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Author: sora13


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 Author| Post time 12-5-2024 10:23 PM | Show all posts
_kelly replied at 12-5-2024 10:17 PM
kann, kalau betul ada life, keje 9-6, personal life lagi..kot nak belek ig, fb pon bila nak baring ...

i work from home but depending on overseas clients punya task, so kalau tak busy I spend most of my time fighting with zionists on IG, spread awareness about Palestine, donate and for the past 7 months, only IG palestinians on the ground like Motaz, Bisan, Ismail Jood, Wissam,Ez Lulu, etc.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mungkin kalau retis2 dan influencers2 classy kesayangan acik2 forum pun support blockout ni, baru acik2 classy terus setuju.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninajaybee replied at 12-5-2024 09:52 PM
Dah kenapa Kak Nabjali pun nak diboikot? Janna? Ish. Berpadalah kot. Dah jadi macam kalau tak promot ...

Mcm ada sorg kt X tulis, sbb org2 dlm list tu up apa kt med soc tu x kena dgn selera tekak yg lantang boikot, trus judge kata mcm2…

N bru je i baca kt X, sorg ni komen ‘nk cari pahala tolong Palestine, tp cari perkara yg bukan dosa utk jadikan fitnah’ …. Renung2kn lh gtuuuu

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2024 10:29 PM | Show all posts
aechae replied at 12-5-2024 10:25 PM
Mcm ada sorg kt X tulis, sbb org2 dlm list tu up apa kt med soc tu x kena dgn selera tekak yg lant ...

apa yang fitnah, they came with receipt why they put the artists on the list. Dalam actual senarai, dia orang ada senaraikan sekali apa yang artis tu endorse as duta or as paid partnership or whatever, Dia orang bukan tuduh melulu je.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kitaserupaaa replied at 12-5-2024 10:05 PM
Aku x join boikot blockout ssb aku mmg x follow dorg & x ambil tau kisah hidup dorg  aku cuma f ...

Kann…follow org tu biar yg berjenis, dtgkn kebaikan so kita pn terikut buat baik…tu nama follower..

Ni selama ni follow retis pn nk tau gosip, ikut lifestyle, dressing lps tu nk seru kt smbil tag plak retis tu ajak boikot, block bagai…

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 12-5-2024 10:23 PM
i work from home but depending on overseas clients punya task, so kalau tak busy I spend most of m ...

gitu sembang pig also can fly..ko ingat acik porum kat sini takde kerja dengan oversea client ke tapi takde pulak bertunggu tangga kat ig retis sambil preach filistin2 tapi still guna META..again, joke of the day

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fighting zionist on IG

nanges mark zukerberg baca

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aik, dah jadik tered gaduh serupa Yisroel Filisitin?

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2024 10:33 PM | Show all posts
aechae replied at 12-5-2024 10:30 PM
Kann…follow org tu biar yg berjenis, dtgkn kebaikan so kita pn terikut buat baik…tu nama followe ...

and maybe it's time for a change. ramai yang ikut movement ni rata2 komen, yang dia orang feel liberated sebab dia orang tak sedar pun dia orang tu dah jadi hamba artis selama ni because it's part of their pop-culture.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Menggelabah tetek penyembah jahtek

Air tetek kering katanyehhh

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 12-5-2024 10:29 PM
apa yang fitnah, they came with receipt why they put the artists on the list. Dalam actual senarai, ...

Kn i dh ckp dorg bkn mkn gaji mcm kita keja opis, hujung bulan dpt gaji byr komitmen sume, tu mmg cra dorg cari makan… knapa kita nk kena x puas hati dgn dorg cri mkn gitu? Nk boikot dorg, block apa buat smpai judge cara dorg cari mkn apa sume tu overrnyaaa… klu dorg ada bakat lain, lama dh dorg quit jd selebriti

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2024 10:43 PM | Show all posts
_kelly replied at 12-5-2024 10:32 PM
fighting zionist on IG

nanges mark zukerberg baca

yes, it feels great because when you fight with knowledge, they all mula tunjuk perangai loser and started to insult you and then you got other netizens backing you up. i dah involved dengan konflik ni since the 90s, i bukan start from Oct 7th 2023. I've met Dr. Mads Gilberts personally in Bangsar a few years ago pun. I've had an orphan that I sponsored died of bombing by Israel in 2014. So, this is not a joke to me. You can laugh and ridicule all you want , I dont care, really.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:44 PM | Show all posts
Kalau dah celeb tu respon, maknanya adalah kesan kempen-kempen ni semua.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 12-5-2024 10:33 PM
Aik, dah jadik tered gaduh serupa Yisroel Filisitin?

acik forum kalau tak bergasak mmg tak sah

iols pm uols dah 2/3 kali tak masuk ke caner?? bila i tepek kejap ada tp bila klik balik takde plak. ada dpt tak pm iols
nak tnya perihal tesl

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Hoshhi replied at 12-5-2024 08:49 PM
Amboi jennie mntang2 sembahan kau dlm list...kau bgi alasan mcm2 plk...cuba klu nama seteru dlm list ...

kalau seteru dalam list halaujinni yg paling laju buka thread

tak sedar yg idolat kesayangan dia tu sama stended dgn kucen ikanbawal

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2024 10:47 PM | Show all posts
aechae replied at 12-5-2024 10:40 PM
Kn i dh ckp dorg bkn mkn gaji mcm kita keja opis, hujung bulan dpt gaji byr komitmen sume, tu mmg  ...

dia orang kat Malaysia, menyanyi, berlakon tu bukan pendapatan ke? Kalau stesen tv can still ambil orang macam Alif tu berlakon, it will not affect them. Endorsement is another thing, they have the choice untuk tak promote brand yang support israel.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:49 PM | Show all posts
Yang paling tak faham si mak kucing LV tu. Kalu artis tu fahamlah depa nak cari mkn.

Yang ni ntah2 apa bwk kucing masuk butik LV.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by nadie90 at 12-5-2024 02:52 PM

Nak block ka x terpulang.....Pro-Palestine protestors kat US, UK dan negara2 lain sana depa lawan habis2....dah la duit cukai depa dibayar utk bunuh rakyat2 Palestin....mcm sstgh rakyat sini lagi2 kat X bising org2 politik guna duit cukai utk kepentingan masing2

Sapa2 yg nak buat sesuatu utk lawan Pro-Zionist tu silakan....tapi yg nak blockout artis2 Malaysia pun kebanyakannya rakyat Malaysia ja pun...tu pun confirm bila trend blockout dibawa angin lalu dan xdak sapa kecam dah, artis2 Malaysia boleh sambung buat paid partnership/review produk2 Pro-Zionist demi kelangsungan hidup lol....nak harap menyanyi, berlakon dan lain2 bukannya dibayar banyak pun...sebab tu artis2, pempengaruh buat content atau keluar produk sendiri untuk jana pendapatan smpingan.

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tp i rasa kempen blackout ni berjaya juga..sbb kali ni Malaysian bnar2 serius anti Israel..sampai Mcd , KFC, Starbuck pun trkesan

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Post time 12-5-2024 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sleepandream replied at 12-5-2024 07:35 PM
nak boikot mende... social media pun pakai facebook, IG... iphone...dekat rumah tengok netflix.... b ...

Tak perlu pakai ipon, tak perlu tengok netflix, tapi ig dan fb gunakan sebagai saluran untuk menyampaikan perkara2 memboikot seperti ini

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