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Author: Hanafie

Carmen Soo oh Carmen Soo

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Post time 18-10-2009 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally Posted by khaeiycee

kahit ndi nakangiti...ndi nakatingin...maganda pa rin!

p/s: ganda/maganda = cantik

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Post time 18-10-2009 04:18 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-10-2009 04:49 PM | Show all posts
mmg lawala...
indahnye ciptaan Allah
n yg bagusnye carmen ni, dia dgn peminat dgrnye langsung tak sombong
ramah sgt
sbb tu semua org makin syg
if tak, ramai je pomp[uan lain lawa, cuma pangai tak semengah jd org mls layan
carmen ni elok je...owg pun suke

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Post time 18-10-2009 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 18-10-2009 18:25
true^eye Post at 18-10-2009 16:18

hi true^eye...
link yg biasa i tgk dah tutup. i jumpa this link:

dah week 5. nanti u carik la link to week 1 first episode ek!
but then vid ni takde subtitle. u can understand the english part tapi yg tagalog tu u kena paham2 sendiri.
i can help u out with the subtitle if and only if my fren pulangkan semula my KIS dvd dlm jangka waktu terdekat ni.
i'll c what i can do later.

hi brookemcqueen...
u r definitely rite! dia mmg ramah.

Originally Posted by New_jersey101

alona and garie...

pics credited to Chirstine Reyes FB Account

p/s: christine reyes (CR) ni salah seorang pelakon utama KIS. dalam cite KIS, CR ni rival carmen sbb dia pun suka nakkan si echo. diorang adik-beradik tapi diorang tak tau sampai towards the end of the story.

Originally Posted by lady eagle
Lets post the pictures na din...

Alona and Garie
Christine and Carmen

p/s: love carmen's handbag. heee....

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Post time 18-10-2009 06:10 PM | Show all posts
carmen at MOA, manila for Clinelle launch...
16 october 2009


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Post time 18-10-2009 06:26 PM | Show all posts
padan betul jd adik beradik
muka ada iras...

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Post time 18-10-2009 06:46 PM | Show all posts
ha'ah kan...ada iras
dalam cerita tu bukan main lagi si CR ni tak suka kat carmen.
tapi hakikatnya, diorang ni baik off-screen.

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Post time 18-10-2009 07:29 PM | Show all posts
463# brookemcqueen


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Post time 18-10-2009 07:33 PM | Show all posts
ana!! thanks for updating all this..
dh lama tak masuk pinoyexchange nie...
been updating about her through utube, pastu FB and twitter aje..

ana.. betul ke echo dedicate the song " u r beautiful" to carmen?
i asked tin about it and tin said yes and echo mentioned it on tv lagi tu.. wah kalau betul, gumbira kita kan..

offtopic: bila nak jumpa nie? ate marsha dh tanya sama ada kita dh dpt ke banana book tu ahahahaha

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Post time 18-10-2009 07:55 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 18-10-2009 20:46

hehehehe....i menggila update since dapat tau pasal nomination KIS utk Emmy Awards tu.
bz keje tapi menyelit juga demi echomen and KIS

pasal dedication Echo untuk Carmen tu betol!
actually reporters tanya dedication lagu2 dlm album baru dia utk ex-gfs dia je (angelika, kristine, cindy and heart), tapi tup tup...dia dedicate juga one song - "Beautiful in My Eyes to the most beautiful malaysian actress i've ever seen, Carmen Soo". aaaaawwwwww.....sweet! orang tak mintak, tapi dia dedicate jugak....excited dia! hati berbunga-bunga la katakan...

tak cukup ngan tu, dia siap tolong carmen pilihkan tempat and set up table untuk birthday carmen ngan KIS team. dia tolong okaayyysss....dalam bz2 dia tu menyempat jugak pas dinner tu dia ngan carmen siap berebut nak bayar (dinner treat). siap bergaduh manja kat kaunter. kata carmen, dia dah pesan kat kaunter jangan kasi orang lain bayar kecuali dia. siap kasi credit card dia awal2. tapi echo senyap2 gi bayar and paksa orang jaga kaunter tu supaya terima juga. pastu carmen pun hapa lagi....membebel lah kat echo. KIS yang lain dah lali dgr diorang bertekak. they just smile and roll their eyes. hehehehe....finally, carmen surrender. echo kata this is his birthday treat sebab dia tak sempat nak beli hadiah untuk carmen. well, i bet dia mesti beli something from australia utk carmen b4 carmen balik msia. he's currently over there, ada show utk pinoys kat sana .
strangely it reminds me of our situation masa lunch ngan pinoy KISsers dulu. ingat tak? hahahaha....beria i strategize nak bayar bil. berjaya. tapi pastu diorang pulak kenakan kita

tu lah hana....kena jumpa cepat! after 6th november lah ye.
i dah free sket masa tu. takde terkejar-kejar dah dgn keje.

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Post time 18-10-2009 08:58 PM | Show all posts
a sweet message from a fellow US KISsers to the pinoy KISsers.
sayangnya diorang kat carmen...

To all the KISSER's who unselflessly shared their experiences, videos and links faster than TFC can even show it, you deserve my sincerest gratitude. I know it is not easy to fall in line for a physical encounter with the star, search for links in YT, but this doesn't deter you guys not to share. You most of the time beat ABS to show the updates on Carmen's activities with bts included.

Bearing long lines, heat, hunger and thirst, you never thought to just keep everything to yourself, instead, sharing is first in your mind, so the happiness that you've felt with your first hand encounter with Carmen will be felt also by your co-KISSERs.

May you continue to be selfless in sharing more of your Carmen encounters in the future. You are making a lot of people happy and excited, making them feel special. We KISSER's who are away from the Philippines and doesn't have the chance to see Carmen are given
a glimpse of the very beautiful person inside and out through KISSER's like you.

More power KISSER's and you know who you all are. It takes a lot of time to do uploads and downloads just to be able to share it with your fellow KISSER's, thank you again! More power and may you have way way more encounters with Carmen in the future. May you don't get tired of sharing. To those who post without strings attached my sincerest gratitude. May God bless you all!

Tita K

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Post time 18-10-2009 09:44 PM | Show all posts

Carmen celebrating her birthday with the hunks - piolo, diet, sam and echo on ASAP 09


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Post time 18-10-2009 11:13 PM | Show all posts
470# luvsushi

haah la mcm situasi kita aje sapa nak bayar last time hahahahaha
strategi pelbagai hahaahha
siap berkomplot2 lagi tu yg best..
that is so sweet of echo!! mr. superstah nak bayar biarkan aje!! hahahaha
echo called her mei!! tersangat la chomel!!
when carmen will be going to singapore?
dia straight ke singapore kan? tvseries apa ek?
but i watched the vids after her asap guesting tu.. echo ada aje!!

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Post time 18-10-2009 11:14 PM | Show all posts
472# luvsushi

my dreams come true!!
nak tgk sgt carmen with PJ!!
they are so bagay!!!
hope abs granted his wish to act with carmen!!!

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Post time 18-10-2009 11:39 PM | Show all posts
carmen akt phil for 10 days. i think she'll be there for a few more days. sempat la kot echo balik from australia. after that carmen will be flying back to kl before pegi singapore utk shoot drama kat sana.

heheheheh.....our dream comes true hana! sekali tiga2 hunks ada. carmen sangat padan dgn semua (ini cerita tak masuk echo ek ) especially piolo. i paling suka part piolo masuk..."and baby baby u're irresistable and i'm insatiable...yeah...". piolo nye "yeah...." tu caiiiirrrrrr!!!!! and tenungan piolo and carmen masa tu bole buat echo bergolek2 kejelesan hehehehe.....

lagi satu pasal mei tu..ha'ah, echo panggil carmen "mei"...maksudnya dlm bahasa cina, little girl. she started calling her that after carmen cite kat dia di sebalik nickname "mei" tu. aaawwww....sweet! dia sorang je panggil "mei".

btw, kisah bayar tu mmg cam kisah kita ngan pinoy KISsers kan! suratan atau kebetulan

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Post time 18-10-2009 11:53 PM | Show all posts
x sangka hebat betul penangan carmen nie kan... my sis lama stay kat Dubai n baru balik. dia tanya yg mana 1 Carmen Soo sbb masa dia tinggalkan mesia carmen soo masih belum pemes. rupa2nya kat Dubai p ...
danna09 Post at 18-6-2009 01:20

hehehe...ur sister mesti jadik tumpuan kan! hehehehe....sayang dia tak kenal carmen masa tu. sebenarnya, ini la masanya nak promote malaysia dan artis kita kat diorang selain carmen, diorang dah kenal pelakon2 msia dlm cite KIS tuh.
sama kes la masa my fren and i gi manila and cebu last year. bila dengar kitorang bercakap je, muka diorang delighted nak menegur. pastu bila dah menegur memasing sibuk nak bertanya dan bercerita pasal carmen soo. mmg fofular si carmen nih yang bestnye, dah hilang malu diorang bila dengar my fren and i cakap melayu or malaysian english. terus je diorang cakap, "u sound like carmen soo.....", nyehehehe!

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Post time 18-10-2009 11:57 PM | Show all posts
475# luvsushi

i yg tgk kat utube pun lemah jantung dengan renungan pj..
carmen entah mcm mana ler!! renungan yg tajam!!
he called her little girl??? hahahaha well dia mmg nampak muda pun and plus her size pun kan hahahaha

ketentuan tu ana!! hahahaha

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Post time 19-10-2009 12:55 AM | Show all posts
credits to chelim53... KISSERS CARMEN SOO AT THE BUZZ (18 october 2009)


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Post time 20-10-2009 01:24 AM | Show all posts
repost ko lang from the ECHO ROSALES THREAD posted by jiamekulit...


Carmen-Echo-Kristine film postponed
By ROWENA JOY A. SANCHEZOctober 19, 2009, 3:08pm

Due to conflicts in their respective schedules, Malaysian beauty Carmen Soo said her supposed movie team-up with Jericho Rosales and Kristine Hermosa will not push through at least for this year.

“As we all know, (Jericho's) still taping with Kristine (for ‘Dahil May Isang Ikaw’), (so) I think it’s not possible. In fact, it’s not creatively reasonable to squeeze in a movie shoot.”

She added: “As actors, it would be unfair---and as human beings, too cruel---for them (Jericho and Kristine) to be working that crazy. I think their soap will go on for the next few months (so it’s better to postpone doing our film) than to rush it.”

Fortunately, Carmen is buoyed with “Kahit Isang Saglit”—her first Philippine-Malaysian teleserye—for being nominated in the “Best Telenovela” category in the 37th International Emmys.

“It’s a once in a lifetime chance. Some of the presenters are Oprah Winfrey, Robert de Niro... When I go there, I’m gonna be representing the Philippines and Malaysia. So it’s a great thing to be able to do. So I hope we’d be able to do it,” she said.

During her launch as an endorser of Clinelle Professional Care at Bucharest Restaurant, Mall of Asia on Oct. 16, the actress-model admitted that she had second thoughts coming to the Philippines to shoot for “Kahit Isang Saglit.”

“At first, I was worried about leaving Malaysia for three months (to shoot here), which eventually became six. But the Philippines welcomed me with open arms right from the beginning, (and) everyone has been very warm (towards me),” said she.

Even the environment and culture, Carmen shared, helped her adapt to staying in the country.

“Thankfully, the weather (here) is not much different (from that of Malaysia’s). The people… they also speak English, the food… there’s rice and noodles, so it’s easy to adjust.

“All my co-stars and the crew have been very welcoming (too),” Carmen said.

She also recounted the unforgettable struggles the “Kahit Isang Saglit” cast and crew went through during the production.

“We went through a lot during the shoot. We lost Manong Gilbert (Perez)…trying to go around a schedule that involves having to traverse two different countries, and (there were) some scheduled shoots that got longer. Yeah, a lot of struggle.”

Challenging as it was, the experience, she said, strengthened her relashionship with Jericho Rosales.

"I think of all the actors I've worked with, I am closest with Echo. Not only was the shoot really long, but we were both away from home. I had a friend in him and he had a friend in me," Carmen revealed.“

The two has kept in touch despite their busy schedule and distance, and even when Carmen had to return to Malaysia for six months to participate in a three-part indie play called “That’s The Way I Like It.”

The model-actress admitted she enjoys performing in plays because of the personal rewards it gives.

“I’ve done a couple of plays in Malaysia. I’ve always enjoyed doing (them). It’s something that when you do, you don’t think of the money.

“The rehearsal process is the best thing an actor can do because you discover things about yourself, things you can do and cannot do. And over time when a play is complete, it’s really very rewarding,” she narrated.

Asked if she is open to joining theatre in the Philippines, Carmen quipped, “Definitely!”

“I love doing musicals… the singing, dancing. I love it! I really want to try it out.

“I saw the “Hairspray” production here last year and I thought it was nice. A lot of Filipinos sing very well. They’re all natural performers. I saw ‘Spelling Bee,’ too… so funny!” said she who is set to Singapore this week to shoot a TV series.

Being a sought-after model and actress, how does she maintain a healthy lifestyle?

“Strike a balance in everything you do. Control your stress level, if you feel good, you’ll look good. Exercise--- I swim every week, take supplements, (and) eat good food,” she advised.

As for keeping her healthy and glowing skin, Carmen said she owes it to Clinelle Professional Care which she has been using for a year prior to her endorsement.

“I have very sensitive skin, and Clinelle is very gentle on my skin. I don’t need to use 10 different products at one time to wash, tone and moisturize (my skin),” said Carmen.

Exclusively distributed by Watson’s, Clinelle Professional Care is a dermatologist-tested skin care range created from 100% botanical extracts.

It has natural essential oils and vitamins to repair, refine and protect the skin from the six common irritants that clog pores, cause pigmentation problems, dryness, irritation and other allergic reactions, giving visible and long-term results for the skin.

The Clinelle range, also distributed in the US and other parts of Asia, promises to deliver professional care in an affordable price fit for the Filipino market.

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Post time 20-10-2009 01:54 AM | Show all posts
credits to einnihm...

More pics of our dear carmen on the buzz...
Pangtaboy sa lamok at sa mga epal na palaka...


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