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Author: babyridz

TomKat Suri Cruise : Tom 'adores' menstrual blood pg.37 [updates}

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Post time 24-7-2012 03:39 PM | Show all posts
nk berdukung manjang...agak2 la manja kan anak tu...jgn smpi pijak kepala udah laaa...
byk muka cruise si suri ni

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Post time 24-7-2012 04:39 PM | Show all posts
fifie_olin posted on 24-7-2012 03:39 PM
nk berdukung manjang...agak2 la manja kan anak tu...jgn smpi pijak kepala udah laaa...
byk muka cru ...

aku tgk macam muka katie je..especially tang hidung tu

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Post time 26-7-2012 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Katie Holmes returns to hometown in Ohio - as Suri experiences first commercial flight without Tom's private jet


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Post time 26-7-2012 11:34 AM | Show all posts
awat la selekeh giler katie nie.. cian bnyk duet tp xhepi

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Post time 26-7-2012 03:03 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 26-7-2012 08:54 PM | Show all posts
kesiannya tgk muka katie ni.....

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Post time 27-7-2012 10:26 AM | Show all posts
katie ni dulu kemain comeyyyyyyyyyyyy tp skrgggg

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Post time 27-7-2012 11:51 AM | Show all posts
rosewhite posted on 26-7-2012 09:55 AM
Katie Holmes returns to hometown in Ohio - as Suri experiences first commercial flight without Tom's ...

terus nampak serabai, mcm dah jatuh miskin

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Post time 27-7-2012 08:53 PM | Show all posts
cmf_blingblings posted on 27-7-2012 11:51 AM
terus nampak serabai, mcm dah jatuh miskin

anak-beranak nampak serabai.
cer tengok mata suri.. nampak sedih semacam. sian plak.


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Post time 27-7-2012 10:42 PM | Show all posts
katie ni umo brape? nampak mcm tua sgt dh

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Post time 28-7-2012 05:36 AM | Show all posts
alololo..ptotla katie serabai je,x hepi upenye..
sian die..

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Post time 28-7-2012 11:02 AM | Show all posts
buahcinta posted on 27-7-2012 08:53 PM
anak-beranak nampak serabai.
cer tengok mata suri.. nampak sedih semacam. sian plak.

mesti depa ni dok bergaduh hari2 kot...

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Post time 28-7-2012 11:27 AM | Show all posts
watachiwa posted on 27-7-2012 10:42 PM
katie ni umo brape? nampak mcm tua sgt dh

Rasa dlm umur 29-30 kot

Mmg nmpk tua sb x hepi kan dpt laki hensom kaya tp x bahagia

So sad...

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Post time 28-7-2012 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Berdukung sajork bdk ni katie manjakan sgt anak sorang bole le

Suri ni rambut x bole ikat ke rimas plak aku tgk

Bole ke suri ni hidup dlm cara org normal

Ya le bapa kaya nk pg mana2 naik jet peribadi skunk ke naik flight

Suri ni dh biasa hidup mewah bole ke dia lalui

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Post time 28-7-2012 12:42 PM | Show all posts
tom dgn nicole dulu sape yg failkan penceraian?

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Post time 28-7-2012 02:59 PM | Show all posts
watachiwa posted on 27-7-2012 10:42 PM
katie ni umo brape? nampak mcm tua sgt dh

katie umo 33.
aritu ada org tulis.. masa tom bercerai 1st wife mimi rogers, umo wifenya tu 33. masa bercerai nicole pun umonya 33.
konklusinya, sapa2 nak kawin tom kenalah umo lebih 33

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Post time 28-7-2012 03:03 PM | Show all posts
mixed posted on 28-7-2012 11:35 AM
Berdukung sajork bdk ni katie manjakan sgt anak sorang bole le

Suri ni rambut x bole ikat ke rima ...

lps cerai katie akan dpt 15juta sbb pre-married janji if cerai akan dpt 3juta x 5thn married.
if dia berjimat or cari duit lg or pandai labur duit tu boleh la dia manjakan suri dgn kekayaan tapi tak tau lah cemana nanti, suri dpt kat mak or kat bapak.
apapun budak tu sikit sebanyak sepanjang dia hidup dah spoil dgn kekayaan.


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Post time 28-7-2012 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Hooray for Katie Holmes and her aggressive legal strategy – it worked against Tom Cruise. The divorce is settled, and it definitely appears that she won custody of Suri Cruise!
Congratulations Katie Holmes! She achieved her key objective, winning sole custody of Suri Cruise, according to Radaronline. She blindsided Tom Cruise by filing for divorce in NYC on June 28, 2012 and demanding sole custody of Suri. Now, a settlement has been reached in record time and no doubt, it was Katie’s aggressive legal strategy: filing first in New York, a state more likely to grant sole custody than California, and then filing for a public hearing (in an emergent application) on July 17 in NYC, that forced Tom to the table for ultra-quick settlement talks. Katie was photographed heading into her lawyer’s offices both Friday and saturday as the legal teams negotiated furiously.

It was a strategy masterminded with the help of Katie’s supportive lawyer dad, Martin Holmes, and it put Tom immediately on the defensive. He clearly didn’t want any Scientology dirty laundry revealed in court. There was already enough bad publicity everywhere in the media about Scientology’s strange and oppressive training for children and more.

“Katie got what she wanted. She wanted to live in New York with her daughter Suri, and it looks like Tom is going to defer decision making to Katie on Suri’s day to day life according to the couple’s joint statement issued this morning, July 9th. It sounds like Katie got sole custody and Tom has liberal visitation. If it was joint the statement would have said ‘sharing’ custody,” explains celebrity divorce attorney Vikki Ziegler, exclusively to

Here’s the very revealing statement which the former couple, released. “We are committed to working together as parents to accomplish what is in our daughter Suri’s best interests. We want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other’s commitment to each of our respective beliefs and support each other’s roles as parents,” said the statement released to from Holmes and Cruise’s reps, Nanci Ryder and Amanda Lundberg respectively.

“This is a very interesting statement… not a normal statement. People don’t say things about their belief statements,” says Ziegler. “Tom’s camp wants to make sure that Katie is still respecting Scientology even if they aren’t raising Suri under that premise.”

So, it appears that Katie didn’t just get custody at Suri, but that she will NOT have to raise her as a Scientologist, unlike Tom’s two older children, Isabella, 19, and Connor, 17. That’s a HUGE win!

“Katie put the pressure on Tom to come to the table quickly so she didn’t have to disclose things about Scientology and their marriage,” believes divorce attorney Ziegler.

“My gut is saying Katie wanted Suri and likely got sole custody or most of the decision making. Tom might have sweetened the deal to make sure that the divorce remained private and not for public,” says Ziegler.

Of course, no one will likely ever know the terms of Katie and Tom’s settlement except for their immediate family, lawyers and oh yes, maybe the top brass in the Scientology organzation. But we bet Katie is going to be sleeping well tonight for the first time in years.

You’ve no doubt been through hell Katie, and have been living under more pressure than any of us can imagine. We bet that you’ve been worried sick that you’d lose Suri.

Well now Katie – standing up for your daughter with a brilliant legal strategy has resulted in a major coup – Mission Impossible ACCOMPLISHED!

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Post time 28-7-2012 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Katie Holmes’ Secret Phone Calls With Nicole Kidman About Divorce

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Katie Holmes is secretly calling Tom Cruise’s ex-wife Nicole Kidman for advice and moral support, claims a new report! And this has been happening throughout her entire marriage to Tom!
Katie Holmes has been very strong throughout her filing of divorce from Tom Cruise but when she needs a friend to rely on, Us Weekly reports she turns to an unlikely person — Nicole Kidman. Nicole, 45, has experienced marriage and divorce from Tom, 50, and is one of the only people in the world who can truly understand what Katie, 33, is going through.

“They’ve spoken over the last few weeks. Nicole has been supportive, saying she’s been through it too and to hang in there,” a source tells the magazine.

Apparently, Nicole and Katie have been secretly talking since the beginning of Katie’s marriage to Tom! “They spoke when Nicole called the kids,” reveals the insider. “She knows what it’s like in that freaky house.”

Former Scientologist Amy Scobee says the church “really worked over Isabella and Connor to tell them how bad Nicole was.” Another former Scientologist Marty Rathbun says he watched Tommy Davis telling Isabella and Connor “their mother was a sociopath.”

Katie was petrified they would do this to Suri, so she asked Nicole for advice. “Nicole offered her support and help since she’s been there. She has been a private friend not many people know about. She told Katie her life is great and now she has no regrets.”

Do you guys think it’s good for Katie to talk to Nicole? Are you glad they are friends?

Us Weekly➚

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Post time 28-7-2012 11:03 PM | Show all posts
ade gmbr mimi rogers tu?

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