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Author: Vassss


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Post time 5-3-2020 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Lab6700 replied at 5-3-2020 01:42 PM
kalau ikut konsep kpop fans n idolat mereka, mcm dosa besar betul kalau hadiah tu nampak kat org l ...

iollss sbg ex kpoppers approved this yachhh.. bleh kne kecam trokkss kalau nmpk hadiah tu pki kt org lennn..

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Post time 5-3-2020 01:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lab6700 replied at 5-3-2020 01:44 PM
iols ragu2 dedi yg blur tu akan faham mesej kita tu chuols. 'melahar' tu apa nnt dia tanya {:1_555 ...

Heols faham kay melahar tu apa...ingat daddy outdated sgt kah?

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Post time 5-3-2020 01:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 5-3-2020 01:28 PM
Czer luka lambat kering kan chuols ? Sian la azar, nak selisih bahu lagi, baik luka bawah lagi cep ...

Mohon Azar tgk citer tny dr imelda yach cemana nk senang beranak....tiberr

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Post time 5-3-2020 01:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 5-3-2020 01:29 PM
Ye chuols iols pon dengar ni orang2 tua sembang, so iols akan praktiskan nanti nak tengok sejauh m ...

Mitos semata yach....sila jg mkn & exercise utk  kuatkan otot pelvis.Tp benda ni semua rezeki chuols....kalau mmg xleh normal vaginal delivery nk buek camno...bolah la porut tu

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Post time 5-3-2020 01:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lab6700 replied at 5-3-2020 01:40 PM
betulkan sikit chuols yg hikhokz tu...
...Jari jemari dedi kering bak ranting gurun sahara'[/back ...

Ramai nk ikut ni kalau daddy ajak ngopi...hahaha

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Post time 5-3-2020 01:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Senyap sunyi yach daddy...iols husnuzon la tgh practise utk showcase

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Post time 5-3-2020 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 5-3-2020 01:54 PM
Mitos semata yach....sila jg mkn & exercise utk  kuatkan otot pelvis.Tp benda ni semua rezeki chuo ...

yeke chuollss? so kegel tu x elok time pregnant ke camne..?

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Post time 5-3-2020 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Belbelly replied at 5-3-2020 02:00 PM
yeke chuollss? so kegel tu x elok time pregnant ke camne..?

Kegel tu baguslah kuatkan otot sb nk meneran kena all out yach kalau dh suratan takdir takleh normal nk buat cane.Ada byk faktor kena czer cth twin, tali pusat terbelit, placenta preveria, high bp, diabetis, baby besar etc...wahhh dh mcm benang OnG pulak

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Post time 5-3-2020 02:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 5-3-2020 01:55 PM
Ramai nk ikut ni kalau daddy ajak ngopi...hahaha

Of course iolls nak join jugak

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Post time 5-3-2020 02:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada sape2 pasan tak logo cari dh lain? Sempena PM baru ke cane?

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Post time 5-3-2020 02:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 5-3-2020 02:08 PM
Kegel tu baguslah kuatkan otot sb nk meneran kena all out yach kalau dh suratan takdir ...

Ni la akibat takde penampakan dedi.. smalam dah mcm segmen JJCM episod kedai mamak. Hari ni jadi bod OnG plak. Jangan sampai penny tukar mode ustazah, panas dedi dpt tazkirah kang

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Post time 5-3-2020 02:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TeropongGirl replied at 5-3-2020 02:40 PM
Ni la akibat takde penampakan dedi.. smalam dah mcm segmen JJCM episod kedai mamak. Hari ni jadi b ...

Pagi semalam iols dh mood setazah...letih la pegang byk port folio ni.Kabinet ada vacancy kan...iols nk apply post wan jijah

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Post time 5-3-2020 02:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Serius la dh page 70...jarang2 berlaku ni.Awkward pulak iols dgn level kecergasan jari jemari weols...iols perlu ke library demi mencari tagline & tema yg kekinian

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Post time 5-3-2020 03:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lab6700 replied at 5-3-2020 01:40 PM
betulkan sikit chuols yg hikhokz tu...
...Jari jemari dedi kering bak ranting gurun sahara'[/back ...

Kalau dedi ajak ngopi iols akan reply “apa barang kopi, kite main changkat jah”

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Post time 5-3-2020 03:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 5-3-2020 02:08 PM
Kegel tu baguslah kuatkan otot sb nk meneran kena all out yach kalau dh suratan takdir ...

Kegel macam nama makanan pulak yach, kegel ni yg kemut2 tu khen wakakakakka harap azar rajin kegel bukan masa selisih bahu jah sheols kegel

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Post time 5-3-2020 03:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dedi ni takkan sehari jah shooting dgn aiman ?!? Siapakah wanita misteri yg heols sembang lepas jog tuh ? Tu pon tak terjawab lagi yihhh

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Post time 5-3-2020 03:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 5-3-2020 03:23 PM
Kalau dedi ajak ngopi iols akan reply “apa barang kopi, kite main changkat jah”

Terus berzikir org tua tu...chuols jgn nk meracuni heols yg sedia diracun itu yach

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Post time 5-3-2020 03:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 5-3-2020 03:25 PM
Kegel macam nama makanan pulak yach, kegel ni yg kemut2 tu khen wakakakakka harap azar rajin kegel ...


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 Author| Post time 5-3-2020 04:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ade penampakan dato abah kat okey td.sory iols xsnggup nk amik gmbr..iols sgt xrestu yach dato abah berbaju batik besar lg.sakit mata iols tgk

Tgk kat ig cik far je nti ek

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2020 04:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Arinie blajar ttg kagel2 kah?.mentang2 la mlm jemahat arinie

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