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Author: pendeta

[Tempatan] Edisi fitnah : Dalam kristian tiada kasta!

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Post time 1-3-2018 05:12 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 28-2-2018 03:27 PM
Kan...kata ada bukti .... si sam spam 1 thread kantoi kebodohan sendiri.... next minta bukti nabi  ...

hahahah..oh shit..ko mintak la peer review nabi belah bulan...

bab evidence buraq ni saja dia konar sampai page 31 pun tak bawak mari lagi

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Post time 1-3-2018 05:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 1-3-2018 05:12 PM
hahahah..oh shit..ko mintak la peer review nabi belah bulan...

bab evidence buraq ni saja dia k ...

Ko jangan, nanti lobai isle keluarkan counter   sambil ingat orang lain kagum dgn kebodohan dia

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Post time 1-3-2018 05:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Seriously i dont have any problem kalu ada org nak percaya benda2 mukjizat ada kuda bersayap ka terbang kelangit, virgin birth jalan atas air ka, minum air kencing unta ka,
Tapi tak payah la nak claim ada bukti sains peer review kehulu kehilir nak support faith. Saintis yg jujur paham yg miracle tidak ujud sama sekali kerana setiap kejadian ada hukum alam yg mengawal dan hukum ini tetap/tidak berubah dan jelas pembuktiannya. Ini ada lah sifat kejadian alam ciptaan tuhan semesta alam.
Miracle stories dlm kitab2 agama baik kitab lama injil mahupun al quran hanyalah mitis yg tidak bersandar dengan realiti. Kalu seronok dengar kisah2 sebegini di gereja mahupun surau masjid kg railway itu terpulang pada masing2, tapi bila gigih dok claim ada bukti sains peer review bagai usahla diteruskan penipuan sebegini. Tak elok perangai tu

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Post time 1-3-2018 07:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-3-2018 08:59 PM
Maideen. replied at 1-3-2018 09:47 AM
Dah... Setelah mengatakan bahawa masjid al aqsa itu adalah temple of solomon, penipu bersiri kat ...

Ha ha ... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) dah konfius pasal terlampau banyak togok kencing org lain

Ko hanya taraf tukang sorak yg tak ada akai lah tambi .... tak lebih ... kemungkinan kurang pon

Yg mati2 klaim  
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon
adalah geng ko , si lobainita minah sewel

Ha ha ha ha ..... Tu pon dia mengencing aje

Yg ko togok kencing dia sampai ko kembung perut & 'eeeerrrrrkkk' sendawa buat apa?

LOL , tak betul ke , ko mati2 klaim
- buraq = kuda bersayap
Ni pulak ko dah togok kencing lobai eukaryote M5
Jadik kalo org jerit .... the plane ... the plane , ko akan bergegas gegas carik buraq .... betul tak

Kah kah kah ... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) masih nak mengencing walau pon kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali


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Post time 1-3-2018 07:34 PM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 1-3-2018 05:41 PM
Seriously i dont have any problem kalu ada org nak percaya benda2 mukjizat ada kuda bersayap ka terb ...

ringkasan summarynye ialah..

'bodoh tu..simpan sendiri je laaaahhhh"...

dengar tu sam..see folks..see folks..

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Post time 1-3-2018 07:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-3-2018 08:53 PM
Dwdrum replied at 1-3-2018 10:13 AM
According to Sebeos the siege resulted in a total Christian death toll of 17,000,[4]: 207 4,518  ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel masih lagi nak mengencing

Ni apa yg ko tepek :
According to Sebeos the siege resulted in a total Christian death toll of 17,000,[4]: 207 4,518 prisoners were massacred near Mamilla reservoir per Antiochus.[2] Christian sources later exaggerated the extent of the massacre, claiming a death toll as high as 90,000.[4]: 207–208 In addition 35,000 or 37,000 people including the patriarch Zacharias are said to have been deported to Mesopotamia

Patriarch Zacharias and the Precious Cross had been held in bondage for fourteen years.

U baru lepas google kah gila sam atau mahu cover hadith

Ha ha ha ha ... you are so cereless lah meenachi ....

Ko tak baca rujukkan yg ko bagi?
In 627, after rebuilding his army, Heraclius moved into Persia. Winning a decisive victory at Ninveh, Heraclius defeated Chozroes and compelled the Persian king to return the Life-Creating Cross and the surviving captives, including Patriarch Zacharias. Emperor Heraclius himself carried the Cross on his shoulders into the Holy City.

Patriarch Zacharias and the Precious Cross had been held in bondage for fourteen years. During that time many miracles occurred in Persia as a result of the Precious Cross, so that even the Persians said: "The Christian God came to Persia."

Patriarch Zacharias spent his remaining days in peace and reposed in the Lord in 632. Patriarch Modestus, who had acted as locum tenens during Patriarch Zacharias' captivity succeeded him on the patriarchal throne.

Nampak gaya ko ni kureng fasih english ... malukan diri aje ko mengaku keje kat US

Ada tak pada masa tersebut Patriarch of Jerusalem? Sapa dia masa tersebut?

LOL , ni lah dia ko terlampau gairah nak buktikan aku salah ... padan muka

Ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali lagi

Kah kah kah ..... lobainita minah sewel .... dah terbukti yg ko ni kureng fasih english


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Post time 1-3-2018 08:11 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 1-3-2018 10:22 AM
Hahahahha ...... gila sam nabi solat di masjid solomon kan? Lol
U cakap bukan i ... i guna logi ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel masih nak mengencing lagi

Kalo Nabi solat kat situ , logik ko
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

Ha ha ha ha .... Logik ko macam kalo org solat kat corner Pennsylvania Ave & 17th Street , tetiba White House dah jadik Mesjid White House
Oops ... ini adalah logik songsang & kencing mengencing lobainita minah sewel

Abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , pon togok lah kencing ko sampai kembung ... 'eeeerrrrkkk'

Oh yeah , abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) ko tu hanyalah taraf tukang sorak aje

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel kena expose lagi sebagai kaki kencing


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Post time 1-3-2018 08:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-3-2018 09:04 PM
katowjo replied at 1-3-2018 05:03 PM
hahahahah...adeke bangang nagku ade evidence..pastu duk ulang tanya "nak evidence" lagu mana?


Ha ha ... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo dah tak mampu jawab apa2 & skg hanya mampu kencing mengencing antara geng sendiri

Aku tepek apa ko cakap :
hahahahah...adeke bangang nagku ade evidence..pastu duk ulang tanya "nak evidence" lagu mana?

pas tu meracau duk kira "counter1,2,3-14.15 etc..

sian pulak tengok..biasanya dia recycle hujah tuan dia si gosh tu..konon bagi ayat "bombastic" orang tak paham maka boleh je dia declare menang..prrfthhh

setakat ayat bombastic
science hadeeesss
mutawatir transmission
peer review
pastu copy paste nama2 mulaah padang paser as "scientist hades"

nak tipu budak kicik yang diasuh supaya tak mengunakan akal boleh la..contoh parti isle tu guna ayat bombastic arob tahluf siyasi la etc2..walhal benda sama bodoh gila je kalau ditranslate..prrfthhh

Laaa ... dah buat klaim & bila dicabar dgn soalan , ko jadik pengecut

Dah kata , geng muslim tak ada isu tapi skg ko pulak yg takut :
ko nak evidence ttg buraq lagu mana ?

                counter = 18

Belum habis lagi , apa hal dgn cabaran aku ttg klaim ko Abu Huraira(ra) penipu lah , hadith tak reliable lah
Soalan2 senang aje :

    Boleh tak ko jawab soalan2 aku , post#650

        Cuba ko jawab soalan2 senang . Pasal apa ko
        (1) mati2 klaim Abu Huraira(ra) penipu? Dia telah mengaku on the spot berbuat demikian. Kalo org dah buat pengakuan bermakna dia jujur
        (2) kata suka2 create hadith pasal kita boleh check dgn dua hadith berlainan iaitu #5356 & Sunan an-Nasa'i 2543 pasal hadith tersebut adalah mutawatir
        (3) mati2 klaim : mutawatir (multiple attestation) = isnad (chain of narration)

        (counter = 10)

Ha ha ha ha .... Berpeluh ko tepis soalan pasal nak lari

Ko tak mampu dah jawab direct dgn aku ... maklum lah kaki kencing macam ko mana berani dgn fakta ... kalo mengauta , ko bagus lah

Bila ko nak lari , mula lah ko merepek bagaikan org separuh akai yg mabuk todi
- science hadeeesss lah
- mutawatir transmission lah
- peer review lah

Oops ko paham ke pasal sikit perkataan dlm english .... ko kan kureng fasih english

Kah kah kah ... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo dah jadik pengecut ... dah tertekan dgn soalan2 yg terlampau senang

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Post time 1-3-2018 08:36 PM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 1-3-2018 05:41 PM
Seriously i dont have any problem kalu ada org nak percaya benda2 mukjizat ada kuda bersayap ka terb ...

Ha ha ... lobai eukaryote M5 dok melalok pasal dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

Isu skg , ko dah buat blunder ... ko cakap pasal isu yg ko tak tau

Macamana ko boleh mati2 klaim
- buraq = kuda bersayap

Kalo nak cakap pasal sains & empirical evidence , sampai skg ko tak mampu bagi bukti
- single cell ----> multicellular

Ha ha ha ha ..... Masa tersebut ko cuba kencing dgn eukaryote ... ko salah lagi

Jgn cakap ttg kepercayaan ko berpandukan empirical evidence pasal ko percaya pada benda yg tak ada evidence pon

Kah kah kah ... lobai eukaryote M5 dah konfius & clueless


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Post time 1-3-2018 08:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-3-2018 09:09 PM

Ha ha.. lawak sungguh lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ni

Bila dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali , korang hanya mampu menangis , pujuk memujuk & kencing mengencing antara satu sama lain

(1) lobainita minah sewel , @Dwdrum , dah buktikan diri tu kureng fasih english (mengaku pulak tu keje kat US). Skg dah tau ttg Patriarch of Jerusalem circa CE620? Bila kantoi , mengencing pulak
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

(2) Abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , patut sedar yg ko tu hanya lah taraf tukang sorak yg tak ada akai. Apa tak nya , dok kena kencing aje dgn geng sendiri
- buraq = kuda bersayap (the plane .... the plane)
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon ; sampai kembung perut togok kencing lobainita minah sewel
Mengaku pulak tu ada firma guaman sendiri

(3) lobai king of tunggeng @katowjo , nak kata apa .... pengecut rupa2 nya. Dok pong pang pong pang pasal hadith lah , buraq lah ... bila dicabar dgn soalan .... tak cukup tanah lari. Oh yeah . ko pon mati2 klaim
- buraq = kuda bersayap
Macamana ko boleh berpikir sedemikian

Korang bila kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali , tak mau jawab dah secara direct  ... hanya mampu mengencing antara satu sama lain

See folks ... only losers are scared to confront issues

Kah kah kah ... lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis dah tertekan & kalut pasal kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

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Post time 1-3-2018 08:52 PM | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 1-3-2018 07:34 PM
ringkasan summarynye ialah..

'bodoh tu..simpan sendiri je laaaahhhh"...

Ha ha ... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo masih nak berlagak berani tapi hati dah kecut

Tak tau ttg bodoh tu pasal bukan aku yg klaim
- buraq = kuda bersayap
Ko mati2 percaya pulak

Kah kah kah ... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo percaya yg benda yg dia sendiri kata bodoh ... hmmmm , what does it make you


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Post time 1-3-2018 08:53 PM | Show all posts
tu diaaa...start meroyan dahhh...3 post..3-3 post yang panjang tapi takde jugak "evidence" yang dia claim ade tentang kewujudan buraq imaginary dia tu

bak kata m5..bodoh tu simpan sendiri jah lerr...buek malu jooo..

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Post time 1-3-2018 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-3-2018 09:17 PM
katowjo replied at 1-3-2018 08:53 PM
tu diaaa...start meroyan dahhh...3 post..3-3 post yang panjang tapi takde jugak "evidence" yang dia  ...

Ha ha ... lobai king of tunggeng katowjo masih merepek nak lari pasal diri tu dah takut

Ni apa yg ko merepek :
tu diaaa...start meroyan dahhh...3 post..3-3 post yang panjang tapi takde jugak "evidence" yang dia claim ade tentang kewujudan buraq imaginary dia tu

bak kata m5..bodoh tu simpan sendiri jah lerr...buek malu jooo.

Ha ha ha ha .. ko yg demand utk 'evidence' tapi skg ko dah takut pulak

Dah kata , geng muslim tak ada problem :
    ko nak evidence ttg buraq lagu mana ?

                    counter = 19

Soalan senang macam ni pon ko takut jawab ke

Bermakna ko ni hanyalah kaki kencing aje ... pengecut pulak

Hmm .. 'bodoh simpan sendiri' ye ... mati2 klaim & ko mati2 percaya pulak
- buraq = kuda bersayap
boleh kita anggap 'bodoh' ke?

Kah kah kah .... berpusing pusing lobai king of tunggeng katowjo carik alasan pasal nak lari


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Post time 1-3-2018 09:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 1-3-2018 05:34 AM
sam1528 replied at 1-3-2018 03:46 AM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel masih lagi nak mengencing

Ni apa yg ko tepek :

Again even locum tenen  .... mereka di solomon temple kah gila sam?.... lol....

I baca... even u cakap merepek no such yang u claim di panggil masjid al aqsa .... farthest mosque even tiada solomon temple seperti u claim

Murica passport   ...u jealous kan ?
Tidak perlu masuk israel seperti tikus

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Post time 1-3-2018 09:40 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-3-2018 09:44 PM
Dwdrum replied at 1-3-2018 09:29 PM
Again even locum tenen  .... mereka di solomon temple kah gila sam?.... lol....

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel cuba buat lawak pasal dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali .. nak lari lah tu ... biasak lah

Ni rujukkan dari ko :
Patriarch Zacharias spent his remaining days in peace and reposed in the Lord in 632. Patriarch Modestus, who had acted as locum tenens during Patriarch Zacharias' captivity succeeded him on the patriarchal throne.

Ha ha ha ha ... ko mengaku pulak keja kat US , konon lah tunjuk passport US

Sendiri bagi rujukkan , sendiri tak paham apa dlm rujukkan pasal ko kureng fasih english ... buat malu diri aje

Ha ha ha ha .... Bila dah malu , terpaksa lah ko berterusan dgn kencing ko
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

Ye lah , nak cover malu terpaksa lah ko bagi logik songsang & mengencing macam ni :
- kalo org solat kat corner Pennsylvania Ave & 17th Street , tetiba White House dah jadik Mesjid White House
Oops ... ini adalah logik songsang & kencing mengencing lobainita minah sewel yg skg mati2 klaim :
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

TQ , TQ ... ko konfom aku betul kagi

See folks .. lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ni kalo kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali akan cuba tukar topik ... lobainita minah sewel sedang cuba tukar topik cakap pasal
- passport US lah
- masuk israel lah

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali & skg nak cover malu , mengencing lagi

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Post time 1-3-2018 09:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 1-3-2018 04:49 AM
Ha ha.. lawak sungguh lobai & lobainita ateis & pro ateis ni

Bila dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhi ...

Di sebab kan u banyak makan semut dan tidak makan ubat ...i letakkan sekali lagi
I susun semula

I quote 2  dari post u yang nabi solat masjid di masjid al aqsa .....

Post #486
Ha ha ha ha ... tu pasal aku kata , kalo nak bohong pon ... PRO lah sikit
Ko mengencing macam org separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje

Post #399
Isra & Miraj ni senang aje kalo nak bukti , Nabi Muhammad(saw) klaim dia pergi Mesjid Al Aqsa sebelum ascension dia

Post #399
Senang aje , apa Nabi Muhammad(saw) buat , iaitu solat di Mesjid Al Aqsa & teserempak dgn caravan tok arab tu semua ada pengesahan pihak ketiga.
(1) Enemy's attestation (it fulfills the historical method to determine what is closest to the truth)

I quote post dari post#399
Post #402

They pesteredthe Prophet [pbuh] with questions as to the description of the Mosque atJerusalem, where he had never gone before and, to the astonishment of many, theProphet’s replies furnished the most accurate information about that city.

Dwdrum replied at 17-2-2018 05:39 PM
Iyeee sam ?

They pesteredthe Prophet  with questions as to the description of the Mosque  .
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel lost for words
Tu aje ko boleh jawab
Ha ha ha ha ... ertikata lain ko tak mampu lawan fakta dari sejarah
Too bad sooo sad
Kah kah kah ... lobainita minah sewel dah lunyai ... tu lah ko ni kureng membaca

Kohkohkohkoh .......... bangang kan u gila sam ....


Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel baru aje konfom diri tu buta sejarah
Aku tepek apa ko bagi :

"The famous Masjid Al Aqsa, (the so-called Qiblah Awwal, or the supposed First Holy Sanctuary, also known as Haram Sharif) in Jerusalem was, in fact, built in 72AH (691 C.E.) by the Umayyad Ruler, Abdul Malik bin Marwan, about 60 years after the exalted Messenger passed on."

Sura 17:1 says, "Glorified be He who took His servant for a journey by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show of him our Ayat. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer."

Keraguan di situ
Dalam versi translation lain Al aqsa mosque mention farthest mosque...

Sebelum isra mikraj .... umat isle sudah tunai solat kah gila sam?
Patriatch juruselam tu isle kah .. boleh kapir tinggal dalam masjid kalau wujud

Kot2 @FOTHER_MUCKER  PM ko dgn tersebut tapi biarkan ko jadik mangsa
Ha ha ha ha ... Abdul Malik Marwan tu bina Mesjid Al Aqsa atau bangunan yg skg dipanggil Dome of The Rock pada 72AH?

Mesjid Al Aqsa tu ada Dome of The Rock , 17 pintu & 4 minaret tau

Ha ha ha ha ... rupa2 nya lobainita minah sewel tak tau yg adalah fakta sejarah Abdul Malik Marwan bina bangunan Dome Of the Rock. Sebaliknya , ko dah kena kencing dgn fother-mucker .... kesian
Tanya pulak umat Islam ada solat ke sebelum Isra Miraj. Aiyoyo ... you are so careless lah lobainita minah sewel
Peristiwa tersebut catat , solat diwajibkan , kalo catat solat diwajibkan bermakna apa?

Buta sejarah quote dari patriarch of jerusalem ...tetapi mahu  claim masjid al aqsa venue isra dak mikraj ...agak agak lah u kantoi di situ
..........Dan tidak tanya pun ada berapa pintu dan minaret
Gila sam ingat masjid al aqsa dan dome of rock....dalam 1 building structure

- lobainita minah sewel @Dwdrum , what can I say - jadik mangsa kencing mengencing geng sendiri. Buta sejarah , tak paham iaitu Abdul Malik Marwan bina Dome of The Rock yg diri tu mati2 klaim Mesjid Al Aqsa

Masih percaya nabi solat di masjid al aqsa

Awal2 mati2 klaim Mesjid Al Aqsa dibina oleh Abdul Malik Marwan pada CE72. Bila kantoi mengaku pulak ttg Temple of Solomon. Senang aje ko buat U trun pasal dah malu. Kononnya nak soften the blow lah
Podah lah meenachi ... ko dah buat blunder & skg ko nak mengencing pulak lari

Ko tau tak Temple of Solomon tu dibina oleh Nabi Sulaiman(as) & digunakan utk sembah Allah. Tu pasal aku tanya apa tu Islam & apa tu muslim

Di sebab kan gila sam buta buta ssjarah i explain di post #439

Historical event berlaku sekitar 620 AD 16 bulan selepas penghijrahan ke medinah  622 AD
Nabi Muhammad meninggal 632 AD
Abd malik bina dome of rock 685 - 691 AD
Adjacent Al aqsa mosque 712 AD
Di sempurnakan oleh Amir abd malik

Jeruselam when the area was invaded dan conquered by Caliph Uthman in 637 AD sebelum itu tiada lagi umat islam .... predominately penganut christian ....

Evidence so far adalah ini
In 49-50 AH / 670 CE, Bishop Arculfus, a Christian visitor in Jerusalem, reported:

On the famous place where once stood the temple, the Saracens worship at a square house of prayer, which they have built with little art, of boards and large beams on the remains of some ruins..

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dok mati2 klaim yg mesjid Al Aqsa tak wujud semasa isra miraj

Ha ha ha ha ... tu pasal aku kata , kalo nak bohong pon ... PRO lah sikit
Ko mengencing macam org separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje

Ko dok mati2 klaim Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah bawah pemerintahan kristian jadik tak ada mesjid kat situ. Tu pasal aku bagi sebahagian dari bukti adalah dari pengakuan Patriarch Of Jerusalem (post#399)

Bila tanya soalan ko terlampau takut nak jawab ... takut pada bayang2 sendiri.

Mesjid bukan makna bangunan , sama jugak kalo org kristian kata 'church' ia lebih bermaksud kepada congregation mereka. Ko terlampau ignorant , mesjid :
The Arab grammarians classify masjid as "ism makan", i.e., "name of location"; it indicates the place where an action takes place. Masjid being derived from the root sa-ja-da (to prostrate), it means "place of prostration". Since a place of worship is a place where believers prostrate to God, "masjid" is a general term to designate any place of worship without any religious distinction. Later, this word was used to designate Islamic places of worship in particular, i.e., the mosques.

The Prophet's night journey was from "the inviolable place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Haram) to "the farthest place of worship" (al-Masjid al-Aqsa). The former is certainly located in Makkah, but what about the latter? The reference to Allah blessing its surroundings (... whose precincts We did bless) suggests a location in the "Holy Land" (cf. 21:81; 7:137; 34:18). Neal Robinson states:

    The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.[4]

This view is also shared by many western scholars.[5]

As it was mentioned earlier that masjid refers to a place of prostration without any religious distinction; an excellent example of the usage of the word "masjid" referring to a non-Islamic sanctuary can be seen in the verse 17:7. The verse describes briefly the destruction of the masjid in Jerusalem (i.e., the Temple) by the enemies of Children of Israel. Allah says in the Qur'an that the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was a punishment was inflicted upon the Children of Israel for their tyranny and arrogance.
** Note : tersebut adalah rujukkan dari scholars yg bukan Islam tau [4] & [5] ... a neutral perspective

Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa

Al masjid al aqsa ahakssss..... lol..... disitu pun u sudah buta kan ......
Baru sedar sudah kantoi kan...kan...kan...kannnn..hahahahaaaa...

Zaman tersebut , geng kristian telah membina bangunan mereka kat tempat tersebut...

Baru sedar buta sejarah kohkohkohkoh........
Mula pusing ke nabi sulaiman temple u sendiri claim gila sam ...sebab kantoi buta sejarah .....kohkohkoh......

Mati2 nak mengencing & klaim aku kata
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

I quote dari posting u #444
Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah seorang muslim dari pandangan umat Islam. Jadik tempat dia sembah Allah dikira mesjid lah ... meenachi ooi. Yg dipanggil Mesjid Al Aqsa adalah tempat dimana Allah disembah. Berhubung dgn tersebut , ko patut tau arah kiblat sebelum Mesjid Haram adalah Mesjid Al Aqsa

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dok mati2 klaim yg mesjid Al Aqsa tak wujud semasa isra miraj

Mula lah buat speculation
Tetiba ikut logic aku Temple Of Soloman masih wujud

Ha ha ha ha ... tu pasal aku kata , kalo nak bohong pon ... PRO lah sikit
Ko mengencing macam org separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje



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Post time 1-3-2018 09:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 1-3-2018 05:45 AM
sam1528 replied at 1-3-2018 05:40 AM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel cuba buat lawak pasal dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali .. n ...

So nabi solat di mana ?.... solomon temple seperti u claimed ?
Jealous kan i ada murica passport ?

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Post time 1-3-2018 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-3-2018 10:16 PM
Dwdrum replied at 1-3-2018 09:42 PM
Di sebab kan u banyak makan semut dan tidak makan ubat ...i letakkan sekali lagi
I sus ...

Ha ha ... mengencing panjang nampak , macamana ni lobainita minah sewel

Tak ada pon aku klaim
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

Kah kah kah ... terbarai lagi kencing mengencing lobainita minah sewel

Post ko # 770
So nabi solat di mana ?.... solomon temple seperti u claimed ?

Kalo Nabi Muhammad(saw) Solat kat temple tersebut

Macamana dgn pahaman songsang ko
- mesjid al aqsa = temple of solomon

Pasal tempat solat di panggil mesjid aje .... tetiba ko dgn mengencing jadik mesjid al aqsa

Cuba ko baca betul2 :
The [Muslim] tradition which identifies it [i.e., al-Masjid al-Aqsa] with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem makes admirable sense in view of the fact that the 'place of worship' (masjid) whose destruction is evoked in v. 7 [i.e., 17:7] is clearly the Temple.

identify (Oxford dictionary tau)
identify someone/something with Associate someone or something closely with; regard as having strong links with

Ini bermakna mesjid al aqsa & temple of Solomon mempunyai kaitan rapat (atau strong link) pasal Nabi Muhammad(saw) & Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah muslim

Konfom lagi ko ni kureng fasih english ... buat malu aje tunjuk passport US & mengaku keje kat US

Boleh tak ko jelaskan pemikiran songsang & mengencing ko .... oops ko akan takut macam lobai king of tunggeng katowjo

Kata dah ,
- ko TAK TAU apa mesjid
- mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) adalah kapiak

Kah kah kah ... lobainita minah sewel dah tertekan

*** Psssst ... isu ttg Patriarch Of Jerusalem dah habis ke? Ko dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali ... kesian


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Post time 1-3-2018 09:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 1-3-2018 05:51 AM
Ha ha ... mengencing panjang nampak , macamana ni lobainita minah sewel

Tak ada pon aku klaim

Tentang patriarch belum habis gila sam....
So nabi solat di mana ? ..... tak kan lah di tempat sampah dimana tapak masjid  al aqsa sebelum di bina....

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Post time 1-3-2018 10:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 1-3-2018 01:12 AM
hahahah..oh shit..ko mintak la peer review nabi belah bulan...

bab evidence buraq ni saja dia k ...

Di board kkk ada sam email hingga ke london untuk cari bukti bulan terbelah dua .... siap lah nanti beliau bagi email suruh we alls email ke london

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