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Author: jeanlouisfinch

★~!Big Bang (빅뱅) 7th Bang!~★TaeYang:Where.U.At★

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Post time 2-10-2009 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by whoelse_i at 2-10-2009 11:09

G Dragon & GaHo Love!!

whoelse_i Post at 2-10-2009 11:07


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Post time 2-10-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts
amemiya Post at 2-10-2009 11:52

pelik tak kalo rs jeles kt anjing tuh

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Post time 2-10-2009 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by whoelse_i at 2-10-2009 11:59
aku restu~~!! wakakakaka
amemiya Post at 2-10-2009 11:50

Hehe..Restu2..Jangan tak restu..

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Post time 2-10-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts
pelik tak kalo rs jeles kt anjing tuh
zeleia Post at 2-10-2009 11:56

Erm,,tak pelik kot..Hehe..

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Post time 2-10-2009 12:09 PM | Show all posts
G Dragon voted most overrated singer-songwriter..

Boy band Big Bang leader G Dragon, recently promoting his first solo album, has been voted the most overrated singer-songwriter.

According to a week-long online poll carried out on over 15,000 people starting September 22 on portal website, 52.6 percent of respondents said the 21-year-old was the most overrated.

G Dragon has been widely recognized as a prominent songwriter since his debut, composing several of Big Bang’s hit songs and his own recent solo single “Heartbreaker” which remained atop music charts for over a month.

However, Sony ATV and the singer’s agency YG Entertainment have been in a dispute over Sony’s claim that G Dragon plagiarized Flo Rida’s “Right Round”, leaving fans confused and in heated debate over the accusation.

Singer and producer Park Jin-young, founder and CEO of JYP Entertainment, followed in second place, receiving 6.8 percent of the votes.

Park has a number of hit songs and discovered some of Korea’s most popular singers including Asian pop sensation Rain and the Wonder Girls. But he was also at the center of controversy in the past for his seemingly sexually explicit lyrics and accusations of plagiarism.

Member Lee Min-woo of six-member boy band Shinhwa came in third with 6.5 percent of the votes.

Credit: Jessica Kim []

Hmm..Whether it is overrated or not,,you can’t deny the fact that G-Dragon is definitely a chart topper..But admit it,,sometimes he's overrated..

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Post time 2-10-2009 12:22 PM | Show all posts
huhu ngn gaho pon nak jeles menjeles eyh?
adekah perlu?
gaho so chomel..wlaupon dlm hati xsuke gaho yg berkedut2 itu...uit!!!

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Post time 2-10-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts
pelik tak kalo rs jeles kt anjing tuh
zeleia Post at 2-10-2009 11:56

adeh..kak jel..minik die pon tak jelesss..

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Post time 2-10-2009 12:28 PM | Show all posts
G Dragon to hold 1st solo concert in December!!

G Dragon, Leader of popular idol group Big Bang, is set to hold his first-ever solo concert in December, according to his agency on Thursday.

“His first solo concert will be held about twice during the first week of December,” announced Yang Hyun-suk, founder and CEO of YG Entertainment on the agency’s official website.

Yang added the performances will be held at the Gymnastics Gymnasium in the Olympic Park with tickets to go on sale after the Chuseok holidays in early October.

The 21-year-old songwriter, rapper and singer, recently topping the charts with his first solo single “Heartbreaker”, has also been the subject of heated debate on whether he plagiarized Flo Rida’s “Right Round’.

Sony/ATV Music Publishing has said it is in the process of taking legal action against the song and three others it claims were plagiarized and released in the albums of YG Entertainment’s singers.

Credit: Jessica Kim []

Tak sabar nak tengok konsert dia..Mari ramai2 kita ke Korea!!Haha..

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Post time 2-10-2009 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by whoelse_i at 2-10-2009 12:39

Tae Jin Ah transforms into “T Dragon”, “G Dragon freeze!”

During the weeks leading up to today, The invincible ‘T Dragon‘ was born to overpower G Dragon.

Singer Tae Jin Ah transformed into a charismatic silver rapper with 2AM’s Jo Kwon Kwa, on Star King’s Chuseok (Thanksgiving) Special.  For this surprise show, Tae Jin Ah strongly took off his original image and wore a yellow wig, held a red apple, and perfectly digested G Dragon’s “Heartbreaker” dance and song.

He even punched a Styrofoam wall as part of his parody to the “Heart Breaker“ music video.

Transformed into a silver rapper, Tae Jin Ah, and his T Dragon’s unconventional stage will be revealed tomorrow; Saturday, October 3rd, at 6:20 PM. (korean time).

Credit: Newsen

Another parody..This song has gotten so much love from fans as well as celebritites..Looks like it’s gonna be good..Can’t wait to see it..

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Post time 2-10-2009 01:03 PM | Show all posts
ak x sabar nk tgk yg mc mong dalam vc baru dier kot......
mong stein ke mende ntah.....
klaka btol dier tiru bang jidi......

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 02:54 PM | Show all posts
2230# whoelse_i


yolah!tuhla~~kt dh jrg jmpe kat ym~~xsangka nur masuk sini~lol

enjoy ur stay bebeh!!

akak pon dh jrg masuk sini~~tuntutan idop mengatasi segale2 nye~~~wuwu

kot2 ade gath lg, roger la ai occay!

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 02:56 PM | Show all posts
2232# nzhass79

ai redha oke~~~
biarla kt berkasih reramai, tp bersomi biar sorang wakil stiap group~~~ekeke

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 02:57 PM | Show all posts
2233# whoelse_i

yola nur~~~xde nye nak brebot~~kat sini sume minik2 dah establish!ahah

nur suke jidi dgn youngbae ke eh?akak dah lupe la ur fav~~~ tskk..tsk..

kot youngbae, oke la tuh~since yb nye minik asik MIA dari dolu~~wuwu

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 02:58 PM | Show all posts
2234# amemiya

ai x marah la dekat yu, kak ipar~~mne bley memarah~~~

chagiya aku dh nk mule shoot FO sat lg!yeaaahhh~~~~~hwaiting babey!!!!muaaahhhxxx!

kot ko dtg@x, roger aku tau~~senang aku nk masuk bebarang dlm bonet kete~keke maklumla, dgn poster, litestik, dvd, dgn stokin ko tuh~rase mcm santa claus plak nnti~emwahaha

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 02:59 PM | Show all posts
2235# hadiff05

tenkiu hadiff tlg tepekkan~~~

harusla bulan oktober ni bulan keberkatan, smpena besday aku bln ni, belambak show, sume chagiya nak perf~~~ekeke

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 03:01 PM | Show all posts
2249# whoelse_i

aku ade tengok yg noh hong chul nye clip~mcm hare lawak nye~~xsilap, time tuh just teaser je kot~~~msti kot tgk full jd loya!

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 03:01 PM | Show all posts
2250# nicrye


mong pon ade imitate jidi gak dlm MV baru eh???xsabo nk tgk~muwahaha

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Post time 2-10-2009 03:07 PM | Show all posts
2234# amemiya

ai x marah la dekat yu, kak ipar~~mne bley memarah~~~

chagiya aku dh nk mule shoot FO sat lg!yeaaahhh~~~~~hwaiting babey!!!!muaaahhhxxx!

kot ko dtg@x, roger aku tau~~senan ...
jeanlouisfinch Post at 2-10-2009 14:58

yup..aku roger tahu kepayahan yu nak ngangkut mende tu sume..

tp ayat yg santa claus tu mmg tak bleh blah..

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 03:20 PM | Show all posts
2258# amemiya


yelah~~seb bek aku xde buntil guni~~kot x, sumbat ajew dlm tuh~~mwahahaha

tp kepayahan aku nnti, ko plak jadi galang ganti, nak angkut bawak blik umah ko~~ekeke

hwaiting bebeh!!!

ps: aku cube cari bekas@beg elok sket, biar ko x malu nak bawak kotak

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Post time 2-10-2009 04:30 PM | Show all posts
2258# amemiya


yelah~~seb bek aku xde buntil guni~~kot x, sumbat ajew dlm tuh~~mwahahaha

tp kepayahan aku nnti, ko plak jadi galang ganti, nak angkut bawak blik umah ko~~ekeke

h ...
jeanlouisfinch Post at 2-10-2009 15:20

agak2 beso tak beg tu??

klu aku nek public transport?? aku kena jumpe ko bwk keta ni..

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