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Author: Buntatt

(Thread Macam2 Ada) Stock2 Social Climber Hauk - All About Gaya,Penampilan Busuk

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Post time 15-3-2017 12:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 15-3-2017 12:12 PM
Banyak jugak jumlah duit yg Dr Abd jalil kena tipu..

Dato' Dr. Abdul Jalil bin Jidon, merupakan ...

Dr Jalil Jidon kt Beverly Wilshire skg. Tahun lepas ada  kes customer aussie mati sbb dvt lepas cosmetic surgery marathon. bila tgk balik lebih kpd kesilapan pesakit tu sdri not enough 'rest' after multiple operations terus naik flight.
dr jalil ni dulu ada buat produk sdri dgn kerjasama MECD tapi packaging so pprt dan x buat marketing. dia ni ada nama, ilmu dan kepakaran. kalau ada marketing team yg bagus dh tentu sebaris dgn Dr Sebagh di Paris.


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Post time 15-3-2017 01:17 PM | Show all posts
tasha replied at 15-3-2017 09:14 AM
Pada awal perkahwinan JR ni ada je muncul dlm event yg melibatkan TMP secara begilir antar sheols  ...

Teringat JR pernah accident ketika sudah pun jadi isteri TMP. Selepas accident terus senyap xde berita. Pernah keluar dlm forum ni juga accident tu satu konspirasi kononnya.

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Post time 15-3-2017 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 14-3-2017 10:29 PM
since tok k takde anak cikki, kawan sister itu jejans ke?
maksud sis, tok k ada hubunganm gayah d ...

shallownya sis.


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Post time 15-3-2017 01:36 PM | Show all posts
family royal johorean mmg byk kawin mat salleh dari dulu ..should not be a problem for ku inah..

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Post time 15-3-2017 01:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
personified replied at 15-3-2017 11:29 AM
Tunku Ali ni I rasa lagi handsome if rambut dia kemas sikit. Rambut belah tengah dia tu serious xl ...

senyuman dia manis betul..nampak so ikhlas hehe

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Post time 15-3-2017 01:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annabellaruz2 replied at 15-3-2017 12:05 PM
muka pun klu ambk gambar sesama ala2 kembar x berapa seiras gitu..heheheh
mungkin sebab depa sesa ...

betul mcm adik bradik pun boleh

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Post time 15-3-2017 02:05 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 15-3-2017 11:58 AM
Oh yes it was u. hehe u were right babe.Mmg Amal with Nabil ni since dah appear kat wedding card t ...

hehe itula yg i perasan dulu2 tu, his gfs semua elok2 paras rupanya.. high taste jugala from my view.. masa i perasan dia dgn ervinna tu maybe dlm 2005? tapi mmg dah lama dulu la.. time2 tgh belajar kat uk.. family dia pun jenis low-profile/private, like his sister, sharifah fauziah tu pun, since dulu lagi, always private profiles.
dlm thread ni, i baca deborah tu ex-gf dia juga.. itu pun i baru tau ni.. tahun bila tu? since dah masuk gua kejap before this haha.. last i dgr pasal deborah ni 8-9 tahun lepas kut.. that time she was with jeremy little. now bila baca balik pasal deborah, she seems to be making her way up in the career ladder gitu. good for her. nama pun president of young enterpreneurs association kan..

*OT: jeremy little.. good-looking guy, org creative behind independent scene music/film.. now dah arwah dah, passed away in mekah after long battle with cancer. al-fatihah..


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Post time 15-3-2017 02:05 PM | Show all posts
kamexkame replied at 15-3-2017 01:56 PM
senyuman dia manis betul..nampak so ikhlas hehe

Hehe betul tu.. Senyuman sangat ikhlas ..  X fake

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Post time 15-3-2017 02:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
me12345 replied at 15-3-2017 01:36 PM
family royal johorean mmg byk kawin mat salleh dari dulu ..should not be a problem for ku inah..

CTH terdekat Almarhum atoknya

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Post time 15-3-2017 02:28 PM | Show all posts
sssf83 replied at 15-3-2017 02:05 PM
hehe itula yg i perasan dulu2 tu, his gfs semua elok2 paras rupanya.. high taste jugala from my vi ...

Hehe mmg high taste based on the exes n current one Tp Sharifah Ervinna tu mmg lawa. No wonder Deborah tu looked familiar.
Ex Jeremy Little.. Yup I know arwah sbb dia pernah masuk Cleo bachelor dulu. Rasanya batch Ashraf Muslim kot.
Such a good looking guy.


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Post time 15-3-2017 02:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jurai77 replied at 15-3-2017 11:15 AM
Haah.. nama dia Adibah.  Senior 1 semester dan dormmate masa kat ITM-JO... he he he  itu ajelah ya ...

Dgr cite dia cantik sgt.. Ada forumer google & share pic tu dulu tp x sure btl ke dia org nya..she's a private person mcm mustahil je nak jumpa her pic online..

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Post time 15-3-2017 03:17 PM | Show all posts
mana tered pasha ha? sudah dihumbankah?

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Post time 15-3-2017 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Heydidle replied at 15-3-2017 02:35 PM
Dgr cite dia cantik sgt.. Ada forumer google & share pic tu dulu tp x sure btl ke dia org nya..she ...

She memang cantik sangat. Anak 5 still very gorgeous. Tak tau lak ada orang share pic kat sini. Anak sulong dia ambek medic, beautiful girl like her mama.

Adibah is a very successful business lady too. Asal kluang, johor.

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Post time 15-3-2017 03:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 15-3-2017 12:36 PM
Dr Jalil Jidon kt Beverly Wilshire skg. Tahun lepas ada  kes customer aussie mati sbb dvt lepas co ...

Thanks for sharing ..

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Post time 15-3-2017 03:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 03:24 PM
She memang cantik sangat. Anak 5 still very gorgeous. Tak tau lak ada orang share pic kat sini. An ...

acik adibah ada iras cheta or ctdk x sis

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Post time 15-3-2017 04:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 15-3-2017 03:24 PM
She memang cantik sangat. Anak 5 still very gorgeous. Tak tau lak ada orang share pic kat sini. An ...

Diorang google je tp tkde confirmation that's her or not..  I nak jgk tgk org yg sbnrnya tp x reti nak csi w the limited info heheh..

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Post time 15-3-2017 04:53 PM | Show all posts
abangadek replied at 15-3-2017 04:17 PM
mana tered pasha ha? sudah dihumbankah?

benang yang mana nok??
yg jadi medan lantai joget dan tari warga myanmar tu dah selamat kena katup.
si nenek burung hantuk dah tolong buka vol. 2 tp tajuk lain..
tajuk benang berkisar ttg fasha & mamasandha meroyan kat IG PS
so skrg tentera myanmar tu tengah berdangdut goyang bali gerudi inol plak kat sana..


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Post time 15-3-2017 04:56 PM | Show all posts
jahcomel replied at 15-3-2017 10:10 AM
dgn azrene dpt spasang y sulung pompuan xsilap nama tg intan qamarina n y kedua lelaki tp xingat l ...

oh..ok..i silap ..sepasang bukan twins

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Post time 15-3-2017 05:23 PM | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 15-3-2017 12:05 PM
Antara collection wedding gowns Jovian yg kureng menarik

buruknye la haiiiiii.. xkan design hauk gittew pon boleh jual...I suke klu Rizalman n alia Bastamam pny collection...for me klu nk more effortless yet elegance go for alia..minimalist je I tgk..cnt pon cntk..Rizalman of cos for me very classy...

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Post time 15-3-2017 05:42 PM | Show all posts
PongKang replied at 15-3-2017 03:59 PM
acik adibah ada iras cheta or ctdk x sis

Maybe ada ct cket kot. But jauh beza lah adib lagi cantik compared to ct or cekta.

Summer ni dia nak datang visit myself insyaAllah.

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