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Author: dexa

Malaysia's Most Wanted -- (missing kids)

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Post time 28-6-2007 05:24 PM | Show all posts
aku rase atuk dier yang hilang..budak haiqal yang jumpe

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Post time 28-6-2007 05:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #35 civicbiru's post

ah sudah...haru le pulak kalau mcm tu

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Post time 28-6-2007 05:49 PM | Show all posts
jgn2 datuk die terjumpa cucu die tu merayau2, tu yg bawak balik tu

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Post time 28-6-2007 07:38 PM | Show all posts
so, in this case, the police can take action against the parent for negligence.

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Post time 28-6-2007 08:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 9-5-2007 07:05 PM
sebenarnya tajuk tu ala ala one of the most
popular show in usa ---   America's Most Wanted -
and ini adalah salah satu 'true story' in USA  
tentang big crimes - dan show ini akan menceritaka ...

melalui rancangan inilah seorg penjenayah yg dikehendaki berjaya ditangkap aku tgk dlm oprah pastu yg memberikan maklumat tu diberikan ganjaran pula oleh oprah

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2007 05:37 PM | Show all posts
Kanak-kanak mangsa culik ditemui selamat

KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berumur lima tahun yang dipercayai menjadi mangsa culik di Jalan Raja Bot, Chow Kit, di sini semalam, ditemui selamat berhampiran kawasan itu oleh orang awam pagi semalam.

Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur DCP Zulhasnan Najib Baharudin berkata kanak-kanak itu Suci Rahmadhani Usman, ditemui bersendirian pukul 6 pagi semalam, selepas hampir 15 jam dilaporkan hilang hingga polis dan masyarakat sekitar secara bersama mengadakan gerakan mencarinya.

"Orang awam yang menemuinya segera menelefon polis dan anggota polis peronda menghantar mangsa ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur untuk pemeriksaan lanjut," katanya kepada pemberita di sini semalam.

Menurutnya polis perlu menunggu laporan perubatan kanak-kanak itu bagi menentukan sama ada kanakkanak itu telah dirogol atau sebaliknya.

Zulhasnan juga tidak menolak kemungkinan Suci Rahmadhani diculik oleh lelaki sama yang dipercayai terbabit dalam beberapa kes penculikan kanak-kanak perempuan yang berlaku sekitar kawasan itu sebelum ini.

Dalam kejadian semalam, kanakkanak itu yang bermain dengan seorang sepupunya juga berumur lima tahun di depan kedai milik keluarganya, telah didatangi dua lelaki yang memakai jaket hitam, berbaju putih dan bercermin mata.

Mengikut siasatan, keduadua lelaki itu dikatakan berpurapura meminta Suci Rahmadhani membantu mencarikan mereka kucing dengan memberikannya wang RM10.

Setelah diberitahu kejadian itu oleh anak saudara mereka, ibu bapa Suci Rahmadhani mendapati anak mereka telah hilang dipercayai dilarikan kedua-dua lelaki itu.

Khamis lepas, seorang kanakkanak perempuan berusia enam tahun dicabul setelah seorang lelaki melarikannya ketika kanak-kanak itu sedang menunggu ibunya di hadapan sekolahnya di Masjid Kampung Baru, di sini, kira-kira satu kilometer dari kawasan Suci Rahmadhani dilaporkan hilang.

Pelajar tadika itu ditemui beberapa jam kemudian dalam keadaan tidak bermaya.
Sebelum itu, dua kes yang hampir sama turut dilaporkan berlaku di kawasan Kampung Baru melibatkan dua kanak-kanak perempuan berumur tujuh tahun dan lapan tahun.


lain dari yang lain nama budak perempuan tu ye -
alhamdullillah dah selamat berjumpa kembali
bila ada kerjasama dari society -- insyaallah
chances nak jumpa tu higher sikit --

kena check kat doctor nampaknya -
doakan semuga budak tu tak diapa2kan -
kecik aje lagi  - sian budak yang tak tahu apa2 ni --

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Post time 4-7-2007 10:47 PM | Show all posts
dah jumpa juga budak ni...
yg lain kena berhati2...
penjahat tu masih berkeliaran... :@   :@

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2007 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Abducted girl found

FOR 14 hours, five-year-old Suci Rahmadhani sat terrified in a small, dark, stuffy room, her mouth sealed with tape.
Her abductor would check on her several times. Although gripped by fear, the plucky girl fought back at every chance.

Suci recounted her ordeal to her father yesterday, detailing how she was taken to a small dark room in a house by her abductor and had her hands and feet tied with a piece of rope.

Weak but safe, Suci told her father, Usman Abdul Karim this when they were reunited yesterday, but was too traumatised to say if she was sexually assaulted.

揥e have to wait for the medical report. She said she fought back even as she was being tied. The man slapped her hands everytime she put up a fight,

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2007 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Teach children to say no to strangers

TEACH your children to say no to strangers and teach them to say no when someone touches them in an unusual manner.

This is what parents should be teaching their children in the wake of reports of abduction and cases of children being sexually abused.

Malaysian Coalition for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse operations director Sonny Lim said the association had been campaigning on personal safety in schools.

揥e抎 stress on improving communication skills and self-esteem. It is important to teach children about personal safety rules,

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2007 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Police form 40-man task force to nab child abductors
By : V. Shuman


City police have formed a massive 40-man task force in a move that signals their intent on catching two men responsible for separate abductions of two young girls in the Kampung Baru area over the past week.

City police chief DCP Zulhasnan Najib Baharudin said the task force comprised personnel from the city police headquarters and the Dang Wangi police headquarters.

Although Zulhasnan would not elaborate, it is understood the task force has already begun in earnest tracking the culprits behind the abductions.

In the second incident on Monday, a 5-year-old girl was taken by a motorcyclist at 3.30pm while playing in front of her father抯 grocery store in Jalan Raja Bot.

The girl抯 playmate told her father that the man was wearing a black helmet and jacket and had convinced the girl to follow him on the pretext of looking for his missing cat.

She was found by a passer-by at 6am on Tuesday in Kampung Baru, covered in bruises and with blood on her legs.

Yesterday, the girl was taken for a medical check-up at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital by her father, but he was told to return for another check-up on another day.

Police are waiting for the results of the check-up to see if the girl had been sexually assaulted.

In the earlier case last Wednesday, a 6-year-old girl was persuaded by a stranger to follow him to catch cats.

The man took the child to a house where he allegedly forced a brinjal into her private parts.

She was found by her mother six hours later wandering near Jalan Daud, with bloodstains on her uniform, 100m from the kindergarten where she was abducted.

Police believe the cases are not related, although there are similarities in both cases.

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Post time 6-7-2007 02:29 AM | Show all posts
setiap kali baca kisah ni, setiap kali itulah saya menangis.. kita yg ada anak2 kecil ni tak sanggup nak baca tapi perkara nilah tak boleh dipandang remeh.. i takleh imagine being in parents shoes yg kena tu.. mmg traumatise sbg ibubapa, apa yg perlu dibuat jika perkara itu sudah terjadi..?? bg saya, kalo ada kaunseling perjumpaan dgn parents yg alami perkara yg sama sedikit sebnyk dpt membantu meneruskan hidup..

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Post time 6-7-2007 09:14 AM | Show all posts
member aku dulu, perempuan darjah 3,dipaksa pi kedai (9 malam) beli brg 1 km jauhnya, walaupun bapak dia ada motor, tapi x mau beli sendirik suh budak2 beli jln mlm2 melalui jln2 sunyi. apabila sampai kedai diberitau pekedai brg habis,terpaksa balik. jika x bawa balik brg yg disuruh beli, bapak dia mesti kata dia x pi kedai..kerana takutkan bapak yg selalu sebat dia dgn tali pinggang, dia menyorok kat belakang rumah org lain sehingga bapak/mak pi cari..esok petang harinya beliau muncul dan mengatakan beliau dikidnap (saja nak menyedarkan makbapak)

zaman remaja2 pun depa selalu lari rumah atuk..rumah sendiri x best, x pernah dpt tgk tv sbb bapak konker tv pagi ke malam, bapak pi dapur dia pi depan ruang tamu, xde nak bersemuka/berbual2/sembang2, kalau sembang2 pun last2 kena marah/tengking/perkataan bodoh/ko ni bodoh sgt/dllll.bila exam tempat ke 2/3 dlm kelas pun dikatakan depa fail/bodoh piang.depa x penah ponteng sekolah/cuti, sanggup duk sekolah pagi ke petang (sekolah men+agama) sbb x suka duk rumah. sabtu pi ko-k, sehingga masuk U, balik rumah time raya, buat hal sendiri /tidur mls nak layan..

time kerja, berduit, depa sewa rumah dgn rakan sekerja, sukati nak guna tv/radio/internet/jln2/xde org marah..layan cita kartun/movie yg depa miss ni depa anti lelaki betui..sbb mak dia pikul biawak komodo..

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2007 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Girl missing after mum leaves car for 10 minutes

PENANG: A distressed mother is pining for her little daughter who went missing yesterday when she walked away from her car to pay her parking ticket near the Bayan Baru market hawker centre.

The salesgirl, Jess Teh, 28 said she left her three-year-and-nine-month-old daughter, Shearwey Ooi Ying Ying, in her car and went about 100m away to pay the parking attendant.

揑t was less than 10 minutes for me to walk over, make my payment, and come back to the car to discover Shearwey missing,

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2007 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Uncle fears for missing schoolgirl

JOHOR BARU: A 14-year-old schoolgirl has gone missing and her uncle now fears for the worst.

S. Citra (pic) had walked to SMK Sri Perling 1 at 1pm on June 30. That was the last time P. Sanker saw her.

揌er teachers said they saw her in class, which means she disappeared after class at 6.15pm,

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2007 02:33 PM | Show all posts
'Pulangkan anak saya'
Oleh Asrol Awang

KUANTAN: Seorang bapa menagih ihsan orang ramai memulangkan anak lelakinya berusia empat tahun yang hilang dari rumah mereka di Bukit Sekilau di sini, kelmarin.

Abdul Halim Junus, 50, berkata, Mohd Shahrulnizam hilang antara jam 12 tengah hari hingga 6 petang.

Menurutnya, dia tidak mengesyaki Mohd Shahrulnizam atau Jojo hilang kerana sering ditinggalkan seorang diri di rumah setiap hari.

揝aya hanya tinggal berdua kerana isteri sudah lama meninggal dunia. Saya tidak sangka Jojo yang sering ditinggalkan seorang diri sejak setahun lalu boleh hilang.

Kebiasaannya, setiap hari saya akan pulang ke rumah pada tengah hari untuk membawa makanan untuknya, tetapi, ketika pulang ke rumah jam 6 petang semalam (kelmarin), saya terkejut apabila mendapati pintu rumah terbuka.

揝aya mencari Jojo di dalam dan sekitar rumah tetapi gagal sebelum bertanyakan jiran tetapi mereka tidak melihat Jojo,

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Post time 7-7-2007 08:28 PM | Show all posts
No matter how good the child is, die baru umur 4 tahun!!!!!!  He definitely belum ade akal.  So kenapa la si bapak yg mengaku banyak akal ni bole buat perangai mcm budak umur 4 tahun!!!!

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2007 08:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #76 asamfish's post

the father is irresponsible and selfish --
and have no right to take care of this child -

to leave your own child UNATTENDED all day
in your own home is clearly a sign of negligent -

so many things can happened if he is alone there -
he can play with the socket -- poke something into
the electrical stuff-   he might fall in the bathroom
and hurt his head --
he might play in the kitchen and grab the chair and stand up
on it to reach something

goodness the list is endless --
and it is not even involved other people that
might take the child away --

hence - it remains that this father should not be
allowed to take care of the child -

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2007 06:56 AM | Show all posts
Gerakan cari budak tiga tahun hilang

GEORGETOWN: Wanita MCA Pulau Pinang semalam melancarkan gerakan besar-besaran mencari Sherwey Ooi Ying Ying, tiga tahun, yang hilang di tempat letak kereta pasar Bayan Baru, Jumaat lalu.

Sebanyak 1,000 keping risalah yang memaparkan gambar kanak-kanak perempuan itu diedarkan di beberapa tempat tumpuan ramai di negeri ini.

Ketua Wanita MCA Pusat, Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen, berkata pada masa sama semua 13 pengerusi bahagian MCA di negeri ini sudah dimaklumkan mengenai gerakan itu dan bersetuju memberi kerjasama membantu mencari Ooi.

"Kita perlu cepat untuk mencarinya sebelum sebarang kejadian buruk berlaku," katanya selepas menghadiri majlis konvokesyen Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) di sini, semalam.

Turut hadir pada sidang media itu ialah keluarga mangsa termasuk ibunya, Teh Hui Wen, 28.

Orang ramai mempunyai maklumat kanak-kanak itu diminta menghubungi Ketua Wanita MCA negeri, Ooi Swee Kim di talian 012-4300191 atau balai polis berdekatan.

Ooi hilang kira-kira jam 8 pagi selepas keluar bersarapan dengan ibunya, yang memintanya menunggu di kereta kerana mahu menjelaskan bayaran letak kereta.

Selepas membuat bayaran, Teh mendapati anaknya hilang dan usaha mencari di sekitar kawasan itu juga tidak berhasil.

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2007 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Reward for info on Ying Ying

GEORGE TOWN: Penang Wanita MCA has joined the search for 3-year-old Sherwey Ooi Ying Ying who went missing at the Bayan Baru market parking lot on Friday.

National Wanita head Datuk Ng Yen Yen said 10,000 flyers of the girl had been printed and distributed in Bayan Baru and other parts of the island.

She said all divisions in the state had also been asked to help in the search.

"We have to act fast in finding her as time is of the essence," said the deputy finance minister after the Tunku Abdul Rahman College 11th convocation ceremony.

Meanwhile, Bayan Baru Welfare Association chairman Datuk Wong Kam Hoong, who is also Culture, Arts and Heritage Deputy Minister, has promised a RM10,000 reward for anyone with information leading to Ying Ying抯 safe return.

He said the offer was made so that the girl could be found quickly and reunited with her mother, Teh Hui Wen.

Teh said she received a prank call on the night her daughter went missing.

"The caller told me my daughter was at a flat in Bandar Baru Air Itam. I rushed there, but could not find her. It was a prank."

Teh said she prayed that she would be reunited with her daughter soon.

"I have no idea why anyone would want to take the girl away."

Teh said Ying Ying抯 father, who is on a business trip in China, had been informed.

The girl抯 grandfather, Teh Tah Beng, 52, said the family believed Ying Ying was taken by somebody known to her.

He said Ying Ying would not warm up to unfamiliar faces.


ah - ada reward RM10,000 kalau ada info tentang ying ying ni -
ishhh nama dia pun macam dekat2 dengan yin yang hilang
tapi dijumpai tu -

hopefully depa jumpa anak depa semula --

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2007 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Pupils foil kidnap bid
By : Chuah Bee Kim

JOHOR BARU: Don抰 talk to strangers!Heeding this advice, two pupils of SK Bukit Mewah here foiled an attempt by four men to kidnap them on Thursday.

The men offered sweets to the boy and girl and asked them to enter their van parked near the school gate at 1.30pm.

But the children became suspicious and ran into the school and informed a teacher.

The children抯 parents lodged a police report.

Johor Baru (south) district police chief Assistant Commissioner Shafie Ismail said it was fortunate that the children sensed something was wrong and ran away.


thats very good what they did -
semuga ramai lagi students yang aware
tentang ni -- just dun talk to strangers! -

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