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Author: dcc01

Alternative Plan: Upgrading a merchant vessel to Naval Auxiliary Ship

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Post time 2-6-2009 10:48 PM | Show all posts

Balas #60 matamata\ catat

bila terpaksa saja lah harapnya..belilah LPD baru cepat2.......

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Post time 2-6-2009 10:56 PM | Show all posts

Balas #61 mmc\ catat

LHD la dah alang2 tu..hehehe

DOKDO 2 bungkus.....

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Post time 2-6-2009 10:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #61 mmc's post

Bro....besar sgt ka halangan utk kita buat kapal sendiri..?
dlm pengetahuan aku...kat negara ni dah ada semua (atau hampir semua)...dari kepakaran sampailah ke material...dan jugak limbungan....
kalau setakat nak bina platform...aku tak nampak ada masalah...cuma persenjataan kita kena beli...

cth mcm CB90 tu kan....aku langsung tak dpt nak cari alasan kenapa kita tak mampu nak bina sendiri platform mcm tu...sedangkan hull mcm penyengat dgn perantas tu blh pulak buat..?

syglah dgn peruntukan kita yg amat terhad...baiknya kalau kita dpt bina sendiri...(kalau tak blh buat LPD...kapal yg panjang below 100m pun jadilah buat permulaan...

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Post time 2-6-2009 11:27 PM | Show all posts

Balas #63 matamata\ catat

sapa cakap tak boleh..indon dah buktikan, beli satu +1 dari korea, lain buat sendiri..MMHE dah buktikan dengan NAS BM5..apa lagi mau tunggu..nak mod jugak, sekarang kapal for sale bersepah2..

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Post time 2-6-2009 11:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #64 mmc's post

betul tu...harap2 ini blh bukak mata ramai pihak....kita mmg blh buat...actually selayaknya kita bina sendiri platform2 mcm ni...byk faedah secara langsung dan tak langsung....

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Post time 3-6-2009 12:01 AM | Show all posts
Sekali pandang kapal dagang dlm ghambar ni mcm fleet oiler pulak bila dah cat kelabu.....

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Post time 3-6-2009 12:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #63 matamata's post

contoh mcm bot laju milik ungerin.....katanye local made. apsal tak de company yg boleh buat lg bot2 tempur mcm tu. ataupun ATM ni tak pandang yg local made ni....

p/s: banyakkan lagi bot tempur ni.... takkan nak maintain mara bot (1970an) tu je kt lumut. cth klu ade incident kt area2 pangkor, takkan nak tunggu local duty ship keluar (klu kapal kena buat general call....selalunye perintah pelayaran...1 jam, 3 jam)....kan makan masa. klu CB90, senang je..... ade cukup krew terus jalan........

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2009 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matamata at 2-6-2009 22:58
Bro....besar sgt ka halangan utk kita buat kapal sendiri..?
dlm pengetahuan aku...kat negara ni dah ada semua (atau hampir semua)...dari kepakaran sampailah ke material...dan jugak limbungan. ...

Memang la bro, kalalu nak ikutkan kita mmg ada kepakaran tapi org M'sia ni klu buatan sendiri mesti tak confident,
klu mat saleh nyer barang percaya bulat2. Kita sepatutnya buat industri sendiri, seperti negara di selatan yang
mana lebih jauh maju dri kita tentang buatan sendiri... kita kene yakin ngan buatan sendiri dgn tidak mengabaikan
kualiti ...

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Post time 3-6-2009 09:55 AM | Show all posts

Balas #59 mmc\ catat

Ooooo china dah borong semua .. alaa rugi la seba nampak sesuai sgt la seba dah ader bentuk mcm LPD tapi nak buat mcm mana kan ...

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Post time 3-6-2009 10:18 AM | Show all posts

Balas #69 superhornet\ catat

ini rupa bawah shipping company China..apa susah kita sudah ada shipyard boleh buat container ship..cuma gomen kena ada kemahuan nak lantik local shipyard to modify/design container ship based LPD aja..susah2 macam aku cakap sebelum ni, beli design luar dan kasi 1 fabricate kat sana, lain buat tempatan..tapi nanti ada orang cakap takut jadi NGPV punya fiascola lagi la gamaknya


Nama Baru : JJ Shimizu
Owners/Managers:Shanghai Jin Jiang

[ Last edited by  mmc at 3-6-2009 10:21 ]

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Post time 3-6-2009 10:32 AM | Show all posts

Balas #70 mmc\ catat

Ermm nie dier rupernyer .. Aku heran lakan mcm ko cakap kiter ader fasiliti walaupun bukan 100% tapi boleh buat pastu dari segi material kiter ader jugak tapi kalau buatan tempatan payah sangat nak terima la. Kalau asyik nak fikir dan takut jadik macam kes NGPV sampai bila nak maju. Belajar la dari kesilapan kan

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Post time 3-6-2009 10:39 AM | Show all posts

Balas #71 superhornet\ catat

takut fasal tak belajar dari kesilapan bukan rasanya..takut kena fire bukan2 more likely

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Post time 3-6-2009 10:53 AM | Show all posts

Balas #72 mmc\ catat

kalau setakat takutkena fire yang bukan2 baik tak payah buat aper .. Bagi aku kalau kiter nak maju dalam bidang nie bukan setakat kena fire yang bukan2 jer kiter kena ngadap kena ribut topan pun kena ngadap .. macam mana la nak bukak minda orang kat malaysia nie isshhh

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Post time 10-6-2009 07:51 PM | Show all posts
aku nak cek...utusan cakap kapten kapal NAS BM5 ni komander PSSTLDM ie dari MISC kut..kalau ya, adakah ini kali pertama komander kapal dari PSSTLDM dalam armada TLDM? RMNVR ie Komander Mat Salleh tak kiralah..

Pegawai Memerintah BM5 dari PSSTLDM, Komander Ahmad Zaki Abdullah.

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Post time 11-6-2009 07:58 AM | Show all posts

Balas #74 mmc\ catat

mamat tuh jer yg layak command kapal dia sendiri, dia lebih arif dan ada rating utk command kapal tuh. kalu nak letak commander from navy, kena training pulok, kesuntukan masa kot...

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Post time 11-6-2009 08:58 AM | Show all posts
kan dah cakap awal2 lagi, bagi pengemudian dan segala urusan berkaitan kapal ianya di ambil oleh anak2 kapal BM5 yakni staff MISC ler, dan diorang ni telah di serap kan secara otomatik ke dlm PSSTLDM, dan menerima serba sedikit latihan dan dedahan ilmu ketenteraan termasuk penggunaan senjata api, mungkin dlm pelayaran nanti, anak2 kapal akan menerima latihan lanjutan dari anggota Panglima Hitam kot. akan tetapi mereka semer tetap berada di bawah pegawai TLDM sebagai ketua operasi atau misi....
aku rasa banyak nakhoda kapal2 MISC org kiter sendiri, bkn org asing......

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Post time 11-6-2009 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Konsep kapal aux ni mungkin untuk tujuan kegunaan khas mengawasi kapal MISC di Teluk Aden saja kot? Dengan pembiayaan sebahagian nya ditanggung juga oleh MISC. Perkembangan yang positif untuk TLDM. Kalau sesuai dan cost effective, why not make a few more aux ships. Kelajuan max 17.5 knots tu memadai ke untuk military vessel?

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Post time 11-6-2009 03:57 PM | Show all posts
MISC ship gets antipiracy role

Pirates who attack a Malaysian containership may find they have made a fatal mistake.

Malaysia's MISC Berhad, in collaboration with the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and the National Security Council (NSC), has successfully modified its containership Bunga Mas Lima into a RMN Auxiliary Vessel for the purpose of escorting and protecting MISC's ships sailing through the Gulf of Aden.

The project was undertaken following last year's hijacking of MISC's ships Bunga Melati Dua and Bunga Melati 5. Since the incident, RMN launched OP FAJAR, a rescue, escort and protection mission, with the aim of ensuring the safe passage of all MISC vessels in the Gulf of Aden and has since sent five ships, namely, KD LEKIU, KD SRI INDERAPURA, KD MAHAWANGSA, KD SRI INDERA SAKTI and KD HANG TUAH in support of that mission.

With the deployment of the Bunga Mas Lima as a RMN Naval Auxiliary Vessel, RMN's KD Sri Inderapura, stationed in the Gulf of Aden will return to Malaysia this month.

The Bunga Mas Lima, a 699 TEU containership, is the first Malaysian merchant ship to be modified as an Auxiliary Vessel for TLDM. The modification work was carried out by Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (MMHE), the heavy engineering arm of MISC, at MMHE's yard in Pasir Gudang, Johor.

MISC notes that according to international law, an auxiliary ship is a ship other than a warship which is owned or under the ruling control of the military. It is operated by the government and thus, the ship is accorded sovereign immunity.

The fact that MISC makes the point about sovereign immunity could just indicate that the ship will serve as a decoy vessel, or Q ship, to tempt pirates into making an attack and then meet more of a response than they were expecting

As an RMN Auxiliary Vessel, Bunga Mas Lima, will be manned by MISC personnel who have completed a training program with RMN. The MISC crew, now with the roles as Navy Reservists, will be responsible for the navigation and maintenance of the vessel. Regular officers and men of RMN will also be onboard the vessel to carry out all security related operations.

MISC says that putting Bunga Mas Lima into operation as a Naval Auxiliary Vessel is a testimony of its long-term commitment to the safety of its employees and vessels, particularly amidst the concerns over the rising global piracy threats that could jeopardise its operations in the Gulf of Aden.

For the Royal Malaysian Navy, the concept is "an important step in realizing the dream of the nation, in particular the Malaysian Armed Forces which practices the concept of Pertahanan Menyeluruh or Total Defense (HANRUH), as stated in the National Defense Policy."

Sources :


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Post time 11-6-2009 08:45 PM | Show all posts
tulah fasal...aku ingat nakhoda pun orang TLDM tetap, rupanya PSSTLDM dari MISC waktu perang karang nakhoda2 ada peluang jadi kapten jugaklah nampaknya, so patut galakkan mereka jadi anggota PSSTLDM siang2..ini mesti kapten airliner marah ni (jgn mareee aaa supergripen dan windof)

entahlah lax, yang aku baca dari konvoi2 lepas, ramai gak kapal negara lain nempek kat konvoi kita, dan walaupun ini sumbangan dari MISC, aku rasa it makes good politics and goodwill to allow non-misc ships especially dari negara kita untuk ikut konvoi..kalau tidak kalau kapal negara kita bukan MISC punya kena lanun, TLDM juga yang kena fasal dia control operasi..

fasal speed aku rasa tak ada masalah..kapal ni bukan kerja hambat lanun yang berani attack konvoi macam dalam WW2 dulu..sekarang itu kerja RHIB dan heli dah(dan ada certain artikel macam CB90 on board, wallahualam)..dan sekali2 bukan jadi Q ship, fasal kalau tidak maintain kaler lama ja tak yah cat naval grey..ini kira dah declare siang2 don't mess with the konvoi ni..

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Post time 12-6-2009 01:31 AM | Show all posts

Balas #79 mmc\ catat

tak mareee, tumpang gumbira...   anyway kalu khidmat kita orang diperlukan, epos boleh ler call kita orang .....

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