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Christians say we live once, Buddhists insist on rebirth. Who to believe then?

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Post time 12-1-2012 10:07 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by Buddhitakso at 12-1-2012 10:11

Who is correct? The right answer is both are correct in their respective point of views. Now, let us return to the same illustration i.e. Person HORSE, Person HORTI and Person HORNY. These persons are unique respectively and no individuals would be the same even though they do share some sort of same genes, before time, etc. For instance, twins are similar but never the same individuals. So, Christians are correct about we living once because we don’t find another same we elsewhere, anywhere or any other time. But by living once, it does not mean there is no continuity. The element-dot of Person H, Person O and Person R did inherit into new beings of Person HORSE, Person HORTI and Person HORNY. This is what Buddhists mean by continuous condition of rebirth.

For general understanding, rebirth does not mean trans-migration. An individual soul does not migrate from one physical body into another body. No, it just won’t fit at all. Every individual or thing that exists would not be the same - it could only be in similar condition. That is why you have heard in various stories whereby spirit or ghost has the ability to possess into the body of an individual but it never absolutely overtakes the soul of the individual. This is because one cannot simply exchange soul with each other at one’s whim and fancy. Even individuals with the most powerful magic charm could not perform this feat. In another instance, you have heard of organ transplant cases, whereby the recipients need to take immunosuppressive drugs to treat transplant rejection – live long.

So, ultimately, it is the wonder of nature again that everyone would not be totally the same or different from each other.  We are all so inter-woven and inter-related with each other - One Nation, One World, One Universe!



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Post time 17-1-2012 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# Buddhitakso

  satu hari yang special tu sebab telur itu blh berdiri .. good picture .. i like it ..

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2012 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Buddhitakso

  satu hari yang special tu sebab telur itu blh berdiri .. good picture ..  ...
tuakang Post at 17-1-2012 19:30

    No strange event la, hehe...egg can stand actually.  You can try it at home yourself in this coming Feb 4, 2012 (the 1st day of Water Dragon Year).  This day is called Lap Chun or Li Choon in chinese. {:4_237:}


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Post time 18-1-2012 10:38 AM | Show all posts
yeah .. li chun ..

every year one time only ..

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Post time 28-2-2012 03:52 PM | Show all posts
by Buddhitakso

An individual soul does not migrate from one physical body into another body. No, it just won’t fit at all.   

How do you know it could not fit? How could you know that there is no migration of souls from one body to another? Because your sutra says so?

FYI Buddhists Sutra doesn't believe in Souls either.

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 Author| Post time 29-2-2012 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Buddhitakso at 29-2-2012 19:10

Reply 5# Sephiroth

    I just know theory is logic and it make sense.  The 'past' you is not the same as the 'present' you.  The 'present' you is not the same as the 'future' you.  At the same time, the 'past' you is not different from the 'present' you.  The 'present' you is not different from the 'future' you.  For example, the childhood of you would not be the same as the adult of you (in both physical & mental states).  The adult of you would not be the same as the old-age of you (in both physical & mental states).  But the 'stream' of you still contains with similar blood type, similar gene throughout a lifetime.  In other words, both physical and mental faculties continuously evolve and change as time passes (non-stopping).  But at the same time, the past, present & future of you are also not different from one another across time.  This scenario can be summarised as the famous quote, 'Looks like me, sounds like me - but it's not me.'

So the piece of puzzle keeps evolving over time and everything can turn out similar but would never the same.  When a person dies, the body and the so-called soul would be separated from each other.  The disintegration process would begin for the body and the soul would gain liberties of sort waiting for the next right time to 'integrate' again.  When we said 'gain liberties of sort', the scenario would be just like, 'Lepaskan sekumpulan kambing daripada kandang'.   When a group of 'kambing' is set free to roam around, do you think all the individual 'kambing' would be so obedient to listen to new directive to go into a single new 'kandang'?  Logically, it is not going to happen, right?  Some 'kambing' would go into this new 'kandang', other 'kambing' would go into another 'kandang', next & next 'kandang', etc. - of course unless there is only one new 'kandang' available, then all the 'kambing' would surely have no choice but squeeze back to the same new 'kandang'.

In Buddhism, there is a mention of no atman, which means there is no eternal soul, not no soul.  Soul is just a plain description for something that arised in intelligence but without physical appearance.

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Post time 1-3-2012 08:46 AM | Show all posts
by Buddhitakso

In Buddhism, there is a mention of no atman, which means there is no eternal soul, not no soul.  Soul is just a plain description for something that arised in intelligence but without physical appearance.

Right ... there is no mention of atman or soul in Buddhism. So what the hell you are blabbering about?

Why should anyone be bothered about past self or future self if there is no atma? Why should anyone be bothered to live properly? To do good? To live good life? Why should anyone be bothered with Buddhism at all if there is no atma which could transmigrate?

In short simple question - Why should anyone bother to plan for a journey if there is no journey to be held?

Buddhism can be considered riddiculos in this sense because it does not promote a concept of Atma - an existence of a self which could escape death and transmigrate to a new body. In that context, it had FAILED as Spiritual Practise. Like I have said before, what is the use of planning for a journey when you are told that there will be no journey?

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2012 09:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply 7# Sephiroth

    Well, words cut short....why you bother to write comments here? {:4_194:}

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Post time 1-3-2012 04:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Sephiroth

    Well, words cut short....why you bother to write comments here?
Buddhitakso Post at 1-3-2012 09:21

To remind the People who reads this (and comments from your other threads) that your words are empty and that they should not bother themselves with you.

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2012 07:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 9# Sephiroth

    Thank you for your kind reminder to all readers {:4_182:} .  I appreciate it much but I believe all readers in this forum are mature enough to know what is white or black; what is good or bad for themselves, though.  Definitely, there is no dumb and dumber readers here.

Muthu likes to eat capati, Ali likes to eat satay, Ah Beng likes to eat laksa. All of them hunger for the same thing i.e. FOOD.  Therefore, what I believe doesn't matter you; what you believe doesn't matter me.  Why should I bother what food you eat, what philosophy you believe in?  I just know what I like to eat, to do, to believe and enjoy my life to the fullest!!!!!{:4_185:}

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Post time 2-3-2012 09:09 AM | Show all posts
by Buddhitakso

Definitely, there is no dumb and dumber readers here.  

Nope, but there are Corrupters of (other people's) Faith here, potraying themselves as Buddhist, Christians and Hindu, making comments which they themselves have no idea what it means.

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2012 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Reply 11# Sephiroth

    Aiya, don't get so mean in life {:4_238:}.  Just count your blessings and enjoy it to the fullest. Life is short for everything.  We don't even have sufficient time for ourselves.  As I said, what people like to do or intend to do has nothing to do with ourselves.  Whether I like to eat capati+laksa or satay+capati+laksa, who cares?  Laksa is laksa, capati is capati, satay is satay.  Each one has their respective uniqueness and quality.  But still all are the same i.e. food to feed hungry beings.  So, why worry so much?  Laksa would remain as laksa, capati would remain as capati, satay would remain as satay, even if I have great dislike on either of these food.

And if listeners or readers are so easily got corrupted, then why blame the corruptor?  Just blame themselves for being plain straight and bloody ignorant.  Perhaps, they need more lessons or exposures to absorb more knowledge and wisdom for themselves.  So who is the best teacher in life?  Not your parents, not your school teachers, not your gurus...but you yourself.  If you don't accept what these people have taught you, who can force you to take it in?

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Post time 2-3-2012 10:25 AM | Show all posts
by Buddhitakso

Just count your blessings and enjoy it to the fullest. Life is short for everything.  We don't even have sufficient time for ourselves.   

Enjoy? Life is short? Hmph ... I guess I shouldn't be surprise at your remarks. You Christians (and Muslims) do have this parasitic views of life and the reason for living. You believe that you are put on this World to "enjoy" and nothing more. In that sense, you are similar to an atheist - except they do not believe in God while you claims to believe (with no proof that what you believe is actually God).

And if listeners or readers are so easily got corrupted, then why blame the corruptor?  

Whahahahahaha ... Good one. Speak like a True Devil.

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2012 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Reply 13# Sephiroth


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Post time 7-3-2012 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply 13# Sephiroth

madam, jangan la itu macam
TUHAN bikin baikkkkk semuanya
hanya manusia je yg jadi tarak baik
jangan samakan perangai manusia
dgn kejadian agama

idup madam!!!!

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Post time 7-3-2012 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply 14# Buddhitakso

mau tanya sikittttt, boleh tak
ajaran buddha dan ajaran kitab cina yg lainnya
(sory aku lupa nama2nya)
adakah ada pertalian
atau buddha dan ajaran itu adalah lain-lain??

tq my bro!

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2012 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Buddhitakso at 9-3-2012 11:46
Reply  Buddhitakso

mau tanya sikittttt, boleh tak
ajaran buddha dan ajaran kitab c ...
orangbesi Post at 7-3-2012 11:02

Bless u bro,

Nak kata ada pertalian, mungkin tidak benar;
Nak kata tak ada pertalian, mungkin tidak benar jua.

So, macam mana?  

Actually, kita kena faham apa message sebenar Buddha ingin semua tahu.  Dalam alam semesta ni, semua jasad dan kejadian ada kaitan dgn satu sama lain.  Setiap pecahan saat, minit, jam, tahun, kejadian tetap jadi and sentiasa berubah-ubah tanpa berhenti-henti tak kira apa situasi pun.  Inilah dimaksudkan dengan kata 'kosong' atau 'sunyata' yang disebut-sebut oleh Buddha sendiri.  Tiada benda akan berdikari dengan sendirinya dalam alam yang berubah-ubah ni - tak kisah berapa lama zaman berlalu, 'Now u see me, now you don't'.  Semuanya saling bergantungan, 'I depend you, you depend me.'  

Dalam alam semesta ni, tuhan memang wujud.  Seperti juga dengan hantu, jin, pontianak, etc.  Sebenarnya, semua ni yang disebutkan wujud berada di alam dimensi yang lain dengan kehidupan yang berjasad seperti manusia, haiwan, tumbuhan dan benda-benda solid lain. Begitu jua dengan dunia maya atau mimpi tetap wujud.  Semua-semua ni wujud sebab adanya 'nama' atau 'mind'.  'Nama' atau 'mind' adalah sesuatu tenaga yang bermemori and berintelek yang kewujudannya bergantung dengan adanya kejadian yang tetap jadi dan berubah-ubah tanpa berhenti-henti tak kira apa situasi pun.  Sama ada tuhan ke, manusia ke, jin-jin ke, hantu-hantu ke - semuanya mungkin berkomunikasi dgn satu sama lain - saling mempengaruhi, tolong sama tolong, bantu sama bantu - semuanya boleh ada kaitan tak kira apa situasi pun - hanya dipisahkan oleh alam dimensi yang berlainan.

So I harap sedikit sebanyak anda akan faham yang kita tidak boleh benar-benar yakin dan pisah jelas-jelas 'ini daripada ni', 'itu daripada tu'. Sama ada putih ke, hitam ke, kelabu ke, semua ni berkaitan dan kata ringkas ialah semua ni adalah warna-warna je.  No big deal!

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Post time 9-3-2012 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 17# Buddhitakso

    bless you too my bro
  maaf ya
memang sebenarnya saya tak tahu ttg ini
hanya menanya sahaja

bukan niat utk merendahkan/meremehkan hal ini
tapi saya suka mengkaji
ttg budaya dan pegangan kaum setempat
dan jika bro sudi
dimanakah persamaam antara buddha dan ajaran kitab yg lainnya
dan ada tak kelainannya.....
hanya untuk penelitian saya sahaja

tq so much

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2012 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Buddhitakso

    bless you too my bro
  maaf ya
memang sebenarnya saya tak tahu ttg i ...
orangbesi Post at 9-3-2012 16:00

    No worry bro, kita sama-sama kaji and ambil tahu ttg kehidupan dan surrounding je..tak perlu rasa singung atau terikat-ikat dgn apa-apa fahaman yang sedia ada - Freedom of investigations, freedom of thoughts, freedom of speeches - this is new millenium era.  

Sebenarnya, saya tidak tahu secara mendalam ttg teks atau sutra agama Buddha kerana saya tidak terikat dgn apa-apa fahaman yang sedia ada.  Kita boleh baca banyak ttg pelbagai fahaman atau ajaran yang sedia ada dan kita mesti sedar semua ni hanya utk pengetahuan khusus utk perkembangan rohani diri sendiri.  That's why, agama tu utk perkembangan rohani diri sendiri je..bukan utk tunjuk-tunjuk atau main gang sini gang sana.  It is between you and your god, not you and your neighbour or other gang kesefahaman.

Buddha sentiasa peringat kita sebagai insan yg mengkaji, menganalisa, mencari kebenaran hendaklah sentiasa imbang diri (check n balance) dalam apa-apa jua situasi supaya pandangan dan kefahaman diri tidak berat sebelah atau terpesong atau janggal daripada yg asal.  Ini dimaksudkan dgn 'Middle Path' yg disanjung oleh Buddha.  Juga, Buddha sering pertekankan kebijaksanaan diri (wisdom) dalam memperjuangkan sebarang cabaran atau halangan hidup. Jangan sekali-kala percaya apa yg dicakap, diberitahu, didengar tanpa soal siasat yg betul-betul mendalam. Kejahilan (Ignorance) tu adalah tanggungjawab diri bukan tanggungjawab tuhan atau jiran.  Jika kita pilih utk jahil dan terus jahil dlm kehidupan, apakah pula kita complaint byk byk tu pasal kesengsaraan dan konflik hidup yg ada?

Sedarlah kita daripada kejahilan.  Jalan yg ada tu pilihan kita.  Kita berpilihan.  Pilihlah jalan yg sesuai, munasabah je utk diri.  Selamat hidup yg harmoni dan penuh kebijaksanaan.  

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Post time 10-3-2012 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply 19# Buddhitakso

  bro ni hebat jugak
saya akui keterangan bro tu
tidak mengambil sebarang pegangan
tanpa ilmu yang diketahui kebaikannya

boleh teruskan dgn pegangan bro tak???
saya suka mendengarnya
seronok dapat mendengar

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