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[Tempatan] Pheewittt Msian dpt pampasan kerana dipecat tolak vaksin...SHOCKING UPDATE : DG mengaku vaksin tak berkesan #post 79 ms 4 ..Bukti2 yg laku di mahkamah aku boh di sini

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Post time 5-4-2023 11:55 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by blastoff at 14-4-2023 09:28 AM

Surat ini telah di post ke Telegram channel link nya di sini ....

Yg kalut cucuk dulu atas alasan tak leh kerja kalau tak cucuk boleh tepuk dahi lani sebab tak dapat kaut pampasan dlm masa yg sama dlm badan dah masuk mende bahaya kaw kaw ler

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2023 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 5-4-2023 11:59 PM

Wei, tunggu apa lagi yg rasa diri di aniaya majikan dulu tu sebab diskriminasi kerana tak nak vaksin boleh tampil buat kes lah , mcm kes di atas alasan di beri majikan kerana salah laku pungg boleh menang kes... kuang3


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Post time 5-4-2023 11:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kecuali abam sarjen..kalah kes sebab langgar arahan atasan.

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 12:10 AM
Belibis replied at 5-4-2023 11:58 PM
Kecuali abam sarjen..kalah kes sebab langgar arahan atasan.

Hakim memberi alasan kerana risiko jangkitan covid akibat persekitaran kerja..... dah lani KKM gagal buktikan virus covid wujud punggg , so sarjan tu kena guna peguam yg boleh highlightkan ketidakupayaan KKM utk bagi bukti kewujudan virus tu ler, utk tunjukkan camne nak wujud risiko jangkitan apabila virus pungg tak mampu di buktikan wujud in the 1st place kekdahnyaaa
No virus = no risiko jangkitan, period .  

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ... akan-batal-tindakan

Kes enggan vaksinasi: Bekas sarjan gagal mohon semakan batal tindakan tamat khidmat

Faris Fuad - Januari 12, 2023 @

Laporan BH Online 23 Ogos 2021 mengenai tindakan Tentera Darat memberhentikan perkhidmatan Wan Ramli Wan Seman.

KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang bekas sarjan tentera hari ini gagal dalam permohonan semakan kehakiman bagi membatalkan keputusan Tentera Darat memberhenti perkhidmatannya selepas ingkar arahan mengambil vaksin.
Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid, berhujah keputusan itu selepas mahkamah mendapati tindakan Tentera Darat mewajibkan vaksin terhadap anggotanya termasuk pemohon, Wan Ramli Wan Seman, adalah wajar dengan mengambil kira risiko jangkitan COVID-19 akibat persekitaran kerja.
Wan Ramli, 40, memfailkan permohonan menerusi Tetuan Suzana Norlihan & Co dengan menamakan Leftenan Kolonel Sharull Hesham Md Yasin; Leftenan Mohamad Azammunir Mohd Ashri; Panglima Tentera Darat, Jeneral Tan Sri Zamrose Mohd Zain, Tentera Darat dan kerajaan sebagai responden.
Dia yang ketika itu bertugas di Batalion ke-24 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (RAMD) di Rasah, Negeri Sembilan, memohon satu deklarasi bahawa surat pemberhentian bertarikh 4 Ogos lalu adalah tidak sah dan tiada kesan, selain memaklumkan sudah berkhidmat selama 19 tahun tanpa sebarang rekod disiplin.
Wan Ramli menambah, tarikh penamatan perkhidmatan asal pada 2 Januari 2023, namun mendakwa dipecat secara tidak terhormat pada 26 Ogos 2021 mengikut empat seksyen bawah Akta Angkatan Tentera 1972.
Susulan itu, katanya, dia berpendapat hak pencennya dinafikan mengikut Artikel 147 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, sekali gus turut memohon kos dan relif yang difikirkan wajar oleh mahkamah.
Pada 23 Ogos lalu, Tentera Darat mengesahkan seorang anggotanya diberhentikan kerana menolak pengambilan vaksin COVID-19.
Tindakan itu diambil kerana setiap anggota tentera wajib mengambil suntikan terbabit, terutama sebelum melaksanakan tugasan dan kegagalan berbuat demikian boleh menyebabkan mereka dikenakan tindakan tatatertib berikutan ingkar perintah ditetapkan.


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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 12:11 AM

Cari peguam yg mampu bagi hujah bernas dan mampu counter hujah dgn cara yg efisen lah , jgn amek sebarangan peguam je

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 12:25 AM

Dalam kes TH paksa yg nak buat haji amek vaksin covid punggg boleh buat kes gakk, sebab jemaah haji letak duit dlm TH berhak buat haji tanpa dipaksa utk amek vaksin camtu dah kerajaan sendiri dok tegaskan tak paksa amek vaksin covid dlm masa yg sama KKM punggg gagal buktikan virus covid wujud so apa yg TH buat nih jelas melanggar hak asasi jemaah haji ler

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Post time 6-4-2023 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Oh, lupe pulak ade lagi user yang belum di blok.
Terima kasih sbb igtkan

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 12:25 AM | Show all posts
slyfynx replied at 6-4-2023 12:21 AM
Oh, lupe pulak ade lagi user yang belum di blok.
Terima kasih sbb igtkan

Boleh perjelaskan apa maksud kau nih ?

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 12:28 AM | Show all posts
hampa ingat 40k sikit ka, bukannya 40 sen hokayyy hatta nak kluar duit KWSP 10K pungg bersakit payah kerajaan nak benarkan ..... ini mcm terjun dari langit dekat 40K

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 12:51 AM

So yg dapat side effect vaksin setelah dipaksa cucuk dulu tu pungg boleh buat kes gakk,
sebab KKM tak berjaya buktikan virus covid wujud so vaksin yg di cipta utk virus tak wujud ternyata hanya satu bentuk scam lah ,

lalu apabila dah cucuk nya dapat sakit itu ini sedangkan sebelum tu dok sihat elok je membuktikan vaksin hasil perbuatan scam tu ler penyebabnya.

Kat link nih bukti KKM gagal buktikan virus covid wujud , ia terkandung dalam notis berkanun yg boleh di guna utk halang sesiapa je yg nak paksa korang ikut SOP merepek


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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 12:54 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 01:17 AM

Nak faham simple je .... seluruh undang2 negara yg KKM dok guna selama nih utk paksa SOP merepek dan vaksin merapu tuuu bersandarkan pada "kewujudan virus covid"

so KKM perlu buktikan virus tu wujud lah in the 1st place yg mana KKM kantoi gila2 utk buat camtu .... jadi heret je ke mahkamah utk KKM buktikan di mahkamah yg virus tu benar2 wujud kekdahnyaaaa

Haa , kat thread nih aku akan sertakan segala maknenek bukti yg boleh di guna peguam sebagai memperkukuh hujah kat mahkamah kelak , dari kes kematian mengejut hingga ke kesaksian pakar2 mengenai kandungan vaksin yg merbahaya ittew ler. Insya Allah .

KKM takkan sesekali berjaya buktikan kewujudan virus itteww maaa sebab memang ia tak wujud punggg !

Errr yg dok kutuk2 antivaks tu boleh nangis tepi bucu katil je laaaa sebab melepas pampasan


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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 01:30 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 01:43 AM

kemenangan buat antivaks dan prosafe .... hip hip hoorayyy

Selama nih aku dok bagi bukti manyak dahhh , so dlm thread nih aku akan masukkan semua bukti2 tu berserta bukti2 baru yg wujud agar senang buat rujukan gitteww

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 02:15 AM

Di thread aku kat link nih yg aku buat pada 9/7/2021

Korang boleh tengok sundrik ditunjukkan dlm youtube video kat bawah tu yg dalam vaksin mRNA , terdapat nanoparticles yg boleh membuatkan badan terdedah kepada penyakit2 merbahaya pabila ia merendahkan tindakbalas badan pada sel2 merbahaya seperti jangkitan kuman , kanser etc

Tengok kat bawah ni yg tunjukkan immunostimulation dan immunosuppression under "undesirable"  , bermakna badan tak mampu melawan penyakit2 merbahaya apabila impak "undesirable" tu berlaku dalam badan yg dah di cucuk dgnnya.  

Impak "undesirable" tu bukan boleh tahu bila ia akan berlaku dlm badan kannn sebab bukannya ada tukang monitor yg boleh assessnya dalam badan 24/7  , jadi timbul persoalan camne nak kawalnya dari berlaku, how to prevent and stop it from taking place ? Impossible ler.

Camne produk yg berpotensi tinggi utk memberi impak negatif sedahsyat itu di cucuk wewenangnya dalam badan berjutaan manusia ? Soalan cepumas .


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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 02:19 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 02:39 AM

Impak indesirable yg sebut jelas lower body's response to infected and cancerous cells tuuuuu ....

kita boleh tengok lani lonjakan kes kanser mcm nak rak , tahap 4 dah merebak ke merata hala organ penting badan lalu mati dlm masa beberapa bulan je maa.... selarilah dgn apa yg di sebut dlm youtube video atas nih ....

makna bukan stakat teori semata2 tapi dah pungg benar2 terjadi pada ramai org plak tuu  .

Yg anaphylaxis tuuu adalah apabila badan dapat alergik yg boleh ancam nyawa apabila imun sistem badan overreact terhadap produk2 yg selalunya kalau dimakan ok je tapi dah jadi alat trigger lah plakk apabila di hinggap penyakit itteww ,

persoalannya camne nak tahu bila badan akan kena alergik kronik style tu ? Berapa lama setelah amek vaksin yg badan akan dapat penyakit tu ? How to know ?

Impossible ler, tetiba je lepas makan kacang trus kiok padahal sebelum2 nih ok je, haaa gitteww ler kekdahnyaaa .

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 02:49 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 03:13 AM

Link bawah ni akan bawa korang ke pasangan suami isteri yg lani dah meninggal ler, anak depa yg masih kecil jadi yatim piatu truihhh....
suami meninggal tahun lepas sebab mati mengejut style rebah trus mati , isteri plak kena kanser style merebak merata hala organ penting badannya dgn cepat tak terkiraaaa maaa tahun nih .

Kanak2 nih la yg patutnya ada peguam fight utk dia agar dia dapat pampasan !

Tengok camne happy nya ketika lepas cucuk vaks....

kerana depa dah terpedaya dgn menyangka ia boleh menyelamatkan depa dari penyakit bahaya,
tuptup lani dua2 dah meninggal kerana penyakit merbahaya yg depa cuba lari darinya maaa,  

yg disebut jelas seperti dalam video atas tuuuu mengenai kemampuan nanoparticles dlm vaksin yg mampu mendedahkan badan pada penyakit2 AMAT merbahya yg mengancam nyawa tak terkiraaaa

Isterinya cerita dalam facebook style camne kanser yg di alaminya ..... mengerikan ler betapa cepatnya kanser tu boleh tersebar


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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 03:03 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 03:05 AM

Selama nih sebelum wujud vaksin covid, kanser ambik masa bertahun2 hokay nak tersebar ke organ lain dalam badan yg disebut sebagai metastasis , ada yg 5 tahun ke 10 tahun gittew.....tapi vaksin covid dah menyebabkan mcm sel kanser naik bullet train dlm badan singgah merata hala organ penting in just a few weeks ! Zup zap zup zap kiok....turbo style

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 03:26 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 03:30 AM

Pendedahan pakar mengenai kanser yg pantas merebak hasil covid shots telah aku buat pada 31/8/2022 ... page=1#pid151452724

Chief of pathalogy berpengalaman kerja selama 25 tahun pengkhususan dlm bidang kanser payudara selama 18 tahun , telah buat kajian terhadap ribuan autopsi dan sample kanser payu dara , amat2 familiar dgn apa saja berkaitan dgn kanser dari perkembangan industry dari segi umur pesakit , saiz ketumbuhan dan semua grade malignant turut berada dlm bidang kepakaran dia .....

dia buat pendedahan mengenai cancer turbo nih yg sepanjang karier dia tak pernah lagi dia tengok ia terjadi melainkan setelah wujudnya covid shots saja. Dia even buat report ke FDA mengenai nya malah nak jumpa dgn org atasan FDA tapi last last depa tak mahu jumpa dia tanpa provide apa2 alasan pungg kat dia.


Cancer Explosion: Pathologist Reports On Rise Of Aggressive Cancers Since mRNA Shots

August 6, 2022

Doctors for Covid Ethics in Europe highlighted the professional observations of Dr. Ute Kruger, Chief of Pathology at Lunds University in Sweden: Cancer went haywire when the mRNA shots began. The health of the world population is being severely compromised by mRNA/DNA injections and yet they are not stopped, underscoring TN’s claim that Technocracy is at war with humanity. ⁃ TN Editor

Dr. Ute Kruger is a researcher and senior physician at Lunds University in Sweden. She’s the Chief of Pathology, a field that she’s worked in for the last 25 years, with a specialty in breast cancer diagnosis for the past 18 years. She’s studied thousands of autopsies and breast cancer samples. She’s extremely familiar with the industry and patient age, tumor size, and malignancy grade are all within her field of expertise and have had a natural rhythm throughout her career. That natural rhythm came to a halt in 2021 once the vaccine rollout began.
Doctors for Covid Ethics posted an interview with her where she shared her concerns about unusual features that have been showing up in samples from the past year.

  • Age – The average ages of the samples she received dropped, with a rise in the number of samples from people in their 30’s-50’s.
  • Size – It used to be unusual for Dr. Kruger to find a tumor 3 cm in size. In this new environment, she’s regularly seeing tumors of 4 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm, and the occasional 12 cm. In a shocking anecdote, 2 weeks ago she found a 16 cm tumor that took up an entire breast.
  • Multiple Tumors – Dr. Kruger has begun to see more cases of multiple tumors growing in the same patient, sometimes even in both breasts. She had 3 cases within 3 weeks of patients who had tumors growing in multiple organs. One had tumors in his/her breast, pancreas and lungs within months of getting vaccinated.
  • Recurrence – There has been an uptick in patients who have been in remission from their cancer for many years, suddenly getting an aggressive recurrence of their cancer shortly after vaccination.

Speaking Out
Dr. Kruger initially thought that these turbo cancers, as she calls them, were due to delayed doctor appointments from Covid lockdowns, but that period is long over, and the tumors are still growing aggressively, and in younger patients. She reported some of these cases to the FDA, and while some higher-ups initially agreed to meet with her, they canceled the meeting with no explanation the next day and sent a phone agent to take her report instead.
Six months ago Dr. Kruger appeared at a panel in Germany to present her theory that vaccination is causing aggressive tumors, and she asked for help from the doctors at that summit in collecting data. Unfortunately, few of them have been willing to collect that data and share it with her.

Part of Dr. Kruger’s time is spent on autopsies, and she drew attention to numerous concerning anomalies.
  • A 60-year-old had multiple malignant diseases. He got 2 doses of the Covid vaccine during chemotherapy and then developed Guillain Barre Syndrome. She found inflammation in the spinal cord, brain, and blood vessels.
  • An 80-yr-old woman became paralyzed one month after vaccination. Dr. Kruger found a hemorrhage in the spinal cord near the neck, which is something she’s never seen before. Under the microscope, she saw inflammation in the vessel that caused the rupture and caused bleeding. She also found inflammation in the heart muscles, which is myocarditis.
  • Dr. Kruger was called to settle a dispute between a family of a deceased person, and the doctors who signed the autopsy. The family and their physician believed the death was a result of the Covid vaccine, yet the ones who performed the autopsy didn’t come up with any findings to support that and did not link the death to the vaccine. When Dr. Kruger performed her own autopsy, she found evidence of myocarditis and vasculitis- inflammation of blood vessels in the lungs. The original autopsy either missed those signals or didn’t look for them, and the family was correct. Dr. Kruger shared her opinion, supported by another senior-level pathologist from Germany, that the death was indeed due to the Covid vaccine.
Dr. Kruger outlined 3 major issues with the way autopsies are currently being run in practice:
  • Patient information is sloppy. Dr. Kruger personally had several cases where clinicians had written that the patient was unvaccinated for the autopsy, when in fact in their medical files it was documented that they were vaccinated for Covid.
  • The typical autopsy doesn’t run exams deep enough to diagnose the root cause of certain medical issues. They don’t do rigorous histopathological testing of the tissues where vaccine damage would likely show up, but which is necessary to detect markers of vaccine-induced injury, such as immunological infiltrates or spike proteins in myocardial tissues. Dr. Kruger ran more thorough exams and found myocarditis and inflammations that were missed by the original autopsy.
  • There’s a lack of experience in evaluating these findings, and a lack of desire to properly contextualize cases. In addition, most autopsy clinicians don’t report cases to the FDA.
While Dr. Kruger’s testimony is by nature anecdotal, as a top-level pathologist of many years, her concerns should be taken very seriously and investigated further. Of course, that would require an honest regulation system which seems to be sorely lacking these days.

“I’m Watching People Being Killed”

Dr. Kruger stated that she sees vaccination as a trigger for fast-growing tumors and autoimmune diseases. She’s seeing a lot of inflammation alongside tumors, and of course, it’s not only breast cancer. Many other pathologists have reported to Dr. Kruger that they’re seeing an elevation in cancers, cancers in multiple organs, and rare cancers.
She ended off by saying “I studied medicine because I wanted to help people. But now it feels like I’m watching people being killed and there’s nothing I can do”.
The first step to solving any issue is acknowledging there’s a problem. We have a huge problem, and in order to begin to resolve it, it must be acknowledged. It’s time to start pressuring doctors to speak out. Any doctor who’s aware enough to understand that something is off must begin to address the issue. An additional motivation may be the pressure of knowing that it’s all about to blow up, and they don’t want to be standing on the wrong side of the line when it does.


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 Author| Post time 6-4-2023 03:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 6-4-2023 03:44 AM

yg kena kanser turbo nih, jgn diamkan diri je, waris2 pung jgn main redha terima je ye , bukti kukuh ada yg tunjukkan vaksin covid penyebabnya, so usaha utk dapatkan pampasan ler utk anak2 yg terpaksa berjuang tanpa ketua2 kluarga tuuu haaaa, kesian ler kat kanak2 yg end up jadi yatim atau yatim piatu, ramai woooo !

Imagine ler sejak tahun 2021 lagi aku dah bagi warning mengenai kanser nih ..... waktu tu ramai dok ingat aku merepek ler , tahun nih je ledakan kaw kaw  ramai kena kanser nih ... kurang 2 tahun kemudian je

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Post time 6-4-2023 04:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ko muncul lagi bersama ramadhan kareem....blastoff...dgn pemberitaan terkini....


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Post time 6-4-2023 04:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Moga kaka @Dwdrums dapat menyumbangkheun input sumbangsihnye...


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