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Author: twinkystar

~You're Beautiful:A.N.JELL~

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Post time 14-10-2009 10:29 AM | Show all posts
yay,mlm ni YAB! btw ost dah release ke??
psh sgt comel wpn nmpk kurus tp pp dia chubby2 comey..

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Post time 14-10-2009 10:40 AM | Show all posts
await rambut hongki dah tak putih...tapi itam pun comei jugak.
mlm nie ep.3 kena tunggu besok gak le...{:3_83:}
tengok baby n tui JGS jadi budak sekolah yg bermasalah..
citer pun buleh tahan lawok n sedih....

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Post time 14-10-2009 10:42 AM | Show all posts
twinkystar Post at 14-10-2009 12:12 AM

wohohohohoho...cumil gilos bleh jadi model iklan..dia punye skin hulamak punye licin..gojes betui la..mamat nih..ish..ish..

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Post time 14-10-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts

twinkystar Post at 14-10-2009 12:14 AM

huhuhuhu...combination yg maveles baguih la director nih..kekek
comey gilos...macam kakak dgn adik pun ade gak..wakakaka.

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Yay!  Hari Rabu....dah.    Tak sabo nak nengok Ep 3.
Walaupun dah lametunggu drama  IRIS,  tapi mlm ni tetap nak nengok A.NGell.  Esok  ajelah dlwd IRIS.
hhhhh Post at 14-10-2009 10:21

torn between two dramas

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:47 AM | Show all posts
huhuhuhu...combination yg maveles baguih la director nih..kekek
comey gilos...macam kakak dgn adik pun ade gak..wakakaka.
chimei Post at 14-10-2009 10:45

me suka tgk adek badek..

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 14-10-2009 10:54

Behind the scenes with You’re Beautiful’s cast
October 13th, 2009  // by javabeans

SBS’s You’re Beautiful showed off its Ilsan,Kyunggi-do, filming location on the afternoon of October 13 for an openset day. The cast showed some behind-the-scenes activities (and newhairstyles!) and gave interviews with the media, who were on hand towatch some new scenes being shot.
If you’ve been watching the drama (or just following along with the developments), you’ll know that A.N.JELL is the drama’s fictional idol group, led by Jang Geun-seok and also consisting of Park Shin-hye, Lee Hong-ki, and Jung Yong-hwa.In these scenes, A.N.JELL appears on a television variety program (asso many of kpop’s real idols do) and participate in some silly games.

Jang Geun-seok explained, “As the eldest, I feel a big sense ofresponsibility.” Naturally, the cast and crew are aware of potentialcompetition coming from new rival drama IRIS, whichis to premiere tomorrow. Jang said, “I’m not really worried about thecompetition, but I do make an effort to keep the atmosphere on setpleasant.” He therefore cracks a lot of jokes to maintain an upbeatmood. He also said, “Since Iris is a different genre, I thinkit has different strengths and weaknesses. It’s true that I’m a littlenervous, but I’m not fixating on Iris.” He joked that he would watch You’re Beautiful during its first run, and catch Iris in reruns.
Q: What is the plot of today’s shoot?
Jang Geun-seok: “It’s the old debut performance forA.N.JELL. Mi-nam takes a look at old A.N.JELL material and says,‘Tae-kyung hyung is the most handsome,’ and when Tae-kyung hears that,that leads to him changing his hairstyle. I don’t know if that’s toshow the beginning of falling in love, or if it’s because the writersdidn’t like his current hairstyle. [Laughs]”
How do you feel about Episodes 1 and 2, which aired last week?
Park Shin-hye: “I felt very good that there were many positive responses. You’re Beautifulis in a newish style, so as I expected, there were responses that itdidn’t quite work as well as those that thought it was fun. But asEpisode 2 aired, I think many people were more receptive. At first,there were comments that I was too feminine for a girl dressing as aboy, but the way I see it, in MBC’s Coffee Prince and SBS’s Painter of the Wind, the female characters played by Yoon Eun-hye and Moon Geun-younghad laid-back, easygoing personalities even when they were playingwomen. However, Mi-nyeo is originally very girlish so if she were tobecome too boyish when dressing as a male, her character woulddisappear. I consulted with the director and the writers, and wedecided to keep Mi-nyeo’s personality as it was.”
Mi-nyeo has an interesting, particular way of talking. It couldcome off awkward, but it’s very unique and the more you watch, the moreit suits her. How did that come about?
Park Shin-hye: “Usually when women copy men’s wayof speaking, they say things like, ‘Uh, yeah, so?’ while Mi-nyo’s wayof speaking is to say, ‘That is so. Yes, I do believe so.’ It’s uniqueand I wanted to give it a refreshing feel. It’s like when I talked onthe phone with my brother when he came out on leave from army serviceand he spoke differently, ending sentences with ‘–subnikka?’ and‘–subnida’ [honorific suffix]. I spoke with the writers about that andthey wrote it in, which I think is working well. At first, there weresome people who were opposed and said not to write weird dialogue, butI think it’s catching on. It’s even a trend on set for the crew membersto talk to each other like my character, saying, ‘Is that so? I do notknow of that!’ [그랬습니까? 저는 그런 거 모릅니다]”
Lee Hong-ki: “My younger sister told me thatShin-hye’s way of talking is already very popular at her school. Alsopopular is Geun-seok hyung’s hairstyle, and the accessories that I wearin the drama. Today I went online to buy some clothes and there weresearches for ‘Lee Hong-ki style’ that brought up accessories in theexact same design. [Laughs]”
It seems like Jang Geun-seok put a lot of thought into hisstyle and appearance. In particular, his hairstyle with the extremepart.
Jang Geun-seok: “I’m still lacking in my actingeven when I delve into the script and devote myself to it, so it’sbeyond me to think of all those things. I trust in the stylist andexperts for that. In the beginning, there were a lot of reactions to myhairstyle, but to be honest we lacked preparation before the broadcastbegan, so I needed something to trust in and go with for my character.People said, ‘Jang Geun-seok looks best like a “pretty boy,” so whyisn’t he doing that now?’ but it’s not that I don’t know that. But Ithink that if I want my acting to be engaging, I need some sense ofconnection to the character even if it’s a bit awkward. In any case,the other three are very idol-like and stand out, so it’s okay.”

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:50 AM | Show all posts

You’re the eldest of the group — how do you lead on set?
Jang Geun-seok: “I’ve always been the youngest. I learned a lot from watching [Kang] Ji-hwan hyung on Hong Gil Dong and [Kim] Myung-min hyung on Beethoven Virus.This is the first time I’m the oldest, and the most important thing isthat the teamwork within A.N.JELL has to be good. Usually, even if I’mloosened up, when I get to the film set I think it’s important to bringtension, as the director requests of me. Not long ago, I said in aninterview, ‘I learned a lot watching Ji-hwan hyung acting as a leader,’and he sent me a text message after seeing that. ‘How funny — youlistened to me the least!’ [Laughs]”
I hear you’ve been practicing your sneering smile and otherexpressions in the mirror. How does it feel to see yourself with thoseexpressions?
Jang Geun-seok: “It’s fun to review my acting.Hwang Tae-kyung is very forward and swift, and on top of that he’ssensitive and a neat freak. But even so, there’s a small opening[leading to his inner self] — I want to show the part inside that, andI think that’s how people will see Tae-kyung, too. That’s why it’s alot of fun seeing that sneer on my face or other expressions I don’tnormally use. Starting this week, Tae-kyung shows a particular way ofpursing his lips that I got from referencing Meryl Streep’s editorcharacter in The Devil Wears Prada, which she uses whenever she’s displeased about something.”
From here on, how will you show Hwang Tae-kyung’s appeal as a character?
Jang Geun-seok: “His appeal is the opening despitethe edge? [Laughs] He may be a perfectionist and a neat freak, but it’simportant to make people realize in the end, ‘He’s human too.’Actually, the drama is pretty tight — the script’s pace is quick like amanhwa and there’s a variety of shots. I have faith in the skills ofthe director and writers.


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts

Jung Yong-hwa has already earned a good reaction and a nickname as ‘Towel Guy.’ Does your popularity seem real to you?
Jung Yong-hwa: “To be honest, I’m always at thefilming location, so I can’t feel it that strongly. Sometimes when Ihave some time, I type in my name in the search engine and take a look.In Episodes 1 and 2, I filmed truly not knowing anything, so I’mthankful that people responded positively. Every scene is so difficultto act, but my sunbaes look after me a lot and explain things well.”
Park Shin-hye: “I’ve been bombarded with friendscalling immediately after the broadcast finished, asking me aboutYong-hwa. They ask who he is, say he’s good-looking, that he makestheir hearts pound. So when I ask, ‘How did I come across?’ they allsay that doesn’t matter! [Laughs]”
Who do you like better, the members of your group CN Blue or your A.N.JELL members?
Jung Yong-hwa: “They’re both in my heart. [Laughs]When I’m with A.N.JELL, I think of my [CN Blue] bandmates, and when I’mwith them, I think of A.N.JELL.”
(Side note: Diplomatic answer to a stupid question!)
Shin-woo found out in Episode 2 that Mi-nam is a girl, so what happens now?
Jung Yong-hwa: “At first, Shin-woo was cold andonly smiled out of greeting, but after finding out the truth thatMi-nam is a girl and why she cross-dressed, he looks after her. I tryto come up with ways to express that, and work with Shin-hye to playoff each other. In my opinion, Shin-woo has experienced a painful loveonce in his past. And so he deals with that pain and sometimes avoidspeople, but the more he sees Mi-nam, he feels that hurt easing. WhenMi-nam is around, he feels brighter and really wants to cherish her.”
Jang Geun-seok: “Actually, he’s a character that women will like better than mine.”
Yup, guilty! But I think there’s room enough in our hearts for two.

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts

On the other hand, Jeremy is more thickheaded than histeammates and still doesn’t know the truth about Mi-nam. How are you inreal life?
Lee Hong-ki: “I’m a bit thickheaded in real lifetoo. I don’t really know what’s going on. [Laughs] I’ll zone out aloneeven when I have to report to my manager hyungs later. But when it’sgood news, I catch on quickly.”
You look a lot thinner now than at the beginning of the drama.
Lee Hong-ki: “At the time of the script reading,the director gave me the task to ‘build up my body quickly.’ Jeremy isa very bright, child-like character, but when he takes off his shirt hehas to come across as a man, so I lost about 6 or 7 kg. The drama takesplace in autumn and winter, but the director has Jeremy wearing tanktops, whether it’s at clubs or rehearsals. So the film set is like agym to me. [Laughs]”
Park Shin-hye: “He really doesn’t rest and isalways working out. The videos of him online are for real. I end updoing ab workouts with him too.”
Before debuting with FT Island, you were a child actor. How’s the reaction to you acting as an adult in You’re Beautiful?
Lee Hong-gi: “After the first episode aired,everyone cringed a bit. But the next day, they grew used to mycharacter and responded well. The FT Island members usually point outeach other’s flaws, but this time they gave me a lot of praise. Thedrama is very entertaining and they don’t cringe now; they say he’slike me. [Laughs]”


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts

The last scene of Episode 1 was a lot of fun, when Mi-nam fallsfrom the bench, the other members try to catch her, and she ends upcolliding lips with Tae-kyung. What are some fun stories from filming?
Park Shin-hye: “My body was held up with wires, butI couldn’t keep my body stiff so they were all supporting me, and theyraised such a fuss that their arms hurt.”
Lee Hong-ki: “There’s the scene where Shin-hye throws up and it gets on hyung’s mouth. Shooting that was so funny.”
Park Shin-hye: “It was a mixture of Yoplait andvegetable porridge… I had a hard time because the sound I made whengagging was so funny. But then, maybe Hong-ki sshi was thinking toolovingly of Geun-seok oppa, because he shoved me off his body whileshouting, ‘Tae-kyung hyung!’ and used so much force that the other halfof my body went flying. Even though I’m a girl. [Laughs]”
Lee Hong-ki: “Haha. It’s only because I was so focused on acting.”

Which of your three male teammates is closest to your ideal type?
Park Shin-hye: “All three look after me reallywell, but nobody is exactly my type. I just enjoy being stuck amongsuch good-looking guys. If I had to choose among the characters, itwould be Shin-woo. I think a lot of women would agree. But Tae-kyung istoo… [Laughs] I don’t think I’d be able to take Tae-kyung’sprickliness.”
Lee Hong-ki: “Truthfully, Tae-kyung’s character ishard to put up with even among guys… [To Jang Geun-seok, looking from adistance] Not you hyung, your character! [Laughs]”
KBS’s IRIS begins airing this week, kicking off the real ratings battle. How are you preparing for that?
Park Shin-hye: “Both dramas are so different ingenre and characters, so I can’t say much to the viewers aboutchoosing, but our drama is about youthful ambition and energy. Thereare lots of bits with Mi-nam and Tae-kyung bickering back and forth,Shin-woo’s jealousy, Jeremy’s misunderstandings, and more. Like we saidat the production press conference, we are an exuberant drama, and evenif we’re trampled on, we get right back up. [Laughs] These days, when Ihappen to walk down the streets and see the faces of others, hardlyanyone is smiling. In the past, whenever I watched the sitcoms ofdirector Kim Byung-wook or the dramas of the Hong Sisterswriters, when thinking of them later I would automatically smile. In asimilar way, I’d like to make a drama where people will smile just tothink, ‘Oh, You’re Beautiful is on today!’”


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 10:57 AM | Show all posts
panjang interview dorg neh..nampak dorg semua rapat

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 11:01 AM | Show all posts
yay,mlm ni YAB! btw ost dah release ke??
psh sgt comel wpn nmpk kurus tp pp dia chubby2 comey..
eunnisa Post at 14-10-2009 10:29

hari ni tapi x release lagi
pipi PSH chubby kan..sebenarnya dia kurus giler tapi sebab pipi dia, x nampak sangat

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Post time 14-10-2009 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by chimei at 14-10-2009 11:03 ...

twinkystar Post at 14-10-2009 10:51 AM

tak sabo nak nengok yong hwa byk2 skit..kekeke..dia cam low profile skit..huhuhuhuhu..antara dia ngan abg dia..dia lagi cumil kut..hehe

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by chimei at 14-10-2009 11:03

tak sabo nak nengok yong hwa byk2 skit..kekeke..dia cam low profile skit..huhuhuhuhu..antara dia ngan abg dia..dia lagi cumil kut..hehe
chimei Post at 14-10-2009 11:02

lupa nak ckp, dak2 soompi dah clarify yg kyungho bukan abang yonghwa..
cuma romours start sebab since before yonghwa debut org ckp muka dia dgn kyungho sama pastu panggil dia 'adik' kyungho..
sebenarnya dorg x related pun..

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 11:14 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2009 11:18 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-10-2009 11:32 AM | Show all posts
lupa nak ckp, dak2 soompi dah clarify yg kyungho bukan abang yonghwa..
cuma romours start sebab since before yonghwa debut org ckp muka dia dgn kyungho sama pastu panggil dia 'adik' kyungho..
se ...
twinkystar Post at 14-10-2009 11:13 AM

lorrrrrr ker..salah sangka sungguh..
tp mmg muka dorang sama pun cam adik badek gak..

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Post time 14-10-2009 11:33 AM | Show all posts
476# twinkystar

tgk pic ni ingatkan yonghwa tu hongki..ada iras gak drg ni..

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Post time 14-10-2009 12:28 PM | Show all posts
lorh.....bkn dik beradik kew..........???
xkesahla......iols minat dua dua.....

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