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Author: DidiAndFren

Tidak Sesuai Dengan Imej Islamik, Menggunakan Teknik Berunsurkan Soft Porn Dan Kelucahan!

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Post time 28-6-2024 11:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 28-6-2024 09:39 PM
Tengok ja Mingguan Wanita (hado jual lagi ke?) tu. Penuh iklan hazab gini.

Harakah pun ada jugak sister dulu2.
Iols tau sbb ayah iols pelanggan tetap ya

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Post time 28-6-2024 11:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Laislaboneta apa. Apa nak jd dgn bani yg claim sbg bani tamim ni?

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2024 01:17 AM | Show all posts
netto_ replied at 28-6-2024 10:50 PM
Agaknya sblm publish meeting dulu x deme bi? Dlm meeting leh selamber je kot present gambo gini, xde ...

kita buat2 macam takde masalah bak kata jah


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Post time 29-6-2024 01:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Macam hanat je

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mmg lucah pun iklan jahpokey ni...x padan pakai niqob..mesti hari2 dok leceh felir puriz

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Post time 29-6-2024 02:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Takde menda lain ka nak juai?

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Post time 29-6-2024 02:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Taktik marketing..toksahlah bukak bnyk thread pasal narcissist ni..seronok la dia nnt org promote produk dia

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Post time 29-6-2024 07:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku cukup geli dgn org2 yg suka jual produk2 mcm ni ...apa penjual tu punya ketat sgt ke..hebat sgt ke..lawa sgt ke pussy dia, tegang sgt ke breast dia....

Piirraaahhhh.....penipu je semua   

Yg beli pun bodoh

X kan asset sendiri ko x reti jaga sampai puja produk2 org konon lepas mkn terus ok...selama ni x mkn produk org jual tu mmg ko punya teruk sgt ke apa...eeiii getik aku tengok artis penunggang agama ni...kejap jual itu.kejap jual ini...semua benda x menjadi sb ko mmg penipu...

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Post time 29-6-2024 07:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kan dah kata, tudung tu takde kena mengena dengan perangai. Tudung tu sekadar kain. Ni siap berniqab segala, tapi tinggi diri. Kengkonon ko je la yang the best  seks in the world. Paling laki sayang. Gi mampuih la

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah monopos dtg balik period. Apa ke bangangnya?

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masuk kejap benang alumni MrSm langkawi ni...cantik Mata neelofa. Ni baru betul ada aura influencer n retis. Cipta kontroversi pon berbaloi.

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maaf dasatnya siap sebut kelentit lagi

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DidiAndFren replied at 28-6-2024 08:18 PM

Maigaaadd lucah gilsss

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DidiAndFren replied at 28-6-2024 08:20 PM

Pun lucah ni euwww lowclass weii

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 29-6-2024 07:36 AM
Aku cukup geli dgn org2 yg suka jual produk2 mcm ni ...apa penjual tu punya ketat sgt ke..hebat sgt  ...

Setuju gilss..

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
asma87 replied at 29-6-2024 08:10 AM
Masuk kejap benang alumni MrSm langkawi ni...cantik Mata neelofa. Ni baru betul ada aura influencer  ...

Macam mak dia dah. Lofa nampak berusia...

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:53 AM | Show all posts
kampungnya pemikiran dan marketing.

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Post time 29-6-2024 09:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
produk kedai acheh yg seterusnya daripada hajah lopa.. tinggalkan kecantikan dunya la sgt kannnnn... X berkutik ye fans yg selalu cirit kat benang org lain tu...

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Post time 29-6-2024 09:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jauh nak kejar standard patjura

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Post time 29-6-2024 09:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alah apa naak heran. Yg acah2 bertutup2 lepas menggelitis dgn laki mmg tu je lah yg di hadap.

Ahh bodoh ahhh sapa2 terpengaruh dgn acah2 dia tu.

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