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Author: solstice

Deborah Henry; Miss Malaysia Terbaik Dalam Sejarah

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:00 PM | Show all posts
nanges sgt2


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Post time 15-9-2011 02:00 PM | Show all posts
uols rindu kat m.kerak kan??nahhhh..khas utk uols
ShaCroft Post at 15-9-2011 13:58

lama2 rindu plak kat ms. kerak!!
hrp2 kaka micah x sentap tgk pic ni..

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:01 PM | Show all posts
comel jah debb


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Post time 15-9-2011 02:01 PM | Show all posts
nanges sgt2

ShaCroft Post at 15-9-2011 14:00

mek trtanya2.. adakah EG ni yg deb akan pakai masa final??
ke biru tu?? kalu dia pi final la...

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:02 PM | Show all posts
mek debbie santik sgt!! pic ala2 dia yg MU2011..
elorna Post at 15-9-2011 13:59

TT...tepek lah gambo neh wat wolpaper umah baru nnt...terubat sket hati neh, tgk gambo yg ala2 debb yg MU 2011, bak kata mek elorna...


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Post time 15-9-2011 02:05 PM | Show all posts
iols nk p kelas...kalo sempat petang ni menebeng lagik...kalo tak, mlm je lah...

sure uols dah merempit umah ni hangit bila iols masuk menebeng lik nnt..

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:09 PM | Show all posts
kaki pelesu ms. china yg dikatakan cantik itu.. ada kurap ker??
elorna Post at 15-9-2011 13:32

   kudis buta kots

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:11 PM | Show all posts
iols nk p kelas...kalo sempat petang ni menebeng lagik...kalo tak, mlm je lah...

sure uols dah me ...
ShaCroft Post at 15-9-2011 14:05

    lor.. ko skolah lagik ke jah .... skolah baik2  .. yea

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Miss Universe backlash: Miss France speaks out against Miss Angola
By Michele Langevine Leiby

Miss France, Laury Thilleman, is offering some nasty, sore loser, sour grapes, culturally imperious comments about Miss Angola, Leila Lopes, who just won the 2011 Miss Universe pageant.

The French magazine reports that Miss France, a top 10 finalist in the competition, made the comments during a telephone interview with the magazine. She said the win surprised her (actually she said all the contestants were surprised) and noted that Miss Angola hardly ever wore makeup and she often wore jeans. And she was reserved and lacking in personality. Oh, and the fact that the contest was held in Brazil played a role -- the implication being that Angola is a former Portuguese colony like Brazil. (If that’s the case then why didn’t they just elect Miss Brazil!? )

Here are Miss France’s quotes, as translated. Judge for yourself.

“She was the only girl I didn’t know very well. We didn’t see her much; she was very discreet. She was often in jeans and not wearing makeup. We were all surprised by her win. Many girls made efforts that were not rewarded. I don’t know, something is missing in her temperament. The fact that the competition was held in Brazil surely played a role.”

To see the article in it's original form go here ... _blog.html

.....hahahaha..start dah bitching around..

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:23 PM | Show all posts
ai all tak reti nak tepek tp baca comment kat GB on our debbie tak dpt top 16 tu as below link ni ... nak nanges tak u all? i rasa tak de sapa tepek lagi hat yg ni kan? ke dah ada? huhuh. mintak mahap la kalau dah ade ye. ... 1-the-final-review/

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:29 PM | Show all posts
aah la..saya pun xpandai tempek photo....tolong tempek photo ms angola a day after....

lipstick pun dia mana sponsor makeup miss universe ni wajib sedey...

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:32 PM | Show all posts
uols...cer p sini...nk tepek tak leh
ShaCroft Post at 15-9-2011 13:49

Shacroft.... for you...


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Post time 15-9-2011 02:33 PM | Show all posts
ai all tak reti nak tepek tp baca comment kat GB on our debbie tak dpt top 16 tu as below link ni .. ...
pittjie Post at 15-9-2011 14:23

tak leh bukak website ni...
boleh tolong kopipes kan?

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:37 PM | Show all posts

Your legend ever will. You will always be remembered Debbie not only among Malaysian ...
ShaCroft Post at 15-9-2011 13:41

x tipu, bergenang airmata baca yg nih.....


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Post time 15-9-2011 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2473# PurpleAxe

tak tau boleh ke tak ya. try test cuba
                    Miss Universe 2011: the final review               

Miss Angola’s victory in Miss Universe 2011 has been approved by most people around the planet, which is a good thing. Always among the favorites to be one of the finalists, Leila Lopes of Angola, was not a “front-runner”, perhaps because of her reserved personality, which was reflected in an elegant, although never much enthusiastic stage projection. But Leila shinned when she had to shine, and completely deserved to win the crown. It’s fantastic to see someone naturally beautiful, real, and BLACK, being crowned Miss Universe. Leila is Africa’s 4th Miss Universe. She’s Angola’s 1st, and the 3rd Portuguese speaking woman to walk away with the Miss U sash and crown. Well done.

GB pre-pageant comment on Miss Angola: “Angola is stunning, but lacks energy on stage” – group: strong candidates.

Going over GB’s pre-pageant final review, our website was very accurate in its predictions: out of the 16 semi-finalists, 5 came from “The ones to beat” group; 8 came from the “strong candidates” group; and 3 came from the “fair possibilities” group. 100% right.

The big let down of the night, was the early exclusion of Misses Greece, and mostly Malaysia. Deborah Henry was one of the favorites in EVERY SINGLE PAGEANT-RELATED website or blog. The woman has done everything right, and certainly deserved to be up there.

But what happened? Some possible explanations:

- Even if the preliminary judges did not pick Miss Malaysia, why didn’t the MUO? The answer could be a declared war against Miss World. Deborah participated in Miss World 2007 and was a semi-finalist, when many believed she deserved better. Another Miss World contestants who was a favorite in São Paulo, and will go back home empty-handed, is Miss Trinidad & Tobago, Gabrielle Walcott. She was Miss World’s 2nd runner-up in Miss World 2008.

- Politics. Islam is the state religion, and unfortunately, the few predominantly Muslim countries that participate in Miss Universe have been historically discriminated against, especially in recent history. Lebanon’s victory in 1971 was an exception. Look at the poor performance of Egypt, even Lebanon, Malaysia and Turkey. They all do much better in Miss World and other pageants. In addition, the government of Malaysia has been making some nasty remarks about the U.S.. It could explain it, although if the case, it would be very sad nowadays…

- Backstage Trouble. We never know what goes on on the pageant’s backstage, unless we are there! Maybe Miss Malaysia did something that pissed the MU organizers, which might have cost her spot among the finalists. Deborah doesn’t look like the type of girl who would cause trouble, but we never know.

Other than that, what could explain the elimination of a beautiful and classy woman who has done everything correctly since the beginning? How will the Malaysia license holder fell motivated to continue on with his work after this?

Others highly missed in the Top 15 were Misses Nicaragua, Spain, and Aruba.

The top 16

As we predicted, Miss USA did not pass the swimsuit competition. Unfortunately she is indeed way too thin, and did not stand out as she did in Miss USA. Miss Venezuela had the body, but as we also mentioned, her face looked old, her hair did not look natural at all, and the woman never truly smiled. Lack of confidence or arrogance? We don’t know, but she was not up to the high standard we are used to get from Venezuela. Misses Puerto Rico and Kosovo looked great and could have advanced, instead of Panama and Brazil. Miss Colombia once again showed lots of va-va-voom on stage, but reached as far as she could. Miss Netherlands has a beautiful face and put her country back among Miss U semi-finalists after 19 years, but also went as far as she could (her legs were too thin).

The Top 10

Miss Portugal was a delightful surprise. Finally, after 59 years, it had a Miss Universe semi-finalist. As a matter of fact, all Portuguese speaking competing nations landed in the top 10, a first in Miss Universe’s history. Misses Australia and France looked radiant and magnificent all night long. Both could have been finalists if Brazil had not been competing at home. Costa Rica also stopped for the reason we predicted: a very bad gown choice. Panama was the big “surprise” of the night. although she had been gaining ground during the last few days. Fans scored her bellow 3 points, which shows that she was not expected to reach that far. But as we had previously said: Miss Universe will be held in Panama in just a couple of years.

The Top 5

Miss Ukraine was compared to a young Brook Shields and looked absolutely amazing, deserving her 2nd place. Miss Philippines was also perfect all night long, and her answer was possibly the best. Should have been at least 2nd runner-up, and could have won the title. Miss China‘s chances were ruined by her interpreter, who did a very poor job translating for her. By the way, what was that question, Isabeli??

Miss Brazil as the only woman from the Americas placing in the top 5 was a clear stretch. The woman is beautiful and has clear qualities, but France, Australia, Costa Rica, or Malaysia, should have taken her place. More to the point of arguing about her merits as a contestants and hometown girl, one question remains for the MUO: will it then accept women who have posed naked or semi-naked from here one? Perhaps it should make it clear, otherwise it shows to the world the Miss Universe clearly breaks its own rules when it comes to its highest interests (the millions of dollars invested by Band in this production).

The winner, as we’ve mentioned above, totally deserved her victory. No questions about that.

The Production

- The hosts, Natalie Morales and Andy Cohen, did an excellent job. There was chemistry among them, and they’ve made no mistakes. Just perfect, one of the best in recent years.

- The stage was OK, but below what we expect from Miss Universe. Brazilian elements were poorly explored and it looked more like a Miss Brazil (Universe) stage, than a Miss Universe stage. Miss Supranational, a pageant that is just 3 years old, for example, presented a way superior stage production this year.

- There were grotesque errors regarding camera work. When a certain candidate was introducing herself, the camera was focusing someone else. Perhaps the last time Miss Universe showed such primary mistakes was back in 1980, in South Korea.

- The musical attractions, if not absolutely outstanding, were good enough. MUO could have explored the Brazilian carnival more than it did. Brazil has the world’s greatest carnival, and it was not reflected on yesterday’s production.

- A city pays between US$ 20 and 40 million to get world-wide projection, and gets promotion on photos and short videos which were not very clear or informative? In terms of promoting the host city and country, MUO has done way better in the past. What was the deal with Brasília, by the way? The contestants didn’t even visited it.

- Aside from some very shocking surprises, such as the early elimination of Miss Malaysia, overall, results made sense, and got approval from the general public.

- The local crowd behaved well, and did not boo Miss Brazil or any other contestants. However, it was surprising to see Miss Angola getting more support from the locals than the Brazilian candidate!

We wish Leila Lopes a great year ahead! She will certainly be a superb Miss Universe, one that came to break patterns. Let’s hope we won’t have to wait a decade more to see another black, Asian, or “non-white” winner. Pageants should evolve with times, and it includes accepting all types of beauty.

September 13th, 2011 |  Category: MU2011

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2461# ShaCroft

lawa sari neh...

baju /kebaya/ceongsam pun dia ada pakai kan....

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
mek dah tembak saiko giler tu!!
elorna Post at 15-9-2011 10:16

    cayang u ols...... nah i ols bg hadiah istimewa utk u ols mlm ni


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Post time 15-9-2011 02:48 PM | Show all posts
ada org komen cam ni. betul ke bapak debbie ala2 diva?

September 13, 2011 at 11:44 pm · Reply

Miss Malaysia was a shoo in before & during the pageant. Pageant fans took notice of her from the get go. She was too equisite to be ignored. And yes even MU Org took notice of her. Her non-inclusion was not her own doing but rather that of her family – particularly – her parents. To say it nicely, they were horrible. Fighting openly and with the father acting like a diva or something. This must have turned-off MU organizers so poor Debb was taken off the list of 16.

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts
ada org komen cam ni. betul ke bapak debbie ala2 diva?

September 13, 2011 at 11:44 pm · Rep ...
pittjie Post at 15-9-2011 14:48

    kalo bapak dia diva skalipn, yg bertanding nye debb, bkn bapak dia.....

tibe2 bapak dia yg xde kene mengena jd perhatian plak sbb berlagak diva..... so much excuse.

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Post time 15-9-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2478# pittjie

if betul... mari kita beramai2 mencarutz kan vapak sheols....

sbb heols la... our debbie x masuk top 16

kalu betul ler?

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