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Author: irie^nad

[tvN] Drinking Solo - Ha Seok Jin, Park Ha Sun, Gong Myung, SHINEE Key

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Post time 21-10-2016 01:13 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 21-10-2016 09:07 AM
dh dlm list nk tgk cite tu sbb penangan HSJ

trus iols hold bad boys dulu kejap  

pas habis cete ni jgn lupa shopping louei n bad guys...

iols baru je tgk movie the crucible.. tgh dlm widraw sindrome nie...

coz cete depressing n based on true story...

iols tak tau uols tgk sebab movie ni lah kes dibicarakan semula coz rakyak korea selatan buat petisyen utk tangkap penjahat..

bagi iols cete ni wajib tgk coz sgt best..

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 Author| Post time 21-10-2016 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 21-10-2016 01:13 PM
pas habis cete ni jgn lupa shopping louei n bad guys...

iols baru je tgk movie the crucible.. t ...

bestt sgt crucible tu..iols dh repeat a few times...depressing sgt...and sebabkan based on true story, iolss lg rs  terkesan..pndai sgt budak2 tu bawak watak..gong yoo and JYM pun best dlm cerita tu

shopping louie dlm waiting list..bad guys pun x start2 br start drama weeky bnyk lg nk catch up

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 Author| Post time 21-10-2016 01:42 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 21-10-2016 12:37 PM
wahh.. manyak betul korang moyan sini.. baru baca..
semlm baru tenguk ep 1 cite 1% tu... ade ...

uolss mcm tau2 je iolss tgh mengarang bukak umah baru jin gyosu td

aah..ada persamaan watak jin gyosu ala2 bodoh2 alang gtu bila dh fall in love..jae in ni pulak nmpk matured sket and nmpk gaya mcm org yg baru nk kenal erti dating yg sbenar.mmg dr awal lg dh statekan dating sbb gaya tk macam pura2 dating kekdahnye


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Post time 21-10-2016 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 21-10-2016 01:13 PM
pas habis cete ni jgn lupa shopping louei n bad guys...

iols baru je tgk movie the crucible.. t ...

uolss ni saje je tau bg iols tmbh slot cite hahaha

bole bole jap lg iols trus download movie tu..bole layan weekend ni..umah iols xde tenet br pegi tmpoint inform utk pindah servis

gigih dr pg iols download drama


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 Author| Post time 21-10-2016 01:48 PM | Show all posts
siputsedut replied at 21-10-2016 12:11 PM
hahaha memang pon terkacak sekali dlm kelas..harus iols ingat pengalaman itteww...

io ...

haruslah org hensemkan

iolss dh tlg bukakkan umh br jin gyosu.kalau rasa2 nk dptkan extra dose klasmet uolss ni boleh la jenguk2 ye

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Post time 21-10-2016 06:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
irie^nad replied at 21-10-2016 01:39 PM
bestt sgt crucible tu..iols dh repeat a few times...depressing sgt...and sebabkan based on true st ...

iols x sanggup nak repeat.. air mata mencurah2 keluar.. dah habis pun nangis lagi..

bila baca kesan movie ni rasa bangga n geram.. coz realiti 10 kali dahsyat banding movie

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Post time 21-10-2016 06:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 21-10-2016 01:46 PM
uolss ni saje je tau bg iols tmbh slot cite hahaha

bole bole jap lg iols trus download movie tu ...

iols memang suka pomote cete2 best ni..

selamat mendownload..

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Post time 21-10-2016 06:36 PM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 21-10-2016 06:13 PM
iols memang suka pomote cete2 best ni..

selamat mendownload..

dh siap download dh..kene tgk masa anak tdo..kalau dia ada x leh fokus drama kang dr sedih x jd sedih

gong yoo belakon kan


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Post time 21-10-2016 06:36 PM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 21-10-2016 06:12 PM
iols x sanggup nak repeat.. air mata mencurah2 keluar.. dah habis pun nangis lagi..

bila baca  ...

cite pasal apa sbenarnye uols?

summary tp xnk spoiler


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Post time 21-10-2016 09:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Syik_Gojet at 21-10-2016 09:57 PM
idakamaruddin replied at 21-10-2016 06:36 PM
cite pasal apa sbenarnye uols?

summary tp xnk spoiler

aha.. gong yoo..

cete pasal kes rogal n dera y berlaku kat sekolah cacat.. gong yoo bawa watak cikgu baru y cuba bela nasib mangsa rogol

ni summary pendek..

sebenarnya cete ni adaptasi dari novel y berdasarkan kisah benar pada tahun 2000~2005.. satu hari gong yoo y masa tu dlm tentera terbaca novel ni.. so dia suggest kat pengarah utk filemkan kisah ni.. kesan dari filem ni menggemparkan rakyat korea selatan.. dorg mcm tak percaya ada kes mcm ni.. filem ni box office n org ramai buat petisyen utk buka balik kes ni..

kalu ikut kan kejadian asal lagi ramai mangsa rogol n perogol banding filem....

masa part rogol memang deepressing.. iols pause byk kali tak sanggup nak tgk..

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Post time 22-10-2016 01:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 21-10-2016 09:55 PM
aha.. gong yoo..

cete pasal kes rogal n dera y berlaku kat sekolah cacat.. gong yoo bawa wat ...

Macam kat mesia lah kan byk kes rogol2 ke sumbang mahram ni ...
Tapi kalu drama melayu asiklah buat cite rogol yg nak pedajal boifren ke gerpren atau kahwin paksa la ...pastu jatuh cinta kat perogol   

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Post time 22-10-2016 10:33 PM | Show all posts


Majlis Pengkritik Kdrama akan pertimbangkan untuk CARI 2016 K-Drama Awards, untuk tahun ke-5.
Bagi sesiapa yang sudah menonton drama Drinking Solo
Anda boleh memilih mana-mana cara yang anda rasa memudahkan anda

Tagkan @dauswq , @ismaha , @eddlisa_uyuk untuk menuntut kredit setelah masukkan review.

(Pilih yang mana yang anda rasa mudah untuk dibuat)

---> Baca Review dari CARA 2
" >>KLIK SINI<<"

(Kredit extra diberikan kepada yang menulis / memasukkan review dengan lengkap/detail)

@Syik_Gojet  @idakamaruddin  @qis13  @siputsedut  @wima  
@juddazura  @bajusejuk


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Post time 22-10-2016 10:36 PM | Show all posts
Jangan bg review lg sebelum drama abis selasa ni.

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Post time 23-10-2016 07:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 21-10-2016 01:13 PM
pas habis cete ni jgn lupa shopping louei n bad guys...

iols baru je tgk movie the crucible.. t ...

Uols nk link crucible ni..aritu iols searched by international title dia silenced keluar citer thriller the silenced yg skolah dak2 pompuan jd mangsa ujikaji ubat pulok...

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Post time 23-10-2016 11:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
irie^nad replied at 21-10-2016 11:09 AM
hahahaha..motif eby yus masuk skali..kesian heolss..tkde kaitan langsung dgn drama korea

u ...

Yup..mmg dorg x dtg sekali episod yg sama..iols cek balik guest2 lain x familiar kecuali kwnnduk seon tu..

Btw, bile uols sebut swimming ngan prince tu iols br ingat yg iols tgk epi jin suk ni..motif iols x pasan prof jin ada skali...

Tp time dia jd guest happy together iols tu kalau x silap tema mc friend..hyunmoo yg invite prof jin ni...dorg baik time problematic man tu la kan..

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Post time 23-10-2016 11:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
siputsedut replied at 23-10-2016 07:07 AM
Uols nk link crucible ni..aritu iols searched by international title dia silenced keluar citer thr ...

nah.. enjoy..

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2016 09:51 AM | Show all posts
wima replied at 23-10-2016 11:25 AM
Yup..mmg dorg x dtg sekali episod yg sama..iols cek balik guest2 lain x familiar kecuali kwnnduk s ...

haha..motiff sgt uolss tk boleh igt muka jin gyosu yg ensem tu

tp ms uolls mention happy togeteher dulu2 tu..iolss yg lambat pick-up..iols igt kan happy together yg season lama tu..yg ada midnight cafe tu

yup.hyunmo dgn heols jadi baik sbb problematic men..kan dlm radio star tu heools  ada bergurau yg heols pegi show yg ada hyunmo je..kne la dtg fantastic duo kalau mcm tu.haha


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 Author| Post time 24-10-2016 09:51 AM | Show all posts
siputsedut replied at 23-10-2016 07:07 AM
Uols nk link crucible ni..aritu iols searched by international title dia silenced keluar citer thr ...

yg silenced uolss mention tu (psl budak skolah jd mangsa ujikaji ubat)..korea jugak ke?

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2016 09:52 AM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-10-2016 10:36 PM
Jangan bg review lg sebelum drama abis selasa ni.

Noted @dauswq ..nk kumpul mood menulis pun dh satu hal dah

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Post time 24-10-2016 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 23-10-2016 11:14 PM
nah.. enjoy..

iolss dh tgk ok cite ni

byk kali iols pause x sggup tgk part min su kene pukul

pastu part cikgu park gosok bontot adik min su dlm bath tab tu ya Allah mmg real sgt deyols berlakon

iols meremang... iolss xde la nangis beriya dlm cite part min su tanya cikgu dia tu knp org jahat dilepas kn, n kata janji dia akan dpt hukuman setimpal tu iolss laju mengalir air mata

sedih sgt... cite ni mmg hard core jugak..part rentap seluar budak2 tu...part dia pukul min su mmg heavy gila..

part rogol mmg disturbing sgt..iols siap terbawa2 masa tdo... my hb ajak nk ehem2 pn iols x nk hahahah trauma kejap wakakaka

alamak teroff topic plak...

btw iols dh start karang sikit2 nk buat review cite ni..takut nnt lupa apa nk tulis

x sgka mggu ni dh nk hbs dh cite ni


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