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Author: serbu

What so Great about Singapore???

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Post time 5-10-2006 12:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 4-10-2006 11:49 PM
Economically we are not stable due to an immature decision taken by our policy makers to match with Singapore. The majority of people in Malaysia cannot compete in foreign markets due to inadequate ...

First of all we should not look into this as an racial issue. We are actually discussing about the economic ability between 2 countries. Why compare Malaysia with SIngapore? It is not because the matter of what race rule the country but just because Malaysia and Singapore are countries that grow up together since 1963. It's like brothers which grew up with different parents. So if we compare our country with Malaysia, we still have further improvement to be done.

I agree with you, regarding the policy makers issue. Our policy " Tak suka, keluar!" had made a lot of investor stop their interest to invest in our country. Look at the China CAR manufacturer. Initially they want to invest here and produce their cars. Unfortunately our government not allowed them to assembly 1.3 and 1.5L cars here and sell because they knew it will badly impacted the Proton cars. At last, this China Car manufacturer had choosen our neighboor - Indonesia, to setup factory there and assemble their car. Some people would say," No big deal, if don't like, just go other country to setup". Gosh, but do you know how much we lost from this ?? How many job opportunity has gone away... simply because government still want to protect our beloved Proton. This is so called policy issue.

[ Last edited by  KLKnight at 5-10-2006 12:04 AM ]

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:02 AM | Show all posts
singapore negara kecil macam penang..
tapi u tengok dia berapa maju berbanding malaysia yg besar dan penuh dgn rempah n bahan asli?
mata wang mereka 2X ganda mata wang kita..
negara kecil saja tau tak?
malaysia pun kalah kepada dia??
apa lah nak jadi ngan malaysia..
rasuah la..
perkauman la..
bila nak henti semua ini??
pakai tag saya anti rasuah..
tapi lagi besar dia makan..
sampai boroi...

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Post time 5-10-2006 08:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #42 anyon996's post

singapore and penang sama by pulau ppl.

as much grief as the singaporeans give to malaysia due to pulau mentality; so is so much the godem grief handed over by the penangites to malaysians lead by Mr I dont know.

arrgghhh....pulau ppl ;)

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Post time 5-10-2006 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by CintaMalaysia at 14-9-2006 10:03 AM

even such a smart guy like lee kuan yew who fought for "malaysia for malaysian" also had to give up equal rights to all singaporeans, and give special privilege to malays under their aborigin rights constitution.
politics is like that - never fair

to me, it may not be equal but it is possibly fair.

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Post time 5-10-2006 08:58 AM | Show all posts
what's so great about singapore?

well.  could be her extraordinary ability to manipulate fear and her obsession thereto?  you know...fear of being number two, fear of being swallowed by the big bad wolves, fear of being stagnant, etc etc.

could be that's why kiasu is synonymous with singapore.

yes that's it. her obsession with FEAR and extraordinary ability to turn it into something advantageous.

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Post time 5-10-2006 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Negara kecik, senanglah nak control, buat jalanraya pun berapa depa ajer! Malaysia is a big country. Ingat senang ker nak jaga semua hati rakyat? Itu pun tak kenang budi. Kerusi parlimen bagi satu jer kat org melayu! Sekarang sapa terpingggir, sapa meminggir?

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Post time 5-10-2006 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Kalau aku jadi tunku, aku tak bagi singapura tu kat diorang, aku bagi pulau batu putih jer! haaa tambak pasir sendiri lah korang!

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Post time 5-10-2006 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sedondon at 5-10-2006 08:29 AM
Kalau aku jadi tunku, aku tak bagi singapura tu kat diorang, aku bagi pulau batu putih jer! haaa tambak pasir sendiri lah korang!

benda   lepas   jgn   dikenang  ....   kalo   Singapura   sanggup  bergabung   dgn  Malaysia semula  ...  untung   org   melayu  ker?

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Post time 5-10-2006 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mahathirGX at 5-10-2006 09:51 AM

benda   lepas   jgn   dikenang  ....   kalo   Singapura   sanggup  bergabung   dgn  Malaysia semula  ...  untung   org   melayu  ker?

i think...
in any time, during last time or now...
kalau singapore gabung dengan malaysia semula, singapore yang lebih untung..
tapi pergabungan semula ni tak mungkin berlaku.

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Post time 5-10-2006 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sedondon at 5-10-2006 09:28 AM
Negara kecik, senanglah nak control, buat jalanraya pun berapa depa ajer! Malaysia is a big country. Ingat senang ker nak jaga semua hati rakyat? Itu pun tak kenang budi. Kerusi parlimen bagi satu  ...

Orang yang tidak berupaya sentiasa mempunyai alasan yang sedap didengar. " Negara kita besar. Susah nak kawal." Jadi biarlah kes jenayah terus berlaku dan semua hal dalam negara dapat dibereskan dengan alasan " Negara kita besar. Susah nak kawal."

Inilah sikap segelintir peminpin Melayu. Suka cari alasan tapi tak fikir bagaimana nak selesaikan masalah. Tengoklah negara besar seperti UK dan US. Kenapa dia orang tak kata "Oh negara kita besar sangat. Jadi kita tak mampu nak kawal dan kita tak mampu untuk jadi negara yang besar." ?

Sedarlah. Kalau kamu terus percaya dengan kata-kata orang amenooo tu, hancurlah negara kita.

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Post time 5-10-2006 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sedondon at 5-10-2006 09:29 AM
Kalau aku jadi tunku, aku tak bagi singapura tu kat diorang, aku bagi pulau batu putih jer! haaa tambak pasir sendiri lah korang!

Sebelum negara kita merdeka, Singapura pun sudah di bawah pimpinan Lee KY. Tapi orang yang racist macam kau mesti tak suka Singapura kerana ia dipimpini orang Cina.

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Post time 5-10-2006 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mahathirGX at 5-10-2006 09:51 AM

benda   lepas   jgn   dikenang  ....   kalo   Singapura   sanggup  bergabung   dgn  Malaysia semula  ...  untung   org   melayu  ker?

harap harap tidak. depa dah jauh . depa sendirii pun bukan ada semangat ASEAN sangat. depa lebih kpd proxy Amerika di Asia tenggara.

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Post time 5-10-2006 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KLKnight at 5-10-2006 10:41 AM

Sebelum negara kita merdeka, Singapura pun sudah di bawah pimpinan Lee KY. Tapi orang yang racist macam kau mesti tak suka Singapura kerana ia dipimpini orang Cina.

hang nih asyik dok kata oghang lain racist, tapi nampak hang pun dah mula jadi racist.

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Post time 5-10-2006 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PakLongChat at 5-10-2006 10:48 AM

hang nih asyik dok kata oghang lain racist, tapi nampak hang pun dah mula jadi racist.

Kau yang paling tak racist dan mulia macam dewa. Mari kami sembahyang 867... :nerd:

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Post time 5-10-2006 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KLKnight at 5-10-2006 10:50 AM

Kau yang paling tak racist dan mulia macam dewa. Mari kami sembahyang 867... :nerd:

aku menagu kau racist tapi ramai oghang tak mengaku racist ----tp bercakap mmg racist. apa jenih pghang tuh.

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Post time 5-10-2006 11:34 AM | Show all posts
UK negara besar ker?

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Post time 5-10-2006 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Sebelum negara kita merdeka, Singapura pun sudah di bawah pimpinan Lee KY. Tapi orang yang racist macam kau mesti tak suka Singapura kerana ia dipimpini orang Cina. - by Kl night

Saya bukan racist. Cuma golongan yg melampau mcm LKY tu tak boleh dibagi muka. Sayan nak ingatkan di sini, saya bukan anti-cina, saya cuma meluat dgn golongan bangsa yg melampau. Ok lah, lupakan masa lampau, singapore pun berpecah dari Malasia, tapi saya akan sentiasa ingat! supaya pisang tidak berbuah 2 kali.

Itu situasi dulu, kalau situasi sekarang, andaikan indon,bangla dan nepal juga menuntut kewarganegaraan malaysia pada masa sekarang nih, lepas diberi kewarganegaraan, mereka mintak pulak mcm2, mengungkit pasal ketidak adilan semua kaum, lepas tu diaorang conquer satu kl, lepas tu mintak KL berpisah dari Malaysia. Itu cuma cerita rekaan sahaja, tapi kamu semua boleh pikir.

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Post time 5-10-2006 11:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sedondon at 5-10-2006 11:34 AM
UK negara besar ker?

UK and US is geographically bigger then us, right?

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sedondon at 5-10-2006 11:44 AM
Sebelum negara kita merdeka, Singapura pun sudah di bawah pimpinan Lee KY. Tapi orang yang racist macam kau mesti tak suka Singapura kerana ia dipimpini orang Cina.  - by Kl night

Saya bukan rac ...

why i say nonsense?
bangla and etc. are not part of the team in fighting for independence.. they never fight the enemy for the country..
the non-malays fought with japense enemy for the country and together in a team fighting for independence..
you still think of the KAUM IMMIGRAN thing??
really tak dapat diubati liao..

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Post time 5-10-2006 04:02 PM | Show all posts
OK! we accept, tapi mengapa ada suara2 sumbang yg nak mempertikaikan hak istimewa org Melayu? Kenapa ada suara2 sumbang yg mengatakan org cina dipinggirkan secara sistematik diMalaysia? Just follow ajer lah perlembagaan negara.Apa nak dipertikaikan pulak? Pastu sipa backing LKY pulak tu! Maybe u all patut contohi Cina Kelantan yg rata2nyer lebih toleransi daripada cina2 KL,Penang and Ipoh.

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