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Author: AceHand

JIZZZ... KLONG! KLONG! Iron Maiden...

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Post time 13-10-2003 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AceHand at 12-10-2003 02:14 AM:

Aku dah beli Dance Of Death tu... Aku beli kat Chambell... Dia letak harga RM 44.90... Tauke tu bagi RM 40 kat aku... Dia kata tu  ...

Ace. Dah dengar lagu2 dari album DOD ni?
Bagus?? di luar jangkaan ?? boleh tahan?? tak best??

Your komen please...:stp:

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 15-10-2003 03:31 AM | Show all posts


Sorilah... Aku pun sibuk... Baru jer test tadi... Tu pun sepintas lalu jer... Tak concertrate sangat... Hmmm... Dengar muzik dia worang ada sikit kelainan... Tapi tak ketara sangat... Pepe pun aku rasa ini akan menambahkan fan baru kat dia worang dan aku tak pikir yang fan lama dia worang akan boikot mereka...

Telinga aku paling tangkap lagu No More Lies... Best... Masa aku dok survey album tu pun aku dah dengar tokey (Salah satu kedai kat Chambell tapi dia pasang kaset jer sebab CD habis katamya... Tak sangka aku dapat agak tu lagu Iron Maiden walaupun tu baru first time dengar...) tu pasang buat promo...

Satu lagi pasal beza CD Enhanced ngan Copy Controlled ni... Rupanya tak sama seperti aku jangka... Enhanced CD ni ada biasanya ada video kat dalam CD tu... Copy Controlled ni dia cuma ada software cd player jer kat dalam tu... Main lagu pakai software dia kat komputer lagi best bunyi...

Jadi conclutionnya pada pedapat aku memang tak rugi beli album ni compare ngan harga, isi dan kualitinya...

Up The Irons...!

Use magic Report

Post time 15-10-2003 12:40 PM | Show all posts
last2 dapat jugak aku kaset DoD kat Kuantan, itupun penat satu Kuantan aku round, last-last dapat kau Music Valley kat Megamall (kalau tak silap aku)... memang besh aku dengar non-stop (auto reverse) kat kereta aku sepanjang perjalanan balik dari Kuantan-Raub (4 jam) ... tak jemu2.

biasa aje pada aku tapi mid-section dia memang besh mengingatkan aku pada Stranger In A Strange Land (harmoni bass dengan lead gitar) ... lead H memang tak sah cakap lah memang kick arse dari dulu-dulu lagi (ni pendapat bias sikit sebab aku memang peminat H giler punya) terutamanya lepas habis harmony bass/gitar masa mid-section bila H biarkan gitar humming pada beberapa saat sebelum continue buat back-up solo sebelum ... IIIIIIIIm on my waaayyyyyyy!. Gitar fills H memang dominan sepanjang lagu nih mengingatkan aku semasa Somewhere In Time dulu..

dengar2 lagu ni akan jadi 2nd single ... ada bau2 Deja-Vu tapi tempo slow sikit lah. Aku rasa part harmony tu Janick & Dave yang buat, H main back-up rhythm .... aku suspect lah sebab aku kenal sangat tone gitar Janick yang nipis aje tu sebab dia ni jenis sound Strat asli punya direct ke Marshall .... apa2 pun solo Dave memang besh, manja aje solonya tapi penuh hammer-on sana sini.

Sekali dengar terus menangkap ... aroma Clansman yang jitu pada lagu ni .. harap dia orang drop Clansman drp setlist diaorang masa DoD Tour nih sebab feel intro dua2 lagu ni serupa sangat! lagipun banyak lagi lagu era Blaze yang mengancam macam Fortunes Of War ke, Lord Of The Flies ka ... cuba check to the extreme left speaker, riff/tone H ala-ala Michael Schenker menambah power lagu ni ... memang ketara bunyi 3 gitar dalam lagu ni (dan lagu2 album DoD lain2 jugak!) ... bagi aku solo H la paling besh dalam lagu ni (2nd solo - bias lagiiiiii!). Certain part pada solo Dave ada bau2 solo dia masa The Unbeliever (X-Factor dulu) lepas tu last bit pada solo Janick ada bau2 solo Dennis Stratton masa album Iron Maiden! .... nampak macam lagu ni dibuat khas untuk mengumpul suara crowd yang paling maximum menjerit - No More Lies!!!! quite a live song IMO.

Chisss ... Janick ni pernah dengar lagu Postmortem ke (Slayer)???? riff mola2 lagu ni mengingatkan aku pada verse riff lagu Postmortem tu ... lepas tu ada la cedok idea dari lagu H masa Brave New World dulu (Fallen Angel) ... to tell ya the truth, aku masih kureeeng sikit dengan lagu ni. Satu aje yang aku tak suka lagu2 Janick ni, suka sangat dia buat part gitar ikut melodi vokal pada lagu2 dia, tak de idea lain ker? apa2pun banyak improvement pada solo Janick kali nih ... mungkin kemunculan H membuatkan dia lebih berhati2 kali ni, bukan main boh aje!

ni aku punya pendapat jer .... melodi gitar pada intro lagi ni (Janick aku rasa!)ada bau2 Rainbow laaa if ya know what I mean! masuk part heavy lagu ni teringat pulak aku kat lagu Edge Of Darkness (X-Factor) tapi lebih ummmph laa ... tambah2 pulak part melodi medieval ala-ala Skyclad tuh memang besh sangat! Nicko pulak aku rasa macam guna twin pedal aje untuk lagu ni iye ker? solo H lagiiii ... dengar aje solo dia terus aje aku buat "air-guitar" kat dalam kereta, memang solo marah aje bunyinya .. penuh emosi bukan laju tanpa haluan! apa2pun melodi lepas solo Dave tu memang feeling dibuatnya, solo Janick macam terpengaruh dengan H ajer .. hehehe! best lagu ni tapi arrangementnya cliche sangat bagi Iron Maiden semenjak2menjak ni - intro slow - burst into heavy part - slow outro!

best la lagu ni, intro dia memang style Lord Of The Flies (X-Factor) tapi lebih atmospheric! ... verse dia macam lagu Megadeth aje (tak ingat aku lagu apa!) tapi best laaa ... kalau live aku berangan Bruce nyanyi dengan H untuk lagu nih sebab ada layered vocal! .... mid chorus dia dengan chorus dia macam Gun N Roses aje (bukan 100% la, mungkin sebab cara Bruce nyanyi kot ... ) tapi tetap best, aku pun terikut nyanyi sama dalam kereta!, solo 100% Janick tapi nampak macam dia tak buat homework untuk solo lagu ni, main boh aje (namapun Janick Gers), last bit pada solo dia tu untuk lagu ni mengingatkan aku pada Mille Petrozza (Kreator) zaman-zaman remaja dia dulu!

macam lagu pasal "cloning" aje ... whatever!, percubaan sulung Nicko yang berjaya jugak le pada aku! verse riff banyak influence lagu Sign Of The Cross (masa intrumental part!) .. attack tengah macam 22 Acacia Avenue aje! tapi solo biasaaalah tak perlu dihuraikan lagi!, chorus ada unsur2 lagu Stryper dulu!

first time H buat lagu melebihi 6 minit (sebelum ni, lagu terpanjang dia 2 Minutes tu lah!) ... unsur2 Psycho Motel yang jitu bagi kebanyakan part ... basic yang simple tapi orchestration banyak menimbulkan feel bagi lagu ni, intro, 2nd intro & outro riffs yang weird bagi aku (gitar tapping atau hammer-ons aku tak pasti tapi H memang pernah buat teknik ni masa lagu Prisoner dulu tapi lower octave laaaa) .. part yang paling menegakkan bulu roma ialah lepas solo H (blood falling like rain lebih kurang!)! chorus memang best laaaaa!!!!!!!!! aku harap sangat diaorang main lagu ni live sebab impaknya gila babi (banyak sangat part "terkejut" bagi lagu ni!) sure ramai terberak punya!Dave punya solo ada bau2 Bloodbrothers laaa (ramai komen ni dalam Iron Maiden BB), solo Janick & H paling besh untuk lagu nih! ... terbayang aku Janick terlompat-lompat sepanjang lagu nih!

laagi lagu H ... intro sikit2 ada aroma Bloodbrothers tapi sikit je laaa, masuk aje part heavy (twin-pedal) terus rasa macam nak headbang aje!!! definitely a must for their upcoming setlist! 3 gitaris memainkan riffs yang berbeza menghasilkan lagu yang heavy macam nih! ... part mid-chorus & chorus memang besh, penuh emosi! belum masuk solo H lagi! nak nangis aku dengar solo dia ala-ala solo dia masa Stranger In A Strange Land dulu! terasa pulak macam H nak jadikan lagu ni sebagai Stranger In A Strange Land Part II!

intro ala2 Still Life, tapi masuk aje part heavy tuuu diaaaa!!! riff palm muting yang ketara! tapi bass rilek je main E memanjang tapi memang besh! chorus memang betul2 pembaharuan untuk Iron Maiden sebab influence AOR yang banyak, ala-ala Genesis pun ada! Solo Dave macam biasa dia laaaa .... hammer ons apa laieee!!!! tapi kali ni aku suspect harmony part lagu ni kepunyaan Dave/Adrian dan bukan Janick seperti sebelumnya!

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! ngapalah aku miinat sangat lagu nihhhh! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!memang atmospheric giler, ada orang kata lagu2 ni ala Prodigal Son tapi bagi aku lagu ni laaaaagggggggggiiiiiii best! sampai tak sedar yang lagu ni tak ada gitar solo!, whispering vocal sebelum last mid-chorus memberi sikit `wicked touch' pada lagu niii! certain sad melodies of the song reminds me a bit of the song `Soldier Of Fortunes' ... still not commercial but a perfect choice for their 3rd single (if Rainmaker gonna be their 2nd).

itu ler review aku selepas seminggu memiliki DoD!!!!!

Use magic Report

Post time 15-10-2003 02:52 PM | Show all posts betullah review ko ni Zalim...menunjukkan yang Iron Maiden ni memang dah sebati dengan jiwa ko ....

p/s..aku baca review ni sambil dengar lagu satu-satu sebab nak make sure betul tak review yang ko buat nih..dan memang sah yang review yang ko buat ni memang best:bg:...

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 16-10-2003 06:19 PM | Show all posts


Dahsyat jer ler rasanya penangan Iron Maiden ni... Ketagih aku dibuatnya... Arrrgh...! Tolong...

Belilah wei... Belilah wei... Belilah yang original...

Use magic Report

Post time 20-10-2003 09:08 PM | Show all posts

best punya review

Originally posted by Zalim at 15-10-2003 12:40 PM:
last2 dapat jugak aku kaset DoD kat Kuantan, itupun penat satu Kuantan aku round, last-last dapat kau Music Valley kat Megamall (kalau tak silap aku)... memang besh aku dengar non-stop (auto revers ...

Zalim, aku rekemen kau alih bahasa ulasan ni ke bahasa omputeh, lepas tu post kat official website
Kasi semua orang satu dunia baca review kau. Power betul!:nana::nana::nana:

Use magic Report

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Post time 20-10-2003 09:13 PM | Show all posts

RAINMAKER single out 24th November

In celebration of Maiden抯 forthcoming DANCE OF DEATH UK TOUR, EMI release RAINMAKER as a single on Monday 24th November.

RAINMAKER, written by Dave Murray, Steve Harris and Bruce Dickinson, will be released in three special formats, with exclusive bonus tracks:-

CD Single:
Dance of Death (Orchestral Version)
More Tea Vicar

DVD Single:
Rainmaker Promotional video (5.1 & DTS)
The Wicker Man (Live)
Children of The Damned (Live)
Video stills slide show


Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2003 11:14 AM | Show all posts

Dance of Death Tour Opening Night Hungary Debrecen 19/10/2003

Yes, Maiden baru mula Dance of Death European Tour kat Phoenix Hall, Debrecen Hungary 19/10/2003.

Ni aku rasa adalah review pertama peminat kat BB forum.

Hello all. I am back at The Evil's house now after our trip up to Debrecen yesterday for the 1st gig of the tour.

Specifics out of the way first (please don't dispute this, it is the truth)

Setlist was-
Intro - Some musical piece which is pretty damn famous but can't for the life of me remember the name, maybe a section of Carmina Burana?
1.Wildest Dreams
2. Can I Play with Madness
3.The Trooper
4.Dance of Death
6. Brave New World
8. Lord of the Flies!
9.No More Lies (Eddie 1)
10. Hallowed be thy Name
11. Fear of the Dark
12.Iron Maiden (Eddie 2)
13.Journeyman (fully acoustic)
14. Number of the Beast
15. Run to the Hills

Total time about 1hr 40 Mins.

So the set for Gamma Ray petered out into a guitar solo wankfest after they had played Victim of Fate from early Helloween days, and then the darkness started. 30 mins we waited and the venue was packed to the rafters and as hot as ever. I was standing with Bobo and The Evil to start with, about 12 rows back, when, eventually this piece of music started as described above.

The set was revealed of a huge grey castle, with a hooded eddie reaper,with no face,high on the ramparts on both the left and right, with an massive open portcullis in the centre. We thought it would be perfect for Monstegur, but, alas, Wildest Dreams,which was pretty good.

Bruce was absolutely on fire,wearing black trousers with all those bits of material tied to them, black tshirt and waistcoat, Dave in a WD tshirt, Janick in a DoD tshirt with a goat on the back and the tour dates (this can be bought in official merchandise), Adrian wearing similar stuff to the GME tour, Steve in the new home footie tshirt, Nicko wearing a silly beanie hat and sunglasses!

So,WD over and the CIPWM cover shoots across the portcullis. I thought "WTF" but it was surprisingly good. Then the Trooper which was fairly routine with the guitarists taking the usual line all in the front and Bruce waving the enormous Union Jack above Nicko's drumkit.

So,the 1st three songs and I was feeling as if it was waiting to catch fire. Bruce then talked about the new album for a bit, the whole arena went black and he said "So, onto the DANCE of DEATH". Lights eventually came on and Bruce was sitting on a throne high on the lefthand rampart, in a beautiful dark red robe and one of the masks that the girl in the booklet wears in the final page. We managed to start up a chorus of "Whoah-Oohing" during the beginning and come to think of it, the whole concert was a bit of a "Whoah" fest!

Bruce began to, unsurprisingly, dance and prance about the castle, but the tempo of the song was kept true to the album. The much derided "rapping" part was kept in time, cheers Nicko, and the whole song was excellent. Bruce made a hilarious return after the solos in a full length black shiny robe which looked more like a bin liner  He then put over another mask over the one he was already wearing, so the comic element remained.

After this finished, thunder and rain started to pour down. The lights signalled chunks of light as it 'rained' down on stage. Then Dave rips into Rainmaker - OMG, absolutely amazing. The crowd loved it, in my top three highlights.

That gorgeous serene blue light lit up Dave for Brave New World next- love that light,so beautiful. Great rendition.

And on to the centrepiece....Paschendale. Wow! Utterly inspired stuff. It began with a new piece of artwork shooting across the castle, which depicted the battle scene in the trenches. People erected fences with barbed wire and dead bodies across them, then the bombs and canons started for about 1 minute a la One by Metallica. Bruce then read this amazing poem with feeling and conviction. Not sure who wrote it as i'm not really into poetry but I would hazard a blind guess at Siegfreid Sassoon. The song begins and the crowd sit back, listen, then go full pelt for it. Great stuff,worked perfectly live. Bruce donned a battle helmet and full length trenchcoat. Really powerful imagery and scenery. All solos top notch.

So after such an incredible 10 minutes,what could possibly follow that? LORD OF THE ****** FLIES of course! What a comedy moment. A few of us thought it was Gates of Tomorrow, and it took me about 2 minutes to register that Bruce was actually singing "Saints and Sinnnnerrs'...!". Badly. He *****ed up the lyrics terribly but I've actually got it on now, like it, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

Separate point- what I hadn't fathomed was that when Steve said "We'll be playing A FEW songs which we haven't played for a while",they would play only two. ONLY TWO! And arguably the worst songs on SSoaSS and X-FACTOR! Unbelievable.

Anyway, getting back to the point, after that pile of poo finished, it was onto Hallowed. Well, Nicko's unmistakeable count in for Hallowed Be Thy Name was actually dispensed with for No More Lies. They made a bit of a cock up I think and got the order the wrong way round. NML was quality, brilliant live song and another highlight which somehow rescued the set. Eddie came out as a reaper during H's solo and stayed for a few minutes,but no scythe in his hands

Then the set disappeared into predictability. Hallowed, then Fear (Christ,how many songs over 7 minutes??) and Iron Maiden. I am so bored of the first two but they do work live. It was during Fear which I had some fun. I got emersed into an argument with some girl who was standing next to me during BNW about singing the Whoah-Oh parts (she had told me to shut up), and then she proceeded to head bang as violently as possible. Now i'm all for long hair but it's slightly annoying in a packed gig when someone repeated slaps you across your face with their long braids. Silly twat. So, during Fear i decided to "Whoad-Oh" as loudly and as badly out of tune as possible in her ear. Her reaction? More slappage with her hair. Oh well,at least we knew where each other stood. I still maintain it's poor gig-etiquette though !

Bruce shouted "Bring on the reaper" during IM and an enormous eddie emerged from the open gate in the castle above Nicko's head.This time he had his scythe and was wearing a remarkable hood. HE unfolded his arms and started jesticulating and shoving his sythe in all directions.

So to the encore. The band emerges with acoustic guitars, Bruce gives a bit of chat, then Journeyman. It was very good altho the crowd sort of sat around half-assed not knowing what to do. So as i typed out the predictable end on my mobile to Polish Eddie: NOTB, 2MtM, RttH, I was shocked when even 2Mins was ommitted. I mean FFS, absolutely nothing from Powerslave, Somewhere in Time AND Killers, yet the only two "suprises" were Can I play with Madness and Lord of the Effing Flies! A bitter-sweet end to an otherwise superb showcasing of the new songs from DoD.

The atmosphere was good,but I think people were slightly underwhelmed and disappointed that only 15 songs were played, most of them very long and not enough variation. Yes the sound wasn't very good, yes the band can't be expected to find their feet in the first gig and a few things buggered up, timing and the like, but I couldn't help feeling a pang of disappointment. Never mind eh? At least they did play 6 new songs and these were quality so what am i complaining about?

Man-of-Match: Bruce, 9. On superb form, full of enthusiasm and energy and great to see him embrace the new songs so well.


Use magic Report


Post time 24-10-2003 05:46 PM | Show all posts
nak datang malaysia , jgn harap ler ... meletup bulan ganti asteriod pun tak dapek dtg... aku minat gak kat iron maden ni.. boleh kata ader semua kaset dan cd.. kaset beli zaman skolah takdak duit baru kerja dapek beli cd..

Use magic Report

Post time 24-10-2003 08:17 PM | Show all posts

Link to video klip terbaru 'Rainmaker'.


Official website Maiden baru edarkan video klip terbaru lagu 'Rainmaker'.
Sila pergi menonton secepat mungkin sebelum kehabisan waktu.
Boleh ditonton dalam windows player atau real player.

Sila ke

24/10/2003 RAINMAKER is here!

Here it is, the epic video for the forthcoming single 'Rainmaker' which is out on the 24th November - and you're seeing it first on
The video was directed by Howard Greenhalgh, who also directed the video for 'Wildest Dreams'.

Choose your streaming format and speed from the links below:

Real 250k stream

Real 80k stream

Real 34k stream

Windows Media 250k stream

Windows Media 80k stream

Windows Media 34k stream

Free Windows Media Player
Free Real Player

The video will be appearing on Kerrang TV very soon, and will of course be featured in full 5.1 and DTS glory on the DVD single of 'Rainmaker'.

Video klip power la. Cara pakaian Adrian Smith n Nicko McBrain ada gaya. Hujan turun lebat jugak, tapi biasalah, kamera edit laju sangat, sakit mata tengok.
Up the Irons!!

Use magic Report

Post time 24-10-2003 10:28 PM | Show all posts
aku pon dah beli!!rasenyer better dari "brave new world"...
dickinsons vocals are still powerful...
fav song aku Paschendale...
aku rase, saper yg rase diri tu metal head should buy this album..

Use magic Report

Post time 26-10-2003 10:40 AM | Show all posts
avatar aku ni samer tak dgn video clip wildest dream?? hehehe

Use magic Report

Post time 29-10-2003 12:41 PM | Show all posts
semenjak bruce keluar aku dah tak beli iron maiden tapi bila dia masuk balik , aku beli balik.. tapi dod best lagi dari brave new world..
bruce dickinsons contoh nya baik... jadi pilot kapal torbang komersial..

Use magic Report

Post time 30-10-2003 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by midyie at 26-10-2003 10:40 AM:
avatar aku ni samer tak dgn video clip wildest dream?? hehehe

yes... lawa la.:nana:

Use magic Report

Post time 30-10-2003 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by midyie at 29-10-2003 12:41 PM:
semenjak bruce keluar aku dah tak beli iron maiden tapi bila dia masuk balik , aku beli balik.. tapi dod best lagi dari brave new world..
bruce dickinsons contoh nya baik... jadi pilot kapal torba ...

Zaman Blaze Bailey tu ok la.
Aku suka X Factor walaupun ada lagu yang lembab sikit.
Virtual XI pun boleh kira best walaupun ada lagu aku rasa meleret leret.
Tambah ngan lagu Virus khas untuk koleksi Best of the Beast, aku rasa zaman Blaze ni memang alright.

CUma aku tak rasa suara dia sesuai ngan muzik Maiden. Kalau kau dengar dia nyanyi live ngan Maiden baik untuk X Factour atau VXI world tour, dia tak boleh bawak high pitch dan suara macam tercungap2.
Apa lagi masa dia bawak lagu era Bruce ngan Paul Dianno, tapi kesian jugak.

Dari both audio dan visual bootlegs aku dah dengar dan tengok untuk dua2 tour, Blaze rajin dan kasi 100% semangat masa gig. Sebab tu peminat dan the band itself suka dia. Cuma dia not good enough for Maiden.

Bila Bruce rejoin, Blaze keluar pun ngan cara baik. takde gaduh2.
Yang solo album Blaze, ramai gak orang cakap bagus tapi aku tak dengar. Cuma ada live album solo dia ngan bootlegs dia je.

Bruce Dickinson memang berbakat dalam macam2 bidang, sebab tu dia keluar jadi solo artist tahun 1992 dulu sampai 1998 dulu dan dia pun waktu tu dah bosan ngan haluan Maiden.

Bakat2 Bruce -
Dia penulis novel.
Dia ada ranking dalam England untuk sukan Fencing.
Dia pun ada lesen kapal terbang dan boleh bawak commercial flight.
Dia juga adalah DJ untuk radio BBC channel 6 bagi sebuah rock program tiap tiap hari Sabtu ngan Minggu dari 9 ke 12 malam waktu London.
Sapa nak dengar Bruce jadi DJ, pakai internet radio, tune to BBC 6 channel. Waktu Malaysia / Singapura tak salah aku kul 4 pagi gitu. Aku jarang dengar la tapi Bruce main semua lagu2 rock/metal dari berbagai genre.
Tapi sekarang ni tengah DOD tour jadi orang lain ambik tempat DJ la.
Ni semua belum masuk aktiviti sebagai penghibur dan juga manusia biasa..
Heran macamana dia boleh ada waktu untuk ni semua.

Solo albums dia yang paling aku suka Chemical Wedding ngan Accident of Birth.
Respek habis kat si Bruce Dickinson ni. Dia adalah satu iklan baik bila orang ramai selalu cemuh atau pandang rendah kat genre muzik heavy rock atau metal.:nana:

Use magic Report

Post time 30-10-2003 01:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babycake at 24-10-2003 10:28 PM:
aku pon dah beli!!rasenyer better dari "brave new world"...
dickinsons vocals are still powerful...
fav song aku Paschendale...
aku rase, saper yg rase diri tu metal head should buy th ...

Yes. Tapi bukan Metal Head je...
semua orang pun ok. :bg:
Pasal muzik, melodi , lirik dan nyanyian Bruce ni sebenarnya adalah sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat dari berbagai status yang kaya yang miskin dan yang tua yang muda hehehehe....

Use magic Report


Post time 30-10-2003 12:36 PM | Show all posts
setujuuuuuuuuuuuu deaf! ... sebab stuff2 Iron Maiden ni kaya dengan melodi. Tapi deaf! .. aku harap2 sangat ada le keluor live album baru Iron Maiden ni (terutamanya nak dengar Bruce nyanyi Lord Of The Flies hehe!) tapi bootleg pun orait gak!

Use magic Report

Post time 30-10-2003 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Zalim at 30-10-2003 12:36 PM:
setujuuuuuuuuuuuu deaf! ... sebab stuff2 Iron Maiden ni kaya dengan melodi. Tapi deaf! .. aku harap2 sangat ada le keluor live album baru Iron Maiden ni (terutamanya nak dengar Bruce nyanyi Lord Of ...

Live album tu ikut berita2 angin, mungkin dalam bentuk visual.
Kalau baca postings kat forum BB Maiden, peminat semua selalu cakap tiap2 show mereka nampak kamera2 video sedang buat rakaman.
Aku tak terkejut kalau diaorang keluarkan secara rasmi video/dvd footage untuk Give Me Ead 2003 tour/ Dance of Death 2003/2004 tour.

Dan ada satu thread peminat kat Europe cerita, kumpulan ni pun tengah experimen / testing cara buat rakaman video yang canggih. Ni bermakna mereka tak payah banyak buat editing video yang mungkin berpuluh2 roll filem dari banyak kamera. Semua pakai digital dan komputer je. Canggih.

Bootlegs DOD aku tengah tunggu. Tapi pasal Maiden baru mula European tour aku relaks dulu. Yang gig kat Poland tu hari adalah bootleg pertama aku dah dengar. Tapi cuma lagu Journeyman je. Quality teruk ( audience recording). Belum ada rakaman seluruh gig yang orang kongsi kat hub.

Nanti mesti akhirnya, rakaman2 bermutu akan timbul. Sekarang ni cuma hardcore traders je yang dah start collection. Aku tunggu yang free dari maiden hub. Tu hari pun kat forum 'Trading Post' ada cerita satu user maiden hub dah dapat rekod DOD tour kat Milan Italy. Aku nak try dapatkan rakaman tu mungkin dalam berapa hari kalau dapat kosongkan hard disk drive aku yang penuh ni.

Anyway, ada cerita aku nak kongsi, ikut fakta collectors Maiden bootlegs, cuma ada satu rakaman bootleg untuk gig Maiden kat Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1986 ( Somewhere on Tour ). Rakaman cuma dalam agak2 60 minit dan Quality buruk. Tapi semua orang nak rakaman ni pasal ni satu2 nya show Maiden main Loneliness of Long Distance Runner live. Jadi kira behargalah. Aku tengok sampai ada orang jual beli kat Ebay ( yang sepatutnya tak berlaku).

Tapi rupanya berapa bulan lepas , ada satu mamat kat Australia teringat yang dia pernah buat rakaman kaset masa dia tengok konsert tu di Belgrade 86. Dia cari dan jumpa kaset tu kat rumah dia di Belgrade ( dia ni dah hijrah ke Australia agaknya ). Dia terus rescue kaset tu dan burn kat cd. Dia umumkan kat official forum kasi peminat satu dunia tahu.
Aku hantar email kat dia, dia ngan baik hati post kan aku satu rekoding Belgrade 86 penuh dalam 2cdr. (Aku balas balik ngan mpeg Maiden visual bootlegs tahun 1981.).
Quality ok la ( lagi baik dari rekoding pertama), tapi aku value pasal ada lagu LOTLDR.

Anyway, tunggu kasi aku setel problem hard disk aku ngan burner aku yang kasi aku sakit kepala ni. Ada rezeki, aku kongsi ngan kau rakaman DOD tour bila aku dapat nanti dan lain2 yang aku ada nanti. Mintak2 dapat la aku hehe.

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2003 03:30 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by deaf4ever at 30-10-2003 01:11:
Zaman Blaze Bailey tu ok la.
Aku suka X Factor walaupun ada lagu yang lembab sikit.
Virtual XI pun boleh kira best walaupun ada lagu aku rasa meleret leret.
Tambah ngan lagu Virus khas untuk ...

Aku pun sokong gak kenyataan ko ni... Mungkin sebab suara dia yang kasar dan mendalam tu kot... Pepe pun aku tetap suka gak Blaze ni... Sebab masa era dialah aku bebetul concentrate ngan Iron Maiden punya songs...

Blaze ni dari kumpulan Wolfbane kan...? Sapa boleh kompom...?

[ Last edited by AceHand on 1-11-2003 at 03:32 PM ]

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Post time 2-11-2003 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AceHand at 1-11-2003 03:30 PM:

Blaze ni dari kumpulan Wolfbane kan...? Sapa boleh kompom...?


Yep. Dia dulu nyanyi untuk WOLFSBANE.
Ni band ada beberapa album dah, tapi saya tak pernah dengar.

Sekarang Blaze Bailey ngan band baru nama BLAZE. :2cool:

BLAZE dah ada dua album studio yang kalau ikut reviews kat internet dikatakan bagus :stp: - SILICON MESSIAH & TENTH DIMENSION - (tak pernah dengar pun).

Dan juga sebuah live album -
AS LIVE AS IT GETS ( yang ni dah dengar mp3 dia, bolehlah tahan. Paling best bila mereka bawakan lagu2 semasa Blaze ngan Maiden iaitu Futureal, Sign of the Cross, When Two Worlds Collide dan Virus:nana: )

Bestnye, ni Blaze suka bawakan lagu Maiden yang Maiden sendiri tak pernah mainkan live seperti Virus dan jugak Como Estais Amigos:nana::nana: sewaktu mereka main live di Argentina/Brazil 2002 tak salah.

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