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Author: onare

*Solo Debut* Dangerously In Love - Beyonc

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2003 03:51 PM | Show all posts
hmmm...rasanyer tak sama league...
beyonce nie lebih kpd (dan dier sendiri cam claim) kump whitney, mariah, mary j, monica, brandy etc...
dan plus advantage dier nie ialah pandai menari...sama ngan rival dier - christina!...haaa...bab tue whitney ngan mariah out...hehehehe!!!...

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 11-8-2003 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nix79 at 11-8-2003 02:35 AM:
a'ar.....beyonce ok la... menari pun best.....
tapi mmg takleh lawan mariah.. laa..
sbb aku memang kipas susah mati si mariah nih... hhehehehheh..

Hehhe..mariah carey ni vocal mmg power giler..hehe..sama power ngan whitney houston..

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Post time 12-8-2003 12:15 AM | Show all posts
naper album solo kelly rowland tak meletop mcm beyonce?
kalo ikut dari segi vokal, kelly tu power jugak. adakah sebab beyonce tu lagik cantik dan lagi sexy dari dia?
kalo michelle tu aku tau sebab apa tak berapa top bile kuar album solo, sebab vokal dia tak power sgt, dan dia pon cuma anggota pengganti destiny's child.
kalo ikutkan beyonce dan kelly mmg kawan baik sejak kecil. diorang berdua mmg bercita2 nak jadi artis popular sejak dulu.
tapi nampaknya beyonce lebih berjaya dari kelly.

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Post time 12-8-2003 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Aku sebnanya malas nak kaitkan dgn mariah carey & whitney houston coz diorang dah too common utk dibincangkan kat sini. Lagipun, aku lebih minat melihat ramai black pop female artist sbb kalau sebut black, mesti diorang pilih genre r&b. Cuma segelintir yg pilih muzik pop spt Janet Jackson, Samantha Mumba, Mya, Aaliyah dsb (itupun ada mix r&b)... tak ketinggalan jugak Whitney Houston.

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Post time 12-8-2003 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 2003-8-11 12:51 AM:
Dah 6 minggu lagu Crazy In Love kat no.1 di Billboard Top 100, 5 minggu di UK Top 40 Chart dan 10 minggu di Malaysia Top 100 Chart. Tambah lagi, Beyonce Knowles jadi artist of the month di MTV Asia ...

Now it's Beyonce,eh? I didn't know about this slut until a few days ago...that's how  intentionally removed I am when it comes to the world of commercialised music.

So you would be worshipping her from now on instead of your 'J.Low from Dat-block'?

As long as Beyonce or any other singer has humongous tits and buns then you would idolize them.See how superficial you are?

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Post time 13-8-2003 07:13 PM | Show all posts
Commercialized music also includes that "new-age" music tat u love, right? Then, slap ur own face, man. I really adore r&b music, including all the artists who bring r&b music.. such as Beyonce & J.Lo. So what's wrong with that?

I'm superficial? Only see their so-called tits and buns? Sorry, I'm not into that. I enjoy music beside lookin' at their good looks. How bout Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg etc? They don't even have good looks to show off, only their music. Good looks are just another bonus, coincidentially.

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throughtherain This user has been deleted
Post time 13-8-2003 07:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vixen at 2003-8-12 04:33 PM:
Now it's Beyonce,eh? I didn't know about this slut until a few days ago...that's how  intentionally removed I am when it comes to the world of commercialised music.

So you would be worshippin ...

quit bitchin and take it to ur own momma.. i am so intentionally removed by u

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Post time 14-8-2003 05:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 2003-8-13 07:13 PM:
Commercialized music also includes that "new-age" music tat u love, right? Then, slap ur own face, man. I really adore r&b music, including all the artists who bring r&b music.. such as B ...

You are very wrong there,my friend.Even the term 'New Age' is
a misnomer and it is in fact,highly misleading.That kind of music actually defies categorization.None of those musicians like it when their music is 'pigeon-holed'.Yanni,for instance just calls his music.. instrumental and another famous musician simply defines his music as spiritual.

And most 'New-Age' artists never have any 'commercial intent'.It's not the album sales that they are going for.They don't play the usual media-circus.That's why you don't get to watch Loreena McKennit or someone like Enya baring their tits or wagging their arses in music videos to rake up sales.

As for pop-sluts like Beyonce and J.LO.Don't be dishonest with me,I wasn't born yesterday.If it is only the inherent quality of such music that matters to you then why not adore people like Sade? She's far more talented than any number of  pop-sluts combined.Or does she not appeal to you because she doesn't take her clothes off or dance provocatively enough? The truth is,the undeniable reason why you and many people go bananas for those pop-sluts is because of their filthy sex-appeal ~ huge knockers and big booty with absolutely NO brains.

These sluts deserve no respect.In fact,it's them and their fans like you that's making it hard for other truly gifted and decent musicians to survive today.Walk into any music store and what do you see? Almost all shelves are filled with shitty pop-music and its variants and that includes rap,hip-hop,R&B,whatever you call it,not to mention ever increasing number of nausea-inducing Japanese and Korean-pop littered all over.There are hardly any section for 'New-Age/World Music' anymore and if there is,then at most you could find only one or two albums from relatively known musicians.

[ Last edited by vixen on 14-8-2003 at 05:31 AM ]

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Post time 14-8-2003 05:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by throughtherain at 2003-8-13 07:37 PM:
quit bitchin and take it to ur own momma.. i am so intentionally removed by u

At least,I don't fill my head with shitty songs like you.

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throughtherain This user has been deleted
Post time 14-8-2003 07:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vixen at 2003-8-14 05:21 AM:
At least,I don't fill my head with shitty songs like you.

shitty music don't make me a shit, and for you sir, good music that u fill into ur head doesn't make u any more a person than me... what we arguing here is only a matter of taste.. and i think we all here know what ur tastes are for stooping down low to this forum. so don't play pretend and fuss around about how "classy" you are with the new-age, spiritual, un-commercial, singer with no tits and buns and albums in the last shelf no one even care to see.

oh, since i do love so much shitty music, my ass can spit vocals a whole lot more spiritually than anyone u care to mention. and i think i can sell it more than loreena-who? or miss enya. i better go and listen to my shitty natalie dessay. bye.

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2003 04:23 PM | Show all posts over ppl complaining about comercial music...gimme a break la vixen!...

just because the current music isnt in ur particular style/taste...doesnt mean that it age isnt really my bag...but im well aware that it doesnt svks...simple difference in taste doesnt mean "well made" or "shitty"...

ppl really like pop music...that might not be ur thing...which is fine by me...listen wateva music u like...ppl not here to judge...thats the point!...but to judge ppl because of what music we listen to?...its to much vixen!...frustrating...pisses me it ends up being ur loss!

ps:fullstop...malas dah nak layan!

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Post time 14-8-2003 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vixen at 14/8/2003 05:19 AM:
You are very wrong there,my friend.Even the term 'New Age' is
a misnomer and it is in fact,highly misleading.That kind of music actually defies categorization.None of those musicians like it when their music is 'pigeon-holed'.Yanni,for instance just calls his music.. instrumental and another famous musician simply defines his music as spiritual.

How shall we call Yanni's music then? If it's not new-age.. whatelse? We should give people a brief understanding of what genre identifies certain music such as pop, r&b or new age. New age also enters mainstream like other music does. Any new age artists entered mainstream are also money-makin', and there's no such thing that they don't want to be commercialized. For instance, Enya.. sold nearly 10 million copies of her last album in U.S alone. If Enya feels that she doesn't want to be commercialized, she should ask her recording company to stop the album selling (just like what Norah Jones did). The term "commercial music" should be applied to any mainstream music, no matter pop or new age.

And most 'New-Age' artists never have any 'commercial intent'.It's not the album sales that they are going for.They don't play the usual media-circus.That's why you don't get to watch Loreena McKennit or someone like Enya baring their tits or wagging their arses in music videos to rake up sales.

Never have any 'commercial intent' even a little? Come on man! So they produce album just for play-play, mah? Without profit? Just to raise funds? Hahaha.. if u say so, u should be sayin' that all new age artists play music just for fun!

As for pop-sluts like Beyonce and J.LO.Don't be dishonest with me,I wasn't born yesterday.If it is only the inherent quality of such music that matters to you then why not adore people like Sade? She's far more talented than any number of  pop-sluts combined.

What quality do u mean? A song with just one or two instruments played? If Britney Spears produce song just like Sade did, will people acknowledge her? If J.Lo produce song just like Enya did, will you acknowledge J.Lo? So what is a quality music to you? Sometimes you also see the artist look right?

Or does she not appeal to you because she doesn't take her clothes off or dance provocatively enough? The truth is,the undeniable reason why you and many people go bananas for those pop-sluts is because of their filthy sex-appeal ~ huge knockers and big booty with absolutely NO brains.

For me, there's no such thing I look at the filthy looks before I listen to the music! If J.Lo produce bad music, I won't also listen to her music. My taste in music comes first. JUst like what I've said, looks are just another bonus!

These sluts deserve no respect.In fact,it's them and their fans like you that's making it hard for other truly gifted and decent musicians to survive today.Walk into any music store and what do you see? Almost all shelves are filled with shitty pop-music and its variants and that includes rap,hip-hop,R&B,whatever you call it,not to mention ever increasing number of nausea-inducing Japanese and Korean-pop littered all over.There are hardly any section for 'New-Age/World Music' anymore and if there is,then at most you could find only one or two albums from relatively known musicians.

Sorry, u're wrong in describing pop music. U must know how to differentiate pop and mainstream. Pop is mainstream, and not all mainstream musics are pop. If u feel like 'the-truly-gifted-and-decent' musicians of yours cannot survive in today's music industry, then check back where's the mistake. You're very lucky to be in Malaysia because there are still number of audiences who love new age music (as you can see in CD-Rama or any music stores, there are still exclusive shelves for this kind of music). There are still many music lovers in Malaysia love slow, easy-listening and ballad tracks. Because of that, no wonder many Malaysians still love Westlife, Celine Dion and also new age artists. Only few Malaysians love high quality musics such as r&b and hip hop music like me, and YOU SHOULD BE VERY THANKFUL OF THAT!!!

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Post time 14-8-2003 05:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vixen at 14/8/2003 05:19 AM:
You are very wrong there,my friend.Even the term 'New Age' is
a misnomer and it is in fact,highly misleading.That kind of music actually defies categorization.None of those musicians like it when their music is 'pigeon-holed'.Yanni,for instance just calls his music.. instrumental and another famous musician simply defines his music as spiritual.

How shall we call Yanni's music then? If it's not new-age.. whatelse? We should give people a brief understanding of what genre identifies certain music such as pop, r&b or new age. New age also enters mainstream like other music does. Any new age artists entered mainstream are also money-makin', and there's no such thing that they don't want to be commercialized. For instance, Enya.. sold nearly 10 million copies of her last album in U.S alone. If Enya feels that she doesn't want to be commercialized, she should ask her recording company to stop the album selling (just like what Norah Jones did). The term "commercial music" should be applied to any mainstream music, no matter pop or new age.

And most 'New-Age' artists never have any 'commercial intent'.It's not the album sales that they are going for.They don't play the usual media-circus.That's why you don't get to watch Loreena McKennit or someone like Enya baring their tits or wagging their arses in music videos to rake up sales.

Never have any 'commercial intent' even a little? Come on man! So they produce album just for play-play, mah? Without profit? Just to raise funds? Hahaha.. if u say so, u should be sayin' that all new age artists play music just for fun!

As for pop-sluts like Beyonce and J.LO.Don't be dishonest with me,I wasn't born yesterday.If it is only the inherent quality of such music that matters to you then why not adore people like Sade? She's far more talented than any number of  pop-sluts combined.

What quality do u mean? A song with just one or two instruments played? If Britney Spears produce song just like Sade did, will people acknowledge her? If J.Lo produce song just like Enya did, will you acknowledge J.Lo? So what is a quality music to you? Sometimes you also see the artist look right?

Or does she not appeal to you because she doesn't take her clothes off or dance provocatively enough? The truth is,the undeniable reason why you and many people go bananas for those pop-sluts is because of their filthy sex-appeal ~ huge knockers and big booty with absolutely NO brains.

For me, there's no such thing I look at the filthy looks before I listen to the music! If J.Lo produce bad music, I won't also listen to her music. My taste in music comes first. JUst like what I've said, looks are just another bonus!

These sluts deserve no respect.In fact,it's them and their fans like you that's making it hard for other truly gifted and decent musicians to survive today.Walk into any music store and what do you see? Almost all shelves are filled with shitty pop-music and its variants and that includes rap,hip-hop,R&B,whatever you call it,not to mention ever increasing number of nausea-inducing Japanese and Korean-pop littered all over.There are hardly any section for 'New-Age/World Music' anymore and if there is,then at most you could find only one or two albums from relatively known musicians.

Sorry, u're wrong in describing pop music. U must know how to differentiate pop and mainstream. Pop is mainstream, and not all mainstream musics are pop. If u feel like 'the-truly-gifted-and-decent' musicians of yours cannot survive in today's music industry, then check back where's the mistake. You're very lucky to be in Malaysia because there are still number of audiences who love new age music (as you can see in CD-Rama or any music stores, there are still exclusive shelves for this kind of music). There are still many music lovers in Malaysia love slow, easy-listening and ballad tracks. Because of that, no wonder many Malaysians still love Westlife, Celine Dion and also new age artists. Only few Malaysians love high quality musics such as r&b and hip hop music like me, and YOU SHOULD BE VERY THANKFUL OF THAT!!!

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Post time 14-8-2003 09:57 PM | Show all posts
munz wrote:
How shall we call Yanni's music then? If it's not new-age.. whatelse?
We should give people a brief understanding of what genre identifies certain music such as pop, r&b or new age. New age also enters mainstream like other music does.

It is not for me speak on behalf of someone like Yanni or other such musicians on what term that they wish to identify their particular brand of music with.But I feel that's the beauty of their music.A truly universal music without language that simply defies any 'mass-market' categorization.
Wouldn't you agree?

Any new age artists entered mainstream are also money-makin', and there's no such thing that they don't want to be commercialized. For instance, Enya.. sold nearly 10 million copies of her last album in U.S alone. If Enya feels that she doesn't want to be commercialized, she should ask her recording company to stop the album selling (just like what Norah Jones did). The term "commercial music" should be applied to any mainstream music, no matter pop or new age.

There is no such thing as new-age artists 'entering' mainstream to make money.Have you heard of Mike Oldfield? (Obviously you haven't).They did try to change his style into more mainstream,but did they succeed? He was forced by contract to make commercial music and it almost wrecked his life.That's how dedicated such musicians are to their ART.And Enya is never considered as a mainstream artists.Making money is never her prerogative.And if her albums turn out to be multi-million seller,then it's good for her.But If her album doesn't sell,would she then cease making music or abruptly change her style(like what most mainstream artist do) to suit current trend just to earn more bucks? Never.That's what sets them apart.

Never have any 'commercial intent' even a little? Come on man! So they produce album just for play-play, mah? Without profit? Just to raise funds? Hahaha.. if u say so, u should be sayin' that all new age artists play music just for fun!

As a matter of fact most 'new-age' artist say that they create music ultimately for self-gratification.And whether their music has 'mass-market ' appeal or not,is only secondary concern for them.

And you seemed to have not properly understood to what I referred as 'commercial-intent'.Let me put in a better way:Have you seen Enya parading half-naked on stage just to sell her albums? NO? Have you seen Enya dance provocatively just to sell her music? NO? Have you seen Enya starring in semi-pornographic music videos just to sell her albums? NO? Have you seen Enya's panties? Well,you get my point.Her music speaks for itself and she certainly deserves all the recognition and subsequently the money that comes with it.

Sorry, u're wrong in describing pop music. U must know how to differentiate pop and mainstream. Pop is mainstream, and not all mainstream musics are pop.

I am not wrong.I never attempted to describe or define 'pop-music'.And I never agreed to any categorization of music genres.That's why I even object when people use the term 'New-Age'.


There is absolutely NOTHING for me to be thankful of.It's people like you and your sickening 'pop-music-culture' that is detrimental to genuine musical talents.

[ Last edited by vixen on 14-8-2003 at 10:03 PM ]

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Post time 14-8-2003 10:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by throughtherain at 2003-8-14 07:50 AM:
shitty music don't make me a shit, and for you sir, good music that u fill into ur head doesn't make u any more a person than me... what we arguing here is only a matter of taste..

You know,you are absolutely right.It is just a matter of preference or 'taste' as you put it.But unfortunately,people like you have such intrinsically BAD taste.

[ Last edited by vixen on 14-8-2003 at 10:41 PM ]

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throughtherain This user has been deleted
Post time 14-8-2003 11:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vixen at 2003-8-14 10:01 PM:
You know,you are absolutely right.It is just a matter of preference or 'taste' as you put it.But unfortunately,people like you have such intrinsically BAD taste.

[ Last edited by vixen on 1 ...

yeah... right...

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Post time 15-8-2003 03:32 AM | Show all posts
It is not for me speak on behalf of someone like Yanni or other such musicians on what term that they wish to identify their particular brand of music with.But I feel that's the beauty of their music.A truly universal music without language that simply defies any 'mass-market' categorization.
Wouldn't you agree?

Without mass-market? Without being commercialized? So for what they make the music for? Just for fun? Just for art? Would you think teenagers appreciate the so-called 'art' just like what u do? Teenagers want something hip, or we call 'teen beat'. Can u imagine all teenagers listening to "new-age" at school? Isn't that look weird and easy-to-get-old???

There is no such thing as new-age artists 'entering' mainstream to make money.Have you heard of Mike Oldfield? (Obviously you haven't).They did try to change his style into more mainstream,but did they succeed? He was forced by contract to make commercial music and it almost wrecked his life.That's how dedicated such musicians are to their ART.And Enya is never considered as a mainstream artists.Making money is never her prerogative.And if her albums turn out to be multi-million seller,then it's good for her.But If her album doesn't sell,would she then cease making music or abruptly change her style(like what most mainstream artist do) to suit current trend just to earn more bucks? Never.That's what sets them apart.

Of course, new age artists enter mainstream to make money! For many musicians, money comes first.. without money, they won't produce good music. Do you think all mainstream artists 'sell' their bodies to sell their music? For example, Jill Scott (r&b singer) - she's fat, not-so-beautiful, not-sexy, but she got talents in makin' good music and singin'. Have u ever listened to her songs (her voice)? She also sold millions of her album. Now she's not as popular as 2 years ago, but she didn't even bare her knockers and butts to get her popularity back. Not all mainstream artists are beautiful, sexy, erotic-lookin' just what u've said.. (maybe u're thinkin' of Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera in your mind!). Just to name a few, Missy Elliott, Nas, Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z, Kelly Rowland, Angie Stone, Ludacris, 50 cent, Baby a.k.a Birdman, Redman, Method Man, Wayne Wonder --- THEY'RE NOT BEAUTIFUL or HANDSOME, but they still can sell their music without their looks!

As a matter of fact most 'new-age' artist say that they create music ultimately for self-gratification.And whether their music has 'mass-market ' appeal or not,is only secondary concern for them. And you seemed to have not properly understood to what I referred as 'commercial-intent'.Let me put in a better way:Have you seen Enya parading half-naked on stage just to sell her albums? NO? Have you seen Enya dance provocatively just to sell her music? NO? Have you seen Enya starring in semi-pornographic music videos just to sell her albums? NO? Have you seen Enya's panties? Well,you get my point.Her music speaks for itself and she certainly deserves all the recognition and subsequently the money that comes with it.

If it's like that, i can give many examples of r&b/hip hop artists who are not so-called 'commercial-intent'. FOr example, Angie Stone (r&b music). Have you ever seen Angie Stone pose naked or at least half-naked to sell her music? Have you ever seen Angie Stone tries to lose her weight? Have you ever seen Angie Stone's panties? Noone will ever request to see her nude pics, because she doesn't have good sex appeal! But all she got is talent - voice and makin' good music. At least, Enya got better look than Angie Stone!

I am not wrong.I never attempted to describe or define 'pop-music'.And I never agreed to any categorization of music genres.That's why I even object when people use the term 'New-Age'. There is absolutely NOTHING for me to be thankful of.It's people like you and your sickening 'pop-music-culture' that is detrimental to genuine musical talents.

What is so 'genuine' about Enya's talents? Her voice? I can fake her voice, sing like whispering without high pitch. Her musical talent?

What are the real talents to you? For your information, to me, real talents are - makin' good music, voice and maybe dance. Good looks are just another bonus (even if Beyonce is ugly and fat, I'll still like her music!). If Beyonce don't produce aesthetic music like new-age, she's able to sing in aesthetic voice, not whispering voice like Enya! Her art maybe not so much in music, but there are lots of art in her voice.

One more time, you must be thankful for Malaysia's music scenery because there are still lots of people listening to new-age, easy listening music. I can bet you, majority of Malaysians love that kind of music. How bout r&b/hip hop? Only people like me, onare and so few of us listen to that kind of music. Have u ever asked randomly Malaysians at street.. what's their least favourable music? Most of them will answer "HIP - HOP"! (My hip-hop definition only refers to Black hip hop in U.S and not applied to Korean/Japanese/Chinese hip-hop.) Would u dare to sell a "VOYAGE" album and "HIP HOP COLLECTION" album at market and try to compare which one is the best-selling? I bet you, people in Malaysia will buy "VOYAGE" album! Not so many people love hip hop in Malaysia, and only the true music lovers who love r&b/hip hop!!!

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Post time 15-8-2003 03:47 AM | Show all posts
You know,you are absolutely right.It is just a matter of preference or 'taste' as you put it.But unfortunately,people like you have such intrinsically BAD taste.

BAD taste? Who got the baddest taste? Is that you or us? Come on lah... respect other's taste of music. Maybe ur parent or grandpa/grandma love pop music.. thus they got BAD taste in music? I even respect audiences who love Newboys, Achik, Siti Nordiana (who are always been referred as the BAD taste).

Oklah, imagine radio plays new age music everyday... children at school sings 'spiritual' songs everyday, can u imagine how it's gonna affect our live? People will get bored! Our brain will be narrowed and everybody will get sick! It's much more "SICKENING" than listening to pop music! I admit that sometimes I listen to new age music, but not at all the time!

So, stop blaming person for their bad taste. Music itself is an art, science and engineering. It affects our emotion, our live. People deserve to choose any music that suits their mood!

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Post time 15-8-2003 04:53 PM | Show all posts
So for what they make the music for? Just for fun? Just for art?

The answer is yes most definitely,to them the whole process of making music is an artistic expression.And as I mentioned earlier,most new age artists create music mainly for personal gratification.Some of them have expressed clearly that that they don't do it just to garner accolades or just to reap profits.Money and awards are not the reason they produce.They don't care much about how the general public would react or whether their work is accepted.They do it for 'personal' reasons,sort of heeding obscure spiritual or emotional need.At least,that's how I put it,simply.     

Would you think teenagers appreciate the so-called 'art' just like what u do? Teenagers want something hip, or we call 'teen beat'.

If you want to adhere to a bunch of half-baked immature screaming jumping loony teenagers and interpret music as they see it rather than give others like me a chance then there's nothing much I can do for you.I can only symphatize with you.We shouldn't just isten to music just to be hip or trendy and dye our hairs purple just so to be 'in' the crowd.Get my point?

Can u imagine all teenagers listening to "new-age" at school? Isn't that look weird and easy-to-get-old???

One of the great many misconceptions about this 'new-age' music.Thats it is nothing more than an 'elevator-music' or 'mall-music'.And that it is too laid-back,comatose-inducing and so on.However I tend to agree that it can get too drabby but so is popular music and every other form of music.Try listening to Mariah Carey for just 5 minutes and you probably can die of boredom.New Age music was never intended to be party-music.Try to understand this.There was once I thought that certain esoterical music was weird until I learned to appreciate the subtlety and complexity of it all.I guess it all boils down to one's capacity.

..Enya's talents? Her voice? I can fake her voice, sing like whispering without high pitch.

HAHAHAHA..sorry did not mean to be rude but your statement is just about the most ridiculous thing that I ever read in a while.HAHAHAHA...
You can fake her voice? I bet my bottom dollar that you can.I would love to put your statement in any Enya's fan group and let them die of laughter and make a mockery out of your statement.HAHAHA.....

Enya is a critically acclaimed star.Not even her harshest critic dares to question her vocal abilities.But if you say her style is stagnant then I would tend to agree to some extent.Don't simply criticize for sake of carrying on an 'argument'.It reflects badly upon you.

And you don't need to hit high notes or scream your lungs out to a qualify as vocalist.Try listening to her many vocal tracks when she sings in Gaelic,and you will realise how incredibly complex her nuances are.

One more time, you must be thankful.

I repeat.There is simply nothing to be thankful of,especially to your kind of people.Its cockroaches like you that is bringing in more and more filth into music scene.

[ Last edited by vixen on 15-8-2003 at 05:07 PM ]

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Post time 15-8-2003 05:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 2003-8-15 03:47 AM:
BAD taste? Who got the baddest taste? Is that you or us? Come on lah... respect other's taste of music. Maybe ur parent or grandpa/grandma love pop music.. thus they got BAD taste in  ...

Yup its BAD taste indeed,on your part.Maybe its a genetic predisposition.Too bad I can't change that for you and those of your kind.

Maybe as you out-grow your 'teenybopper' days and have a more mature outlook on matters then you'll realise how foolish you have been.

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