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Author: lina21


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Post time 12-12-2019 11:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Didi_dido replied at 12-12-2019 10:21 AM
Dik miwa elok berlakon bisu je macam putri baru feel tu sampai. Hewhewhew

pandaiii , bila dia bercakap macam entahlahh
macam kind of something tak align between character dia dgn dialogue , and body language dia

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
46BlueBerry replied at 12-12-2019 11:15 AM
Yang ni boleh tak??

Yeahhhh.. Tenkiu Berry Berry much bebeh!!

Muahciked.. Ekekkeke

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tunan replied at 12-12-2019 11:05 AM
Nah tutu's transformation

Cheetara Thundercats

amboih!! TASTE ABAH SANGAT! hehehe

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ct1703 replied at 12-12-2019 11:15 AM
Sweet mmg sejenis sesumpah.. Penyamaran di mana2.. Bahahaha..

Nak kena sumpah ke ni??!!


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Post time 12-12-2019 11:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pisang_tanduk replied at 12-12-2019 10:07 AM
Kaka pic format tak supported, defaulted JPEG.

Chuols kena tukar format ke PNG

Tenkiu kaka

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sweetdreamer replied at 12-12-2019 11:15 AM
Aummmm meowww

Patut la abah suka peluk tutu.. Klu gini punya hotttttt

Mcm x tepat sgt. Jd cheetah pulak.hahaa

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jangansembunyi replied at 12-12-2019 11:17 AM
amboih!! TASTE ABAH SANGAT! hehehe

Hehehee HOT kennnnnnnn....

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak tenya, kat mana igers esp geng gegadis tau yg skrg Ben tgh baca skrip?

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sayaemaksoho replied at 12-12-2019 11:39 AM
Nak tenya, kat mana igers esp geng gegadis tau yg skrg Ben tgh baca skrip?

Kt twit farin kot

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Post time 12-12-2019 11:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
46BlueBerry replied at 12-12-2019 09:42 AM
Selamat pagi perakits!!
Sape2 yg belum pilih warrior masing2 boleh la pilih yg ni. Berry tulun bagi ...

Kakaberry, i cop yg plg last tuh. Muka nmpk garang. Senang nk geget cik snape nnt! Tp apa nm die? Hehehehe... sy ni chick flick type. Blm ada kesempatan tngok action movies lg.

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Post time 12-12-2019 12:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OT jugek sket. Tetiba rajin nk browse through ig Mimi Lana. Kt jer ke yg rs or mmg die bamben in girls body? Into gyms, outdoor and modeling. Klu die bkn dgn capik, enta2 berjadian depa 2 after chandelier.
Eh.. eh... eh... zikir blk.... miraben..miraben..miraben..miraben..miraben..miraben..


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Post time 12-12-2019 12:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adikke replied at 12-12-2019 12:00 PM
OT jugek sket. Tetiba rajin nk browse through ig Mimi Lana. Kt jer ke yg rs or mmg die bamben in gir ...

Mohon zikir balik sebelum kene kuis.. hahahaha

Memang mimi lawa pon.. kalo sheols single confirm meletop benmimi couple. Benmira who?
Benpis who?


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Post time 12-12-2019 12:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by pisang_tanduk at 12-12-2019 12:09 PM
fleur_287 replied at 12-12-2019 10:40 AM
nah hotts letopss

sape nk jadi tadi widow?

Nasi lemak.. nasi lemak 50 sen!

Cekci cekci

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Post time 12-12-2019 12:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adikke replied at 12-12-2019 12:00 PM
OT jugek sket. Tetiba rajin nk browse through ig Mimi Lana. Kt jer ke yg rs or mmg die bamben in gir ...

i second u adikke..they look good in pair..ahahhaa..mmg kalo dia bukan dgn capik..ramai je yg membenmimikan depaaa..


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Post time 12-12-2019 12:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ubatnyamuk replied at 12-12-2019 10:23 AM
Perakits ni kalau in characters ni memang sunguh2 kan?


Tunjuk ajar ku sifu..

Tenks kakanyam atas didikan tanpa jemu..

Muaciked.. kekeke

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Post time 12-12-2019 12:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pisang_tanduk replied at 12-12-2019 12:05 PM
Nasi lemak.. nasi lemak 50 sen!

Cekci cekci

perakits worrior bukan kaleng kaleng..sekali lalu semua terteleng-teleng kepala tengok..ahahhaah..full package


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Post time 12-12-2019 12:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pisang_tanduk replied at 12-12-2019 12:03 PM
Mohon zikir balik sebelum kene kuis.. hahahaha

Memang mimi lawa pon.. kalo sheols single confir ...

Ya ampuuunn kaka. Ok2 zikir amirah blk

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Post time 12-12-2019 12:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fleur_287 replied at 12-12-2019 12:06 PM
i second u adikke..they look good in pair..ahahhaa..mmg kalo dia bukan dgn capik..ramai je yg memb ...

Khennn. Tp cnfrm bamben kn kecam klu berjadian benmimi. Rmi kut shipped depa 2 termasuk ahkak cantek kesayangan, pajura.
Moh2 kt zikir amirah blk sebelum dikuis.

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Post time 12-12-2019 12:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fleur_287 replied at 12-12-2019 10:40 AM
nah hotts letopss

sape nk jadi tadi widow?

iols kan ambik watak Queen GuineverePendragon , ish ish you ni

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Post time 12-12-2019 12:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 12-12-2019 12:21 PM
iols kan ambik watak Queen GuineverePendragon , ish ish you ni

Kesayangan King Arthur.. suwittt

Jgn memain.. ada bodyguard merlin the sorcerer.

Mampuih kena sihir..kekeke

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