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Author: Rachel_Green

Aktor Bollywood mati bunuh diri

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Post time 18-6-2020 02:24 PM | Show all posts
Rachel_Green replied at 18-6-2020 01:03 PM
TQ uols...sedih plak i baca...

ye...sedih kan....xsangka plk ade depression

dhla hensem mamat ni, berlakon pon boleh tahan...sedih


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Post time 18-6-2020 02:44 PM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 18-6-2020 01:25 PM
Ai suka gandingan Arjun dgn Katrina dalam tu. Walaupun scene tak banyak tp ada kimia disitu... Ye  ...

yup nmpk kimia antara arjun n katrina. kat nmpk sesuai dgn lelaki yg matured or bapak2 figure kecuali salman

KWK tu i tgk pelakon i suka je. tapi soalan rapid fire dia msti tk tinggal nama ranbir and all fav star dia hmm. i rasa annoying dgn watak ranbir dlm ADHM,kau dah kenapa kan kena dumb lembik semacam?betul la kot kena dgn kjo. paling rengsek ep KWK alia n deepika nampak nau sheolls insecure kan disitu. yela sebelah exgf bf sheolls cntik tinggi dari dia pendek muka bdk2 bercakap pun laju semacam.

yela last under dharma tak silap i movi dia dgn kat yg tk mnjdi sgt tu. tp i rsa movi tu ok je mybe netz sana tak berapa suka kot.

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Post time 18-6-2020 02:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shaiy replied at 18-6-2020 02:44 PM
yup nmpk kimia antara arjun n katrina. kat nmpk sesuai dgn lelaki yg matured or bapak2 figure kecu ...

Ai sgt setuju. Kat mmg sesuai dgn lelaki matured mcm Arjun Rampal, Hrithik Roshan ataupun Akshay Kumar. Dengan Salman mmg totally out. Nampak busuk sangat.

Kjo ni pergi mana2 mmg suka meratib nama Ranbir. Agaknya syok kat Ranbir tp member tak layan. Siap kena kutuk lagi dengan tuan punya badan. Tapi asal dapat meratib nama Ranbir sana sini pun jadilah. Hahhaaaa... Watak Ayan tu mmg lembik mcm Kjo. Rengsa jugak Ai tgk. Mujur yang berlakon Ranbir n lagu2 pun best... Alia tu nampak lah insecure masa Deepy belum kahwin lagi. Skrg dah boleh selesa dgn kedudukan dia dihati Ranbir n keluarga. Ai okay je dengan Alia ni wlpn bimbo. Hahaaa... Filem Raazi dia dgn Vicky tu best. Ai siap beli novel dia lagi.

Baar Baar Dekho tu kan. Haah, Ai pun rasa okay je movie tu. Tp selera penonton lain2 kan. Tp elok lah Sid bergerak sendiri tanpa support Kjo wlpn filem2 dia agak sendu selepas tu.

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Post time 18-6-2020 03:13 PM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 18-6-2020 02:59 PM
Ai sgt setuju. Kat mmg sesuai dgn lelaki matured mcm Arjun Rampal, Hrithik Roshan ataupun Akshay K ...

busuk2 pun still fan dia kata secocok uolls siap  nak dorang kawen euuww sngat

member tak layan atok tua,netz sana pun leh tahan gak bahan ranbir dgn ayan mukherji bff heolls. sbb pegi mana asik la berdua hahhahhha. i rasa alia akan stop insecure bila dia dh kwen dgn ranbir. best ke raazi uolls? i tk tgk lagi sbb i kureng sikit dgn lakonan alia bhatt. skrg ni netz kaw boikot alia siap beramai2 unfolo sheolls. kesian dgn brahmastra tergendala konon keluar last year,thn ni pulak covid,skrg ni isu nepotism huhuhu malang gak nasib sheolls.

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Post time 18-6-2020 03:26 PM | Show all posts
sian sushant...
kat india mmg depa treat pelakon drama mcm seken class...
tgk heroine Naagin tu...
lepas 1 ka 2 filem hilang senyap sunyi...
mmg x leh survive lama gamaknyaa ....

kecoh dah kat sana isu nepotism dalam film industry...
obvious sgt, asai anak pelakon, mesti bleh diterima wpun lakonan hauk...
deepika tu sbb pak dia player badminton pemes, some more dia dr circle model, mcm anushka...
leh laa masuk geng...

yg mai dr background x pemes nih mcm sushant....kangana... struggle laa hampaa wpun berbakat....
kangana ni lakonan dia baguih lg dari si kareena kapoor tu...
kareena karisma harap sexy saja...
lakonan supa tu jaa x dak yg memorable pun haih.

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Post time 18-6-2020 04:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shaiy replied at 18-6-2020 03:13 PM
busuk2 pun still fan dia kata secocok uolls siap  nak dorang kawen euuww sngat

member tak lay ...

Kannnn. Fans memasing ni buta agaknya. Elok lah Kat jaga Vicky leklok sana. Tak usah u turn pergi dekat Salman tu.

Memang sentiasa berdua Ayan n Ranbir tu. Sampai ada yg tuduh Ayan jd batu api supaya Ranbir tinggalkan Kat. Netizen sana mmg hebat buat andaian... Best Raazi tu. Based on true story. Ai suka filem2 gini. Lakonan Alia n Vicky memang wajar dapat pujian dan wajar jugak filem ni dpt best filem awards. Fans Alia tgh backup dia skrg. Silap Alia ni terikut2 sangat rentak si Kjo tu. Kalau dia tinggalkan Kjo mcm Sid n Varun buat mesti ramai suka dia.

Brahmastra tu delayed sbb Ayan ni perfectionist sangat katanya. Dia nak make sure everything perfect. Bukan main tibai je. Lgpun trilogi sbb tu asyik delayed je. Itu pun Ai rasa kena push sbb tu hari tu dah ada date release. Tp dah covid ni kan tak tahu apa jadi.

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Post time 18-6-2020 04:44 PM | Show all posts
bestnye baca korang gosip. terus harini balik nak tengok hindustan dekat neflix haha

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Post time 18-6-2020 04:50 PM | Show all posts
kalau hati tak cukup kering dan takda bekap kuat, jgn berani2 masuk Bollywood. sampai sekarang ai ingat kisah Kareena Kapoor menampar Bipasha Basu dan panggil dia kucing hitam. mentang2lah KK putih melepak kemerah2an

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Post time 18-6-2020 08:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
saaya replied at 17-6-2020 09:37 PM
Ai setuju dengan uols. Nak salahkan big banner 100% mmg agak tak betul lah jugak kan. Nepotism wuj ...

Anushka sharma model je kan..bukan star kid ka.?masa rabne bana de jodi pun dia kena casting kan..baru dapat role tu..yg tu yg meols tau la..kot ada yg meols tak tahu..hehe

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Post time 18-6-2020 08:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by lr7 at 18-6-2020 09:34 PM
saaya replied at 17-6-2020 09:37 PM
Ai setuju dengan uols. Nak salahkan big banner 100% mmg agak tak betul lah jugak kan. Nepotism wuj ...

Betul..salman mmg meols tak suka..suka cari pasal dengan orang smpi ingt dia tuhan pulak kat bollywood tu..ingt masa dia gaduh dgn srk kat party tu..padahal dia yg ejek srk dulu..lpas srk balas eh marah pulak dia..dia ejek org ejek dia xboleh..tambah asyik masuk 300 caror club movie dia..lagi bertambah besar kepala..padahal mcm bagi iols la dabang ke ek tha tiger ka..ala cite sampahnya la..bajrangi je yg okay..

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Post time 18-6-2020 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lr7 replied at 18-6-2020 08:13 PM
Anushka sharma model je kan..bukan star kid ka.?masa rabne bana de jodi pun dia kena casting kan.. ...

Tak silap Ai makpak Anushka ni tentera ke apa. Tapi Anushka mmg bukan starkids... Ai kurang tahu psl Anushka. Yang Ai tahu, Ranbir mengaku Anushka BFF dia wlpn Anushka tak pernah mengaku. Hahahaaa... Tp still Ai layan jugak filem2 Anushka. Anushka ni agak outspoken jugak orangnya. Jenis cakap lepas.

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Post time 18-6-2020 09:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lr7 replied at 18-6-2020 08:15 PM
Betul..salman mmg meols tak suka..suka cari pasal dengan orang smpi ingt dia tuhan pulak kat bol ...

Ai mula2 okay je dgn Salman ni. Tp sejak kes dia langgar gelandangan sampai mati lepas tu sampai skrg tak ada apa2 keadilan dilakukan mmg Ai turn off terus... Jangankan SRK, Ranbir dulu pun pernah kena lempang dgn dia. Masa tu dia tak tahu Ranbir anak Rishi Kapoor. Ranbir pun bukan jenis nk jaja nama family. Bila dia dapat tahu terus jumpa Rishi minta maaf... Salman ni fanbased kuat uols. Banyak buat charity. So orang mudah lupa kesalahan2 lepas dia. Lepas tu filem2 keluar mst time Eid. Mmg lah box office wlpn filem hauk.

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2020 09:14 AM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 18-6-2020 01:16 PM
Kann. Tapi watak Mahi Aurora tu macam combination watak heroine2 Bollywood kan. So mmg xnampak san ...


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 Author| Post time 19-6-2020 09:17 AM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 18-6-2020 09:25 PM
Ai mula2 okay je dgn Salman ni. Tp sejak kes dia langgar gelandangan sampai mati lepas tu sampai s ...

i actually tak tahu sangat pasal salman ni..sebab dari dulu memang tak minat dia..tapi lepas baca komen2 u..i google sebab nak tau camna salman punya perangai ..sekali i jumpak ni..OMG memang teruk perangai salman ni...
10 Reasons Why Salman Khan Is The Ultimate Bad BoySalman Khan is definitely notyour ideal Role Model. In fact the man doesn't even qualify for a good humanbeing! He's a larger-than-life image of all those qualities which make someIndian men so loathsome. He is a concentrate of everything bad about the Indianman. He thinks his is the most important human sample on planet Earth and thateveryone else exists to please him or do things according to him. I hate suchpeople and I know a lot of people who can't tolerate such behavior from afellow 'human being'.
So here goes a listof the top 10 reasons why Salman Khan is a nightmare of a human being. Read on!
1. No respect for women: Theman beats up his women! What worse could be expected from a celeb half on Indialooks up to? He doesn't know how to respect women! Yet all his films portrayhim as the messiah who beats up the bad guys! I wonder who will beat up SalmanKhan in real life!

2. He'sa horrible boyfriend: Besides, beating up his girlfriends, this manoffers zero emotional fidelity to the relationship. I don't understand whyanyone would even consider dating him. He's such a flop when it comes topersonal relationships! He's incapable of cultivating meaningful relationshipsbased on love, trust and mutual respect!
3. He's a criminal: He's officiallykilled people. I don't know if it gets worse than that. And not for hisideology - he's not a naxal or a jehadi! He's just a petty drunk driver whocouldn't handle his drink and steering and thus ran over a bunch of poor peoplewho were sleeping on the footpath after a hard day's work.Not just that healso kills for his pleasure. He thought it would be funny to shoot a fewendangered black bucks because clearly the pubs in Mumbai are not enough forhim. or maybe because he got bored of killing people!
4. Hedoesn't own up to his mistakes: If Salman Khan had any shame orconscience then he would have owned up to it. He would have said yes I amguilty - I did those things and I regret it. Instead this man just decides tokeep wearing the "hero mask" on the silver screen and say bigdialogues like "Hum yahan ke Robinhood hai ... Robinhood Pandey"
5. He'sgot no self control: This man randomly abuses and thrashes peoplearound him. His tiff with the media is constant. I wonder how many cameramen hehas assaulted. And why? Because they were trying to do their job? They can'treally help pestering a Bollywood star! That's what earns them the bread!Besides, they have a boss over their head! No other star behaves like this withmedia personnel besides Salman Khan.
6. He'sunprofessional: He arrives drunk on the sets of his film. He arrivesway after time. He's basically a nightmare to work with. He clearly doesn'tbelieve in this dialogue when it comes to real life - "Ek baar mainecommitment kar di, toh phir mai apne aap ki bhi nahi sunta"

7. He'sa Megalomanic: This man is so obsessed with power and with himselfthat he actually changes scripts! Infact he sits out with the editor makingsure he looks awesome in each shot! No wonder his films are so crappy!
8. He'sruined a lot of careers: At one point of time Vivek Oberoi was a verypromising new comer. People were saying he could be the next SRK! And thenSalman Khan happened to him. Now he's a laughing stock. Nothing more. Was itreally that big a deal that he had to ruin someone's career by pulling stringsin the industry? Why does he have so much ego?
9. Awomanizer: He uses his industry contacts to get personal benefits! Everytime there a newcomer in the Industry, Salman khan must sleep with her. Hebasically has sex with women half his age by promising to give their career astrong backing! Sorry but that's kind of very sad!

10. He'sa bad actor: This man is not good at the one this the world knows himfor! His acting is so bad that directors have now started casting him in movieswhere he plays Salman Khan only. The film fraternity has given up expectingexpressions out of Salman's face! I wonder how he gets to sleep at night. Not agood human being, not a good lover, not even a good actor. What's he good at?


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 Author| Post time 19-6-2020 09:26 AM | Show all posts
lr7 replied at 18-6-2020 08:13 PM
Anushka sharma model je kan..bukan star kid ka.?masa rabne bana de jodi pun dia kena casting kan.. ...

haah betul..anushka bukan starkid...i suka dia...lagi sorang i suka kangana..dia pon bukan starkid..

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Post time 19-6-2020 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mawaria replied at 18-6-2020 04:44 PM
bestnye baca korang gosip. terus harini balik nak tengok hindustan dekat neflix haha

Kn....iols dah lama x follow gosip2 Bollywood plak baca kt sini...

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2020 09:37 AM | Show all posts
kangana jer yg berani sound karan depan2 pasal isu nepotism


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 Author| Post time 19-6-2020 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Rachel_Green at 19-6-2020 09:47 AM
dani-rox replied at 18-6-2020 04:50 PM
kalau hati tak cukup kering dan takda bekap kuat, jgn berani2 masuk Bollywood. sampai sekarang ai in ...

kareena palingbanyak musuh dalam senarai musuh2 dia..

BOBBY DEOL- It is common news that the two didntget along during Ajnabbe. She even sdmited it on KWK. Apparently, even karishmais not very fond of the deol boys.
PREITY ZINTA- the whole Kal Ho Na Ho episoderesulting in Preity's Superstardom. Kareena lost the "role of aliftime" (her own words on KWK.
SHAHID KAPUR- Maybe not enemies but they certainlyarent very comfortabel with eachother. On Tera mera beach mein, Kareena saidthat ex-girl friends can never be friends.
AISHWARYA RAI- She seems to have a definte disliketo Aishwarya. Perhaps becuase Karishma was to marry Abhihek. Or maybe causeKareena was considered too imature to enact the role of Paro in Devdasalongside the Queen Madhuri Dixit. Aishwarya eventually immortalized Paro.
SANJAY BHANSALI- There were talks of her doing Devdas,But Aishwarya was chosen at the end. Recently, she showed up at the Saawariyapremier so they may have patched up somewhat.

JOHN ABRAHAM & BIPASHA BASU- Maybe cause of Bipasha, but Kareenacalled him "expressionless" and Bipasha rataliated by saying kareena"has too many expressions.
PRIYANKA CHOPRA- First they were considered goodfriends. But somewhere, something DID go wrong. Priyanka later explained thatthey were better off being acquaintances than friends. Maybe Kareena didntexpect Priyanka to become the star that she did, eventaully giving Kareenastiff competition.
HRITHIK ROSHAN- Media linked them together and theywere the new hot jodi in the early 2000's. But after doing half a dozen flopfilms together (besides K3g), they parted ways and dont show signs of workingtogether again. Maybe the affiar has some truth in it.
AMISHA PATEL- Kaho Na Pyaar Hain orignally hadKareena but she dropped it to do Refugee cause it was thought that Amitacbh'sson would be the bigger star and the film a biggger hit. Another great filmthat Kareena lost out on.


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Post time 19-6-2020 09:53 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 18-6-2020 04:50 PM
kalau hati tak cukup kering dan takda bekap kuat, jgn berani2 masuk Bollywood. sampai sekarang ai in ...

aiyo sbb kasta kah?
bangsa deme tu klo putih2 eksyen kemain...

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2020 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Rachel_Green at 19-6-2020 10:00 AM
JiEunTak replied at 18-6-2020 03:26 PM
sian sushant...
kat india mmg depa treat pelakon drama mcm seken class...
tgk heroine Naagin tu.. ...

kan...i rasa antara artis bollywood yg berjaya tanpa nipo ni antaranya:
Shah Rukh Khan
Juhi Chawla
Madhuri Dixit
Manisha Koirala
Priety Zinta
Akshay Kumar
Sidharth Malhotra
Anushka Sharma
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Priyanka Chopra
Vidya Balan
Rajkumar Rao
Ayushmann Khurrana
Aishwarya Rai



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