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Author: tobby

Syria..Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya???

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Apa akan jadi kat 1.5 juta pelarian iraq  di syria apabila kerajaan assad tumbang kelak  ? Sapa yang nak pedulikan mereka ni ? Kerajaan puppet Amerika ? Duh Amerika yang menyebabkan mereka menjadi pelarian maka takkan lah kerajaan puppet amerika tu kelak akan bantu mereka kot ?

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:32 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Yang dok ceramah kat masjid untuk lancarkan jihad nih sanggup bantu 1.5 juta refugee tu ka ?

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Forum: Ketahui Kisah Sebenar - Pembunuhan Kejam Di Syria (Part I)

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 12:49

The US war and occupation of Iraq—the murder of a society

Part one

By Bill Van Auken
  19 May 2007

This is the first part of a three-part series. The second part was posted May 21 and the third part on May 22.
While official politics and the media in the United States are focused largely on competing plans for salvaging the American occupation from the debacle it confronts in Iraq, little serious consideration is given to the historic catastrophe that has been inflicted upon Iraqi society itself.

Although no definitive figures can be given on the total number of Iraqis who have died as a result of the US war and occupation—including those killed in the invasion and subsequent armed violence and those whose lives have been cut short by disease and hunger, particularly among the young and old—every serious estimate places the excess death toll between several hundred thousands and one million human beings.

Iraq, once among the most advanced countries of the region, has been reduced, in terms of basic economic and social indices, to the level of the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa.

What is involved is the systematic destruction of an entire society through the unleashing of violence and criminality on a scale not seen since Hitler’s armies ravaged Europe in the Second World War.

American society itself is suffering deadly consequences from this war. The number of US soldiers killed in Iraq has topped 3,400, with every indication that the casualty rate is climbing as the Bush administration’s “surge” sends combat troops into the densely populated and overwhelmingly hostile neighborhoods of Baghdad.

Another 30,000 American military personnel have been wounded or injured, many of them grievously. Undoubtedly, hundreds of thousands more will suffer the psychological effects of having participated in a dirty colonial war.

The war’s daily drain on the US economy is estimated at over $300 million, with predictions that its total cost could top $2 trillion.
There is an even greater cost, however, in terms of the damage done by this criminal war to the political, social and, indeed, moral health of American society. The Iraq war—all of the tired propaganda about the “war on terrorism,” the struggle for “democracy” and the “liberation” of the Iraqi people notwithstanding—is a failed attempt by America’s financial elite to further enrich itself and secure its continued global hegemony through the naked theft of Iraq’s oil wealth.

Every section of the US political and corporate establishment, all branches and levels of government, both major political parties, and the mass media are all implicated in massive war crimes. Criminality on such a grand scale cannot go unpunished without grave implications for the future of the American people and, indeed, all of humanity.

Taken together, US operations in Iraq have amounted to sociocide—the deliberate and systematic murder of an entire society.
A series of recent reports have pointed to the scale of death, destruction and oppression that have been wrought by the US occupation, now in its fifth year.

An occupation army engaged in slaughter and abuse

First, as a telling indicator of the violence that the US occupation has unleashed against the Iraqi people, there is the report released by the Pentagon earlier this month on the mental state of American occupation troops. The document presents a chilling portrait of an army suffering from growing demoralization and mental and emotional dysfunction, which find expression, in part, in callous indifference, if not outright hatred, towards Iraq’s civilian population.

The survey found that a majority of troops believed that Iraqi civilians have no right to be treated “with dignity and respect,” and that approximately 10 percent of them admitted to having inflicted gratuitous violence on Iraqis in the form of beatings or destruction of personal property.

Perhaps the most significant finding was that 14 percent of US soldiers and Marines said they were directly responsible for the death of an “enemy combatant.” Given that some 170,000 US troops are currently in Iraq—and over 650,000 have been deployed there at one time or another since 2003—this would indicate a massive death toll inflicted directly by US forces.

Many of these troops, of course, are in Iraq for second and third tours of duty, and the data does not account for incidents in which more than one person is killed, much less air strikes or artillery bombardments that can claim scores of victims. Nor does it include those killed by the tens of thousands of armed mercenary contractors, who are answerable neither to Iraqi law nor the military code of justice.

A further indication of the universal character of the deadly violence that has been inflicted upon the country came in the poll conducted earlier this year by ABC News, USA Today, the BBC and ARD German television, which found that fully 53 percent of Iraqis reported having a close friend or immediate relative either killed or wounded.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:38 PM | Show all posts
hentikan pembunuhan!

This is my story ( A Syrian boy ) قصة طفل سوري

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 12:40

Bersambung dari artikel atas

Along with the rising death toll has come a marked increase in the number of disappeared, which has far outstripped the horrors that this word came to symbolize in the worst years of dictatorship in countries like Argentina and Chile. Iraqi human rights organizations estimate that 15,000 or more Iraqis are missing, with between 40 and 60 more people joining the ranks of the disappeared daily—in other words, as many as 20,000 people on an annual basis.
Many, no doubt, have been exterminated by death squads, while others have joined the country’s burgeoning population of detainees, who are imprisoned without charges and subject to unlimited periods of pre-trial detention and often torture.
The Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights reported in March that the regime was holding nearly 38,000 detainees and prisoners, while the US military admits to 19,000 detainees jailed in its two main detention camps—Camp Cropper and Camp Bucca. This total amounts to nearly six times the number of prisoners held by the Saddam Hussein regime before the US invasion to “liberate” the Iraqi people. No doubt, it will rise substantially as the US military’s “surge” continues to sweep up large numbers of Iraqi civilians.The displacement and exile of millions of Iraqis

In addition to the hundreds of thousands of deaths that the occupation has inflicted upon the Iraqi population, an equally telling indicator of its catastrophic implications for Iraqi society is the massive population of refugees and internally displaced persons.
It is estimated that 2 million Iraqis have fled their homeland, the vast majority of them seeking refuge in Syria and Jordan. Another 1.9 million Iraqis have been reduced to the status of displaced persons inside the country.
In sum, fully 15 percent of the country’s population has been driven from their homes. The United Nations Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that between 40,000 and 50,000 more Iraqis are being displaced every week, many of them forced to sleep in tents or out in the open with no means of support.
“We left Baghdad because the situation is very difficult. We were threatened with death and they took our houses and also our shops,” a man who recently came with his family to Syria told UNHCR. “You see what the situation is there—just destruction and death.”
The United States, which unleashed this destruction and death, has since 2003 admitted only 701 Iraqi refugees. Syria is currently hosting some 1.2 million. Washington has sought to obscure this massive refugee crisis—let alone take any responsibility for it—because it is such a damning indictment of the social catastrophe it has created in Iraq.
The vast flow of internal refugees has created increasingly desperate and volatile conditions in the country’s south, where an estimated 700,000 have fled, joining some 200,000 locally displaced people within Najaf, Kerbala and Basra provinces. Local governments and relief agencies are overwhelmed, unable to provide this vast population with housing, food or medical care. The central government in Baghdad has proven unable and unwilling to provide basic support.
“There are dozens of families arriving every day at camps for the displaced, causing a lack of essential needs such as food and health care,” Ali Fakhouri, a spokesman for the Najaf provincial council told IRIN, the news agency of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in March. “The past two months were the worst for those families. For security reasons, the delivery of aid has decreased considerably and because of a lack of medicines in the region’s hospitals and inaccessibility to hospitals, children are more vulnerable to diseases. Diarrhea is common among children in the displaced groups in the south.”Iraq’s record rise in infant mortality

Perhaps most startling of the recent reports is that issued by the children’s advocacy group Save the Children documenting worldwide trends in infant mortality rates, universally accepted as one of the most fundamental indices of social progress.
According to this report, Iraq recorded a staggering 150 percent increase in the rate of infant deaths between 1990 and 2005. In raw figures, 122,000 Iraqi children died in 2005, half of them newborn babies. The rate was 125 deaths of children under five for every 1,000 live births, compared to 50 in 1990. According to the Iraqi health ministry, conditions have only worsened since, with the ratio climbing to 130 deaths for every 1,000 births in 2006.
The years selected by Save the Children in conducting its international survey had particular relevance for Iraq, beginning in 1990 with the initiation of the punishing US-backed economic sanctions and ending in 2005, two years after the invasion. As with most of the essential indices of social devastation in Iraq, the infant mortality figures reflect both the country’s relentless economic strangulation—punctuated by periodic military attacks—over the course of more than a decade, and the violent destruction of the invasion and occupation which followed.
The vast rise in infant mortality in Iraq is unprecedented. Even sub-Saharan African countries that have suffered the worst ravages of AIDS have not approached such a terrible retrogression.
No doubt a significant share of these infant deaths can be attributed to US military operations. Virtually every air strike and bombardment carried out against populated areas claims children among their victims.
Far more important, however, is the overall disintegration of Iraq’s water, electricity and sewage systems, as well as its healthcare network, which together have created conditions in which the principal killers of children—diarrhea, malnutrition and preventable diseases like typhoid and hepatitis—go unchecked and untreated.
The United Nations has reported a stunning 70 percent increase in diarrhea among Iraqi children just since January 2006, with the highest rates in Anbar province, a center of resistance to the occupation that has been continuously under siege by US forces. Fully 60 percent of the people in the province have access only to polluted river water for drinking.
Less than a third of the population nationwide has access to clean drinking water, and just 19 percent have a functioning sewage system. Both the water and sewage systems were damaged heavily by US bombardments in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and the 2003 invasion. After toppling the Iraqi government, US forces did nothing to stop looters from stripping water treatment and pumping stations of essential equipment. “Reconstruction” here, as elsewhere, has proven catastrophically inadequate.
On average, Iraqis receive only eight hours of electricity a day, with even worse conditions in Baghdad, where most of the capital’s seven million people get only six hours or less of service daily.
To be continued

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:40 PM | Show all posts
anak2 syria menjadi musuh Basyar Al-Assad


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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:43 PM | Show all posts
kebangkitan rakyat syria.  pembunuhan kanak2 untuk melemahkan hati ibu bapa yg melawan Assad.


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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:45 PM | Show all posts

Pihak Tentera Syiria adalah diharamkan daripada membunuh rakyat. Mereka juga WAJIB untuk tidak mentaati sebarang arahan untuk mengakibatkan kematian rakyat. Bagi pihak keselamatan Syria yang pernah membunuh rakyat perlu ingat bahawa setiap pembunuhan akan dipertanggungjawakan. Pintu taubat sentiasa terbuka. Mereka harus ingat sebuah cerita (hadith sahih) tentang seorang pembunuh yang bertaubat kepada Allah swt selepas membunuh 99 orang dan menginsafi serta berazam tidak lagi melakukan pembunuhan. Adalah lebih baik dibunuh kerana tidak mematuhi arahan untuk membunuh! Seseorang yang mati kerana syahid adalah lebih baik daripada seseroang yang membunuh dan natihajnya ialah NERAKA!

Kami memfatwakan bahawa adalah HARAM berkhidmat dalam bentuk apa jua kedudukan terhadap Pihak Tentera Syiria buat sementara waktu. Adalah suatu tangungjawap untuk memisahkan diri daripada Pihak Tentera bahkan kalian mesti menentang tindakan mereka!

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Kita banyakkan do'a untuk saudara kita yang tertindas, di mana-mana mereka berada...

Keadaan memang sukar bila fitnah melanda.... kalau dari pengalaman peribadi saya, memang saya dah dengar dari masyaikh saya lama dah (sejak berbelas tahun yang lalu) tentang pemimpin Syria... (ni bukan dari media)

Banyakkan kita berdoa...  Di Libya rejim Ghaddafi (sunni), buat banyak penindasan dah dijatuhkan oleh rakyat sendiri (yang juga sunni).

Di Syria (pemimpin Syi'ah) mengalami 'goncangan' yang sama.... sesiapa yang melakukan penindasan, tak kiralah dari kelompok mana pun, akan mengalami nasib yang sama.

Apa pun, kita harus berhati-hati kerana ada musuh (kuasa besar) yang memerhati.....

WAllahu a'lam

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Ada satu pertanyaan , kalau kerajaan syria jahat sangat pasai pa berjuta pelarian dari iraq pi ke syria untuk cari tempat perlindungan kat negara tu , dan kerajaan assad tak pernah perambat berjuta depa tu pun dari negaranya ?
blastoff Post at 15-4-2012 11:52

Saya tak menyebelahi mana-mana pihak.

Mungkin ni jawapannya: Yang Syiah banyak lari ke Syria sebab pucuk pimpinan Syria ialah Syiah. Yang Sunni lari pi Jordan sebab pemimpin ahli Sunnah.

WAllahu a'lam

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Post time 15-4-2012 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 13:10

Kat artikel ni dinyatakan apa yang berlaku di Iraq , askar2 Amerika menganggap rakyat Iraq tak dak hak untuk memiliki maruah diri dan tak dak hak untuk dihormat kehormatan mereka,  dan iraq jatuh ke tahap negara termiskin di benua afrika walau memiliki kekayaan minyak yang cukup banyak yang bermakna rakyatnya merempat dari sudut ekonomi !

Malah berlaku pembunuhan secara sistematik oleh askar2 Amerika ke atas rakyat Iraq ketika Amerika menyerang Iraq dan ketika occupation Amerika di iraq ! Apakah ini yang kita nak berlaku kat syria ? Ini lah saham pemimpin Arab Saudi yang berkomplot dengan pemimpin Amerika dan tentera bersekutu dalam melakukan pembunuhan terhadap rakyat Iraq .


The US war and occupation of Iraq—the murder of a society

Iraq, once among the most advanced countries of the region, has been reduced, in terms of basic economic and social indices, to the level of the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa.

What is involved is the systematic destruction of an entire society through the unleashing of violence and criminality on a scale not seen since Hitler’s armies ravaged Europe in the Second World War.

Taken together, US operations in Iraq have amounted to sociocide—the deliberate and systematic murder of an entire society.
A series of recent reports have pointed to the scale of death, destruction and oppression that have been wrought by the US occupation, now in its fifth year.

An occupation army engaged in slaughter and abuse

First, as a telling indicator of the violence that the US occupation has unleashed against the Iraqi people, there is the report released by the Pentagon earlier this month on the mental state of American occupation troops. The document presents a chilling portrait of an army suffering from growing demoralization and mental and emotional dysfunction, which find expression, in part, in callous indifference, if not outright hatred, towards Iraq’s civilian population.

The survey found that a majority of troops believed that Iraqi civilians have no right to be treated “with dignity and respect,” and that approximately 10 percent of them admitted to having inflicted gratuitous violence on Iraqis in the form of beatings or destruction of personal property.

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Post time 15-4-2012 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 13:09
Saya tak menyebelahi mana-mana pihak.

Mungkin ni jawapannya: Yang Syiah banyak lari ke Syria ...
mnm77 Post at 15-4-2012 12:53

Kenapa pi jordan banyak ? Awat kuwait dan arab saudi depa tak pi banyak2 gitu ? Kan kuwait dan arab saudi lagi kaya dari jordan dan lagi besar negaranya lagi pulak tu sunni semua gak kan, awat depa tak pi berjuta ? Dasar tutup pintu kot ? Kang habih resource negara2 tu plak kang jadi tak dapek lah raja-raja arab nak melahap kat depa aje segala kekayaan minyak tu .

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Post time 15-4-2012 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mnm77 at 15-4-2012 13:19
Kenapa pi jordan banyak ? Awat kuwait dan arab saudi depa tak pi banyak2 gitu ? Kan kuwait dan arab saudi lagi kaya pulak tu sunni semua gak kan, awat depa tak pi berjuta ?
blastoff Post at 15-4-2012 13:05

Kena tengok kedudukan geografi juga, dan authority pihak berkuasa, negara mana yang membenarkan pelarian masuk. Jordan terkenal dari dulu lagi, banyak orang Palestin di sana. Saya dah jumpa sebahagian orang Palestin yang tinggal di Jordan.

Setahu saya dulu Arab Saudi sekutu kuat Amerika, tetapi kebelakangan ni dah berkurangan sokongan Arab Saudi terhadap Amerika. Bila Amerika dah tak boleh 'percaya' kat Saudi, mereka kena cari alternatif.

Untuk itu, Amerika kena cari 'base' yang lebih besar di Tanah Arab, sebab tu memerlukan Iraq dan Afghanistan. Amerika hanya dapat jatuhkan Iraq dengan bantuan 'Northern Alliance' yang majority Syiah. Mereka ni disokong oleh Iran.

Afghanistan pula, dari dulu kawasan tu tak habis-habis perang, sapa pun tak untung!

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Post time 15-4-2012 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Setahu saya dulu Arab Saudi sekutu kuat Amerika, tetapi kebelakangan ni dah berkurangan sokongan Arab Saudi terhadap Amerika. Bila Amerika dah tak boleh 'percaya' kat Saudi, mereka kena cari alternatif.

Untuk itu, Amerika kena cari base kat di Tanah Arab, sebab tu memerlukan Iraq dan Afghanistan. Amerika hanya dapat jatuhkan Irad dengan bantuan 'Northern Alliance' yang majority Syiah. Mereka ni disokong oleh Iran.
mnm77 Post at 15-4-2012 13:15

Tengok senarai pengkalan tentera US kat seluruh dunia , senarai terkini tu pada tahun 2012 ...ada 5 kat arab saudi , LIMA , FIVE , waaa banyak nyaaaa , tu melambangkan betapa eratnya hubungan mereka lah , mana ada saling tak percaya plak sebaliknya dah berpeluk sakan dah la ni .  

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Post time 15-4-2012 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 13:45

Eskan Village Air Base

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

While US military sites are scattered throughout various part of the globe, the country of Saudi Arabia does have the Eskan Village Air Base Saudi Arabia as a functioning and welcoming army base that serves both as long-term residence for people in the air force as well as a way for the Saudi air force and military to show their support for the United States.  While the “Operation Desert Storm” and “Operation Desert Shield” took place back in the 1990’s, Eskan village still welcomes servicemen and various military volunteers to stay in the village that is smartly integrated with a US military base.
History of Eskan

The desert city of Riyadh is where the village of Eskan is located.  During the military war known as the “Desert Storm” in 1990, the United States coalition forces was looking for a site that can be used as a temporary base for its soldiers during the first days of “Operation Desert Shield”.  Fortunately, the government of Saudi Arabia offered the village of Eskan as the perfect site for the coalition forces to set up camp.  The housing area known only as “Eskan Village” was located some 20 kilometers south of the Riyadh Air Base in Saudi Arabia.  Built during the year 1983, the housing complex composed of 44 high rise towers and 841 villas or housing units that was originally intended to house the various Bedouin tribes who live in the desert.  Unfortunately, the tribes never decided to occupy Eskan and chose to maintain their lifestyle of living in the desert, leaving the housing complex unoccupied and free to be used by the United States Military coalition forces as permitted by the Saudi Arabian government.

King Abdul Aziz Air Base

Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

                                        The King Abdul Aziz Air Base location is very strategical. It is close to the Persian Gulf and about 500 km from Riyadh, relatively far from the capital. During World War II, the small base in the area was used as a pit stop for the aircrafts going to and back from Asia. At the same time, Operation Desert Storm could not be possible without this location, which took over 90% of the overall traffic during those times.

King Fahd Air Base

, Saudi Arabia

                                        The current airport used to be a popular air base in the ’90s. The general infrastructure was built in 1990. The rest of it was finished by 1999. However, it was excellent for the conflicts in the surrounding areas, such as the Gulf War from 1991. It served as a pit stop and a storage site for the allied forces. King Fahd’s decision to allow the allied forces and especially the Americans to step on the Arabian lands was highly criticized by the citizens, as well as other countries. Osama bin Laden used to talk about this happening in his recorded footage as well.         


King Khalid Air Base

Khamis Mushayt, Saudi Arabia

King Khalid Air Base was run by the allied forces during the Gulf War for a small period of time, from 1990 to 1991. It used to be one of the most important pit stops in the area. The base was also hosting the 1703-rd Air Refueling Wing. At the same time, the allied forces run a hospital in the area. A British volunteering unit was also hosted on site. The place was excellent for its proximity to the Arabian capital Riyadh. Aside from these two years, the base was continuously used by the Arabian forces and mostly for civilian and commercial flights.                             

Riyadh Air Base

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Air Base, Saudi Arabia is one of the most important American bases due to the strategic location. It is right in the Middle East, giving the American troops the chance to easily support their potential invasions in the area. The base is located in the capital of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh refers to multiple gardens in free translation and is placed in the center of the country. The surroundings build a piece of heaven, with a multitude of parks and green territories. The summers are hot and dry, while the winters are pleasant. Occasionally, it may rain. The climate is, therefore, excellent for a lot of activities and training operations, allowing the troops a year round possibility for operations. However, it is worth mentioning that the summers imply extremely hot temperatures, especially for those who come from northern areas, like the Alaskans. The place hosts plenty of American offices and commands, making this base a vital one for the Middle East actions. It is also intensively used by the Arabian forces.


These days, it is a peaceful site. It is in a stand-by position, but always ready to step in to serve the interests of the United States of America.


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Post time 15-4-2012 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply 76# blastoff

Memang 'base' Amerika ada di Saudi, tapi belum memadai untuk kuasai Tanah Arab. Hubungan Saudi-Amerika memang dah lama, sebab utama - minyak.

Break utk Solat Zohor

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Post time 15-4-2012 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 14:11
Reply  blastoff

Memang 'base' Amerika ada di Saudi, tapi belum memadai untuk kuasai Tanah Arab.  ...
mnm77 Post at 15-4-2012 13:33

Base US kat riyadh tu , ibu negara dan bandar terbesar di saudi arabia ! Tengok ayat2 yang aku merahkan kat artikel bawah ni tu , terutama ayat nih  "giving the American troops the chance to easily support their potential invasions in the area"  .... eeee mengerikan aje laaa ..... Belum memadai kau kata ?

Depa dah ada kat tengah2 middle east di bandar paling penting dan paling strategik kat saudi arabia  , dok tunggu masa yang sesuai aje untuk mengorak langkah bagi menjahanamkan arab saudi agar jadi setaraf iraq ...

depa nak kena pulun musnahkan negara sekeliling dulu la , dan depa perlukan bantuan para pemimpin saudi arabia untuk melakukannya jadi depa takkan musnahkan saudi arabia lagi buat masa la ..... apabila semua negara sekeliling saudi arabia dah jatuh dan jadi merempat macam iraq maka waktu tu depa akan mengorak langkah untuk memusnahkan arab saudi lah pulak .


Riyadh Air Base

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Air Base, Saudi Arabia is one of the most important American bases due to the strategic location. It is right in the Middle East, giving the American troops the chance to easily support their potential invasions in the area. The base is located in the capital of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh refers to multiple gardens in free translation and is placed in the center of the country. The surroundings build a piece of heaven, with a multitude of parks and green territories. The summers are hot and dry, while the winters are pleasant. Occasionally, it may rain. The climate is, therefore, excellent for a lot of activities and training operations, allowing the troops a year round possibility for operations. However, it is worth mentioning that the summers imply extremely hot temperatures, especially for those who come from northern areas, like the Alaskans. The place hosts plenty of American offices and commands, making this base a vital one for the Middle East actions. It is also intensively used by the Arabian forces.


These days, it is a peaceful site. It is in a stand-by position, but always ready to step in to serve the interests of the United States of America.


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Post time 15-4-2012 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 14:05

wheyyyyy tentera amerika dok ada kat tengah2 saudi arabia la ni dah laa, hampa dok tidoq lagi kaaa , tak sedaq-sedaq jugak kaa yang setan dok ada celah ketiak hampa nih dah haih ?

awat tak dak sapa nak lancarkan jihad ? Aku dengar cengkerik berbunyi .... senyap sunyi aje mana ulamak yang dok riuh suruh lancarkan jihad kat syria nih ? Awat ulamak tu tak nasihat kan para pemimpin saudi arabia agar TUTUP la pengkalan tentera US yang berlambak2 tu haa .

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