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Author: pendeta

[Tempatan] Edisi fitnah : Dalam kristian tiada kasta!

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Post time 23-2-2018 08:08 PM | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 23-2-2018 03:13 PM
setakat term2 bombastic je la dia leh bagi..nak bagi "evidence" cam dia kata tu sampai la ni tak m ...
kira anjing tambatan lobai gosh je la si sam tu..cuma bodohnye sam dia sendiri tak paham yang gosh tu auta je lebehhh

Kahkhakahkah....sampai hati you kata penipu bersiri tu anjing tambahan lobainita goshhhhh saja... Penat dia menaku forumners kat board sendu semua kagum dengan dia....hahahahaha

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Post time 23-2-2018 09:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 23-2-2018 09:29 PM

Ha ha .... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , hanya mampu jadik tukang sorak aje.

Tengok aje lah , selang 2 -3 posts , abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) akan post jadik tukang sorak

Kita panggil org macam abam deen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) ni - groupie

See folks I am proven right again , ini dari lobai king of tunggeng @katowjo  pada post dia #535
kira anjing tambatan lobai gosh je la si sam tu..cuma bodohnye sam dia sendiri tak paham yang gosh tu auta je lebehhh

Lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ni kalo dimalukan dgn terhina sekali akan :
(1) cuba sedaya upaya ubah topik .... ✓
lepas tu
(2) maki hamun & cakap lucah .... ✓
lepas tu
(3) terus diam & buat tak nampak aje .... kita tunggu aje pasal dah dimalukan dgn terhina sekali pasal mati2 & menyondol yondol klaim
-  Apa problem dgn buraq? = ada evidence utk buraq

Ha ha ha ha ... nak kata apa .. org yg tak ada kelas ... betul tak ...

Ini semua akibat cara diperbesarkan & ikut watak mak bapak .... kot2 mak bapak lobai king of tunggeng katowjo selalu maki hamun org lain anjing lah etc etc ... dysfunctional family

Abam deeen(sengai2 slang mat salleh) pon support maki hamun & cakap lucah kan kan kan ... sama lah jugak .. cara diperbesarkan & ikut watak mak pak .... betul tak

Kena lagi korang .... asyik kena aje korang , kena tampar kiri & kanan

Kah kah kah .... lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis dah marah betul , tu lah bila korang kena tegur kureng fasih english , bukan main marah

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Post time 23-2-2018 09:45 PM | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 23-2-2018 03:13 PM
setakat term2 bombastic je la dia leh bagi..nak bagi "evidence" cam dia kata tu sampai la ni tak m ...

Hahahaha..........penipu bersiri tu tak tahu pon maksud evidence....hahahaha

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Post time 23-2-2018 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 23-2-2018 09:45 PM
Hahahaha..........penipu bersiri tu tak tahu pon maksud evidence....hahahaha ...

Ha ha ... konfom abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dah jadik groupie

LOL , tak paham maksud 'evidence' .. ye lah kalo lobai king of tunggeng @katowjo  & ko mati2 & menyondol yondol klaim
-  Apa problem dgn buraq? = ada evidence utk buraq

Sapa nak paham apa yg korang maksud dgn 'evidence' ... kureng fasih english lah tu

Kah kah kah ... kena lagi ... asyik kena aje abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh)


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Post time 23-2-2018 10:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 23-2-2018 06:47 AM
sam1528 replied at 21-2-2018 05:19 PM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel tak mampu lawan dgn apa2 fakta ... konar lagi

Aku tepek apa ko  ...

Lol.... memang dasar penipu kan .....
Tengok siapa yang mabuk todi or mabuk kencing unta ...kohkohkohkoh.....

I susun semula

I quote 2  dari post u yang nabi solat masjid di masjid al aqsa .....

Post #486
Ha ha ha ha ... tu pasal aku kata , kalo nak bohong pon ... PRO lah sikit
Ko mengencing macam org separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje

Post #399
Isra & Miraj ni senang aje kalo nak bukti , Nabi Muhammad(saw) klaim dia pergi Mesjid Al Aqsa sebelum ascension dia

Post #399
Senang aje , apa Nabi Muhammad(saw) buat , iaitu solat di Mesjid Al Aqsa & teserempak dgn caravan tok arab tu semua ada pengesahan pihak ketiga.
(1) Enemy's attestation (it fulfills the historical method to determine what is closest to the truth)

The narrator said that Abu Sufyan later said: "By Allah, nothing stopped me from saying something to Heraclius to make him despise Muhammad but the fact that I did not want to tell a lie that would later be found out, and he would never believe me again after that. Then I told him about the night on which he was taken on the Night Journey. I said: `O King, shall I not tell you of something from which you will know that he is lying' He said, `What is it' I said: `He claims that he went out of our land, the land of Al-Haram, in one night, and came to your sanctuary in Jerusalem, then came back to us the same night, before morning came.' The Patriarch of Jerusalem was there, standing next to Caesar. The Patriarch of Jerusalem said: `I know that night.' Caesar looked at him and said, `How do you know about this' He said, `I never used to sleep at night until I closed the doors of the sanctuary. On that night I closed all the doors except for one, which I could not manage to close. I asked my workers and others who were with me to help me deal with it, but we could not move it. It was like trying to move a mountain. So I called the carpenters, and they looked at it and said: The lintel and some part of the structure has fallen onto it. We cannot move it until morning, when we will be able to see what the problem is. So I went back and left those two doors open. The next morning I went back, and saw that the stone at the corner of the sanctuary had a hole in it, and there were traces of an animal having been tethered there. I said to my companions: This door has not been closed last night except for a Prophet, who prayed last night in our sanctuary.'''
(2) Confirmation by a third party
I stood up in Al-Hijr and Allah displayed Jerusalem in front of me, and I began describing it to them while I was looking at it."

The ‘Night Journey’ raised a good deal of stiramong the people and the sceptical audience plied Muhammad with all sorts of   
questions. He told them that he saw the camels of Makkan merchants to and fro.He also guided them to some of their animals that went astray. He informed themthat he had drunk some of their water while they were fast asleep and left thecontainer covered.

The disbelievers, however, found ita suitable opportunity to jeer at the Muslims and their creed. They pesteredthe Prophet [pbuh] with questions as to the description of the Mosque atJerusalem, where he had never gone before and, to the astonishment of many, theProphet’s replies furnished the most accurate information about that city. Hesupplied them with all the news about their caravans and the routes of their camels.However, all this increased in them nothing but flight from the Truth, and theyaccepted nothing but disbelief.

Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 226
The Sealed Nectar (source Ibn Hisham) pg 91

I quote post dari post#399
Post #402

They pesteredthe Prophet [pbuh] with questions as to the description of the Mosque atJerusalem, where he had never gone before and, to the astonishment of many, theProphet’s replies furnished the most accurate information about that city.

Dwdrum replied at 17-2-2018 05:39 PM
Iyeee sam ?

They pesteredthe Prophet  with questions as to the description of the Mosque  .
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel lost for words
Tu aje ko boleh jawab
Ha ha ha ha ... ertikata lain ko tak mampu lawan fakta dari sejarah
Too bad sooo sad
Kah kah kah ... lobainita minah sewel dah lunyai ... tu lah ko ni kureng membaca

Kohkohkohkoh .......... bangang kan u gila sam ....


Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel baru aje konfom diri tu buta sejarah
Aku tepek apa ko bagi :

"The famous Masjid Al Aqsa, (the so-called Qiblah Awwal, or the supposed First Holy Sanctuary, also known as Haram Sharif) in Jerusalem was, in fact, built in 72AH (691 C.E.) by the Umayyad Ruler, Abdul Malik bin Marwan, about 60 years after the exalted Messenger passed on."

Sura 17:1 says, "Glorified be He who took His servant for a journey by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show of him our Ayat. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer."

Keraguan di situ
Dalam versi translation lain Al aqsa mosque mention farthest mosque...
Sebelum isra mikraj .... umat isle sudah tunai solat kah gila sam?
Patriatch juruselam tu isle kah .. boleh kapir tinggal dalam masjid kalau wujud

Kot2 @FOTHER_MUCKER  PM ko dgn tersebut tapi biarkan ko jadik mangsa
Ha ha ha ha ... Abdul Malik Marwan tu bina Mesjid Al Aqsa atau bangunan yg skg dipanggil Dome of The Rock pada 72AH?

Mesjid Al Aqsa tu ada Dome of The Rock , 17 pintu & 4 minaret tau

Ha ha ha ha ... rupa2 nya lobainita minah sewel tak tau yg adalah fakta sejarah Abdul Malik Marwan bina bangunan Dome Of the Rock. Sebaliknya , ko dah kena kencing dgn fother-mucker .... kesian
Tanya pulak umat Islam ada solat ke sebelum Isra Miraj. Aiyoyo ... you are so careless lah lobainita minah sewel
Peristiwa tersebut catat , solat diwajibkan , kalo catat solat diwajibkan bermakna apa?

Buta sejarah quote dari patriarch of jerusalem ...tetapi mahu  claim masjid al aqsa nabi solat di sana... ...agak agak lah u kantoi di situ
..........Dan tidak tanya pun ada berapa pintu dan minaret
Gila sam ingat masjid al aqsa dan dome of rock....dalam 1 building structure

- lobainita minah sewel @Dwdrum , what can I say - jadik mangsa kencing mengencing geng sendiri. Buta sejarah , tak paham iaitu Abdul Malik Marwan bina Dome of The Rock yg diri tu mati2 klaim Mesjid Al Aqsa

Masih percaya nabi solat di masjid al aqsa

Awal2 mati2 klaim Mesjid Al Aqsa dibina oleh Abdul Malik Marwan pada CE72. Bila kantoi mengaku pulak ttg Temple of Solomon. Senang aje ko buat U trun pasal dah malu. Kononnya nak soften the blow lah
Podah lah meenachi ... ko dah buat blunder & skg ko nak mengencing pulak lari

Ko tau tak Temple of Solomon tu dibina oleh Nabi Sulaiman(as) & digunakan utk sembah Allah. Tu pasal aku tanya apa tu Islam & apa tu muslim

Sudah pusing ke solomon temple sebab kantoi lol...

Di sebab kan gila sam buta buta ssjarah i explain di post #439

Historical event berlaku sekitar 620 AD 16 bulan selepas penghijrahan ke medinah  622 AD
Nabi Muhammad meninggal 632 AD
Abd malik bina dome of rock 685 - 691 AD
Adjacent Al aqsa mosque 712 AD
Di sempurnakan oleh Amir abd malik

Jeruselam when the area was invaded dan conquered by Caliph Uthman in 637 AD sebelum itu tiada lagi umat islam .... predominately penganut christian ....

Evidence so far adalah ini
In 49-50 AH / 670 CE, Bishop Arculfus, a Christian visitor in Jerusalem, reported:

On the famous place where once stood the temple, the Saracens worship at a square house of prayer, which they have built with little art, of boards and large beams on the remains of some ruins..

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dok mati2 klaim yg mesjid Al Aqsa tak wujud semasa isra miraj

Ha ha ha ha ... tu pasal aku kata , kalo nak bohong pon ... PRO lah sikit
Ko mengencing macam org separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje

Ko dok mati2 klaim Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah bawah pemerintahan kristian jadik tak ada mesjid kat situ. Tu pasal aku bagi sebahagian dri bukti adalah dari pengakuan Patriarch Of Jerusalem (post#399)

Lol........ wujud kah masjid al aqsa waktu itu ?

Bila tanya soalan ko terlampau takut nak jawab ... takut pada bayang2 sendiri.
Mesjid bukan makna bangunan , sama jugak kalo org kristian kata 'church' ia lebih bermaksud kepada congregation mereka. Ko terlampau ignorant , mesjid :
The Arab grammarians classify masjid as "ism makan", i.e., "name of location"; it indicates the place where an action takes place. Masjid being derived from the root sa-ja-da (to prostrate), it means "place of prostration". Since a place of worship is a place where believers prostrate to God, "masjid" is a general term to designate any place of worship without any religious distinction. Later, this word was used to designate Islamic places of worship in particular, i.e., the mosques.

The Prophet's night journey was from "the inviolable place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Haram) to "the farthest place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Aqsa). The former is certainly located in Makkah, but what about the latter? The reference to Allah blessing its surroundings (... whose precincts We did bless) suggests a location in the "Holy Land" (cf. 21:81; 7:137; 34:18). Neal Robinson states:

The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]

This view is also shared by many western scholars.[5]

As it was mentioned earlier that masjid refers to a place of prostration without any religious distinction; an excellent example of the usage of the word "masjid" referring to a non-Islamic sanctuary can be seen in the verse 17:7. The verse describes briefly the destruction of the masjid in Jerusalem (i.e., the Temple) by the enemies of Children of Israel. Allah says in the Qur'an that the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was a punishment was inflicted upon the Children of Israel for their tyranny and arrogance.
** Note : tersebut adalah rujukkan dari scholars yg bukan Islam tau [4] & [5] ... a neutral perspective

Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa

Gila sam u claim nabi sulaiman itu muslim dan solomon temple itu al aqsa

Al masjid al aqsa ahakssss..... lol..... disitu pun u sudah buta kan ......
Baru sedar sudah kantoi kan...kan...kan...kannnn..hahahahaaaa...

Mati2 nak mengencing & klaim aku kata
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

I quote dari posting u sekali lagi post#444

Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dok mati2 klaim yg mesjid Al Aqsa tak wujud semasa isra miraj

Mula lah buat speculation
Tetiba ikut logic aku Temple Of Soloman masih wujud

Ha ha ha ha ... tu pasal aku kata , kalo nak bohong pon ... PRO lah sikit
Ko mengencing macam org separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje


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Post time 23-2-2018 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 21-2-2018 05:09 PM
Hahaha...macam biasa, walaupon dah jelas dia yang kantoi bodoh kata Mesjid Al Aqsa itu Temple of S ...

Dahsyat gila sam meroyan
Banyak betul audience beliau


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Post time 23-2-2018 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 23-2-2018 10:33 PM
Lol.... memang dasar penipu kan .....
Tengok siapa yang mabuk todi or mabuk kencing unta ...koh ...

Ha ha ... panjangnya lobainita minah sewel dok susun posts tapi tak mampu pinpoint kat mana kononnya aku tipu

Ok .. pinpoint lah kat mana yg aku tipu ... surely you can do it

Senang aje kan

Yg aku nampak ko cuba mengencing pakai post ini
Mula lah buat speculation
Tetiba ikut logic aku Temple Of Soloman masih wujud
Macam aku kata pada post#486 :
Mana dia yg aku klaim
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon ???

Untuk senangkan ko aku sambung dua ayat tersebut & tambah 'iaitu'

    Mula lah buat speculation 'iaitu' Tetiba ikut logic aku Temple Of Soloman masih wujud

Ha ha ha ha ... tu pasal aku kata , kalo nak bohong pon ... PRO lah sikit
Ko masih lagi dgn kencing
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

Oh yeah lagi satu : sampai skg ko susah nak paham pasal ko :
- TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) kapiak

Ha ha ha ha .... macamana ni geng lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis .. sorang muslim pon korang takmampu kawal
- lobainita minah sewel , tengok aje lah problem kefahaman & kegemaran mengencing
- lobai king of tunggeng @katowjo  , mati 2 & menyondol yondol klaim : Apa problem dgn buraq? = ada evidence utk buraq ; kureng fasih english
- abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) ... nak kata apa ... dia hanya groupie ... tukang sorak yg kureng akai

Kah kah kah ... go on lobainita minah sewel ... have a go trying to prove me wrong


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Post time 23-2-2018 10:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 21-2-2018 05:44 PM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel cuba sedaya upaya nak mengencing

Mati2 nak mengencing & klaim a ...

Mana dia yg aku klaim
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon ???


Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 23-2-2018 06:58 AM
Ha ha ... panjangnya lobainita minah sewel dok susun posts tapi tak mampu pinpoint kat mana kononn ...


Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
U mahu i copy lagi gila sam?

Use magic Report

Post time 23-2-2018 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 23-2-2018 11:01 PM

Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia se ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dimalukan dgn terhina pasal terbarai yg diri tu kaki kencing & skg berhempas pulas pasal nak lari

Mengencing pulak lagi dgn
Mana dia yg aku klaim
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon ???
Cuba ko baca baik2 & ingat balik post ko #451
Solomon temple bertukar jadi masjid al aqsa
Ini logic u kan
Ha ha ha ha .... terbarai lagi tembelang ko , kaki kencing nombor wahid kat CI ni

Skg dok mengencing pulak dgn in :
Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa
Apa yg ko nak cakap ni? Dah konfom yg ko :
- TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) kapiak

Kah kah kah ... lobainita minah sewel dok cuba sedaya upaya cover line pasal telah dimalukan dgn terhina sekali


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 22-2-2018 11:18 PM
hahahah..berdegar2 kata ade "EVIDENCE" buraq dan israq..pas tu claim dah bagi..last2 konar menipu  ...

Hahahahaàa kan .... ini jawapan gila buat penat saja nat geo mahu cari rangka buraq kata nya ada satu saja ...
Mungkin nat geo tertarik mahu kaji science hadith transmission boleh lah ganti kan pop science....

Ha ha ha ha .... logik lobainita minah sewel adalah kita boleh temui ragka atau fossil buraq
Ok , cuba ko bagi tau kat mana nak cari tersebut pasal yg aku tau hanya satu aje binatang tersebut.


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:12 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 23-2-2018 11:03 PM
U mahu i copy lagi gila sam?

Ha ha ... copy banyak2 pon tak jadik problem kat aku

Hanya konfom yg ko ni sesuai dgn keje 'copywriter'

Ok lah tu

Ha ha ha ha .... tapi tak jugak mampu tunjuk kat mana aku tipu

Tunjuk kat mana ko kencing adalah ... ye lah , dok mengencing yg aku kata
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

Kah kah kah .... kesian lobainita minah sewel .... oops issue has backfired on you ... kan dah dimalukan dgn terhina sekali


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 23-2-2018 11:11 PM
Hahahahaàa kan .... ini jawapan gila buat penat saja nat geo mahu cari rangka buraq  ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dah malu dgn terhina sekali pasal bagi respon yg kureng akai

Kesian ye Nat Geo pasal percaya kat kencing ko tu .... ye lah , ko mati2 & menyondol yondol klaim boleh cari rangka buraq

Apa nak buat .... ko kan kaki kencing

Hadith transmission? Oops .. ko pon macam si lobai king of tunggeng katowjo yg mati2 & menyondol yondol klaim
- mutawatir (multiple transmission) = isnad (chain of narration)

This is soooo funny .... kesian mak pak hantar korang ke sekolah

Kah kah kah .... macamana dgn carian rangka buraq kat kuil hindu spt ko imply , lobainita minah sewel dah cari ke


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 23-2-2018 07:12 AM
Ha ha ... copy banyak2 pon tak jadik problem kat aku

Hanya konfom yg ko ni sesuai dgn keje 'cop ...

Al masjid bukan al aqsa ....
lupa masuk kan sekali al temple = al  masjid....
farthest mosque = al aqsa mosque .
Solomon temple =mosque
Kalau logic u gila sam ..historical building ada second temple untuk ummah  yahudi ... but second temple another story bukan sangkut pun dengan solomon temple ...
U kantoi kan gila sam di awal u sudah tidak boleh pusing ...
Samada u mahu tembak cara solat yahudi kan ? .... untuk nampak seperti solat di al aqsa mosque .. yang belum wujud .... too bad u tidak boleh tembak gereja orthodox christian..

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Post time 23-2-2018 11:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Claim selagi boleh

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Post time 23-2-2018 11:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 23-2-2018 07:17 AM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dah malu dgn terhina sekali pasal bagi respon yg kureng akai

Ke ...

In denial sangat gila sam

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Post time 23-2-2018 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 23-2-2018 11:33 PM
Al masjid bukan al aqsa ....
lupa masuk kan sekali al temple = al  masjid....
farthest mosque  ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dah mula merapu bagaikan org mabuk todi

Aku tepek apa ko dok merepek
Al masjid bukan al aqsa ....
lupa masuk kan sekali al temple = al  masjid....
farthest mosque = al aqsa mosque .
Solomon temple =mosque
Kalau logic u gila sam ..historical building ada second temple untuk ummah  yahudi ... but second temple another story bukan sangkut pun dengan solomon temple ...
U kantoi kan gila sam di awal u sudah tidak boleh pusing ...
Samada u mahu tembak cara solat yahudi kan ? .... untuk nampak seperti solat di al aqsa mosque .. yang belum wujud .... too bad u tidak boleh tembak gereja orthodox christian..
Hang ni dok merepek macam org separuh akai yg mabuk todi

Konfom 10x yg ko ni TAK TAU apa tu mesjid. Kan aku dah bagi rujukkan ttg mesjid & penerangan dari Prof N Robinson , aku tepek lagi sekali :
The Arab grammarians classify masjid as "ism makan", i.e., "name of location"; it indicates the place where an action takes place. Masjid being derived from the root sa-ja-da (to prostrate), it means "place of prostration". Since a place of worship is a place where believers prostrate to God, "masjid" is a general term to designate any place of worship without any religious distinction. Later, this word was used to designate Islamic places of worship in particular, i.e., the mosques.

The Prophet's night journey was from "the inviolable place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Haram) to "the farthest place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Aqsa). The former is certainly located in Makkah, but what about the latter? The reference to Allah blessing its surroundings (... whose precincts We did bless) suggests a location in the "Holy Land" (cf. 21:81; 7:137; 34:18). Neal Robinson states:

    The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]
Ko tak baca atau ko tak paham english? I believe its a bit of both. Buat malu aje yg ko mengaku ko keje kat US .... simple english pon tak paham

Ada tak cakap berkenaan mesjid being a building. Aiyoyo meenachi .... sikit kasi cerdik tableh kaaa

Ha ha ha ha ..... Betul jugak cakap @sofea_uk , ko ni agak benak .... dah tua sgt ke sampai tak mampu belajar apa2?

Tak ada dok cakap atau tembak ttg solat yahudi ke , solat kristian ke .... tersebut hanyalah fantasy ko aje

Ko dah pening pasal ko
- TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) kapiak

Skg ko dah malu ... ko hanyalah kaki kencing kat CI ni kalo banding dgn Prof N Robinson ... muka tak malu pulak tu bila diri tu dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel mungkin dah terlampau tua , dah tak mampu belajar apa2 lagi


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:56 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 23-2-2018 11:48 PM
In denial sangat gila sam

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dah betul2 mabuk todi

Merepek dgn denial pulak .... ha ha ha ha ... personal problem ko tu dah dtg balik ke?

Laaa ... ko masih
- TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) kapiak

Penerangan dari Prof N Robinson pon ko tolak tepi pasal ia telah malukan ko dgn terhina sekali

Jadik ko hanya nak 'save face' dari belajar apa2

Kah kah kah .... too bad so sad for lobainita minah sewel


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Post time 23-2-2018 11:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau mahu claim penganut yahudi penyembah agama langit sama seperti islam melalui  prostration ...islam sendiri pernah claim agama majusi penyembah api sedangkan ummah majusi juga bersolat 5 kali sehari cuma berkiblat kan api percaya tuhan yang satu  ..... agama paling lama wujud even sebelum hindu ....

Solomon temple di musnah kan oleh penyembah api dan dibangunkan oleh penyembah api (kata nya)

2 contradict di quran 1 pemusnah solomon temple (musuh islam) dan 1 lagi iskandar dzulkarnain ...


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