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Author: deydeylala


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Post time 2-2-2020 10:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
separasedar replied at 2-2-2020 10:34 AM
Itu sbb rezeki naqiu melimpah lps GV kot.
Sbb direstui oleh semua org yg heols sayang.
Semua do ...

Betul. So far iols nampak Naqiu ni disayangi ramai orang.

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Post time 2-2-2020 10:46 AM | Show all posts
separasedar replied at 2-2-2020 10:37 AM
Every time ulang video ni, mesti rasa, ya Allah.. naqiu baiknye kau. Rendah diri sangat. Baiknye h ...

Deep down meolz mmg rasa heolz sgt2 kecewa but at the same time heolz rasanya sedar yg pergerakan dari hujung dataran ke hujung dataran rasanya x perlu next time..sekali dua dah..
Only one thing yg meolz nak..meolz nak dikQiu redeem kat next performance nyanyian..meolz tunggguuu..

Siap heolz kalau abaikan nyanyian lagi..


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Post time 2-2-2020 10:47 AM | Show all posts
deydeylala replied at 2-2-2020 10:38 AM
nanti iolls kena tempek nama video sebeso alam. VIDEO LEPAS KONSERT WILAYAH SEMALAM. SILA TENGOK.  ...

Perrghhh..setepek meolz chuolz lesing eak..meolz dah pomote tu sebagai penebus..bahahhahaa

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Post time 2-2-2020 10:49 AM | Show all posts
blusher replied at 2-2-2020 10:40 AM
Berjangkit dengan Naqiu la nii. Hehe. Masa tengok kat igs tu kita macam ‘Melepaskan mu bukan muda ...

naqiu kat mesia takde update pon weols dah tak keruan ni kan pulak seberang lautan stay strong naqiulicious! gittew haha
kemana arah hendakku tuju~~~igs sape nak skodeeng

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru perasan yang kita takde breakfast eh hari ni. Semua dah kenyang tengok Naqiu. Hahaha

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eunnisa replied at 1-2-2020 10:26 PM
smpai kena betulkan masa kat bawah tu  bagusla naqiu siap mintak maaf lagi hehe

Tu lahh masa betulkan tu nasib baik dia boleh je lg continue nyanyi cm biase..

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sachi replied at 2-2-2020 02:26 AM
NaQ x smpai praque lg ka..x sbr tgu updet

Belum. Pukul 6pm baru sampai sana..

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
asfaz replied at 1-2-2020 10:33 PM
opkos.. buat koleksi.. nak sorok daripda momok yentenna satu. Dia bawak lari baju kilauan lama tu. ...

Plsss amik baju tu bawak lari jauh2.. we want baju pengawas!!!! Hahaha

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deydeylala replied at 1-2-2020 11:00 PM

bagi rating/reviews uolls utk mana2 yg uolls tengok sama  ...

Okeee nnt pas tgk full telemovie tingtong nk bg reviewww

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak faham kenape ade yg emo sgt smpi nk 'ugut' naqiu buat persembahan lebih baik next performance.. aku mungkin karatz naqiu tp aku rase normal lah artis buat salah sikit atas pentas.. bukan dia hancurkan persembahan pun.. dia ckp sorry pun kat peminat setia dia yg dtg setiap konsert untuk dia sbb dia tahu dia ada tersilap dan tk berikan yg terbaik.. he doesnt own anyone an apology pun sebenarnya.. ade beza kot kritikan yg membina dan kritikan yg acah acah nak kan terbaik buat artis... stress naqiu setiap persembahan nk kena kasi yg perfect..

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 1-2-2020 11:04 PM
Alhamdulillah tak semena2 husband duduk tgk sekali. Dan dia gelak santai. Sis sgt suka hati. Nasib b ...

So pasni if sis record takdela husband nk dengki delete khenzz sebab dia pon enjoy skalii

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xijasmine95 replied at 1-2-2020 11:10 PM
Teringin nak tau idea sape sebenarnyer.. Haha..

Mesti hadith la tuuuu hahaha

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2020 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Lydia85 replied at 2-2-2020 11:33 AM
Tak faham kenape ade yg emo sgt smpi nk 'ugut' naqiu buat persembahan lebih baik next performance..  ...

perghhh siap ugut bhaiii. meroyan apa deolls tu

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Post time 2-2-2020 11:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deydeylala replied at 2-2-2020 03:50 AM
perghhh siap ugut bhaiii. meroyan apa deolls tu

Entah lah.. mcm satu kewajipan pula nak kena kasi perfect singing... tk kuasa aku..

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2020 11:52 AM | Show all posts
blusher replied at 2-2-2020 11:13 AM
Baru perasan yang kita takde breakfast eh hari ni. Semua dah kenyang tengok Naqiu. Hahaha

ajk makanan @BungaCempedak tertinggal kat bawah gaung sana. tu yg takde makanan harini

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Post time 2-2-2020 12:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 2-2-2020 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lydia85 replied at 2-2-2020 11:33 AM
Tak faham kenape ade yg emo sgt smpi nk 'ugut' naqiu buat persembahan lebih baik next performance..  ...

Ehh jap.. Sape yg ugut bagai ni?

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Post time 2-2-2020 12:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by horlickscocoa at 2-2-2020 12:04 PM
Adm89 replied at 1-2-2020 11:20 PM
For me utk first try jadi hero telemovie bagusss Naqiu! Tp of course can be better la. Kerut2 dgn  ...

Hahahahahah lepas ni banyak situation boleh tiru ayat and gif HAIRIIIIIIIII

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Post time 2-2-2020 12:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zulaikha2004 replied at 2-2-2020 10:39 AM
Kan.....sebaknya tgk naqiu dgn Hani lambai2 smlm.....mcm hantar adik/saudara kita pulak kekdahnya. ...

Tempeklah nak tgk lamvai2 tu. Hani pun mmg cantik sgt. Padan dua laki bini tu.

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