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Author: skymania

♥ SS501_Chapter_8 ♥ KHJ New mini album 'LUCKY ♥ Lucky Guy MV

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Post time 18-7-2011 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Thread nih memang menjamu mata sungguh... ohhh.... I Like...

KHJ nih dah ada girlfriend ker ha. ...
Blueberri Post at 17-7-2011 21:07

   dulu2 adalah...skrg tak tau....maybe takder sbb bizi....or maybe ada tp pandai sorok....
harap yg gedik2 atas stage tu mukan awek dia....sbb sgtla hepi jer muka dia dgn pumpuan tuh....[size=14.1667px]

[size=14.1667px]aku dah ada album dia....aku order ngn hadiff.....dtg package tulisan korea lagi[size=14.1667px][size=14.1667px]....album ngn poster sekali....
[size=14.1667px]n lagu2 dia tak pernah lekang dr tinger aku time aku drive.....sgt mengujakan jiwa rasanya.......[size=14.1667px]

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Post time 18-7-2011 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2177# Blueberri

   dengarnya nuna n tak brp cun do not worry....

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Post time 18-7-2011 12:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2180# hadiff05

   gigihnyer korang membeli FS......aku idaklah nmpknyerr.......

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Post time 18-7-2011 10:19 PM | Show all posts
pic time fan sign @ Seoul.....

baju tu mcm tak seswei kan.....pesen cam pumpuan still HJ cute as usual......

all pic credit to hyunniepexers ( geumnuna n khj0606 )

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Post time 18-7-2011 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by melia_star at 18-7-2011 22:36

wallpaper plak....

credit to keyeast

extra pics.......


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Post time 19-7-2011 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Puan Sri B masuk mengadap!
Saje je nak tgk pekembangan umah tpt lepak dedulu hehe
Ramai ye peminat2 baru! Bagus bagus!^_^ semoga makin ramai meriahkan rumah ni balik.

Kakhadiff ni jap g mesti quote n tanya "mana lama xnampak?!"

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Post time 19-7-2011 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2187# brookemcqueen

hi B, lama tak nmpk?? kemana merantau??
akak melia lak tanya....[size=14.1667px]

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Post time 19-7-2011 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Hana_Hirokawa

    bila kita nk g shopping kat FS ni kekekek lucky ke kita.? uwwwaaaaaaa ...
hadiff05 Post at 18-7-2011 08:11

ala kaka hadif tak shopping pun bley aje bertemu mata ngan abe HJ nih.. me tah ler, pasalnye menda tu ari isnin.. takut tak dpt je nk cuti... bnyk kijer... ni tgk tunggu programme kot ade hi5 ari ahad..

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Post time 19-7-2011 02:40 PM | Show all posts
ala kaka hadif tak shopping pun bley aje bertemu mata ngan abe HJ nih.. me tah ler, pasalnye  ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 19-7-2011 13:28

    B pun xbeli.( mcm xkan lucky je stkt merchendise b takmau..nak bgmbr dgn hj.. Sobs..or at least jumpa.. T_T hanamadus ngan kakhadiff xmau balut hj dlm kotak pink polka dot jd besday present b ke?

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Post time 19-7-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] SS501 [Main Vocalist] Heo Young Saeng Shy During Webcam Event, Kim Kyu Jong Surprise Appearance

SS501 [Main Vocalist] Heo Young Saeng was very shy during the webcam event, Kim Kyu Jong surprise appearance, fans shouted, "Surprised gift!!!"  Unforgettable Taiwan fans giving "SUPPORT", hope to go Taiwan meet fans.

SS501 [Main Vocalist] Heo Young Saeng was very shy when meeting fans for the 1st time!  Heo Young Saeng & [Prince Young Saeng Overseas Connection] Webcam event giving 50 lucky fans to have an initmate session with him for 1 hour, chatting about daily life, causing fans drowning in blissfulness.  Promotion activities has come to an end, but Heo Young Saeng revealed that currently he is collecting new songs, hope that he will be able to show his new music projects to everyone soon.  During the process of the webcam event, suddenly a special guest appeared, Kim Kyu Jong who just came back after a successful sold-out Musical [GOONG] from Japan, surprisingly appeared in front of the monitor screen, he greeted the Taiwan fans warmly.  Even Warner Music Taiwan was not even aware of this surprise appearance.  The surprised duo get together caused the fans to cheer "Surprised gift!!!"  Heo Young Saeng said that he missed the fans in Taiwan cos he cant forget the warmth & passionate cheers from them during their concert which gave Young Saeng strength and boost his morale, if there is a chance, he hope to go Taiwan again to see the fans and also for shopping & sight-seeing.

SS501 [Main Vocalist] Heo Young Saeng has released his No.1 mini solo album "LET IT GO".  On 16 Jul (Sat), he held his [Prince Young Saeng Overseas Connection] Webcam event, 50 lucky fans hav the chance to have a [Love Connection] thru the monitor screen with Heo Young Saeng.  When Heo Young Saeng appeared via the monitor screen, all the fans started screaming in happiness, causing Young Saeng whom meeting the fans via the screen for the 1st time to be very shy, but very fast he greeted the fans in Mandarin "Hello everyone, I am Heo Young Saeng", and stated that he is very regretful not able to be in Taiwan to see everyone, thus have to make use of this webcam way, he feel seeing the fans making thru this way seems very interesting.

Chatting about after prior releasing "LET IT GO" album, did SS501 members gave him any advice, Heo Young Saeng replied amusingly, "Although the members did gave me advices, but the advices are not really of any use, just listen will do." causing everyone burst into laughter throughout.  Heo Young Saeng is also very satisfied with his new image in this album, especially after wearing the sunglasses, transforming into a mature modern chic guy image which he feels that is the most handsome.  When being asked any of his songs which reflected his opinion in relationship, Heo Young Saeng stated honestly that cos he does not have any girlfriend now, thus with regards to the feeling of the songs, they do not meet the current state of his mind as compared.  Other than this, he disclosed that even though the album promotions is ending, but he has already started preparing for his next album and has been actively collecting songs, hope that he will be able to release his new music project in Oct.

As SS501 members Young Saeng & Kyu Jong belongs to the same company, thus when fans asked about Kyu Jong, Young Saeng stated that before he went to USA with Kyu Jong for vacation, due to the pressure of being a celebrity, coupled with the daily routine of sleeping late and waking up late, when in USA due to the relax mood, plus the time difference, instead they can really sleep early and wake up early every day.  Thus if there is a chance he hope that they can go for another vacation to the USA.  When being asked did he went to support Kyu Jong in Japan GOONG Musical, Heo Young Saeng gave his charming dimpled smile stating that his air ticket to Japan was already booked, but due to the last minute Inkigayo performance schedule with SS501 leader, Kim Hyun Joong, thus he can only apologised to Kyu Jong and cancelled his trip to Japan.

Never thought that during the event, not long after Heo Young Saeng revealed so many stuff, Kim Kyu Jong suddenly appeared on screen via the webcam in the company.  When Kyu Jong knew that Young Saeng will be having his overseas webcam connection with Taiwan fans whom he have not seen for a very long time, he immediately went to the company to greet the fans.  When the Taiwan fans saw the long absence Kyu Jong, one by one exclaimed that he is very handsome!  Strong feeling buddies sitting together in front of the screen, this unexpected duo, even the Warner Music Taiwan was not even aware of this, causing the fans on present to be thoroughly touched, cheered.

If there is a chance for him to go for vacation, Heo Young Saeng hope that he can go to Taiwan.  He wanna go to those place which has never been befor in Taiwan for sight-seeing.  Heo Young Saeng expressed that he really missed the fans in Taiwan, cos before no matter where SS501 went anywhere for concerts, they can always see the fans from Taiwan cheering for them, the cheers and support given to them is full of warmth and very loud, thus giving them strength.  Although there isnt any plans for him to visit Taiwan, but he hope to wait for Kyu Jong to have new projects so that they can go to Taiwan together to meet the fans, hope that they will continue to support them.  Heo Young Saeng promise to continue working hard to show better music to everyone, hope the fans will anticipate.  

Trans credit to: cllslam10.blogspot

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Post time 19-7-2011 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply  brookemcqueen

hi B, lama tak nmpk?? kemana merantau??
akak melia lak tanya....
melia_star Post at 19-7-2011 11:58

    Oh, 'kak' juga ke ni? Hello, kak! Lol
"Lama x nampak?" penah nampak b ke bfo ni? Kekekkekekeke
B busy kejar anak2.

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Post time 19-7-2011 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Thread nih memang menjamu mata sungguh... ohhh.... I Like...

KHJ nih dah ada girlfriend ker ha. ...
Blueberri Post at 17-7-2011 21:07

    Ss501 esp hj amatla discreet bab relationship, so kalau depa ada gf pun mmg xpernah umum. N rasanya TS mmg respect privacy dorg..rumours byk but none is proven
Kenapa "tidaaaakkk!!" ? Sian dia, nak kasi dia lonely sampai tua bangka ke?;p kalau saya, lagi saya nak depa ni kapel n kawen n branak cpt2:p
I'll b super happy to know that they're happy hehehehe
Takpela, pendapat msg2 kan?

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Post time 19-7-2011 04:02 PM | Show all posts
B pun xbeli.( mcm xkan lucky je stkt merchendise b takmau..nak bgmbr dgn hj.. Sobs..or a ...
brookemcqueen Post at 19-7-2011 14:40

motip ... baikler me kidnap HJ tu bawak lik kg, leh celebrate raya kat perak muehehehe..... erk B tak turun kl ka? me pun berat hati mau pegi.. ni tengah dlm perbincangan agik ngan famili.. yolah, bulan pose kan..

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Post time 20-7-2011 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Puas ati dpt limited ed HJ..cantuik hehehehe n affordable.....heheehheeheh

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Puas ati dpt limited ed HJ..cantuik hehehehe n affordable.....heheehheeheh
hadiff05 Post at 20-7-2011 08:49

wawa ni akak dah borong kat FS ler ni ek? eks mesti dpt lucky nanti..

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2196# Hana_Hirokawa

    bkn la...yg kat FS tu norm al yg limited edition yg dh sold out kat korea...eheheheh

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Oh, 'kak' juga ke ni? Hello, kak! Lol
"Lama x nampak?" penah nampak b ke bfo ni? Kekekkek ...
brookemcqueen Post at 19-7-2011 14:54

   pernah nmpk dolu2....tu yg tanya....
biasalah kita nmpk org, org tak nmpk kita...[size=14.1667px]

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:53 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Hana_Hirokawa

    bkn la...yg kat FS tu norm al yg limited edition yg dh sold ...
hadiff05 Post at 20-7-2011 10:36

eh .. ooo gituk hehehe.. so, barang FS sudah beli ker or mmg tak beli? humm npk gaya mcm ledo bz ari isnin aje ngan fans.. ahad tu mcm takde showcase ker haper ker.. yeker?

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Ss501 esp hj amatla discreet bab relationship, so kalau depa ada gf pun mmg xpernah umum.  ...
brookemcqueen Post at 19-7-2011 14:59

aku pun harap2 dah sampai time kawenlah dia.....tak nk lah dia membujang sampai ke tua.....
cumanya setau aku yg kureng tau neh, idol2 Korea neh susah sgt nk kawen....kalu yg ramai kawen pun yg dlm bidang lakonan....yg singer neh jarang nmpk dorang kawen.....sorry if i'm mistaken.....

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:57 AM | Show all posts
Puas ati dpt limited ed HJ..cantuik hehehehe n affordable.....heheehheeheh
hadiff05 Post at 20-7-2011 08:49

ni mukan yg mcm i order ngn u tu ke hadiff??
jelessnyerr......tepekla sebarang dua pic kt sini buat ubat gula2....[size=14.1667px][size=14.1667px]

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