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Kids & Pet Animal

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Post time 25-7-2005 01:02 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Anak2 you all ada haiwan peliharaan tak?

Pada yg takde, and suddenly anak minta pet animal, you all kasi tak? U turutkan tak kehendak anak you? atau tidak?

Apa pet animal yg you  rasa elok dan sesuai utk anak2 kita?  kucing ? hamster ? rabbit? apa  lagi yer. ..err ada lagi ker..?

And then, In terms of bulu2 dia tak berterbangan, kebersihan, kesihatan anak kita terjamin, iyelah takut jangkitan virus2 lain  mcm  batuk ker, you tahulah kan kalau ada kucing utk di simpan di dlm rumah seeloknya kucing tuh pun mesti betul2 bersih, kena shower kan dia, kasi injection jugak dr kena kurap, kutu dan sbgainya. Selain maintenance dia yg kita kena jaga, the main concern  ialah ttg kesihatan anak kita dgn pet animal tuh.

In case you beli jugak utk dia apa yg perlu ditegaskan kat sini? I mean biar pet animal tuh dok dlm sangkar ajer? takyah kasi dia pegang.. bole ker..?

Then in case you  tak moh beli, what is your good reason yg you nak explain pada anak ni, supaya dia tak ulang bertanya berkali2, tak sakit ati, tak frust, tak down, tak merajuk on and on dan sebaliknya...? Even kita promise nak gantikan permintaan dia tuh dgn permainan yg superb pun dia still nak pet animal jugak mcm mana?

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Post time 25-7-2005 02:19 PM | Show all posts
i mmg takkan beli pet utk anak2 i nanti
tak suka la bulu2 tu.. lagipun family i ada penyakit asma
so, jgn cari pasal orang kata.. heheheee :lol :lol

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Post time 25-7-2005 02:24 PM | Show all posts
guana takde bulu kan? emm... :hmm:

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Post time 26-7-2005 12:45 AM | Show all posts
I bought my 7 year old daughter 2 ekor kura2. Tapi hampeh, bapaknya yg kena cuci aquarium, bagi makan. Bila dpt adik tak ingat lansung pets dia. last2 bagi org.

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Post time 26-7-2005 08:33 AM | Show all posts
aisey! baby saya kecik lagi & tatau pasal haiwan.

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Post time 26-7-2005 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sasha at 25-7-2005 01:02 PM:
Anak2 you all ada haiwan peliharaan tak?

Pada yg takde, and suddenly anak minta pet animal, you all kasi tak? U turutkan tak kehendak anak you? atau tidak?

Apa pet animal yg you  rasa elok d ...

hi...anak awak mintak nak binatang apa? maybe he/she has her own preference....i dont really like pet animals...i'm quite skeptical abt it...even cats...mcm2 penyakit blh dapat if tak kena caranya...anyway...if u really want to get ur kid a pet, get the one that he/she likes and senang nak jaga la...pastu kena selalu take care so that kebersihan and kebersihan terjamin..

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Post time 27-7-2005 01:06 AM | Show all posts

akmal mintak puppy:stp:..dia nak bawa puppy jalan2 petang, nak tarik tali kat leher puppy...cemana tuh?

me jawab kat dia bila dia dok mintakkk..." ummi jaga akmal pun dah penat..nak jaga baby lagi...nanti ummi lari balik kampung!"...hihihihihi

so far itu aje yg dia mintak....oo..ade jugak dia mintak bagi the same reason... kata kat dia puppy tu kotor..kita takleh pegang...

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Post time 27-7-2005 01:51 AM | Show all posts
I recommend a hamster or a rabbit... bought one for my daughter on her 4th birthday...

Well, to quote nasi^impit on your asthma in your family... saya sejak kecik lagi memang ada penyakit asma... tapi sepanjang idup saya, saya bergelumang dengan kucing, alhamdulillah takde asma becoz of cats or animals... (of course kena thru benda lain la, dust, makan oren waktu malam etc)

If I am not mistaken there is a scientific fact that having pets in the house will actually boost the immune system of people living in the house, or something like that. I think the more exact term is that we are more resistive to illnesses, mungkin sebab lambat laun kita akan biasa dengan pet animals nanti.

I personally prefer cats, but after several considerations i bought a pet rabbit (yang bulu panjang punya) for my daughter. My suggestion is to get a rabbit because of the following:
1. boleh toilet-train (dia berak / kencing dalam sangkar aje, given time), and even dia berak pun, najisnya seakan-akan biji lada hitam, so senang nak bersih (unless dia kencing, of course, tapi alhamdulillah our rabbit kat umah dah pandai kencing and berak dalam sangkar dia sendiri)
2. makan satu jenis food aje (rabbit pellets) + air
3. generally easy untuk jaga. kalau nak mandikan dia dalam sebulan sekali dah ok. boleh dok dalam sangkar aje... tapi once in a while let the rabbit out just to stretch its legs.

Kalau nak tips jaga rabbit just pm me... I tau la serba sedikit though i am not an expert. Alhamdulillah si Poof (our Jersey Wooly rabbit) has been around with us for a few months and he's already part of our family...

Cuma penangannya kalau rabbit tu bulu panjang, kena jaga bulunya. bukannya kalau bulu gugur (which is actually rare), tapi takut bulu berbelit... so kena sikat / groom rabbit tu selalu.

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Post time 27-7-2005 01:53 AM | Show all posts
Kalau nak ambik rabbit... I recommend cari yang bulu pendek for starters. Senang nak jaga. Nanti bila I nak dapatkan partner for my Poof I mungkin carik yang bulu pendek punya... so nanti anak-anak Poof bulu sederhana panjang... sure comel. Dah la my Poof ni ala kucing Persian... kalau "mix and match" jadi ala-ala Burman ke... British Shorthair ke... :D

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Post time 27-7-2005 09:17 AM | Show all posts
baby kita kecik lagi tak tau pasal pel animal nie tp tak tau ler bila dia dah besar nnti. tingat time kecik2 tingin sgt nak bela kucing yg berbulu lebat tue dah ada org nak kasik tp mak kita marah bela kucing sbb dia tak suka, terpaksa ler pendam niat tue.

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Cutie_Mommy This user has been deleted
Post time 29-7-2005 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Baru2 ni my son ada minta kucing, mula2 tak berani nak promise sbb takut tak dpat nak tunaikan psl takut tak terjaga. but suddenly i belive dulu2 i ada bela kucing 5 ekor, alhamdullillah ok cuma bila i dah pregnant i kasi my sister & brother to look after. but that time blum ada anak mmg la ada masa nak jaga kucing But  lepas pikir punya pikir sbb dia tiap2 hari menyebut tak henti2 rasa kesian jugak Last2 i decide bela juga, anak kucing utk dia last tuesday.

My son choose anak kucing kaler oren kacukan persian baru 3 bulan, and he decided to put her name as Toulouse .. tp itulah sbb utk  pastikan kesihatan dia juga terjamin i kena juga la rajin bersihkan dia dan jaga makan minumnya.

First day amik dia i dah antar dia pegi cucuk vaksin kat klinik haiwan. selain pd tuh i beli segala peralatannya mcm sangkar, pasir utk dia membuang, bekas makanan dan minuman, makanan dia, rantai leher dia, sikat dia, syampoo mandi dia dan vitamin utk supplement.

abis2 semua dekat RM900++.. rabak gak rasa tp bila tgk dia punyalahh excited..hilang rasa rabak tuh hehhe.

Lupa nak mention, Sbelum i dah decide nak beli i ingatkan  pd anak i balik sekolah relax dulu mandi, makan dah kenyang baru bole main dgn kucen kalau tak mama tak nak beli. Then kucing tuh hanya bole keluar masuk kat ruang tamu aje, tak bole bawak sampai ke bilik. Bila malam tak bole main dgn kucing, hanya dibenarkan siang shj.

so far dah 2 3 hari ni dia ikut peraturan yg i kasi. In case in future dia tak ikut iyelah budak2 kan sekejap aje oknya.. so kena ingat2kan dia lagi, Kita dgn budak2 jgn cepat rasa jemu nak mengingatkan supaya dia tahu apa yg kita buat semuanya terbaik utk dia.

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Post time 27-8-2005 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Hi, saja nak bukak balik topik ni just to share my balik my ideas regarding pets in the household.

Memang la we consider pets as dirty... dengan berak dia, bulu dia, kita ibarat binatang tu kotor atau tak hygenic, dan macamacam lagi. Kalau la anak kita sendiri kalau tak terjaga kesihatan dia, mandi dia, makan minum dia, macam mana?

Personally I resent that statement. I am saying this on this basis:
1. I have a pet at home, a rabbit, bought for my daughter last April.
2. I have asthma, and thankfully I did not get any asthma attacks just by being close to my pet. (or any asthma attacks, for the matter)

Granted, some pets, if left unattended, will be considered unhealthy, unhygenic, dirty, etc, which will directly or indirectly affect the health of your family at home. Usually we perceive them as dirty because we see them all the time, especially cats and dogs, especially those that stray around. This is a rather biased perception, as we see them on the outside.

If you wish to buy a pet for your loved one, consider getting a marsupial or rodent type animal (rabbit, hamster, chincilla etc). Reason being, which I can give you, based on my own personal experience, are as follows:

1. They can be toilet trained (refer to my previous post). My rabbit (Poof) after a while kurung dalam cage (of course after some occasional mishaps) alhamdulillah sekarang tau toilet dia kat mana.

2. If kept in the house, groomed regularly and bathed occasionally, you can't say that the animal is dirty, right? Lain la kala
u cats and dogs, who occasionally roam outside.

3. Having a pet in the house will actually boost your immune system, or, at least, makes you more resistant to minor ailments (refer previous post). At first masa I got my Poof, I tak bagi my kids to touch them, tapi sekarang ni kalau my baby boy nak usap-usap dia pun I tak kisah. Sebab I don't see that they can get sick just by touching Poof. Of course, hygiene mesti dijaga, I make sure they wash their hands after that. (Tapi kalau memang dah alergik dengan animals, don't get furry animals, consider yang takde bulu or species lain ke...)

4. Having a pet in the house will teach your loved ones a sense of responsibility. I quote from a post in this thread:

Sasha quotes:
Then in case you  tak moh beli, what is your good reason yg you nak explain pada anak ni, supaya dia tak ulang bertanya berkali2, tak sakit ati, tak frust, tak down, tak merajuk on and on dan sebaliknya...? Even kita promise nak gantikan permintaan dia tuh dgn permainan yg superb pun dia still nak pet animal jugak mcm mana?

You can say to your child that: "Okay, mommy / daddy boleh belikan untuk baby, tapi baby kena jaga dia. Kalau mommy / daddy belikan ni, baby kena janji dengan mommy / daddy yang baby boleh jaga pet ni, jaga makan minum dia, jaga berak dia, jaga kesihatan dia, boleh? Apa-apa yang jadi pada pet baby ni adalah tanggungjawab baby tau!" Hopefully they will think twice on having a pet in the house.

5. Maintenance senang giler (as far as my rabbit is concerned). Asal tukar berak dia daily, bagi dia food (in pellets form), sudah. Give them love, and they will be part of the family.

6. Pets have feelings. They know what's right and wrong, given the proper encouragement.

7. Even berak dia (normally macam oversized biji lada hitam), can be used as a natural fertilizer for your plants. Ye la, dia makan benda-benda sayur aje. I pernah tanya Poof punya mommy (the sales girl masa I beli dia) that kat rabbit farm tu, farmers ambik diorang punya droppings as fertilizer for their crops.

8. Rabbits are quiet. Tak macam kucing yang selalu mengiau kalau nak attention. But they are very affectionate, adorable and often times very cute but very naughty :bgrin: . (not to say that i resent cats... I am an avid cat lover ya). Kalau nak buat manja tu ada la dia sondol-sondol hidung dia kat kaki kita ke, celah kain ke...

9. Considerably cheap. There's a rabbit seller at Subang Jaya ( nama dia Mei Yee, Poof's "mommy" ) yang bukak gerai kat bazar di Subang Parade every Saturday/Sunday (near MPH bookstore). U can choose which type of rabbit, total cost is RM180 for a Angora / Jersey Wooly type (seekor), plus dia kasi free cage, two bowls for food and water, and rabbit pellets. Additional cost would include a slicker brush and comb for long-furred rabbits (kena jaga bulu dia sikit), mineral block for nutrient supplement, bedak and syampu, and that's it. Kalau any problems with the rabbit you can come back to her stall anytime (of course within Saturday/Sunday la) for consultation, vaccinations if necessary, free of charge. Your monthly maintenance will roughly be about RM20 a month for food and mineral block aje.

Kalau kat Pets Wonderland / Pet Shop, a typical Anggoran / Jersey Wooly type will cost between RM150 - RM180, excluding items.

Sekarang ni Poof dah sampai tahap boleh lompat-lompat atas badan saya, siap geletek-geletek lagi.



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Post time 27-8-2005 11:58 AM | Show all posts
anak jambu suka tengok iklan makanan kucing  friskies...mcm kene beli kucing laks pulak lepas ni ....:stp:

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2005 11:06 AM | Show all posts
wah shahnazz ..thanks for your inputs.. same goes to all of you :  I pun dr kecik suka pet ..dulu2 pernah berangan nak bela tiger :bgrin:

[ Last edited by Sasha at 29-8-2005 11:12 AM ]

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Post time 29-8-2005 12:45 PM | Show all posts
thanks sasha... sekadar kongsi pendapat & pengalaaman ajer

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