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Author: R2D2

[Tempatan] Kunci rumah dengan mangga elak pecah rumah - polis

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Post time 4-10-2014 02:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lazim posted on 4-10-2014 12:22 PM
rumah aku baru kena pecah.

1. gril sliding door tu dh boh tujuh mangga dgn rantai besi lagi. dia ...

Takut, dahla pntu ruma aku kaca..

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Post time 4-10-2014 02:55 PM | Show all posts
perembes posted on 4-10-2014 02:51 PM
Aku tak blh tdur kalu anjing bnyi mcm org menangis, seram gila, kdg bsahutan .. Tu pasal aku x suk ...

mungkin tuan terlalu banyak baca majalah mastika yang selalu memaparkan kisah mistik yang karut marut

tukar minda bro, baca majalah yang informatif dari segi ekonomi, sains pulak bro

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Post time 4-10-2014 02:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 4-10-2014 02:55 PM
mungkin tuan terlalu banyak baca majalah mastika yang selalu memaparkan kisah mistik yang karut ma ...

Bkn nak pcya tp slalunya kalu dgr anjg bnyi mcm tu, bbrapa hr ada brta org meninggal, scr kbtln la kot tp kalu 10x tjadi, 9btl..

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Post time 4-10-2014 03:32 PM | Show all posts
perembes posted on 4-10-2014 02:54 PM
Takut, dahla pntu ruma aku kaca..

takut jugak la. kali ke dua masuk pintu sama, sekali lagi harus katop buh batu bata. semalam tolak plk almari solid wood bapak berat hadang pintu tu. tp aku trauma gak la sebab kena kebas tv n monitor.

balik kg ni rasa cam nk sorok tv mana2

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Post time 4-10-2014 04:41 PM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 4-10-2014 02:21 PM
anti hadis ke ni?

bela anjing boleh, gantung gambar boleh

Mudah2an kita berposting tak lari drp tajuk asal, isu pecah rumah.  Tak naklah melarat2 soal anti hadis ke, soal tak boleh bela anjing ke.  Soal bela anjing rasanya orang dah faham dah setakat mana yg boleh dan tak boleh ni.  Soal memajangkan gambar foto dl ruangan rumah tak berani nak ulas lebih.  Belum cukup ilmu.
Di rumah saya tak ada gambar dn foto kenangan dipajangkan, semuanya dalam album.  Zaman ni pula semuanya terakam dlm hp.

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Post time 4-10-2014 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kucen_miang posted on 4-10-2014 12:00 PM
haha . kondo lah yg paling tak selamat sekarang ni. jiran2 saling tak mengenal. memula pak guard p ...

Tgk kondo / apartment duduk la.. Dulu duk kondo ioi resort Takde kes pecah UMAH.. Duk kondo kt pandan perdana ada kes pecah UMAH..Tp bkn UMAH aku SB ada PSG CCTV kt luar tu hihi.. Kt kondo salunyer org dlm tu jugak pencuri.. Jiran etc or pak guard.

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Post time 4-10-2014 09:14 PM | Show all posts
batmana posted on 30-9-2014 08:21 PM
sana beli pistol, senapang mcm beli cokodok tepi jalan la bang..

gila nk pecah masuk rumah dera ...

negara mana tu..
atleast rumah me cam mamat tu tulis,
dan kami boleh tinggalkan rumah 3 bulan pi travel
tanpa risau dan hanya ada satu kunci aje kat main door.

harap omputih sini terus kekal dengan " agama islam" sebenar...

Last edited by faraway1 on 4-10-2014 08:21 AM


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Post time 9-10-2014 12:34 PM | Show all posts
mikasa posted on 1-10-2014 10:19 AM
untung pencuri...dapat makan mangga free

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Post time 9-10-2014 12:35 PM | Show all posts
poison_paradise posted on 4-10-2014 08:40 PM
Tgk kondo / apartment duduk la.. Dulu duk kondo ioi resort Takde kes pecah UMAH.. Duk kondo kt pan ...

  • Is Your house sucure when you are not around?

    Secure your home with ADT SYSTEM with Monitoring Center 24/7!

    To ensure the safety of your family and property, it is absolutely vital that your home security system is actively monitored.

    In the cases of home intrusion, robbery, fire, medical
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    If yours just get the new house ,intention to be install an Alarm Monitored System and Autogate ,Video Intercom System or CCTV .Please do feel free to call me or sms 014-9446922.I am most willing to share my knowledge on how to make your home a safer place to stay .Also provide a site survey and safety advice Free Of Charge, without any obligation.


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Post time 9-10-2014 12:35 PM | Show all posts
RRicky posted on 9-10-2014 12:34 PM
  • Is Your house sucure when you are not around?

    Secure your home with ADT SYSTEM with Monit ...

    • Is Your house sucure when you are not around?

      Secure your home with ADT SYSTEM with Monitoring Center 24/7!

      To ensure the safety of your family and property, it is absolutely vital that your home security system is actively monitored.

      In the cases of home intrusion, robbery, fire, medical
      emergencies, and other unfortunate incidents, a monitored security system versus a non-monitored security system can mean the difference between life and death.

      Benefit from 5 Channels of Protection;

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      Starting Price Rm 599.00 ,

      1 Unit Motion Sensor

      1 Unit Control Panel & Keypad

      1 Unit Indoor Siren

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      If yours just get the new house ,intention to be install an Alarm Monitored System and Autogate ,Video Intercom System or CCTV .Please do feel free to call me or sms 014-9446922.I am most willing to share my knowledge on how to make your home a safer place to stay .Also provide a site survey and safety advice Free Of Charge, without any obligation.


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    Post time 9-10-2014 12:36 PM | Show all posts
    harimau76 posted on 4-10-2014 12:47 PM
    yup.. dok umah landed mmg risau takut org pecah masuk.. haku tumpang anjing jiran sebelah jer la.. o ...

    • Is Your house sucure when you are not around?

      Secure your home with ADT SYSTEM with Monitoring Center 24/7!

      To ensure the safety of your family and property, it is absolutely vital that your home security system is actively monitored.

      In the cases of home intrusion, robbery, fire, medical
      emergencies, and other unfortunate incidents, a monitored security system versus a non-monitored security system can mean the difference between life and death.

      Benefit from 5 Channels of Protection;

      • Burglary

      • Threat of Fire

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      • Medical Emergencies

      Starting Price Rm 599.00 ,

      1 Unit Motion Sensor

      1 Unit Control Panel & Keypad

      1 Unit Indoor Siren

      1 Unit Back-up Battery 12V

      2 Units Decal

      2 Units Magnetic Contact (Door Contact)

      -Device worth Rm 1200.00 is free.

      If yours just get the new house ,intention to be install an Alarm Monitored System and Autogate ,Video Intercom System or CCTV .Please do feel free to call me or sms 014-9446922.I am most willing to share my knowledge on how to make your home a safer place to stay .Also provide a site survey and safety advice Free Of Charge, without any obligation.


    Use magic Report

    Post time 9-10-2014 12:36 PM | Show all posts
    • Is Your house sucure when you are not around?

      Secure your home with ADT SYSTEM with Monitoring Center 24/7!

      To ensure the safety of your family and property, it is absolutely vital that your home security system is actively monitored.

      In the cases of home intrusion, robbery, fire, medical
      emergencies, and other unfortunate incidents, a monitored security system versus a non-monitored security system can mean the difference between life and death.

      Benefit from 5 Channels of Protection;

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      • Medical Emergencies

      Starting Price Rm 599.00 ,

      1 Unit Motion Sensor

      1 Unit Control Panel & Keypad

      1 Unit Indoor Siren

      1 Unit Back-up Battery 12V

      2 Units Decal

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      -Device worth Rm 1200.00 is free.

      If yours just get the new house ,intention to be install an Alarm Monitored System and Autogate ,Video Intercom System or CCTV .Please do feel free to call me or sms 014-9446922.I am most willing to share my knowledge on how to make your home a safer place to stay .Also provide a site survey and safety advice Free Of Charge, without any obligation.


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    Post time 9-10-2014 12:46 PM | Show all posts
    perembes posted on 4-10-2014 02:51 PM
    Aku tak blh tdur kalu anjing bnyi mcm org menangis, seram gila, kdg bsahutan .. Tu pasal aku x suk ...

    • Is Your house sucure when you are not around?

      Secure your home with ADT SYSTEM with Monitoring Center 24/7!

      To ensure the safety of your family and property, it is absolutely vital that your home security system is actively monitored.

      In the cases of home intrusion, robbery, fire, medical
      emergencies, and other unfortunate incidents, a monitored security system versus a non-monitored security system can mean the difference between life and death.

      Benefit from 5 Channels of Protection;

      • Burglary

      • Threat of Fire

      • Duress

      • Police Emergencies

      • Medical Emergencies

      Starting Price Rm 599.00 ,

      1 Unit Motion Sensor

      1 Unit Control Panel & Keypad

      1 Unit Indoor Siren

      1 Unit Back-up Battery 12V

      2 Units Decal

      2 Units Magnetic Contact (Door Contact)

      -Device worth Rm 1200.00 is free.

      If yours just get the new house ,intention to be install an Alarm Monitored System and Autogate ,Video Intercom System or CCTV .Please do feel free to call me or sms 014-9446922.I am most willing to share my knowledge on how to make your home a safer place to stay .Also provide a site survey and safety advice Free Of Charge, without any obligation.


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    Post time 9-10-2014 12:48 PM | Show all posts
    lazim posted on 4-10-2014 12:22 PM
    rumah aku baru kena pecah.

    1. gril sliding door tu dh boh tujuh mangga dgn rantai besi lagi. dia ...

    • Is Your house sucure when you are not around?

      Secure your home with ADT SYSTEM with Monitoring Center 24/7!

      To ensure the safety of your family and property, it is absolutely vital that your home security system is actively monitored.

      In the cases of home intrusion, robbery, fire, medical
      emergencies, and other unfortunate incidents, a monitored security system versus a non-monitored security system can mean the difference between life and death.

      Benefit from 5 Channels of Protection;

      • Burglary

      • Threat of Fire

      • Duress

      • Police Emergencies

      • Medical Emergencies

      Starting Price Rm 599.00 ,

      1 Unit Motion Sensor

      1 Unit Control Panel & Keypad

      1 Unit Indoor Siren

      1 Unit Back-up Battery 12V

      2 Units Decal

      2 Units Magnetic Contact (Door Contact)

      -Device worth Rm 1200.00 is free.

      If yours just get the new house ,intention to be install an Alarm Monitored System and Autogate ,Video Intercom System or CCTV .Please do feel free to call me or sms 014-9446922.I am most willing to share my knowledge on how to make your home a safer place to stay .Also provide a site survey and safety advice Free Of Charge, without any obligation.


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