and have simple life

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Post time 13-2-2020 02:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DatinAxia replied at 13-2-2020 11:52 AM
ah yes.. this is what i meant... leverage on kekayaan laki tu utk set up bisnes.. attend kursus2 u ...

To each their own kut sis.. nk komen lebey2 pun nothing to do with us..

Maybe to some better to cry in a ferrari tok laki bagi than a maserati beli guna duit sendiri

Meols if kluar ngan set2 ni mmg x berapa boleh layan cerita2 deyols.. diff frequency

Same like u, i run my company too..

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