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Author: sora13


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 Author| Post time 14-5-2024 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sora13 at 14-5-2024 09:19 PM
ninajaybee replied at 14-5-2024 09:11 PM
Kenapa bila retis2 yg korang marahkan sangat tak post pasal Palestin now dah start post sebab so cal ...

Kalau dia post pasal Palestin tapi maintain promote produk zionist - BLOCK
Kalau dia dah start post pasal Palestin and stop promote produk zionis and you ialah fans dia or suka dia - UNBLOCK

Kalau you memang tak ada kena mengena and bukan fans or followers and tak suka ads dia keluar kat fyp you - BLOCK

Kalau nak buat divest from Celebrity Culture and tak mahu tengok satu artis pun lalu kat fyp - BLOCK

Movement ni movement yang ada serampang 10 mata. You boleh pilih reason you untuk block


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Post time 14-5-2024 09:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ninajaybee at 14-5-2024 09:20 PM
Duriand24 replied at 14-5-2024 09:15 PM
By the way i tambah siti awe jugak sbb dok tayang lv dan entah la i jarang nampak dia pist ttg pales ...

Jarang post pun block? Ingatkan tak post kena block?

I dah lamaaaaaaa block dia. Masa dia mula2 ikut husband ke UK.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 14-5-2024 09:17 PM
Kalau dia post pasal Palestin tapi maintain promote produk zionist - BLOCKKalau dia dah start post  ...

I don't follow the herd. I have practised this so called Blockout sejak azali - according to my own criteria. For me. Termasuk ponder2 pun block.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 14-5-2024 09:05 PM
Kita faham je semua yang you cakap tu. Kita faham je apa yang McD di Occupied Palestin buat because ...

So mcm mana pulak franchise fee ke HQ boleh interprete as supporting genocide? Care to explain?

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Duriand24 replied at 14-5-2024 09:14 PM
Sebab dorang mmg takut kehilangan duit. Post sebab terpaksa! Mcm dahlia. Minta maaf tu dah bagus.  ...

Dahlia ni masa mula2 tahu kewujudan dia dari porum ni, I pi lah IG dia. Scroll sikit je terus block. Hahahaha Serupa yg muka pinggan mengamuk nurse pegang anak dia. Terus ke IG dia dan block. My blocklist is soooo panjang.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 14-5-2024 01:22 AM
Mira kan Duta Downy dan Fabreeze, both under Procter & Gamble. P&G memang ada dalam list BDS Interna ...

Baru tahu pasal ni.
Tengok lepas dah habis kontrak dan diorang rasa isu blockout ni dah reda, nak tengok diorang sambung lagi tak. Sama ade produk yg sama atau produk2 lain.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
popcornkari replied at 14-5-2024 08:33 PM
So yang kfc mcd malaysia bayar fee franchise ke apa tu macam mana ye?sebab i masih tak faham and c ...

Kalau kau confuse means u don't see the connection. That's what some of us are saying mmg takde connection pun. Buta2 suruh orang boikot. Yang suffer nye orang kita jugak sbb benda ni ada chain reaction nye.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rogue98 replied at 14-5-2024 09:22 PM
Kalau kau confuse means u don't see the connection. That's what some of us are saying mmg takde co ...

Even Mufti Perlis pun puas hati dengan penjelasan pihak pengurusan McD Msia.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 14-5-2024 02:31 AM
Kita orang block sebab tak nak tengok iklan endorsement dia orang lalu kat fyp kita orang, kenapa d ...

Best komen ni.
Letak pinned kan kat first page penerangan ni atau yg lebih detail lagi psl blockout.
Dan perumpaan yg kau sebut jordan, uae, turki tu pun tepat.

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2024 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Rogue98 replied at 14-5-2024 09:19 PM
So mcm mana pulak franchise fee ke HQ boleh interprete as supporting genocide? Care to explain?

McDonald's keeps about 82% of the profit generated by franchisees, compared with only about 16% from its company-operated locations, further trimmed by the costs incurred in operating these units.

A large part of the McDonald’s profit goes back to its shareholders. In 2016, the global chain gave back 67% of its profits to shareholders through dividends.Over the past 10 years, McDonald’s on average pays out 58% of its after-tax earnings to shareholders.
BlackRock Inc. - 51,974,467 shares

BlackRock, Vanguard are two biggest investors in weapon technology in Israel and also the two top shareholders in McD.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninajaybee replied at 14-5-2024 09:03 PM
McD Msia punya franchise holder is Reza Group. Sebab tu negara Arab tak boikot sbb mereka pegang f ...

Betul..aku mmg tak agree boikot mcd kfc or mana2 product yang dah bertahun set up kilang kat Malaysia ni. Nak kaitkan itu ini sampai jauh sangat pergi nye...duit mana yg masuk Israel tu...sila tunjuk proof....Malaysia biz does not support Israel...full stop!

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cruz2 at 14-5-2024 09:36 PM
CandyK replied at 14-5-2024 03:34 PM
Annoying gila fake slang cakap melayu terpelat-pelat dia tu. try cakap english full sentences in e ...

Baru acik nak tanya mmg trend skrg ni ke ckp pelat2 gitu?
Yg mua sofea apa tu pon ntah nape asyik lalu lalang kat feed ig acik nmpk pelik betul.dok pelat2 terjerit2.. Maaf ckp dh la mekapnya tk la lawa sgt

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2024 09:36 PM | Show all posts
ninajaybee replied at 14-5-2024 09:19 PM
I don't follow the herd. I have practised this so called Blockout sejak azali - according to my ow ...

good for you. I follow dua artis local, seorang artis indo dan angelina jolie. hahaha...but ads dia orang still lalu lalang kat fyp imaybe because my IG friends ada follow mereka or people yang i follow ada follow mereka. so, it's a block for me.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rasanya bakalan panjang senarai nama ni, antaranya acik Ning, Hael Husaini, acik2 Defam, Nuha Bahrin dll.. si Naim tu nama elok2 xde dlm senarai trs msk dek mulut hansuang. Bgs jgk #blackout2024 boleh tgk retis2 mengelupur ke idok.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cleocatra replied at 14-5-2024 02:59 PM
Tolong boikot rizalman tu sekali dengan barang2 jualan dia.

dik cleo…bak mai sini ig dan tiktok tokriak…kaka nak block wpun tak follow…

share juga sini ig dan tiktok sskjp clan…nak block wpun tak follow…

makasih in advance…muahhh

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 14-5-2024 10:17 AM
Sebelum kes blockout ni ramai je netijen menganjing, perli, maki lebih lagi content basic laki bin ...

Mira mmg antara retis yg defensive sbb blockout ni. Mmg nampak sangat.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nozot replied at 14-5-2024 08:50 PM
Begitu juga KFC & Pizza hut, bawah jcorp , company kerabat johor kalau tak silap, owner hospital k ...

Bukan KWSP pun ada share sekali ke?
Yang sedih tu gerakan orang Melayu sendiri utk jatuhkan orang Melayu. Fitnah berleluasa.

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2024 09:42 PM | Show all posts
Genocide kat Gaza kali ni sebenarnya Tuhan nak bongkar semuanya. Now, tuhan dah tunjuk siapa musuh sebenar. Apa yang sebenarnya berlaku kat dunia, betapa human right tu hanyalah ciptaan barat semata2. The mask is off untuk semua orang termasuklah kita semua.

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Post time 14-5-2024 09:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masukkeluar replied at 14-5-2024 09:11 PM
Kdai kopi pn bru je lingkup. Dia kata kne tipu dgn bisnes partner. Bru setahun rsnya kdai tu aku p ...

Yup kedai kopi tu pun lingkup ..waktu baca news tu aku pun heran semua benda tak.menjadi dorang ni .. memang bergantung betul2 dengan keje2 influencer n duta2 ni la kot ... bila dah dorang ni byk bunyi pasal kes blockout ni ada netizen ungkit pasal liberal bagai siap kata sambut Halloween n krismas skali.. tp tu la apesal la dorang nak melenting pusing byk sgt pun statement dorang tu ..

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2024 09:50 PM | Show all posts
by Sati Siroda

When someone blocks you on Instagram, it can have several negative impacts on your professional profile and engagement rate. Being blocked means that you can no longer interact with the person's content or engage with them on the platform, which can reduce your overall engagement rate.

Instagram's algorithm also takes into account the level of engagement between accounts when determining the visibility of posts on each other's feeds. If someone with whom you previously had a high level of engagement blocks you, the algorithm may interpret this as a sign that your content is no longer relevant to that person. As a result, your content may be shown less frequently on their feed, which can further reduce your engagement rate.

In addition to these effects, being blocked by someone can also have negative consequences for your professional profile and reputation. Suppose the person who blocks you is a prominent figure in your industry or has a large following. In that case, it may damage your reputation and limit your ability to network or connect with potential clients or collaborators who are connected to them.

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