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Author: freakyskinny

[V19]#FAZURA - Ya, saya dah jumpe keluarga Fazura kate fattah Amin. #ohmyGUCCI #

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Why iolss rasa statement yang patah buat ni just jawab ape yg wartawan tanya. Semua org tau kut dua family ni dah jumpa. Even Nona punya ig pun post pic diorang bukan fans punya account je. Plus, time tu mmg ade media.

Iolss rasa fattah just jawab diorang tengah berkawan. And wartawan nak tau kalau ade jodoh fattah nak ke. Takkan dia nak jawab tak nak kan. Mahu kena hencap berbakul dgn fans faz cakap bajet hot.

papepun iolss suka nama fazbulous warrior ngan fateam naik dalam article di tulis. Nak tunjuk diorang tak kena paksa bercinta pun dari peminat, diorang just sokong career.  Kat sini boleh nampak fan club diorang tak lah beria. Mungkin yang beria shipper.

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezzerina replied at 4-6-2017 11:14 AM
Kat ig ramai kt fattah cinlok je..kat sini pink pon ckp kejap jatuh cinta dgn heroin.aku rs br lofa  ...

Alah dgn lopa tue dulu dier yang beriya pikat fattah, dah der pompan gesel2 dpn mata of course layan jerlah..but in fazura case, i think fattah mmg suka dier..mula2 shooting nmpk sgt fattah memalu, tapi lama2 i think dier dah jatuh cinta..fazura is a very direct person and i think dier bnyak tolong fattah in acting and also handling people..fazura pernah kena kecam lagi teruk dari fattah yet dier still boleh duduk senyum happy dgn kawan2 ignore jer..i think her positivity yng buat fattah tertarik kot..something different from his exes..

Dlm hlive kan fattah pernah ckp 'fazura kalau ckp buat kita berfikir sekejap' and even dlm article tue fattah ckp pasal aura positif fazura..fazura mungkin telah buat fattah buka mata tntang bnyak hal and thats what attracts him..

Pasal fazura, maybe like everyone said fattah have to work extra hard to get her..not because of status tapi more of serik bercinta..dua kali she is sort of rejected publicly and sure it hurts her so much, so maybe to convince her is hard..i think fattah tau fazura ader calon2 lain gak (hlive solat istikharah) and maybe fattah publicly announce dier tgh brkawan dgn fazura is a way from fattah to tackle fazura's heart..remember, sam pernah deny bercinta dgn fazura and fattah still ader issue with hajbir..mungkin ini cara fattah utk hilangkan kerisauan what fazura said before 'effort is sexy'..whether fattah berjaya atau tak, we just wait and see..may the best man win!!

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 4-6-2017 11:27 AM
Bg iolls lopak comel mix (tp skrg iolls nmpk sheolls busuk jaaaa)

Kaka faz cantik melayu, aura  ...

yup both ada kecntikn sdri tp mcm meols if bkn sbb prgai pun meols plih faz.. n kawan2 meols yg gayah pun sama tp lofa ttp cntik tp xxe la cntik gile2 sgt , darah paki kan nna2 yg mix paki mst cantik

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mamakampung replied at 4-6-2017 03:28 AM
ewww i g tgk ig samtila tu oh my.. sam bsuk gile, gemuk lgsung x jga lg geli dr adiputra uols n ti ...

Sorry OT, ingatkan meolls je yg rasa samtilla tu kgdotcom   tilla paling ketara kg la. Obviously

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:31 AM | Show all posts
mamakampung replied at 4-6-2017 11:24 AM
i yg prempuan pun rsa nk join team nippon tgk faz.. cntik sgt...kawan2 meols yg gayah ckp akn jd s ...

Cer tengok Fazura tgh makan ker minum or do random things , masih cantik and graceful. Kalu di takdirkan dia kawin dgn royalty tak payah groom dah.

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mamakampung replied at 4-6-2017 11:30 AM
yup both ada kecntikn sdri tp mcm meols if bkn sbb prgai pun meols plih faz.. n kawan2 meols yg ga ...

iolls tetap pilih sari yanti    

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
After all, kalau baca balik news tu..headline aje yang nampak hot, contentnya biasa biasa je. Tapi si fattah ni mengundang hencapan la dengab statement kenal hati budi tu. Risau pulak aku kang jangan ada live 3/4 pagi baca al baqarah pulak

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dhyayaya replied at 4-6-2017 11:31 AM
Sorry OT, ingatkan meolls je yg rasa samtilla tu kgdotcom   tilla paling ketara kg la. Obviou ...

yerla chuols bkn nk mengeji tak bertempat tp pls la tilla bkn la x cntik lgsung.. kakak dia datin tu pun oh my kepam gile skrg.... cption ig dia i rsa mcm BBNU ... i yg bca plk oh pls ko tilla n sam tramat bsuk nyesal i rembes heols dlm polis evo dlu yachhhh  :

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
matjenin replied at 4-6-2017 11:31 AM
Cer tengok Fazura tgh makan ker minum or do random things , masih cantik and graceful. Kalu di tak ...

Tulaa, bg iolls fazzy sgt tau how to tackle the situation, amek hati org sekeliling..iolls tengok video yg sheolls mkn dkt SC, sheolls makan guna tangan ok sbb mak si patah & family mkn guna tgn...

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shoyuna replied at 4-6-2017 11:00 AM
Dulu hero katek tu kan fofuler.. takut fans lari.. meols kesian kat faz sebab kena hencap kaw2 ter ...

Kalau mcm tuh, lg respek fattah sbb sekarang dia yg popular..bak kata michael ang, diri kejung pun org hadap     takde pun takut fans lari


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Post time 4-6-2017 11:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
matjenin replied at 4-6-2017 11:31 AM
Cer tengok Fazura tgh makan ker minum or do random things , masih cantik and graceful. Kalu di tak ...

kan rasa mcm dia di trained secukupnya mklumla sheol dlu pun bekas bkl che puan tp xde jdoh    tgk dia mkn berbuka puasa tgn kt peha memg table manner tu bgus la ...

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 4-6-2017 11:33 AM
iolls tetap pilih sari yanti

sari pun cantik muka dgn 12 tahun lepas ttp sama.. meols vote to kak lina pom pom      

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:38 AM | Show all posts
oh my.. gosip apakah ni?
pajurap x payah bg statement boleh x?
kalau berchenta ngn patah pon, diam2 jah
let it be mcm open secret

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
If u dare fatah....u should face it fatah!halamak it's gonna be massive traffic jam la kt bangi nihh...

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kosukeconan replied at 4-6-2017 11:38 AM
oh my.. gosip apakah ni?
pajurap x payah bg statement boleh x?
kalau berchenta ngn patah pon, dia ...

kaka ni bamtah yg bg...fazzy xde lg any isi biasa je headline tu je yg mbnuh acik epot

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Qnqn replied at 4-6-2017 11:34 AM
After all, kalau baca balik news tu..headline aje yang nampak hot, contentnya biasa biasa je. Tapi s ...

Bace al baqarah , adoi laaa..jahat chuolls...mohon baca doa moga persahabatan ni kekal ke jannah lagi ok khennn...yelaa kata nk masyukkk same2 kan...masih jauh perjalanan ...

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
meols rsa nk join indstri la nk jd artis laku lg x ek... untg2 bolh sauk kerabat ngn vvip satu... klau nsb baik mcm ju bolh cakar istna.. tget meols cucu sultn pagang.. utk x ot depa fazzy n fattah dah jt primavalet ke

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:43 AM | Show all posts
mamakampung replied at 4-6-2017 11:40 AM
kaka ni bamtah yg bg...fazzy xde lg any isi biasa je headline tu je yg mbnuh acik e ...

iye.. tau patah yg bg statement
tp pajurap nnti kalau kena tnya oleh reputs, but rilek2 cool jah
chenta2 ni keep it classy, jgn pompang sana sini mcm seteru sheols

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nmi replied at 4-6-2017 11:30 AM
Alah dgn lopa tue dulu dier yang beriya pikat fattah, dah der pompan gesel2 dpn mata of course lay ...

Waktu bersepah igexplore meols pasal lobatak ni, segala bts nampak hajbir yang buat 3M dulu.. menggesel membirah menggeletis... tapi fans tak nampak.. sweetnakmateyyy je katanya... euwwwwww.. loya tekak meols

at least faz so far takdelah buat 3M tu.. klu sheols nak main, dengan krew sekali pun sheols main

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Post time 4-6-2017 11:45 AM | Show all posts
DyBBora2 replied at 3-6-2017 11:22 PM
Kosukeconan...chuols pandai wat gif khen..nk mtk tlg sket...plssss   

Meols berkenan gelaga ...

boleh jah chuolsssss
lama jgk x buat gif hsc ni
still busy ngn kerja
nnti i tag u

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