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Author: safieyah1984


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 Author| Post time 3-7-2014 02:42 PM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 3-7-2014 02:40 PM
i rasa mungkin sebab simpati kot sbb tu dia bertunang, dia ada bgtau rosio yang kawin dengan blanc ...

xreti nak tepek lah lagu tu sape boleh tolong fieya tepek kat sini letak kat wall depan, Moderator tolong @eddlisa_uyuk

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Post time 3-7-2014 02:56 PM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 3-7-2014 02:40 PM
i rasa mungkin sebab simpati kot sbb tu dia bertunang, dia ada bgtau rosio yang kawin dengan blanc ...

tu la juan migel over confiden geram kadang2


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 Author| Post time 3-7-2014 03:03 PM | Show all posts
tintin22 posted on 3-7-2014 02:56 PM
tu la juan migel over confiden geram kadang2

nokk kena faham tu lah cara telenovela nak create jalan cite berjela2 betul x. salam cite tu paling i menyampah dengan estefania, geramnya rasa nak

tarik rambut dia tu, x sabar nk tengok apa jadi kat dia masa last episod nanti


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Post time 3-7-2014 03:12 PM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 3-7-2014 03:03 PM
nokk kena faham tu lah cara telenovela nak create jalan cite berjela2 betul x. salam cite tu palin ...

tu la mcm xbiase telenovela hihi

mmg geram estafania,semak je dgn 2 lagi tu

dieorg la sebok sampai tau marichuy menyorok kat mane

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2014 03:30 PM | Show all posts
tintin22 posted on 3-7-2014 03:12 PM
tu la mcm xbiase telenovela hihi

mmg geram estafania,semak je dgn 2 lagi tu

hahaha tu lah pasal, patutnya cecelia halau dia sekali dng makcik dia si isabella tu wat semak jek

cite ni sampai bape episod babe, rasanya nanti ada watak jahat kan nama ana julia, xsabar tunggu part tu

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Post time 3-7-2014 03:42 PM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 3-7-2014 03:30 PM
hahaha tu lah pasal, patutnya cecelia halau dia sekali dng makcik dia si isabella tu wat semak jek ...

rase nya 200 pe xsure heheh

ooo tu yg iolz tgk kat u tube muke xkenal,tapi jahat nak bunuh marichuy

ingtkan tukar org ke ape ke


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 Author| Post time 3-7-2014 04:06 PM | Show all posts
tintin22 posted on 3-7-2014 03:42 PM
rase nya 200 pe xsure heheh

ooo tu yg iolz tgk kat u tube muke xkenal,tapi jahat nak bunuh mari ...

tintin cuba u baca plot cite ni kat wikipedia ada cite lengkap i ada copy untuk u .....

The pilot episode begins with Maria de Jesus's "Marichuy" birth. Her mother, Cecilia Velarde, believing she is dying, entrusts her baby to a priest, named Father Anselmo, who takes the baby to an orphanage. At the age of 14, Marichuy runs away and begins to live in the streets, doing her best to survive. She spends several years on the streets. One day, she is attacked by a drunk man. She cannot seek justice for what happened to her, because aside from the fact that she is poor, she did not see the man's face very well since he attacked her suddenly in the dark. This experience, as well as having terrible recurrent nightmares, leaves her with a deep resentment towards all men. Candelaria, a laundress, finds her in the street, offers her a home, and treats her like a daughter.
Marichuy performs odd jobs to help Candelaria. She spends some of her free time with a group of friends who have somewhat of a bohemian lifestyle. One evening the group is arrested, and at the police station Marichuy meets Dr. Juan Miguel San Roman, a psychiatrist, who helps her leave the station without charges being brought against her. Later on, Juan Miguel tries to save his rocky marriage with his wife Viviana by taking her on vacation in Miami and there their plane crashes and Viviana is believed to be dead, while Juan Miguel is among one of the survivors. However, Viviana is not dead and has decided to live her life freely and full of luxury as she always wanted. Days later, in order to show solidarity with the group of artists, Marichuy decides to get back at Judge Patricio Velarde who was the judge that fined the artists. She goes to the judge's home and throws rocks at the windows. She laughingly gets away from Judge Velarde as he tries to stop her. Marichuy later gets arrested for stealing milk from neighbors (that she took to an orphanage), and she is recognized by Judge Velarde as the person who broke the windows at his home. He is adamant in sending Marichuy to jail, but Juan Miguel steps in. Juan Miguel feels that Marichuy is a good, although troubled, young woman who can be guided into become an upstanding citizen. He convinces the judge to release Marichuy by agreeing to take custody of her. Marichuy is released under Juan Miguel's custody, and he arranges for her to stay at his house with his daughter Mayita, his mother-in-law Onelia, and his sister Rocio. While Marichuy is at his house, both Marichuy and Juan Miguel realize that they have strong, caring feelings toward each other, although neither knows how the other feels. Juan Miguel is troubled, however, because he strongly feels that his feelings could interfere with his professional relationship and custody of Marichuy. Due to problems with his mother-in-law and because of his deep feelings toward Marichuy, Juan Miguel takes Marichuy to live at the Velarde household—Judge Velarde's home. Although Judge Velarde is sure that Marichuy is incorrigible and incapable of changing her lifestyle and way of being, he reluctantly agrees to let Marichuy stay. Judge Velarde and Marichuy do not know that the judge is her biological father.
The only people Marichuy gets along with in the Velarde household are Cecilia (Patricio's wife and Marichuy's biological mother) and Doris, a young maid. Estefania, who claims to be the Velarde's long-lost daughter, and Estefania's aunt Isabela, also live there. When Estefania meets Juan Miguel, she immediately decides that she will marry him. In observing Juan Miguel's and Marichuy's interactions, however, she realizes that they have deep feelings toward each other, and Marichuy immediately becomes her enemy. Estefania and Isabela soon realize that Marichuy is the Velarde's real daughter, and they plot to have Marichuy thrown out of the home so that they don't lose the luxuries of living with the Velardes. They set up various incidents that make Marichuy look like an irresponsible liar and thief, and although Cecilia and Marichuy have built a special bond, Judge Velarde orders Marichuy to leave their home and never return. Juan Miguel takes Marichuy to live in his home again.
During all of this time, Marichuy has been experiencing nightmares of the night that she was accosted when she was young and homeless. Although through psychiatry sessions Juan Miguel attempts to help Marichuy understand her nightmare, Marichuy remains tormented because she never sees the man's face in her nightmare. She wants to know who he is so that she can make him pay for the pain she'd been feeling since that night. Juan Miguel continues to fight against his feelings toward Marichuy. Although he knows that he loves Marichuy, Juan Miguel becomes involved with Estefania to the point of becoming engaged to her. Yet in spite of everything, Juan Miguel and Marichuy get closer and even kiss at one point. Also, Juan Miguel continues to attempt to help Marichuy understand her nightmare until one day, in a session in his office, she finally tells him the entire nightmare. He realizes who the man was who assaulted Marichuy. He is shocked to find that it was him. Although he does not say anything to Marichuy, he vividly remembers that he was having problems with his marriage, he'd gotten drunk, and he'd attempted to kiss a young woman he saw. As that woman struggled to get away from him, he'd realized what he was doing, and he'd chased after her to apologize. He never caught up to her. Juan Miguel cannot bring himself to tell Marichuy the truth about that night. He begins to pull away from Marichuy, and she doesn't understand why.
Soon after, Juan Miguel is hospitalized and there tells Marichuy how much he loves her and that he wants to marry her. He breaks off his relationship with Estefania. Marichuy and Juan Miguel decide to have Father Anselmo marry them. Juan Miguel tells Father Anselmo that he was the man who assaulted Marichuy years before, and Father Anselmo tries to convince Juan Miguel to tell Marichuy the truth before they get married. Juan Miguel cannot do so. They get married, and they have a wonderful first day of their honeymoon. The next morning the same nightmare wakes up Marichuy, but this time with more clarity. In the nightmare she finally saw the face of her attacker. Now she knows that the man was Juan Miguel. He pleads for her forgiveness, but she cannot forgive him, and she returns to Candelaria abandoning Juan Miguel and their marriage.
Juan Miguel returns alone from the honeymoon and is unable to find Marichuy, until later when she becomes an actress on TV under Amador's tutelage. However, Amador is a man who is obsessed with Marichuy and wants her to himself. Soon, Juan Miguel visits a mental institution where he suddenly recognizes its new patient. With great shock and disbelief, he looks at the face of his supposedly dead wife. He realizes that he must help his wife recover, and that he must find out what happened to her. Marichuy soon realizes she is pregnant and that she still loves Juan Miguel despite what he did to her; she goes to Juan Miguel's house to forgive him and tell him that she is pregnant. Instead of giving Marichuy a positive response, he gives her the news that their marriage is invalid because his wife is not dead, never giving her the opportunity to explain why she really went to visit him. Heartbroken, she returns to Candelaria and later goes to speak with Father Anselmo who says he will comply with her request to take her far away to where nobody knows who she is.
Marichuy arrives at the hacienda that Father Anselmo takes them to, and introduces herself as Lirio. She meets Leopardo/Omar Contreras, a cold-hearted, grumpy man who had a tragic, romantic past with a woman named Ivette (who in the later part of the telenovela was revealed to have split personality disorder). Yet as time passes, Marichuy's kind words and innocence eventually change Leopardo's ways, and he falls in love with her. Leopardo, despite knowing she is pregnant, proposes to be a father to the baby and a husband to Marichuy. It is difficult for Marichuy to decide whether to accept Leopardo's proposal because, despite everything, she's still in love with Juan Miguel. Eventually she decides to marry Leopardo.
When Marichuy reads in a newspaper that Juan Miguel's wife was killed, she feels that Juan Miguel must need her support, and she decides to return to Juan Miguel. She leaves without saying anything to Leopardo. After arriving back in the city, she finds out that Juan Miguel is engaged to Blanca (Mayita's governess who suffers from a split personality disorder in which she becomes Ivette). Marichuy decides not to go back to Juan Miguel or Omar, but instead to continue her career as an actress. Eventually, Juan Miguel finds out that Marichuy returned. Unexpectedly, Juan Miguel is also reunited with Omar, a long-time friend, who has come in search of a woman he loves named Lirio, who is really Marichuy. Juan Miguel does not know that Lirio is Marichuy. Later Juan Miguel and Omar find out that Lirio is Marichuy, and Omar finds out that Juan Miguel is Marichuy's ex-husband and the father of her child. Discovering this, Juan Miguel and Omar are no longer friends.
Marichuy and Omar get engaged again, although he shows signs of jealousy when Marichuy has any contact with Juan Miguel. Marichuy continues to act in several successful plays, and Marichuy forms a friendship with her makeup artist whose name is Ana Julia. However, a desperate Estefania decides to end Marichuy's life by putting real bullets in a gun that was used as a prop for Marichuy's show. Marichuy suffers a head injury, which causes her to lose her sight. At this time, Omar realizes he loves Blanca. Marichuy pretends she regained her sight so that Omar can be happy, and so that Juan Miguel will stay away from her. During the investigation of the shooting, Marichuy's father suffers a heart attack when he realizes how cruel and unfair he had been to Marichuy from the beginning. While Marichuy's father is recovering in the hospital, Marichuy forgives him and they begin to develop a father and daughter bond. Marichuy moves into her parents' house.
Marichuy thinks that Juan Miguel does not love her anymore, so she tells him that she doesn't love him. Juan Miguel finally accepts that Marichuy does not love him, and thinking that she can see, he decides to leave Mexico. Before he leaves, Marichuy realizes that she wants to be with Juan Miguel, but when he visits her on his last day to tell her he is leaving, she lets him leave without telling him she loves him. When Onelia discovers that Marichuy is still blind, she calls Juan Miguel to tell him that Marichuy never regained her eyesight. He returns and finds Marichuy in front of Father Anselmo's church. He tries to convince Marichuy to return to him, but she runs into the street and is hit by a car. Because she injures her head, she is unable to have any surgery to regain her eyesight. Patricio blames Juan Miguel for Marichuy's head injury and bans him from seeing her, and soon Marichuy's friend Ana Julia develops evil intentions and grows to hate Marichuy. Juan Miguel leaves to the United States to become an eye surgeon, and there he focuses on artificial retina replacement. He plans to return to Mexico to operate on Marichuy so that she will regain her sight. Her family hires Rafael, who is also blind, to teach Marichuy how to live without sight.
While in the United States, Juan Miguel depends on Ana Julia to keep him updated on Marchuy. Ana Julia lies to both Juan Miguel and Marichuy during this time because she wants Juan Miguel for herself. She tries everything to get Marichuy to hate Juan Miguel. When Marichuy develops a head tumor and needs surgery, her father does not allow Juan Miguel to perform the surgery. He does not believe that Juan Miguel is the best surgeon to save his daughter. When her father finally realizes that Marichuy is about to die, he begs Juan Miguel to operate on Marichuy. Ana Julia tries to stop Juan Miguel from operating because she wants Marichuy to die. She is unsuccessful. After the operation to remove the tumor, they all realize that Marichuy will be very upset if she discovers that Juan Miguel operated on her. Juan Miguel decides to tell Marichuy that he is Dr. Pablo Cisneros. He then begins to encourage Marichuy to let him operate again so that she can regain her eyesight. They spend a lot of time together, and Marichuy finally agrees to the surgery.
While Marichuy is recovering from the surgery, Ana Julia announces that she is pregnant with Juan Miguel's child. The baby's real father is Amador. Amador needs money, so he and Juan Miguel's brother-in-law Vicente kidnap Rafael. The kidnappers ask to speak with Juan Miguel, and he recognizes the kidnapper's voice as Vicente's voice. Juan Miguel and Judge Velarde provide the ransom money. Although Juan Miguel and Rafael's father follow the kidnappers after the money is picked up, the kidnappers get away. Rafael manages to escape and is found by his father and Juan Miguel. Although everyone suspects that Vicente was involved in the kidnapping, they can't prove it.
Although Marichuy can see again, she rejects Juan Miguel. A doctor offers Marichuy a job in a clinic. She accepts and prepares to leave her parents' home with the baby. The doctor cannot stop thinking about Marichuy and falls in love with her, and develops a rivalry with Juan Miguel. Juan Miguel tries to convince Marichuy that they can be together, but Marichuy will not listen to him. Days later, Amador admits that Ana Julia is really pregnant with his child, and he threatens to tell everyone the truth. Ana Julia and Vicente try to stop Amador, but they are too late. Ana Julia loses her temper and tries to take the gun from Amador. This leads to the accidental shooting of Vicente. Marichuy calls Juan Miguel for help. Juan Miguel arrives and after examining Vicente announces that Vicente will not live. Marichuy thanks Juan Miguel for all of the things he's done, and the two finally reconcile. Amador is jailed after being arrested during a narrow police chase. Rafael allows Juan Miguel to operate him, and Rafael sees for the first time in his life.
Juan Miguel and Marichuy spend a day together, and Marichuy admits that she wants to be Juan Miguel's wife again. He agrees and so they plan to marry. On the day of their wedding, Marichuy enters the church to give thanks. Marichuy receives a letter from Juan Miguel who seems to have a surprise for her. But Marichuy discovers that the letter was from Ana Julia, who knocks Marichuy out. Ana Julia takes Marichuy to a trailer leaving behind a letter saying that if Juan Miguel's love is not for her, then it will not be for Marichuy either. Ana Julia then lights the trailer on fire to kill herself, her unborn baby, and Marichuy. Suddenly Ana Julia goes into labor. Despite Ana Julia telling Marichuy to leave her, Marichuy gets Ana Julia and herself out, then delivers Ana Julia's daughter. Ana Julia dies from smoke inhalation, but before she does she apologizes to Marichuy for all of the bad things she did to her. When he sees the flames, Juan Miguel thinks Marichuy is dead, but then Marichuy emerges from the back of the building holding Ana Julia's baby. They both decide to give the baby to Purita and Adrian. Marichuy and Juan Miguel are married, and they spend their honeymoon with Mayita and Juanito. They are finally one big happy family.

so episod akan datang nanti akan ada watak nurse nama ana julia, dia ni pon sama jahat mcm estefania sbb tergila2kan Juan miguel, so dia cari jalan mcm mana nak bg marichuy mati, @Mrzzz200 kata nanti marichuy akan buta, i pon x sabar nk tunggu episod seterusnya ni. tapi lepas bawa wiki ni tau lah serba sikit jalan cite


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Post time 3-7-2014 04:19 PM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 3-7-2014 04:06 PM
tintin cuba u baca plot cite ni kat wikipedia ada cite lengkap i ada copy untuk u .....

The pil ...

tu la sian marichuy nti buta,ade konflik gak lagi

tq susah2 je hehe

ooooo nurse jahat rupenya,marichuy mmg baik

cume pening bila dia berckp, tak terpelajar kan cian marichuy


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Post time 4-7-2014 09:50 AM | Show all posts
@tintin22   @safieyah1984

morning.. selamat berpuasa uolss

yg pempuan mati beranak tu Ana Julia..  Mase Marichuy nk kahwen balik dgn JuanMi, Ana Julia pergi culik Marichuy   Dia bwk pi gudang kosong.. Xigt terbakar ke meletup tmpt tu Ni xclap episode dh nk hujung2..

Ana Julia ni mcm pembantu kat tempat teater Marichuy kerja tuh, ada si Armado jgak.. Ana Julia ni minat kat si JuanMi, konon perangkap JuanMi ckp yg die pregnant tu baby JuanMi

Mmg byk btul dugaan JuanMi #hotduda

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2014 01:08 PM | Show all posts
teru posted on 4-7-2014 09:50 AM
@tintin22   @safieyah1984

morning.. selamat berpuasa uolss

kiki lol ingatkan ana julia tu nurse? oh ye teru i nak tanya apa jadi pada Blanca Silva dan Estefania masa last cite nanti?


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Post time 4-7-2014 02:41 PM | Show all posts
teru posted on 4-7-2014 09:50 AM
@tintin22   @safieyah1984

morning.. selamat berpuasa uolss

tq cerita kan

hot sgt dude JuanMi tu

penuh onak berduri percintaan JuanMi Marichuy

Omar kawin dgn blanca/Ivette x?


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Post time 4-7-2014 04:53 PM | Show all posts

rsenye si Ana Julia tu pun tlg2 Marichuy jgak time si marichuy buta until operation otak tu.. kire mcm nursing jgak la kt hospy dgn kt rumah..

Estefania nnt kene masuk penjara.. kesalahan nye xigt.. just die ade upah si Ana Julia masukkn peluru btul dlm pistol.. pistol tu digunakn mase Marichuy training dgn pasangan die untuk persembahan teater.. so time tgh training mmg ade part menembak.. drpd situ ep si Marichuy buta kut, sedih JuanMi

later Estefania pura2 gila atau mmg dah gila, sbb die pergi masuk hospy gila mcm ex-bini JuanMi (Viviana)


no biggie

Blanca/ Ivette tu xclap, die byk bertembung dgn si Leopardo/ Omar dlm ep. mendatang (adela adegan menggoda/ borak/ gaduh).. lagi pun rase2nye yg selalu si Leopardo duk cerita dgn Marichuy, kisah die kene dumped dgn gf tu si Ivette rasenye.. just Leopardo xconfirm sbb xigt wajah antara salah satunye.. smpai situ je tau dua watak ni, lepas tu xtau ape jd..

kahwin ke x, xsure
Last edited by teru on 4-7-2014 04:55 PM


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 Author| Post time 4-7-2014 04:58 PM | Show all posts
tintin22 posted on 4-7-2014 02:41 PM
tq cerita kan

hot sgt dude JuanMi tu

@teru wow menarik jalan cite, tulah sakit mata i tgk episod estefania sbb asyik menayang tetek jek keje eh dah lah gemok mcm makcik dia si isabel yang jahat tu

@tintin22 hehehe nasib i x berlakun gak kalo x i pon dok gi rebut si jual miguel tu, hensem gila. body dia perghhh... eh lupa plak i tgh berpose hehehe

selamat berbuka pose to u olss

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Post time 4-7-2014 05:28 PM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 4-7-2014 04:58 PM
@teru wow menarik jalan cite, tulah sakit mata i tgk episod estefania sbb asyik menayang tetek jek ...

Juan Migel mmg encem , opsss

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Post time 6-7-2014 03:32 AM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 2-7-2014 11:27 AM
Mrrz.. mcm mana nak email kat astro bella ye, i nak request diaorang siar telenovela fron both com ...

Hi... Sorry late. Astro Bella skrg focus telenovela dari TV AZTECA je tapi minggu depan akan ada telenovela baru bertajuk 'Prohibido Amar' di astro bella. Tengok pelakonnya macam menarik ja dan nampak gayanya saya nak follow dan mungkin akan rakam. Tengok promo & Opening dia macam best je. Dulu kat FB ada page khas untuk astro Bella tapi skrg dah close so rasanya mungkin boleh msg kat Astro gempak di page dia kat FB. Kalau email saya pun tak tau. Skrg ni tengok makin lama makin banyak peminat Don't Mess With An Angel ni. Harap TV9 makin bersemangat tayang telenovela hehehe...

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Post time 6-7-2014 11:01 AM | Show all posts
teru posted on 4-7-2014 04:53 PM

rsenye si Ana Julia tu pun tlg2 Marichuy jgak time si marichuy buta until operatio ...

tq tq

oooo leopardo xingt sgt kat muka blanca ivette

harap dieorg kawin cian omar
Last edited by tintin22 on 8-7-2014 04:41 PM


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Post time 6-7-2014 11:08 AM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 4-7-2014 04:58 PM
@teru wow menarik jalan cite, tulah sakit mata i tgk episod estefania sbb asyik menayang tetek jek ...

ehehehe nasib baik

tau xper asyik tayang buah betik je estafania tu

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2014 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Mrzzz200 posted on 6-7-2014 03:32 AM
Hi... Sorry late. Astro Bella skrg focus telenovela dari TV AZTECA je tapi minggu depan akan ada t ...

Alamak @Mrzzz200 Bila cite tu start tayang kt astro Bella? hope dia start lepas musim bola lah sbb tv husband i congker lah kikiki


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 Author| Post time 7-7-2014 10:33 AM | Show all posts
teru posted on 4-7-2014 09:50 AM
@tintin22   @safieyah1984

morning.. selamat berpuasa uolss

@Mrzzz200 @teru tau x kenapa purita sibuk sangat nk jadi biarawati padahal dia kan sayang sangat kat andrian?


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Post time 8-7-2014 03:21 AM | Show all posts
safieyah1984 posted on 7-7-2014 10:14 AM
Alamak @Mrzzz200 Bila cite tu start tayang kt astro Bella? hope dia start lepas musim bola lah sbb ...

Telenovela 'PROHIBIDO AMAR' start minggu depan di astro bella sebab telenovela La Mujer De Judas tinggal 2-3 episod je lagi. Tapi telenovela 'PROHIBIDO AMAR' ni still dari TV AZTECA.  Salah satu sebab kenapa saya nak tengok telenovela ni sbb kt Mexico trending semasa ditayangkan so mesti best la kalau trending. Boleh dikatakan baru je tamat kt Mexico. Maybe saya akan rakam & upload kt youtube kalau sempat tapi tak janji. Dan sekarang ni saya tengah upload BELLA CALAMIDADES di youtube with Malay subtitle(tv3).

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