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Author: sue_cinta

[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)

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Post time 30-7-2010 02:44 PM | Show all posts
sbb Zoro tu bodo2 alang sket..
jln lurus pon bole tu la antare daye tarikan zoro yg aku minat..

tp xphm la ape msg tu..nape 16?
ke mrujuk kpd suatu tmpt??

npe Aokiji yg naek jd Fleet Admiral bkn Sakazuki/Akainu???
mst sbb Sengoku x suke care Akainu yg kejam kot~~

Coby pon ade Haki daa~~~

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Post time 30-7-2010 02:50 PM | Show all posts
aku rase Supernova yg jd mangse BB tu Apoo la..
sbb die plg xmnyerlah..huhu..Bonney x mungkin sbb she's too hot to lose~~

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Post time 30-7-2010 03:09 PM | Show all posts
ap yg sedut kapal lanun Capone nie aaa....

besar giler.....

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Post time 30-7-2010 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 563# kyouka

    Capone kena sedut ngan UFO kot

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Post time 30-7-2010 10:18 PM | Show all posts
macam blackbeard je yg sedut alcapone...

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Post time 31-7-2010 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 564# khairen

x sangke lak Oda nak masukkn X-Files dlm cite dy nie....

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Post time 31-7-2010 12:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply 565# totally

kapal BB bleh trbg ke??
mane aci!!:@
lanun laen kene main atas air ngan darat je....

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Post time 31-7-2010 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply 567# kyouka

    atau mungkin 1 lg yonkou akan menunjukkan belang?...x cite pun lg pasal shank lawan yonkou tu...

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Post time 31-7-2010 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 568# totally

Kaidou?...pelik plak rase nye kalo Maharaja nak main ngan Rookie..

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Post time 31-7-2010 01:27 PM | Show all posts
aku rse yg tarik tu hanye la sebuah pulau berkuase magnet

sape nenek misteri yg brtembung dgn Urouge tu...? Big Mom...?

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Post time 31-7-2010 04:29 PM | Show all posts
bertambah best........yg pasti supernova nie lah yg akan ganti lanun2 kat new world nanti....sebab bounty mereka lebih tinggi dr pada lanun kat new world......

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Post time 31-7-2010 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply 571# sailorV

aku tengok takde la hebat sgt lanun kat new world..sampai kid pun boleh menang bergaya lagi

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Post time 1-8-2010 02:57 AM | Show all posts
tapi betol ka si luffy tu infiltrate marine ford??badan cedera parah nak jalan pun kena papah..aku rasa ni gambar superimpose je,hasil tangan ghaib si dark king.nak bagi message pada world government yang diorang akan kembali..bukan ke gold roger dah abis tau pasal sejarah dunia?tak mustahil crew2 diorang pun tau,dan tunggu masa je nak strike world govenment ni..dan mungkin five elders ade something yang diorang dok teori aku la..

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Post time 2-8-2010 12:32 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa macam luffy rang the bell 16 times maksudnya semua pergi berkumpul kat Shabodi Archipelago no 16 kot rasanya.

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Post time 3-8-2010 07:42 PM | Show all posts
Spoiler Ch. 595

- Grandline, near Shabondy Archipelago' -
Law's crewmate: Whaaat?? We're still not going to enter the New world?
Law: I said we gotta wait for the right time... Don't sweat it, 'One piece' ain't going nowhere soon...
Law's Crewmate: But... Blackbeard is going on a rampage!
Law: Let those that want to fight it out fight it out then... I have no interest in participating in meaningless/boring fights. Stop talking shit and just listen to my orders. When the time's right, we'll make our move!
All of Law's Cremates: Ha~ captain (love heart)

- 'New world' On a Winter Island - SECOND PAGE
Big guy: This island is one of the Yonkou 'Kaido's' favourite islands... He's sort of asked me to look after this island you see...
Drake: So what...?
Big guy: Nothing, I'm just telling you. I'm just saying don't get on the bad side of Kaido!
Drake: So you're saying that if I killed you here, Kaido would do something about it?
Big guy: Yeah that's right so piss off...
Drake: Well that makes things easier (transforms into Dinosaur Form)

Apoo: RUN!! There's no way we can take those group of wild pigs!
Apoo's Crewmate: Watch out there's a cliff ahead of us!!!
Apoo: Who care's!! JUMP!!
All: Huh?
Apoo's Crewmate: Uuumm Captain Apoo, the wild pigs and us are running in the sky?!?
Apoo: I can see that!! What the hell is going on this island?!?!



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Post time 3-8-2010 08:27 PM | Show all posts
ooo..ada citer pasal rookie lagik..

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Post time 4-8-2010 12:48 AM | Show all posts

nampaknya bonney yg jadik mangsa bb.

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Post time 4-8-2010 01:27 AM | Show all posts
lanun yg kuat melantak nie rupenye yg jadi mangsa BB.....hmy3:
mggu nie pasl rookie lagi....hmmmm...

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Post time 4-8-2010 02:52 AM | Show all posts
smbungngan spoiler yg ad.......

New world Other Island

BB: Jewelry Bonney…!

Bonney: Haa… haa… (breathing heavily)

BB: You’re pretty great a lady for getting a bounty over a hundred million. The New World is a sea of chosen “strong men”! Good work on having reached here from South Blue. But this is where it’s Game Over for you… Zehahhaha

Bonney: ….!

BB: I don’t need weaklings for my crew, but how about it? Become my woman and I’ll bring you into the sea ahead…! Hmm??

Bonney: You’ve got to be joking! You bearded pig!!

BB: Kua~ This ain’t good. I can’t have an inferior good. The quality of a woman is important, you know!? I’ve got more than enough inferior goods among my crew!!
BB: As planned, I’m exchanging you for a battleship (marine ship?)

Augur: Captain! I see the navy!!

BB: They’ve brought the promised warship, haven’t they!

Augur: There’s a warship but it doesn’t look like they’re handing it over!

BB: Ah!? How do you know?

Augur: ‘Akainu’’s on board!!

BB: Damnit!! I didn’t ask for this!! We’re making a move, everyone! Gyahahaha a big failure!

Akainu: Where’s Blackbeard?

Navy: He’s gone…!

Akainu: … When I heard you’d escaped from the government, I was afraid. — But now, it’s all over…

Bonney: …! You guys…!! I’ll never forgive you!!

The food they’re eating… is a secret recipe in the Kamabakka.
It can strengthen those who eat them every day.
Sanji is thrilled to hear that, and wants to learn it.
But Iva says no whey they’d let him learn one of the kingdom’s secrets until he learns their fighting style.
….. of course, Sanji refuses. He’s a man, he won’t learn their okama fighting style.
Iva offers another chance.
He will give the 99 masters of the art on the island each a piece of the recipe.
He must go and defeat them to take their recipe.
He will be hounded day and night by the okama on the island who wants to dress him up and turn him into okama.
Sanji takes the challenge, and says by the time he’s done beating all of them, he should be several times stronger.
Anyways, to clarify, Blackbeard caught Bonney, but with Akainu’s arrival, he turned tails and ran.
Akainu says when he heard Bonney had escaped from the WG, it sent a little chill down his spine… but now it’s all over.
Bonney says she’ll never forgive them. Looks like Bonney holds some importance to WG.
I’m really out of time, skimming through Chopper’s scene, he returned to the island since he now has something he must do there. He’s going to research the plants on the island which all have potential to be very powerful medicines.

In Mariejoa

dude: he dissapeared?

DoFlamingo: Yeah, to be honest. I’m not trying to be vague, he literally vanished on the spot!!
Fufufu… I’m surprised, do you know a move like that in Kage Kage ability??

dude: it’s no matter to laugh at!!

DoFlamingo: It’s alright…. his life was nearly at the end.
No matter what he does, it’s too late.
yeah… unless he returns as a zombie or something. Fufufufu!!! How fitting

dude: That’s a damn sloppy job you did!!

DoFlamingo: Eh!? You… watch it. When the hell did you become my boss?
I don’t care how much power you have in the WG, I’m a damn pirate, it doesn’t concern me.
If my deal with you become… uninteresting, I’ll quit Shichibukai at any time. Remember that.

Trivia: They are considered villains by the World Government and the general public who aren’t familiar with them. While this is a hassle for them, like most other pirates, the majority of the Straw Hats see their bounties as a form of achievement, a sign of how much fame and recognition their actions have produced. Their current bounties total up to 700,000,050.



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Post time 4-8-2010 02:53 AM | Show all posts
ad watk baru lagi ke nie??
sape yg dok bborak ngan Doflamingo nie??

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