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Author: ninoZ

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Post time 30-10-2007 10:48 AM | Show all posts
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18 biskut oreo, kisar halus untuk buat base (kalau suka base tebal, tambah biskit)
2 sdb butter, cairkan (loli malas nak tunggu butter cair so guna planta)
3 buku cream cheese
3/4 cup gula (guna measuring cup ye, loli letak 1/2 je sebab tak suka manis)
1 sdk vanila esen
3 biji telur

cara :
1)biskut yg dah dikisar tu campur dgn butter/margerine, buat base
2)bantai cream cheese, gula & vanila esen sampai sebati
3)masukkan choc chip/coklat cair (boleh abaikan kalau tak nak)
4)masukkan telur satu persatu, bantai (low speed)
5)tuang atas base
6)bakar 180 degrees, 45mins atau hingga masak
7)sejukkan dulu sebelum disimpan dalam peti ais untuk 4 jam atau semalaman

*loli antu oreo, jadik lebihan biskut tu loli pecahkan kecik

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Post time 30-10-2007 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Kit Kat Cheesecake Slice [chempaka_ku]
Source : My Favourite Chocolate Cookbook

3 x 90g Nestle Kit Kat Bars, dihancurkan....
50g butter, melted

Note:  I find rasanya manis, jadi sesiapa yang tak suka manis tu boleh tukar dengan wafer atau base yang lain....

375g cream cheese
1/2 cup caster sugar
2 eggs
300 ml sour cream
1 tsp vanilla

100g chocolate melts atau apa-apa jenis chocolate
2 tbsp coffee ( tak campur coffee sebab tak suka)

1.  Campur Kit Kat Bars dan butter.  Press ke dalam pan yang bergreased dan berlined. 18cm x 28cm.  Chill selama 1 jam (saya simpan semalaman he he...)
2.  Topping:  Beat cream cheese dan gula sehingga ringan.  Masukkan telur satu persatu.  Flod in sour cream dan vanilla.  Tuang ke dalam pan tadi.
3.  Chocolate di cairkan dengan coffee.  Drizzle atas topping tadi or buat marble ikut suka.
4.  Bakar 180 degree Celcius selama 35 ke 40 minit.  35 minit tu sudah brown, ini ikut oven...30 minit tu boleh check sudah masak ke belum.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:03 AM | Show all posts
MY FIRST CHEESE CAKE [duchessofkent]

125g biskut digestive (hancurkan)
2 sudu besar serbuk badam
1 sudu besar gula kastor
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk cinnamon
90g butter

250g philadelphia cream cheese
1/3 cawan gula kastor
2 sudu kecil lemon grind
1 sudu kecil orange grind
2 biji telur

Blueberry in syrup
Tepung Jagung

Biskut dihancurkan & campur dengan gula kastor, serbuk cinnamon dan serbuk badam. Butter tu diletakkan dlm mangkuk & cook on HIGH 1 minute guna microwave. Lepas tu campur butter tadi dengan bahan2 lain dan gaul sehingga rata. Kemudian letakkan dalam base flan 20cm dan sejukkan dlm peti ais.

Cream cheese dipukul guna mixer sehingga lembut, kemudian masukkan kastor sugar, lemon grind and orange grind. Then masukkan telur satu persatu. Lepas pukul hingga kembang, tuang ke atas based tadi. Then masak guna microwave on HIGH 5 minutes.

panaskan atas api blueberry tu bersama sedikit bancuhan tepung jagung. masak sehingga likat. Kemudian tuang ke atas cheese tadi. siap.... dan boleh dihidangkan:

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:04 AM | Show all posts

Bahan Base
200 gm biskut Oreo [mesinkan/hancurkan halus]
2 s/b butter [suhu bilik]

Bahan Kerim
250 gm cheese cream philidephia
300 ml yogurt [perisa buah mangga]
100 gm gula halus [gula kastor]
3 keping buah peach dalam tin [potong dadu keci]

Larutan agar-agar cair [bancuhkan]
130 ml air panas
1 s/b agar-agar serbuk

1. Alaskan loyang cheesecake 8 inci dengan kertas kek [kertas A4 pun ok]
2. Gaulkan biskut ore dengan butter dan tekankan dalam loyang.
3. Pukul cheese cream dan gula sehingga kembang [sebati].
4. Masukkan yogurt dan kacau rata [gunakan whisker].
5. Masukkan larutan agar-agar cair dan kacau sebati.
6. Masukkan potongan buah peach dan kacau lagi perlahan2 supaya buah peach tidak hancur.
7. Masukkan dalam loyang dan sejukkan dalam petisejuk beberapa jam.
8. Keluarkan dan hiaskan dengan buah peach.
9. Hidangkan.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Boston Cream Cheesecake [Kero_kero]
Source :

1 pkg. (1-layer size) yellow cake mix
3 pkg. (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. vanilla, divided
3 eggs
3/4 cup Sour Cream
2 squares Unsweetened Baking Chocolate
3 Tbsp. milk
2 Tbsp. butter or margarine
1 cup powdered sugar


GREASE bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Prepare cake mix as directed on package; pour batter evenly into springform pan. Bake at 325癋 for 25 minutes if using a silver springform pan. (Bake at 300癋 for 20 minutes if using a dark nonstick springform pan.) Cool.

BEAT cream cheese, granulated sugar and 1 tsp. of the vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until blended. Blend in sour cream; pour over cake layer.

BAKE at 325癋 for 40 to 45 minutes or until center is almost set if using a silver springform pan. (Bake at 300癋 for 40 to 45 minutes or until center is almost set if using a dark nonstick springform pan.) Run knife or metal spatula around rim of pan to loosen cake; cool before removing rim of pan.

PLACE chocolate, milk and butter in medium microwavable bowl. Microwave on HIGH 2 minutes or until butter is melted, stirring after 1 minute. Stir until chocolate is completely melted. Add powdered sugar and remaining 1 tsp. vanilla; mix well. Spread over cooled cheesecake. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Boston Cheesecake [Kero_kero]
Source : Amy Beh

For the sponge cake base:
50g melted butter

190g Optima flour
4 eggs
30ml water
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

For the topping:
550g cream cheese
200g sugar
4 large egg yolks
200g whipping cream
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

125g flour
25g cornflour
1/4 tsp salt
4 egg whites
2 tbsp sugar


To make base: Whisk (A) till thick and fluffy. Stir in melted butter. Line the base of a 22cm or 23cm round cake tin. Pour batter into tin and bake at 190 篊 for 20 to 25 minutes.

To make topping: Cream (A) till smooth and light. Gradually beat in egg yolks one at a time. Beat in whipping cream and vanilla essence. Fold in (B) gradually, followed by lemon juice.

Whisk egg whites and sugar until just stiff and fold lightly into creamed mixture.

Line the base of a loose-bottomed cake tin with the sponge cake. Line and grease sides of tin.

Pour cream cheese mixture into the tin. Bake cake in a water-bath at 170 篊 for one hour or until skewer inserted in the centre of cake comes out clean.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:17 AM | Show all posts

Bahan A -Base Biskut
120 gm biskut chipsmore
2 s/b butter

1. Mesinkan halus biskut.
2. Gaulkan dengan butter sehinga boleh dikepal.
3. Masukkan dalam loyang springform 8 inci bulat yg telah dilapikkan kertas minyak.
4. Tekan adunan dan bakar pada suhu 150'C selama 10 minit.

Bahan B - Filling
250 gm krim keju Philidephia
70 gm butter
120 gm fresh cream
120 gm gula halus
50 gm tepung jagung
30 gm tepung superfine
1 s/teh esen vanilla
4 biji telur ayam  [asingkan kuning dan putih telur]
2 s/b blueberry filling

Filling blueberry..
[bolih dibeli siap dari kedai alat kueh/kek
atau dalam tin dari supermarket. ]

1. Panaskan oven 150 C selama 5 minit. ...
2. Pukul putih telur sehingga naik gebus saperti bueh sabun. Pastikan tiada kuning telur tercampur dalam adunan putih telur...dan juga pemukul telur kering dari minyakatau air.]
3. Pukulkan keju kerim, butter, gula dan frsh cream/whipping cream sehingga gebu.
4. Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu dan esen vanila. Pukul algi sehinggga rata.
5.. Ayakkan kedua-dua jenis tepung.
6.  Dengan menggunakan senduk kayu masukkan tepung dan kacau rata.
7. Buat teknik kaup-balikkan adunan.
8. Masukkan adunan putih telur dan gaulkan rata. Masukkan pula blueberry dan kacau rata.
9. Masukkan adunan dalam loyang yg telah ada  biskut base.
10 .Bakar pada suhu 150'C selama 70 - 75  minit
11. Bila telah amsak biarkan didalam oven selama beberapa jam.
12. Sejukkan kek dalam peti sejuk untuk 4- 5 jam lagi.
13. Letakkan topping blueberry sebagai hiasan dan boleh dihidangkan.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:19 AM | Show all posts

Bahan Base
150 gm biskut chipsmore [mesinkan/hancurkan halus]
2 s/b butter [suhu bilik]

Bahan Kerim
250 gm cheese cream philidephia
300 ml yogurt [perisa buah ]
100 gm gula halus [gula kastor]
100 gm ice-cream vanilla
100 gm biskut mini chipsmore

Larutan agar-agar cair [panaskan]
130 ml air
1 s/b agar-agar serbuk

1. Alaskan loyang cheesecake 8 inci dengan kertas kek [kertas A4 pun ok]
2. Gaulkan biskut chipsmore dengan butter dan tekankan dalam loyang.
3. Pukul cheese cream dan gula sehingga kembang [sebati].
4. Masukkan yogurt dan ice-cream dan kacau rata [gunakan whisker].
5. Masukkan larutan agar-agar cair dan kacau sebati.
6. Masukkan pbiskut mni chipsmore dan kacau lagi perlahan2 supaya biskut  tidak hancur.
7. Masukkan dalam loyang dan taburkan sedikit biskut yg dimesinkan.
8. Sejukkan dalam petisejuk beberapa jam.
8. Keluarkan dan hdan hidangkan
9. Hidangkan.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:22 AM | Show all posts

Bahan Base
150 gm biskut chipsmore [mesinkan/hancurkan halus]
2 s/b butter [suhu bilik]

Bahan Kerim
250 gm cheese cream philidephia
300 ml yogurt [perisa buah ]
100 gm gula halus [gula kastor]
100 gm ice-cream vanilla

Larutan agar-agar cair [panaskan]
130 ml air
1 s/b agar-agar serbuk

Hiasan [kacau sebati]
Filling blueberry
1 s/b air suam

1. Alaskan loyang cheesecake 8 inci dengan kertas kek [kertas A4 pun ok]
2. Gaulkan biskut chipsmore dengan butter dan tekankan dalam loyang.
3. Pukul cheese cream dan gula sehingga kembang [sebati].
4. Masukkan yogurt dan ice-cream dan kacau rata
5. Masukkan larutan agar-agar cair dan kacau sebati.
6. Masukkan dalam loyang. Sejukkan dalam petisejuk beberapa jam.
7. Keluarkan dan letakkan filling blueberry.
8. Hidangkan.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:24 AM | Show all posts

Bahan Base
150 gm biskut chipsmore [mesinkan/hancurkan halus]
2 s/b butter  lembut [suhu bilik]

Bahan Kerim
250 gm cheese cream philidephia
300 ml yogurt [perisa buah ]
100 gm gula halus [gula kastor]
100 gm ice-cream vanilla
1 s/b coffee paste

Larutan agar-agar cair [panaskan]
130 ml air
1 s/b agar-agar serbuk

Hiasan [kacau sebati]
coklat rice

1. Alaskan loyang cheesecake 8 inci dengan kertas kek [kertas A4 pun ok]
2. Gaulkan biskut chipsmore dengan butter dan tekankan dalam loyang. Bakar dalam suhu 180 selama 10 minit.
3. Pukul cheese cream dan gula sehingga kembang [sebati].
4. Masukkan yogurt dan ice-cream dan kacau rata
5. Masukkan larutan agar-agar cair dan kacau sebati.
6. Masukkan coklat rice dan kacau rata.
7. Masukkan dalam loyang.
8. Taburkan coklat rice sebagai hiasan Sejukkan dalam petisejuk beberapa jam.
10.  Keluarkan dam idangkan.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Source : Alex Goh

(A) Cream cheese             500g
      Gula Castor                 120g

(B)  Tepung Gandum           20g
      Tepung Jagung             20g

(C) Kuning Telur               4 biji
      Telur                           1 biji

(D) Orange zest               1 biji
      Orange juice              1 biji
      Plain Yogurt                 40g

(E) Putih telur                 3 biji (pukul hingga kental)
      Gula                          60g

(F) Chocolate, cairkan    40g
      Orange juice              25g


1) Pukul (A) sehingga kembang dan masukkan (D) pukul dan kemudian masukkan (B) pukul lagi
2) Masukkan (C) satu-satu pukul hingga kembang dan licin
3) Dlm bekas berasingan pukul (E) hingga kembang dan masukkan ke dalam adunan, kacau serata
4) Ambil 150g adunan dan campurkan dengan (F) kacau rata
5) Gris 9" loyang dan letakkan kertas minyak di dasar loyang
6) Masukkan adunan (3) secara berselang seli dengan adunan (4) dan diakhiri dengan adunan (4) seterusnya lorekkan utk mendapat corak marble yg dikehendaki.
7) Panaskan oven 160C selama 60 minit, api atas bawah
8) Bakar adunan cara water bath
9) Bila masak biarkan kek dalam oven selama beberapa minit dan kemudian masukkan ke dalam peti ais.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Source : Jo's De;i Bakery


Makes one 8"

3 x 125g packets oreo cookies, cream removed
100g butter

3 tsp gelatine, dissolved in 60ml water
Juice from 2 lemons (about 80ml)
500g cream cheese, softened
150g castor sugar
240ml whipping cream

Extra whipping cream from decoration (option)


1. Prepare an 8 inch loose bottom or spring foam round cake tin. Wrap loose base of tin with aluminium foil (for easy removal of cake later). Place a piece of shiny contact or plastic strip (for making mousse cake) of 2.5-3 inch height around the inside of the tin as a collar.

2. Melt butter over medium heat. Set aside.

3. Place biscuits in food processor and process until finely crushed. Transfer to a bowl. Add melted butter and stir until crumbs are moistened by butter. Transfer crumbs to the prepared cake tin. Press firmly over base and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

4. In a stainless steel mixing bowl, dissolve gelatine in 60ml water. Add lemon juice into the gelatine and heat the mixture over a pot of simmering hot water, until gelatin is totally dissolved. Set aside to cool to about 60 degC.

5. In another mixing bowl , beat cream cheese and sugar until creamy and pale. Add in whipping cream and continue to beat for another 3 minutes (to whip the whipping cream up).

6. Add in the gelatine mixture and blend with mixer until just blended.

7. Pour cream cheese mixture over biscuit base and chill overnight or until firm.

8. To remove the cake from the cake tin, push the loose bottom of the cake tin up. Unwrap aluminium foil from the base. You can try to slowly push the whole cake on to a cake board (leaving the foil behind), OR just wrap the foil onto the cake board (without having to remove the foil). Carefully pull away the contact or plastic strip.

9. Decorate cake with whipped cream, melted chocolate etc.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Chilled Cheesecake [hadifaa]

Bahan utk base:

1 buku mentega (cairkan)
1 paket roti marrie (kisar halus)
- gaulkan kedua2 bahan ini dan tekankan ke dalam loyang hingga padat dan bekukan dalam freezer.

1 buku cream cheese
1 biji telur
1/2 tin susu manis
-pukul ketiga2 bahan hingga kembang dan tuangkan ke aduan roti marrie yg telah dibekukan tadi.

Setelah betul2 beku,sapukan coklat nutella di atasnya dan sedia utk dimakan.

p/s: Cheese cake ini hendaklah dimakan ketika ia sejuk dan tak boleh dibiarkan terdedah lama kat luar sebab cheese dia mudah cair..

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Cream Cheese Souffle [CikKiahAbd]

300g cream cheese
30g cornstarch
1/4 cup sour cream ( or you can use buttermilk( milk+lemon juice ) or even plain milk )
90g sugar
3 eggs, separated
1 teaspoon lemon juice
vanilla beans ( or vanilla extract )
lemon zest

How to make:
1. Place cream cheese in a clean bowl, wrap with saran wrap and put in microwave for 15-20 seconds. When taken out, cream cheese should be soft enough to be whipped using spatula.
2. Add in sour cream ( or milk ) into cream cheese and 2/3 of the sugar. Mix well.
3. Add in egg yolks, one by one, mixing evenly after adding into the mixture. Lastly add in lemon juice,lemon zest and vanilla beans ( vanilla extract ).
4. In another clean bowl, beat egg whites and remaining sugar until white peaks start to form ( macam buat meringue )
5. Add in meringue to the cream cheese mixture and fold in gently. Remember to never over folding the meringue and mixture or the souffl閟 won't puff (Guna teknik macam nak buat sponge cake )
6. Line base and sides of pan with greased parchment paper ( for the sides, cut out the parchment papers higher than the sides of the pan ).Bake in preheated oven of 180 degrees Celcius for 30 minutes. --->> ni kalu nak bakar dlm loyang besar. kalu nak bakar dlm individual cups, tayah letak parchment paper
7. Leave to cool before serving with whipped cream or fresh fruits.

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Post time 30-10-2007 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Blueberry Cotton Cheesecake [yusnina]


250 gm cream cheese
50 gm mentega
100 ml susu segar

Semua bahan disatukan dan dimasak secara double boiler - sejukkan

60 gm superfine flour
20 gm tepung jagung
6 telur kuning
1/4 sudu kecil garam
1/4 sudu kecil pewarna grape/purple
1 sudu kecil esen blueberry

Bahan-bahan ini dimasukkan ke dalam adunan A yang telah disejukkan tadi - kacau hingga sebati.

6 telur putih
1/4 sudu teh cream of tartar
140 gm gula pasir

Putih telur diputar hingga berbuih. Masukkan cream of tartar, putar lagi dan masukkan gula - putar hingga kembang dan berbentuk 'soft peak'. Campurkan secara kaup balik ke dalam adunan tepung tadi.

Bakar menggunakan acuan bulat 8' yang telah digris dan dialas dengan kertas minyak - bakar secara bain marie. Bakar selama 1 1/2 jam pada suhu 160'C.

p/s Nina letak topping jem blueberry kat atas kek.....ikut citarasa masing2...

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Post time 30-10-2007 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Black Berry Cheesecake [inai]

Bahan base:-

15 keping digestive biskut
2 cawan cornflakes
3 s/b gula perang
3 s/b mentega

-kisar halus biskut & cornflakes
-masukkan gula & mentega hingga sebati
-tekan hingga padat & rata dlm acuan springfoam (kalau guna acuan biasa kena lapik ngan kertas minyak)
-bakar selama 7 minit & ketepikan.

Bahan Cheese:-
750 gm soft cream cheese
225 gm gula caster
1 s/b tepung jagung
2 biji telur
150 ml strawberry yogurt
1 tin blackberry-ditapis airnya (jenama S&W?esia punya kot)

-pukul cream cheese & gula selama 3 minit
-ayak tepung jagung dlm chesse & pukul bagi kembang & tak berbintil
-masukkan telur satu persatu dan + yogurt
-masukkan blackberry dan gaulkan ngan senduk kayu je
-tuang atas base biskut tadi dan bakar selama 30 minit?tau hingga nampak tepi kek lekang sikit dari acuan. Suhu nya tak sure..ikut je macam suhu utk bake lain2 respi cheese cake.
-setelah masak tutup api oven..JGN keluarkan kek dr oven lagi..Biarkan kek sejuk dlm oven dgn renggangkan sikit pintu oven selama 1 jam.(renggangkan dlm 3-4 incin cam tu)
-setelah sejam masukkan kek dlm peti sejuk.
-bolehlah ditoppingkan dgn jem (sebarang perisa)

Sos jam:-
Ambil jam dan bancuhkan dgn sedikit air panas & tuang atas kek

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Post time 30-10-2007 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Coffee Cheesecake [Chanel2004]


125 gm Butter
1 tbsp Instant coffee powder mixed with 1/2 tbsp hot water
200 gm Digestive biscuits,finely ground
40 gm Light brown sugar
50 gm Ground almond/hazelnut

Greased then line the base of a 23 cm springform tin.
Melt butter in pan over low heat,stir in coffee mixture,finely ground biscuits,ground almond/hazelnut and light brown sugar.
Stir till well mix and just fragrant.(carefull not to burn the mixture)
Press the biscuits mixture evenly into prepared springform tin with the back of a metal spoon.

Melt 60 gm of Dark cooking chocolate(chopped finely) with 2 tbsp UHT Chocolate milk or normal fresh milk over double boiler(at low heat).
Pour the melting chocolate mixture over biscuits base,spread evenly and refrigerate till needed.


500 gm Cream cheese
150 gm Light brown sugar
2 1/2 tbsp Instant coffee mixed with 2 tbsp hot water
2 tbsp + 2 tsp Cornflour,sifted
4 Eggs,light beaten
300 ml whipping cream (Dairy)

Preheat oven to 140'c.
This cheesecake is steam-bake.
Wrap the outside of the springform tin with heavy-duty aluminium foil to prevent water from seeping into the pan.keep in fridge while prepare the filling.
Beat cream cheese and light brown sugar till smooth.
Add in the coffee mixture and sifted cornflour,stir till well mix.
Pour in lightly beaten eggs and stir till well combine.
Pour in the whipping cream and blend until mixture thickens.
Pour filling on prepared biscuits base and place the tin in a larger pan, then filled the larger pan with hot water about 3/4 full.
Steam bake the cheesecake at lowest rack/shelf of the oven for 1 hour and 10 minutes or untill filling is set but slightly soft in the centre.
Turn off oven and leave the cake in oven for 30 minutes with door closed.
Remove water bath and leave cake to cool in oven with door ajar.
Chill cake in fridge for 5 hour or overnight.


200 ml Whipping cream,whipped till slightly thicken
30 or 50 gm icing sugar,sifted (depent how sweet you like)
2 tsp gelatin + 40 ml water
1/2 tsp vanilla essence (Optional)

Stir sifted icing sugar into the thicken cream.Set aside.
Dissolved gelatin over double boiler (at low heat) until mixture clear.
Stir the thicken cream non-stop while adding the hot gelatin.Stir till well combine.
Add in vanilla essence if use.
Pour the thicken cream mixture over cooled cheesecake and refrigerate till topping set.
Unmould and decorate cheesecake with piping melted chocolate and coffee bean.
Slice cheesecake with a warm knife into THIN slices.

NOTE: this is a very RICH cheesecake and is a perfect dessert after a light meal

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Post time 30-10-2007 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Blueberry Cheesecake [eyzlyn]


200 gm philidelphia cream cheese
2 tbs icing sugar
1 sachet (9 gm) vanilla sugar
1 sachet (10 g) whipped it ( cream stabilizer)
1 tsp lemon juice
1 can blueberry topping ( optional, may use cherry or strawberry if preffered)
graham honey wafer ( sejenis biskut)
250 ml whipping cream

1. whipped cream cheese and icing sugar till fluffy

2. add whipping cream and the rest ingredients ( except topping and honey wafer), whipped till thick

3. line wafer in a pan the spread the cream,... line the wafer again then the cream till full

4. lastly, spread the topping and chill it overnite.

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Post time 30-10-2007 12:15 PM | Show all posts

Bahan Bahan A

180 gm. Butter
20 gm. cocoa powder - ayak
170 gm. Gula castor
3 biji telor
120 gm. tepong naik Sendiri - ayak
1 tsp. baking powder - ayak

Bahan bahan B

250 gm. cream cheese
60 gm. gula castor
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1 biji telor

Cara cara nya :-

(1) Pukul butter and gula.
(2) Masukkan telor sebiji demi sebiji.
(3) Masukkan tepong, cocoa dan baking powder yang telah di ayak. Gaul rata.
(4) Di sebuah bekas yang lain, pukul kesumua bahan bahan B hingga kembang.
(5) Tuang 1 bahagian adunan A kedalam loyang berukuran 7" dan ratakan. Kemudian tuangkan semua adunan bahan B. Ratakan permukaan loyang.
(6) Tuangkan baki adunan A.
7) Bakar di oven 160 deg C - selama 60 mins.
(8) Setelah masak tunggu hingga betul betul sejuk sebelum dipotong dan hidang.
(9) Selamat mencuba.

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Post time 30-10-2007 12:21 PM | Show all posts
Source: Florence

Ingredient (18cm mould) :

110g digestive biscuits crumbs
40g melted butter

250g cream cheese
45g milk
50g icing sugar
1 tbsp rum ====> saya tak letak pun
8 oreo cookies coarsely crushed

250ml whipping cream

1 tbsp gelatine powder
10ml lemon juice
3 tbsp hot water


1. Toss biscuit crumbs into melted butter and press firmly on to base of cake pan. Chill in the fridge.
2. Whip whipping cream till about 70% stiff or mousse state.
3. Double boil (C) until gelatine powder dissolved. Keep warm.
4. Cream (A) until smooth and creamy. Blend in gelatine solution.
5. Blend in whipped cream.
6. Pour 1/2 cheese mixture onto cake base top it with oreo cookies crushed coarsely and pour the rest of the cheese mixture on top. You can also stir in the crushed oreo cookies during Step (5). Chill for 3 hours.
7. De! corate with some cream and finely crushed oreo.

1. You can add finely ground oreo into cheese mixture but the colour of the cake will then become dark grey instead of cream coloured.
2. Better to do this cake on a pan with a removable base. I wrapped the cake pan base with aluminum foil and serve the cake on it.
3. To easily remove chilled cake, wrap a warm towel around the pan and remove cake from the botto

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