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Author: zamz00


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Post time 28-7-2006 09:03 AM | Show all posts

Reply #160 hamizao's post

kat padang VI... ade cage kat situ kalo x silap
aku sempat pegi sekali jer.. ramai gak orang
siap bawak anak umo 7-8 taun prektis

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Post time 29-7-2006 12:37 AM | Show all posts
Ooh....klu pakai cage mesti prektis bowling gak.

Bapa Hami dedulu ada gak prektis batting kat rumah. Dia masukkan bola dalam stokin lama dan gantung stokin tu dengan tali panjang kat beam garaj. Lepas tu dia bantai bola tu jadi macam pendulum. Kreatif gak dia!

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Post time 31-7-2006 08:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #162 hamizao's post

haa.. camtu la jugak kitorang training dulu..  teknik belajar camni memang diajar dedulu..  omputeh pun ada buat camni rasanya..

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Post time 3-8-2006 07:32 PM | Show all posts
hehehe dulu pernah menghabiskan masa berjam2tgk ORANG  main kriket... mula2 blur jugak, apa tah pukul, lari.. pukul lari.. tak paham..  lama2 baru paham...

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Post time 3-8-2006 10:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #164 QueenLove's post

bagus tu!!.. syok kan?  esp tengok diorang punya skill batting dan bowling.. lagi best kalau ada slow-motion replay

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Post time 4-8-2006 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gemukkkkkkk at 3-8-2006 10:36 PM
bagus tu!!.. syok kan?  esp tengok diorang punya skill batting dan bowling.. lagi best kalau ada slow-motion replay

ala, tgk kat padang takde slow motion replay... hehehe

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Post time 22-8-2006 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Hullo semua peminat2!

Baru2 ni terbaca ttg perlawanan Kriket Konsol Asia(ACC Trophy) di KL. Tak sangka negeri2 Timur Tenggahpun ada kelab kriket. Diantaranya UAE, Qatar,Bahrain dan Kuwait. Ada sesiapa yang pergi tengok ?

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Post time 25-8-2006 10:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #164 QueenLove's post

Saya start paham basic concepts dlm kriket ni lepas tengok cerita Lagaan :bgrin: Siapa sangka, permainan yang  nampak macam membosankan sebenarnya boleh jadi intense dlm waktu-waktu tertentu.

Tapi memang respekla sapa pandai main kriket ... it's not an easy game at all

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Post time 27-8-2006 02:20 PM | Show all posts

Fotos - ACC Trophy 2006 Finals (cricket)


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Post time 27-8-2006 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 22-8-2006 10:00 PM
Hullo semua peminat2!

Baru2 ni terbaca ttg perlawanan Kriket Konsol Asia(ACC Trophy) di KL. Tak sangka negeri2 Timur Tenggahpun ada kelab kriket. Diantaranya UAE, Qatar,Bahrain dan Kuwait. Ada s ...

Hi semua, UAE telah mengalahkan Hong Kong untuk menjadi juara ....menang dengan 5 wicket. Demapun juara bertahan........syabas!  Hong Kong hanya dapat 174 larian dari 8 wicket dan 50 over ...oh dema main 50 over aje! Padanlah.:nerd:

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Post time 27-8-2006 11:42 PM | Show all posts
keep the news updated ye..  aku masih lagi bercuti ni..

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Post time 28-8-2006 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Soalnya Gemukkkk, how did M'sia do? Nothing much was reported on this.:hmm::hmm:

Baru2 ni heboh tentang pertelingkahan tentang ball tempering oleh  Pakistan kat Oval. Disini ada satu repot:

The forfeiture of the match between England and Pakistan at the Oval in favour of the host nation by umpires Darrell Hair and Billy Doctrove marks the first such instance in 129 years of Test cricket. While Law 21 of the game was invoked by the umpires to arrive at this decision, the International Cricket Council (ICC) has charged Pakistan under Level Two of the Code of Conduct ( 2.10, which relates to changing the condition of the match ball).

It may be recalled that play was called off on Sunday, the fourth day of the Test match, when umpires Hair and Doctrove deemed that the quarter seam on the ball had been raised, and would therefore have to be changed, in the 56th over of the England innings. Subsequently, after the tea break, the Pakistanis remained in their dressing-room in protest against the decision, and questioned Hair about proof of the ball being tampered with, when he came to enquire whether they would take the field.

By the time Pakistan were eventually led out onto the field by their captain Inzamam-ul Haq, the umpires had already walked out, knocked the bails off, and gone back inside, refusing to come out again. It was later confirmed that the match had been awarded to England by the umpires. While this step may have been the correct application of the letter of the law, a few questions remain that must be answered. Officially, the umpires never pointed out 'who' had tampered with the ball and 'how'. By inference, it would mean that the entire Pakistan team was guilty of the offence; even then, the 'how' remains unexplained. While it is not binding on the umpires to provide proof of ball-tampering, the fact is that no explanation was furnished by Hair and Doctrove even when Inzamam sought the same. Indeed, though 24 cameras were covering the match from all possible angles, there was no TV footage indicating ball-tampering. In this light, what exactly influenced Hair and Doctrove's decision to change the ball and penalise Pakistan by 5 runs can only be speculated. Obviously, there are more unanswered questions and this incident will be debated for long.

Who do you think was wrong- Inzamam-ul Haq or the umpires, Hair and Doctrove?

Siddharth Mishra, The Times of India Sports Desk.

Hmmm, unless guna benda tajam korek seam tu keluar, kalau gosok2 kat seluar takkan seam boleh keluar! :hmm:
Gemukkkkk, macam mana boleh buat seam tu keluar yek? Yang peliknya lepas tu Hair demand $500k to quit as umpire. Aduh....I thought this is beyond cricket!

Edited: $500k to "quit" as umpire

[ Last edited by  hamizao at 31-8-2006 05:34 PM ]



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Post time 31-8-2006 09:56 AM | Show all posts
setahu aku kan.. kes ball tampering tu, ramai kata takde kes..  macam artikel yang kau post tu, even commentator di britain sendiri sebab jenuh kamera-kamera tv dok fokus kat bola tu tapi tak nampak tang mana yang ada bukti tampering..  sampai pakistan buat tuntutan letak bola tu dalam bekas kaca dan pamerkan pada semua orang yang nak tengok..  begitu lah confidentnya pakistan..

dan, player pakistan masuk padang, tapi umpires yang tak nak masuk balik..  that's applying the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the game..  nampak tak gentleman sedangkan sepatutnya kriket ni is a game for gentlemen..  jadi, bukan salah pakistan..  umpires tu yang patut dicharge bringing the game to disrepute..

bangladesh pun support pakistan..  lagipun, hair tak dapat buktikan siapa yang tamper dengan bola dan macam-mana..  maknanya hair takde bukti tapi tetap nak tuduh buta-buta.. jadi hair tuduh kapten pakistan dengan alasan sebagai kapten, dia tak control player pakistan..  bodoh betul..



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Post time 31-8-2006 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Makasih mod.........:tq:

Windiespun support Pakistan. "First world hipocricy" diorang cap. I am so dissappointed with the state of affair ...I thought cricket is the last bastion of gentleman game. Dahtu 'double standard' gak. Dulu bila England kalahkan Australia  dengan  mengguna reverse swing diorang kata skill yang baik. Bila Pakistan mengunanya diorang tak suka.

Mukkkk! Ni apa cerita Hair minta $500k untuk quit ICC? Dia ni dapat gaji dari ICC ke? Dia orang Australia kan? Padanlah Australia dok bela dia!

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Post time 31-8-2006 08:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #173 hamizao's post

dia australian..  
pasal tuntutan 500K tu, dia dah tarik balik..  kelam kabut dia bila ICC dedahkan email dia kat semua orang.. padan muka dia

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Post time 31-8-2006 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Yalah Mukkkkk, dia dah tarik balik email dia................

ICC discloses correspondence from Darrell Hair
Brian Murgatroyd

August 25, 2006

ICC President Percy Sonn and Chief Executive Malcolm Speed today disclosed details of correspondence the organization received from Emirates Elite Panel umpire Darrell Hair two days after the conclusion of the fourth Test at The Oval.

Mr Hair sent ICC Umpires and Referees Manager Doug Cowie two emails on that day, Tuesday 22 August, the first of which saw him offer to leave his job as a top official in exchange for a payment of US$500,000.

The correspondence was forwarded to Mr Speed who wrote back to Mr Hair later that day stating the letters were entirely inappropriate. Mr Hair then revoked the emails.

Subsequent to his receipt of the correspondence Mr Speed sought independent legal advice to establish whether he was required to disclose the correspondence to the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB). The unanimous view of that advice was that it should be disclosed.

Mr Speed said: "When I received the correspondence I was extremely surprised by its contents. I was concerned as to how I should deal with it and, in particular, whether, as a matter of fairness, I was required to disclose it.

"We received three separate and independent legal opinions. They offered the unanimous view that the ICC was required to disclose the correspondence as it was material or relevant to matters that might be raised in the Code of Conduct hearing of Pakistan captain Inzamam-ul-Haq.

"Although we are certain they are not the product of dishonest, underhand or malicious intent and believe the contents played no part in Darrell's decision-making during the fourth Test, they could be read as such and may well be interpreted that way if they had emerged in the future.

"Darrell Hair was informed of our intention to disclose the documents earlier today, the emails have been made available to the PCB, its lawyers and Inzamam and have also been made available to the public through the media.

"The view of those of us at the ICC aware of these emails is that they were written by a man under a great deal of stress after an extremely difficult Test match and we believe his intention was to try to act in the best interests of the game."

Mr Speed said that, as an employer, the ICC had a duty of care to Mr Hair and it would carry out that duty to the best of its abilities.

"We realise the disclosure of this correspondence makes Darrell's situation extremely sensitive," he said. "We have made available to him a range of support services including security advice, counselling and media management to assist him at this time."

Mr Speed said the disclosure of the emails did not alter the fact that Pakistan and its captain Inzamam-ul-Haq may still have to answer the charges laid against it, of illegally altering the condition of the ball and bringing the game into disrepute.

"Despite the unprecedented media and public interest, something that is bound to be intensified by today's disclosure, at the heart of the matter it is still a case of two simple cricket issues," he said.

"Did the Pakistan team change the nature of the ball in an illegal manner under the Laws of Cricket and did its refusal to take the field after the tea interval bring the game into disrepute?"

The ICC's President Percy Sonn, in London with Mr Speed, said: "We will convene a meeting of the Executive Board in the near future to discuss these developments."

Mr Sonn said he hoped the disclosure of the correspondence represented a point in time after which everyone could once again go forward and focus on playing matters rather than intrigue.

"Ever since last Sunday this ongoing situation has been marked by a succession of unfortunate and entirely avoidable over-reactions," he said.

"What we need now is for everyone to try and switch their attention to on-field matters once more.

"The two teams, England and Pakistan, have produced some superb cricket this summer and the best result for everyone now would be for them to produce more of the same in the forthcoming NatWest Series.

"We have been assured by the Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman, Mr Shaharyar Khan, that his side intends to contest the series as scheduled and we welcome that decision as the first step on the road to a return to normalcy.

"I now call on both sides to go out and put a smile back on the face of the world's cricket lovers with some superb action and remind everyone why this is such a great game."


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Post time 31-8-2006 11:06 PM | Show all posts
Alaaahai! Tak sudah2 lagilah Mukkkkkk!

Hair: ICC Encouraged Me
Mon 28 Aug, 11:09 AM

Darrell Hair's version of events surrounding his controversial emails to the International Cricket Council is beginning to conflict alarmingly with that of his bosses.

The umpire is disputing the ICC's contention that he spoke to no-one of authority within the world governing body - until he sent his first email to his immediate boss - about his intention to seek a pay-off in return for resigning.

Yesterday Hair insisted his proposition - to go quietly in return for 500,000 US dollars in the wake of the ball-tampering crisis which wrecked the Oval Test - was made only after significant discussion with his employers.

Today he has gone still further, claiming he was invited to put his offer in writing to his line manager - umpires' and referees' manager Doug Cowie.

Hair, who had already spoken out to say his first email to Cowie "was not a spur-of-the-moment thing" has issued a subsequent statement through his lawyers - intended to "address certain misconceptions that appear to have arisen as a consequence of the release of certain confidential correspondence between Mr Hair and ICC".

It reads: "I was encouraged to make the offer that was disclosed by ICC on August 25.

"During an extended conversation on August 21 with Mr Cowie, I was invited to make a written offer. The figure in the e-mail correspondence was in line with those canvassed with the ICC.

"I would have thought that it was quite apparent from the text of correspondence that I had been in discussions with ICC about the issue. The opening words of my e-mail to Mr Cowie confirm this: 'Just (to) firm up what we discussed earlier this evening ... "'

Hair's latest assertions are at odds with those of the ICC - most significantly when it comes to the nature of the umpire's initial conversations and with whom they were held.

The world governing body have been at pains over the last two days to spell out nobody other than Cowie - and certainly not anyone of the authority of chief executive Malcolm Speed - was aware of Hair's intentions until he put them in writing.

An ICC spokesman said yesterday: "There were many informal discussions between Mr Hair and Mr Cowie between the end of the Oval Test and Mr Hair's first e-mail on Tuesday, including a discussion on the potential impact on his career.

"Mr Cowie's role was to support and counsel Mr Hair, as his manager, at a difficult time. It is our understanding that at no stage during their conversations was there discussion of a pay-off, nor secrecy, nor deadlines, nor misleading the public over reasons for retirement - all of which was subsequently laid out in Mr Hair's email."

The ICC are to hold an emergency board meeting on Saturday in Dubai to discuss the situation which first arose when Hair and his colleague Billy Doctrove penalised Pakistan five runs for ball-tampering in the fourth Test against England - and then abandoned the match when captain Inzamam-ul-Haq refused to return to the field after a break in play.

The remainder of Pakistan's tour was in doubt for much of last week, with charges of ball-tampering and bringing cricket into disrepute laid by the ICC against Inzamam.

Those charges are still in place and will now be heard after the conclusion of the limited-overs leg of Pakistan's tour, scheduled to begin with a Twenty20 match against England at Bristol today.

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Post time 31-8-2006 11:23 PM | Show all posts
Can't help myself from joining in :bgrin:...

Yup, Hair's affair memang mencetuskan kontroversi dan ramai kata dia ni has a thing against the South Asian teams. $500,000 tu dia claim as the compensation for the earning he should have got kalau dia terus berkhidmat jadi umpire over the next four years  ...the cheek!

Here's the actual email he sent to Doug Cowie the ICC's umpire manager:

    From: Darrell Hair
    Sent: Tuesday 22nd August 2006
    To: Doug Cowie
    Subject: The way forward

    Doug, just to firm up what we discussed earlier this evening. I appreciate the ICC may be put in a untenable position with regards to future appointments and having taken considerable time and advice, I make this one-off, non-negotiable offer.

    I am prepared to retire/stand down/relinquish my position on the elite panel to take effect from 31st August 2006 on the following terms:

    1 A one-off payment to compensate the loss of future earnings and retain a payment over the next four years which I believe would have been the best years I have to offer ICC and world umpiring. This payment is be the sum of [US dollars] 500,000 (£264,000) - details of which must be kept confidential by both parties. This sum to be paid directly into my account by 31st August 2006.

    2 ICC may announce the retirement in any way they wish, but I would prefer a simple 憀ifestyle choice

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Post time 2-9-2006 01:22 AM | Show all posts

Baru2 ni game Pakistan-England, nasib baik abandoned. Otherwise, Pakistan sure hentam diorang.

[ Last edited by  hamizao at 2-9-2006 01:24 AM ]

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Post time 11-9-2006 12:15 PM | Show all posts
talking about umpires, this is my favourite

Billy Bowden of NZ

Bowden breaks the mould
Billy Bowden signals a six in his own inimitable style as Shane Warne returns to his mark at the World Cup
Billy Bowden signals a six in his own inimitable style
Umpire Billy Bowden will make his Test bow on English soil when England host South Africa in Leeds.

And with the New Zealander in attendance, Headingley's record of hosting some of cricket's most eye-catching Test performances is sure to ring true again.

For Ian Botham's heroics of 1981, read Bowden's histrionics in 2003.

The 40-year-old is renowned for his stylish signalling, a personal flourish to the art of umpiring that has split views in cricket.

Everything is exaggerated, with Bowden's arms and legs flailing as if he were a trapeze artist on the high wire.

A four is met by a great arc of the arm sweeping across his body as the back leg slides out, a balletic act Test Match Special's Henry Blofeld describes as fit for a "walk on part at the Opera House".

And Blowers does not stop there.

A leg-bye in the NatWest Series was greeted thus: "He taps his leg and shakes it. If it was butter it would be milk by now".

And Bowden's general joie de vivre around the stumps earns the description from TMS's wordsmith that he is "like a butterfly with bounce".

But not everybody is a fan.

TMS Verdict:
The team's views on Bowden
Bowden's compatriot, former Test captain Martin Crowe, has been less than complimentary, describing the umpire as a "Bozo the Clown" character instead of one of the stars of the Big Top.

However, the powers that be have been impressed by what they have seen and Bowden's star is in the ascendancy.

He went to the World Cup as an unknown, but finished standing as the fourth umpire in the final.

ICC General Manager David Richardson paid tribute to the high standards Bowden maintained throughout the competition, describing him as "one of the best performers of the entire tournament".

Within a fortnight he had become the first New Zealander to be admitted to umpiring's elite panel, with ICC Chief Executive Malcolm Speed saying that he represented "the next generation" of umpires.

Brent Bowden's rise to fame in the white coat came about when his career was curtailed by rheumatoid arthritis.

Born: 11 April 1963
First class debut: 1992/93
ODI debut:
NZ v Sri Lanka 1994/95
ODI matches: 42
Test debut:
NZ v Australia 1999/00
Test matches: Four
The condition started when Bowden was 21, and within two years the pain became so unbearable that his love of playing was dwindling fast and he chose to draw a close to his time in the middle.

Or so he thought.

An ad in the New Zealand Herald opened another door and Bowden was soon returning to the wicket as the man in charge.

A naturally shy character, Bowden was transformed and his ebullient style was perfect for the helter-skelter style of Max-Cricket in New Zealand.

Jumping around, a vision of nervous, twitching energy exploding at any opportunity, Bowden was winning fans and critics as quickly as he takes to make a show of any signal.

But there is method in his madness.

His joints ache through the stress of arthritis and the continual movement keeps his body fluid.

The signature crooked finger dismissal came about because of associated pain and is, according to Bowden, "50/50 reality/show".

And soreness in the arms means he rarely holds on to any jumpers or hats, tucking them under his coat instead.

Bowden makes light of the pain and be it ballet, butterflies, the Big Top or Bozo, he is a man who causes consternation and celebration in equal measure, just as he will at Headingley.



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