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Author: Naru


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Post time 17-7-2010 05:06 PM | Show all posts
Aku tak rasa 'pengasasan' adalah term yang tepat untuk INCEPTION...

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply 44# juwaini

TQ Juwaini for bringing up this issue ... erm... prefer to use word question rather than issue... Kalo kita translate secara direct... inception = pengasasan or permulaan... tapi kalo kita understand the whole story, memang ar pengasasan/permulaan cam terms yang tak sesuai... how would you define/interprete inception into malay word, base on this story's context?

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:22 PM | Show all posts
haha baru nk nangess..tetibe part eames dengan arthur menembak tu kelaka giler...

ost d ...
siputsedut Post at 17-7-2010 17:03

ehem...siput suker part mereka menembak ker.. or pelakon dia yang ehem ehem

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:24 PM | Show all posts
ehem...siput suker part mereka menembak ker.. or pelakon dia yang ehem ehem
HaMiZiE Post at 17-7-2010 17:22

   explain pliss.. siput naif lagi lurus lagi suci mureni..

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:29 PM | Show all posts
   explain pliss.. siput naif lagi lurus lagi suci mureni..
siputsedut Post at 17-7-2010 17:24

citer pasal movie, leh lak dia kunyah sampai lumat lumat & telan...
soalan cam nie ... sajer  jer nak mengunyah lama lama erk... tak mo nak menelan...
naif lagi lurus lagi suci mureni katanya

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:35 PM | Show all posts
citer pasal movie, leh lak dia kunyah sampai lumat lumat & telan...
soalan cam nie  ...
HaMiZiE Post at 17-7-2010 17:29

   nanges sangat...motip tak percaya sipuk naif lagi lurus lagi suci mureni? 

sipuk dah telan tadik..dah tersedak dah pon...

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:37 PM | Show all posts
Aku tak rasa 'pengasasan' adalah term yang tepat untuk INCEPTION...
juwaini Post at 17-7-2010 17:06

kenape iols rase  term "permulaan" tu sesuai je utk filem ni?

matiler iols sorang yang tak kreatip..nanges sangat..

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:37 PM | Show all posts ... he-Dream-19615.html
Jawapan kepada persoalan yang ada tentang Inception
Contains spoilers

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Post time 17-7-2010 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply  juwaini

TQ Juwaini for bringing up this issue ... erm... prefer to use word question rath ...
HaMiZiE Post at 17-7-2010 17:19

Aku rasa 'penanaman' lebih tepat....

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Post time 17-7-2010 08:13 PM | Show all posts
Tapi pas dah tengok cerita yang bagus macam ni sure tak selera nak tengok citer2 lain dah
kekure Post at 17-7-2010 02:39 PM

Tulah pasal, ala2 cerita2 lain dah macam low klass katanya....

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Post time 17-7-2010 08:21 PM | Show all posts
   nanges sangat...motip tak percaya sipuk naif lagi lurus lagi suci mureni? ...
siputsedut Post at 17-7-2010 17:35

kalo tersedak dan kuar balik... jilat ar balik... ...

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Post time 17-7-2010 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Aku pun tak dapat fikirkan apa term BM sesuai utk pengasasan...tapi aku rasa boleh je terima kot pasal dia pasal "mengasaskan idea dalam minda seseorang"....

Khusus utk kita2 yg sering membaca subtitle, berikut adalah Glossary terms2 yg diguna dalam filem ni utk lebih kefahaman....(cilok dari link yg Kekure bagi tuh, baca lanjut disana) :-

A Kick: By upsetting the equilibrium of a dreamer you can wake them from a dream and return them to reality. If you’re dreaming a dream within a dream, each level of the dream has to have its own Kick in order for the one on the higher level to work. So Arthur blew up the elevator to wake them up from the snow fortress dream so they could then be woken up by the car hitting the water.

Limbo: A place where dreamers may end up if they go too deeply. It’s a place where time runs quickly and people seem to forget reality. We’re told a person flung there might burn out their mind, though somehow Saito, Cobb, and Mal all survive it and escape. Because of the drugs used in the dreamers in Inceptions final mission, we learn a dreamer can in this one instance also be flung into limbo if they’re killed in the dream.

Inception: The practice of entering dreams and planting an idea in someone’s head. Normally Cobb and his team only invade dreams to steal secrets and they aren’t sure if Inception is really possible.

The Architect: The person who constructs the dream world inside the mind of the Dreamer. In the final dream of Inception, Ariadne (as played by Ellen Page) is the architect.

The Dreamer: The person whose dream you're actually in. When creating a dream within a dream, each level must have a different dreamer. In the final sequence, Yusuf dreams the first level, Arthur dreams the second one, and Eams dreams the third level with the snow fort.

The Subject: The person whose subconcious is actually brought into the dream, usually for the purpose of extracting information from them or on rare occasions in order to plant an idea in their mind. In the final sequence, Fisher Jr. is the subject.

Totem: An object constructed by someone who plans to invade a dream, whose exact weight and composition only they know. This object can be used to help verify whether you’re in the real world, or the dream world. Cobb uses a top which, when spun inside a dream never stops spinning. Ariadne constructs a chess piece, which she plans to use as her totem.

Projection: A person created by the subconcious mind of the subject. Projections are not real. They function like white blood cells
and should the subject begin to realize that the dream he's in isn't his, Projections respond violently and attempt to seek out the Dreamer and destroy him.

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Post time 17-7-2010 08:33 PM | Show all posts
Aku rasa 'penanaman' lebih tepat....
juwaini Post at 17-7-2010 17:49

at first memang pikiq 'penanaman' jugak tetapi biler ditranslate pi BM, cam kelakar lak bunyi nyer...

to instill one idea to another person inconciously hoping that the person will think that the idea is actually originally come from he himself without influences from others - kalo nak view the meaning of inception dari kontek movie nie, mungkin 'penanaman' betul kut tapi tu ler... kalo nak translate BI punya word ke BM... ada yang leh ditranslate terus & vice versa...

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Post time 17-7-2010 08:36 PM | Show all posts
ada sesaper agree dengan aku, citer ni lg best dr matrix? (sj banding dengan matrix, sbb review mostly compare dengan matrix....)

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Post time 17-7-2010 08:54 PM | Show all posts
ada sesaper agree dengan aku, citer ni lg best dr matrix? (sj banding dengan matrix, sbb review most ...
buiscasey Post at 17-7-2010 20:36

much much better than matrix...

dah agak dah...sure ramai yang akan compare movie nie ngan matrix... or avatar

tetapi setiap movies nie, ada kekuatan memasing... dan yang paling penting, pelakon berjaya menjayakan watak masing masing ngan sukses and of coz, jalan citer pun mesti best gakkkk...

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Post time 17-7-2010 09:13 PM | Show all posts
i never doubt leo as an actor... and also, joseph levitt...

eams tu saper ek? nak google jab...

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Post time 17-7-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Baru jer balik nengok movie nie kat JJ Bukit Raja, Klang...

Guys!!! I strongly recommend you all  ...
HaMiZiE Post at 17-7-2010 15:18

    baru balik dr tgk citer nie...masuk cinema mmg langsung x tau movie nie stori pasal apa....tgk sebab movie lain yg   
    nak tgk dah full....dan hasilnya mmg puas hati...citer inception nie mmg best la tp betul la kena fokus tgk citer
    nie....nanti x faham.....byk benar mimpi dalam mimpi

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Post time 17-7-2010 09:57 PM | Show all posts
Matrix lebih luas universe dia n lebih dekat dengan terma2 komputer IT ni.., dunia dream dalam Inception lebih kecil, tapi tak bermakna tak kompleks....Avatar tu perwakilan minda dalam jasad lain tapi dalam dunia yg sama....perbandingan yg lebih tepat utk filem ni sememangnya Matrix yg keduanya dalam alam separa sedar......Matrix tu satu je kan n shared among smua yg bermimpi beserta program2 yg menghuni matrix itu... tapi Inception ada mimpi2 yg berbeza mengikut empunya mimpi2 tersebut....

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Post time 17-7-2010 10:00 PM | Show all posts
baru balik dr tgk citer nie...masuk cinema mmg langsung x tau movie nie stori pasal apa... ...
missgirl Post at 17-7-2010 21:52

yup.. berbaloi baloi tengok movie nie... tengahari tadi, masa tgk movie nie, panggung memang sunyi sebab ramai yang tengok ong bak, toy story, eclipse.... tapi tak rasa nyesal pon...

tapi memang dah lama pun nunggu movie nie sebab tengok trailer movie ni cam best jer... dan diarahkan pleh christopher nolan...

lepas nie, sure ramai yang akan compare movie nie ngan The Matrix dan Avatar...

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Post time 17-7-2010 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HaMiZiE at 17-7-2010 22:21

Reply 60# cmf_GAIA

yup... i agreed with you...
on the surface, the concept generally lebey kurang sama jer...
tapi if we go deeper, then we can see the differences on these movies...
apa apa pun, every each of them got their own strengths and weaknesses...
but overall, all of them are very entertaining and amusing ...

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