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Post time 28-8-2006 11:48 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by bdk2 at 10-1-2012 21:59

ada sesiapa yg pernah pergi Phuket melalui jalan darat dari Malaysia??? kalu ada yg naik direct flight dari Malaysia/Singapura pun bolehlah bercerita. ;)

apa yg ada kat phuket selain dari pantainya yg antara yg tercantik di dunia. ada apa2 yg menarik lagi tak ??? :tq:

[ Last edited by  chumpon at 2-1-2008 07:12 PM ]



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Post time 29-8-2006 12:02 AM | Show all posts
saya start dari Hat Yai lah sbb dari Bukit Kayu Hitam (BKH) rasanya boleh rujuk thread Hat Yai/Songkhla.

Dari Hat Yai, the first leg mesti melalui wilayah Phatthalung about 95 km north. Kalau dari BKH, turn left at the first flyover just before entering Hat Yai city limit. (It is a mjor instersection, kalau turn right ke Pattani, jalan terus masuk Hat Yai/Songkhla)

It is a dual carriageway Thai style. A lot of level crossing, u turns and even occasional traffic lights. Beware of motorcycles in the emergency lane - going the wrong way !

Apart from that, it's a smooth drive (almost uneventful) until you arrive at Phatthalung main intersection. Here you need to turn left towards the city of TRANG about 60 km away. Turning right will lead you into Phatthalung city (disebut 'ampher mer-ang' dalam bahasa Thai meaning capital district/city. In the Thai system, nama untuk capital city adalah sama dengan nama wilayah), going straight will lead you to Bangkok (he.. he.. jauh lagi tu ada ler dlm 1000 km kot...)

Perjalanan ke Trang akan melalui jalan berliku, bukit bukau yang scenic. Single lane.




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Post time 29-8-2006 03:55 PM | Show all posts
my husband recently pegi Krabi & Phi Phi Island by land, self driven. He started fm Hatyai. Dia diberi kereta, so, one weekend tak de buat apa, dia & collegues pegi Trang. Pastu, tgk Krabi tak jauh dah, so drive lagi. Decided to stop in Krabi wpun Phuket is only about 2 hrs drive lagi kut rasanya.

Dia ckp, driving in Thailand best! senang cari map. tak mcm kat msia. Dia seronok sgt drive ke sana that he plans to take us the whole family ke sana lepas raya.

ps - is it safe to drive there by msian plate numbered car?



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Post time 29-8-2006 04:40 PM | Show all posts
aku pnah wat gak travelling guna kenderaan darat ke thailand.. aku g samapi chengmai... tp aku dah x brape igt la mcm ne nk sampai... antara tmpt yg aku igt... der pulau james bond... patu kilang tiram... kilang gajus... nanti kalo igt aku smbg..

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Post time 29-8-2006 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua, nak sambung sikit cerita semalam sementara mata belum layu nih :lol

First I have to apologise to readers yang agak blur because I am actually looking at a map as I write this tapi tak sempat lak nak scan. We bought the map in Hat Yai earlier. I recommend the one by BERNDTSON ( for 2 reasons, one it is fully in English (most other maps are bi-lingual which to me is a nuisance, very crowded). Secondly, it was printed on 100% waterproof paper. At least so it said, tak test lagi he he... The printed price at first scared me off, Euro 7.90 USD 9.95 tapi saya memberanikan diri tanya rupanya cuma Baht 180 (about RM 18) OK lah.

Back to the story, as you are leaving PHATTHALUNG heading towards TRANG, the dual carriageway slowly gave way to a single lane country road on a climb winding through a scenic part of the journey. I can't remember exactly how long this lasted but I remember it wasn't that long - as is every other stretch from now on. Southern Thailand (maybe the whole country) is heavily populated. Capital cities are generally within about 100 km of each other they are almost connected. But they can be deceiving to Malaysian eyes as often, the facade and the atmosphere conjures the image of a small country town but mind you they can be quite big. They are what we call a big, small town. TRANG was one example which surprised us. Actually, we passed the town centre quite by accident as we learned later we were not supposed to do that (not that we regretted the 'accident').... there was actually a by-pass :lol

After TRANG, you are on your way towards the beautiful coastal province of KRABI. If you have the luxury of time, consider giving KRABI a respect it deserves by stopping by for a day or two. Phuket can wait. This is something I regret not doing.

From KRABI onwards to PHANG NGA, the muslim face of southern Thailand is becoming more and more pronounced. In fact, I am tempted to call them Malay who speak Thai. This appeared to be in stark contrast to TRANG which to me was Sino-Thai typical of a bustling trading town. Talk about Muslim, one local told me there were some 200 mosques within the three provinces of KRABI, PHANG NGA and PHUKET and it certainly looked so.

On the way to Phang Nga, you will pass through numerous muslim belts and enclaves and in one particular stretch (which somehow reminded me of Kijal, Terengganu), you will pass through rows of roadside stalls selling 'ayam pusing' & 'ayam tempayan' which we found too much of a temptation to ignore. They were selling for Baht 120 (Roi Yee Sip baht) seekor. 'Aloy Maak' (very delicous) ! (We ended up buying 2, al-maklum 3 hungry kids in tow)

KRABI to PHANG NGA by the way is about 70+ km or so.

PHANG NGA bay (if you don't know already) is home to one of probably the most photographed island in Thailand now called James Bond Island (lokasi pengambaran adalah satu filem J B tuh tak ingat pulak)

But by the time you reach this point, the smell of PHUKET is probably too strong nobody wants to stop anymore.

If that's the case, just head for PHUKET then. After some 30 km or so, you will find yourself crossing the Sarasin Bridge over a strait so narrow you might think you are crossing a small river, to land on the other side - on the island of Phuket. Then it's decision time. If you're heading for Patong Beach, time to brace yourself for the spectacle you would pinch yourself twice to make sure you are not dreaming....

p/s : nanti ada masa saya cerita lagi

[ Last edited by  Normala17 at 29-8-2006 11:25 PM ]



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Post time 30-8-2006 09:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 Normala17's post

have you ever considered being a travel journalist? Very well narrated!! woo hoooo!!!

Semangat berkobar2 nak pegi Krabi/Phuket this coming  raya after reading your post! (tu pun kalau dpt bonus! hahah)

Well, gotta check out hotel rates now!

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 18-9-2006 09:34 AM | Show all posts



some shots to share...



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Post time 18-9-2006 07:01 PM | Show all posts
Lagi gambar sekitar Patong Beach and Phi Phi Island



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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 20-9-2006 11:19 AM | Show all posts


[ Last edited by  mamakcute at 20-9-2006 11:20 AM ]

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 20-9-2006 11:19 AM | Show all posts


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 20-9-2006 11:21 AM | Show all posts


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 20-9-2006 11:23 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 1-10-2006 06:16 PM | Show all posts
Phuket: the most expensive place to travel in Thailand
(2006-07-20 12:24:21)

Costs for public transport in Phuket are now the most expensive in Thailand, Suphon Tanrungruangthanee, chief of Phuket Land Transportation Office (PLTO) told Phuket Post recently. ?t should actually be only 30% higher ? tuktuk rates are still the same despite the fuel costs. We cannot force the tuk-tuks to reduce their prices either, not while other provinces are increasing their rates.?

Phuket governor, Udomsak Usawarangkura, also voiced his concerns about the rising cost of local transport. ?f course we all want a free flow of public transportation and I have been pushed to improve the existing system as well. But there are many groups operating on this and it will take time to solve the problem. For example,? he explained. ?f you took a tuk-tuk from Patong to Kata, you would not be able to take the same tuk-tuk back because they have already divided their operating areas. This increases costs of travelling
around the island for tourists.?

Khun Suphon said that PLTO has tried to encourage public transportation operators to take on regular routes. ?ut it is very difficult, because the rates that the PLTO sets are lower than tuk-tuks or taxis would receive.?

? was about to set up a regular route from Phuket International Airport to Rawai Beach,? he continued. ?ut there were fights between the local operators and they all cancelled the agreement with us.?

PLTO plans to add new minibus routes from Phuket Town to Kata and Rawai beaches in the near future, he said, adding that there are also currently 3,400 motorbike taxis in Phuket, of which 2,700 have been registered.

?e have set up the standard rate for them that the first two kilometres costs 20 baht maximum and five baht for each additional kilometre. If the journey is over four kilometres, then the fare depends on what the customer and motorbike taxi drivers can agree.



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Post time 5-10-2006 03:22 AM | Show all posts


Hi ... ada sesapa kat sini boleh share experience .... yang dah pernah pergi ... apa yang best kat sana .. selain dari pantai ..apa tmpt menarik ?.. apa aktiviti yang selalu pelancong buat kat sana .... pasal aku ada rancangan nak gi sana on this coming November ... need advise ...:tq:

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Tempat yang patut dilawati di Phuket :

1. Phi Phi Island
2. Phuket Fantasea - memang menarik

Tapi mac tak pergi lagi Phi Phi Island tue sebab mac kat sana cuma 4 days 3 nite jadi tak sempat tapi mac nyesal sebab masa nak pilih island tour, mac pilig pergi James Bond Island. Tak best sangat kat situ. Sepatutnya mac pi Phi Phi Island sebab kat sana dengar cerita lagi cantik.

Shopping - tak menarik sangat.



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Post time 5-10-2006 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Bunga rampai seri Phuket


PHUKET yang terkenal sebagai syurga pelancong 慚at Saleh

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Mutiara Andaman Pesona Pelancong


APABILA disebut Phuket, yang sering terbayang di fikiran ialah sebuah pulau peranginan di Thailand yang dipenuhi pelbagai jenis hiburan hingga membuatkan lelaki yang berkunjung ke sana berasa seperti ada di 憇yurga dunia



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Post time 5-10-2006 10:59 PM | Show all posts
wau wee macam best jer ... how about the accommodation ek ? i'm on budget ...

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-10-2006 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Two "ladyboys" as they prefer to be called check their veils during a benefit to raise funds for continuing adult education in Patong, Thailand.


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-10-2006 02:16 PM | Show all posts

The main international beach resorts of Thailand are located in the South, on either side of the Malay peninsula. The major destination is Phuket, a large island on the West coast. With an international airport, half-dozen or more large beaches and more than 100 hotels in every price range, Phuket is a mature destination with something to offer just about everyone.

On the other side of the peninsula a much smaller island has been developed to rival Phuket. Samui has a small, but award winning, airport with flights from Phuket, Bangkok, Singapore and elsewhere. The mood is more laid back, and the beaches on the East coast of the island are wonderful.

Two other locations, both near Phuket, are the Phi Phi Islands and Krabi province coast. The Phi Phi islands are small and must be reached by boat through Phuket or Krabi. Krabi covers the coast of the mainland off which Phuket lies. There are a few isolated luxury resorts here that are particularly popular with honeymooners. Krabi can be reached through Phuket, or to its own provincial airport.

The latest 'up and coming' destination are the beaches near the Khao Lak-Lamru National Park in Phang Nga province. Aside from escaping the crowds that flock to Phuket and elsewhere, most people who seek out Khao Lak are divers wanting to make trips to the Similan and Surin Islands. However, this was the area of Thailand hardest hit by the December 2004 tsunami, which wiped out almost all of the resorts along this stretch of coast. The area is recovering, with several new or rebuilt resorts already open.

The south is so big, we've divided it into several sections. The Andaman Coast pages provide more details on the areas of interest around Phuket; the Gulf Islands section will give you an overview of Samui, Pangan and the popular diving base of Tao Island; while the Deep South pages will give you a look at the often overlooked area closer to the Malaysian border

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