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Author: ipes2

DARAH TINGGI: bolehkah berhenti ambil ubatnya?

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2017 06:34 PM | Show all posts
moimed replied at 31-10-2017 09:52 AM
dr ipes...apa pendapat dr tentang diet atkin utk org yg ada darah tinggi?

i ni hv little experience dgn diets n dieting dan really hanya dietician yg terer bab bab ni. walaubagaimanapun, atkins ni adalah sejenis low-carb diet. carbs ni penting utk energy. apa apa pun, atkins ni takde la boleh maintain weight loss utk jangkamasa lama. atkins diet ni ada isu sikit dgn heart problems. atkin tu pon mati heart attack tu.

apa apa pun, jika kita hilang berat bdn, bp akan turun.

i sendiri fikir, if nak diet, buatlah yg mudah di phm metabolic effects nye; atkins ni complicated metabolic effects nye.

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Post time 6-11-2017 12:57 PM | Show all posts

ok doc thank you so much

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Post time 6-11-2017 02:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
moimed replied at 6-11-2017 12:57 PM
ok doc thank you so much

Pengasas atkin diet

Robert Atkins died On April 17, 2003, at the age of 72.[15] Atkins official death certificate states the cause of death as "Blunt impact injury of head with epidural hematoma".[16] Nine days prior to his death, Atkins fell and hit his head on an icy New York pavement

Btw. Sy bkn lah pengikut atkin diet
Tp dia salah satu yg debunk cholestrol myth Ancel Key studies

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Post time 3-4-2018 03:24 PM | Show all posts
up this tread....

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Post time 3-4-2018 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Dr ipes...pesakit darah tinggi boleh x makan ubat orlistat bagi menurunkan berat badan? ada side effect x ?moi ada jumpa sorang doc ni dia suggest orlistat dan dia tau moi masih on ubat darah tinggi. dia ckp xde masalah..xde side effect betul ke?

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Post time 4-4-2018 09:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sy hari hari jumpa doctor, naik boring pun ya. Tp tabiat dari dulu takut makan ubat and takut jumpa dr. seumur hidup hanya 2x jumpa dr..masa deliver and masa bp naik giler. lepas ti xde sampai skrg.

Ubat Bp continue.. testing aritu skip mcm pening2 je.. doctor klu jumpa gp je accurate ke nasihat dia...kalau kita tanya perlu continue or tukar jenis ubat? ke xperlu just continue je...nak jumpa physician mcm syg je duit ni...klu admit kena cucuk pulak...cuma best claim insurance je la. So perlu continue je xpayah tanya dr atau saja je la gi jumpa physician tu? @ipes2

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2018 11:24 PM | Show all posts
moimed replied at 3-4-2018 03:25 PM
Dr ipes...pesakit darah tinggi boleh x makan ubat orlistat bagi menurunkan berat badan? ada side eff ...

alah, awak pakai orlistat ke? seksa nya.
orlistat ni dia halang fat dari diserap (gitulah kiranya secara ringkas) dari gut kita.
maka, poo kita nnt penuh dgn fat .. adoi seksa tau poo byk fat ni..
surely, jika wak mkn chinese food je, terus diarrhoea

eh orlistat ok je dgn BP tabs..setahu sy; side effects orlistat byk lah, tetapi tidak lah terlampau rosakkan system kita, dan in general, lebih friendly lah dari ubat obesity yg lain..yg lain sampai kena ban kat Europe UK n US.

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2018 11:30 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 4-4-2018 09:29 PM
sy hari hari jumpa doctor, naik boring pun ya. Tp tabiat dari dulu takut makan ubat and takut jumpa  ...

eh setiap org, pesakit atau yg takde penyakit, kena jumpa GP 6bulan sekali. sy pon ade GP tau. prof sy pon ada GP.. semua org ada GP sendiri.
GP lah laluan kita utk cek utk make sure kesihatan kita adalah level baseline selalu. dialah yg patut ade records kita. kita direfer kepada specialist bila keadaan / sakit kita memerlukan specialist help.

BP: common; semua GP perlu tahu menjaganya. tetapi jika ianya BP kerana sakit2 tertentu eg Cushings ke, maka ia perlu direfer kepada specialist Endocrine yg biasanya jaga complicated BP. Jika more than 3 jenis anti-hypertensives pun kena direfer kepada Endocrinologist.

No, ubat utk BP adalah selamat utk diambil for life. Jgn stop, nnt rebound BP tu, dia naik balik mcm elastic band terus tinggi sgt sgt boleh rosak kidney dlm beberapa minggu / bulan je.. or stroke or heart attack. Also, amik daily, at the same time esp pagi

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Post time 5-4-2018 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Dr. Ipes moi belum start lg orlistat tu masih tgh berfikir lg ni hahaha...mmg dok seriau la bab output yg keluar kesan dari orlistat tu...semedang berlendir je jubor kang huhuhu...nak2 kalo terlupa p makan plak sambal petai...perghhhh mesti menusuk org keliling. kdg2 nak terkentut pon teragak2 kan...nk kentut ke x nak..bila kentut mesti terkeluar minyak hehehe..

Doctor dah tukar antinolol kepada Amlodipine (Lofral)..doc ckp antenolol dh old far masa mula2 tukar ubat tu seminggu pertama je rasa pelik sket. kepala pening sket...after that ok dah badan dah blh terima..much better bacaan bp pon terkawal.

Berat moi skrg 72kg moi rasa gemok sgt2 tapi org keliling ckp x plak..chubby je. tapi moi aktif..bab buat kerja rumah mmg tangkas n x semput pon...peluh curah2..tiap2 hari moi hantar beg sekolah anak tigkat 5 rumah bbsitter..part of excercise jgk kan hehehe...kdg2 kene dukung anak bongsu 6years kalo time hujan almost 23kg kot berat dia...sbb dia Diplegic CP kalo hujan basah le sbb lambat kan jalan.

Nak mintak pendapat Dr. Ipes perlu ke orlistat tu? hehehe selain itu yg ok utk org darah tinggi ni apa ye? skrg moi mmg amal Green Tea with 2-3liter air. sometime amik jugak vit C 1000mg yg soluble tu.

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Post time 3-8-2022 07:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 4-4-2018 11:30 PM
eh setiap org, pesakit atau yg takde penyakit, kena jumpa GP 6bulan sekali. sy pon ade GP tau. pro ...

Last week my bp 162

Tinggi la kan due to my urgency matters, lack of sleeping and stress level boosting up also a suddenly trip. Ditambah kopi yg up with my doctor and kena marah sbb stop taking my medicine ..i thought i am ok without it..after stop for a while. I think pattern of sleeping and how u control ur mind is also play big role .

Ps: sorry it took me 2yrs to reply. And missing Archie..he is happily now kat atas sana. Crossing the bridge with a big smile

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2022 03:05 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 3-8-2022 07:34 AM
Last week my bp 162

Tinggi la kan due to my urgency matters, lack of sleeping and stress level bo ...

tinggi lah tu systolicnya; tapi diastolic nya berapa?
my blood pressure hari ini ialah 101/72, tadi masa dalam Endocrine Out Patient.
Terus Jaqueline (si Nurse) buat teh, nak suruh naik balik BP. Koh koh.
Julie (Patient di sebelah) jealous jeh sebab BP dia 140/70 koh koh

Ye, Im missing Archie.
And thank you for the kind thoughts
Yes, he crossed the rainbow bridge in great fun

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Post time 4-8-2022 06:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 4-8-2022 03:05 AM
tinggi lah tu systolicnya; tapi diastolic nya berapa?
my blood pressure hari ini ialah 101/72, tad ...

I miss moon.

Anyway, its 162/92

So its a stage 1 i would say rite? But i know very well reasons are lack of sleep. And not taking the medicine regularly. But now okay dah since ada machine bp tu kat umah and also been warned by my doctor. Kesian June, ahe should get the same treatment lor. Why so low ur bp? Does it mean u need sugar or u dont take sugar at all?

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2022 03:15 AM | Show all posts

Moon was a good mommy cat.
Snow tentu missed sister dia tu
Tapi dia dah berbakti pada Moon dgn jaga anak2 Moon.
Juga keturunan depa berdua masih ada kan?
Anak2 Moon tu, tak follow up ke>

Regarding BP, yours is for sure tinggi.
At this point, setelah beberapa readings, ianya tinggi, dan Diastolic nya pun menunjukkan bahawa readings itu adalah real, maka mandatory awak kena ambil meds.
Mulakan dengan Amlodipine 10mg od
Banyakkan exercise
Kurangkan berat
Kurangkan garam
Tidur awal eg 2200 masuk bed and relax
Bangun awal
Makan 3 kali sehari dan on-time
Do not miss breakfast

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Post time 5-9-2022 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 14-8-2022 03:15 AM
Moon was a good mommy cat.
Snow tentu missed sister dia tu

Nak tanya....
I'm 43... My weight 54kg which is ideal weight...
I Mmg hari2 exercise also jaga makan la.jugak...
All this while my BP was 118/78...
I Mmg every 2 weeks mcm tu...
Recently dia naik sampai 130/78....
I mcm pelik tgk reading ni....
Agak2 Sbb apa jd mcm ni...
I Mmg dah start kelabu sikit mata... And also Sll rs imbalance... Mcm light headed tu...

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2022 03:31 AM | Show all posts
anj2208 replied at 5-9-2022 09:22 PM
Nak tanya....
I'm 43... My weight 54kg which is ideal weight...

ok je tu sekali sekala naik
BP changes with situations
ambil BP bila dalam keadaan rehat, tenang..
ambil pagi, tgh hari, petang, sebelum tido..
duduk atas kerusi yg ada arm rest
guna cuff yg elok dan bukan terlalu murah
ambil dalam masa 1 - 2 minggu gitu
tulis each readings

sekali sekala, bila tension, ambil juga dan tulis juga
jika terbangun malam, ambil juga readings nya sekali sekala

then u will see your pattern

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Post time 6-9-2022 05:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 6-9-2022 03:31 AM
ok je tu sekali sekala naik
BP changes with situations
ambil BP bila dalam keadaan rehat, tenang.. ...

I Br bgn ni... Sit down a few minutes...
I cek BP 140/78....
Pelik kan reading dia... Really bothering me...
Shld I go see doc tak?

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Post time 13-9-2022 11:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 14-8-2022 03:15 AM
Moon was a good mommy cat.
Snow tentu missed sister dia tu

Baik. I think masa moon dah mula sakit ni lepas dia deliver the babies. And anak anak dia x survive..sad kan? From bear, blacky, puma. Yg sihat sekor je sampai la ni...yg putih, hidung kelabu. Lama pulak x tanya khabar. I masih xlupa moon sbb moon ni la kucing pertama yg i jaga sendiri with si snow dari kecik sampai jadi mak. Masa dia nak deliver tu i temanla semua keluar anak anak tu..mati pun on my lap otw vet...if i knew and awal bawak ke vet maybe boleh diselamatkan?

Anyway snow je la now...diva and gemuk. Bab my bp tuuu ye i makan balik ubat and also so far ok dah balik...dan selim melim

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Post time 13-9-2022 11:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anj2208 replied at 6-9-2022 05:12 AM
I Br bgn ni... Sit down a few minutes...
I cek BP 140/78....
Pelik kan reading dia... Really bothe ...

U dehydrated ke? Kalau u risau gi je doctor at least lega sikit risau....risau pun lead to bp yg x stable. Take care

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2022 02:06 AM | Show all posts
anj2208 replied at 6-9-2022 05:12 AM
I Br bgn ni... Sit down a few minutes...
I cek BP 140/78....
Pelik kan reading dia... Really bothe ...

no, check many more times
BP is very changable
you cannot base a life-long treatment hanya kepada several readings je
buat readings mcm pesakit2 omputeh ni selalu buat
depa kdg2 bawa depa readings yg ditulis 3 bulan.. jadi kita boleh good decisions utk dia
awak buat 2 minggu cukup lah

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2022 02:14 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 13-9-2022 11:00 PM
Baik. I think masa moon dah mula sakit ni lepas dia deliver the babies. And anak anak dia x surviv ...

ya, moon nmpk pon was a good mom.
dan so sweet that snow jaga anak2 sedara dia the best she could
i remembered the videos that showed snow kepoh2 jaga anak sedara dia
dlm youtube ke kat mana dah
lupa dah

no lah, u mana nk tahu that moon was about to pass; dia tentu happy mati on your lap
good of you to follow up her kittens thru their new owners / moms
yg blacky to pon dah passed away ye

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