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Author: dexa

Masalah OKU - peluang mencari kerja dan kemudahan asas -

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Post time 30-7-2007 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Are we doing enough?

The disabled have proven their capabilities by gaining places in public universities. However, they still face a long road strewn with challenges.

FOR disabled students at both public and private universities, gaining a place in university is just the beginning of the many challenges they will face.  

Other than grappling with a strange, new environment, disabled students also have to work twice as hard to compete with their able-bodied coursemates.  Take the visually-impaired, for example. For them, attending lectures is not a simple affair as they have to record the lectures and transcribe them into Braille.

Finances are another consideration



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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 07:28 PM | Show all posts
Blind duo抯 shop looted

MIRI: For years, two blind men in their 50s sang and played music in the streets, earning about RM6 each day to save enough to build a small wooden grocery store to help support their wives and children.

They stocked the shop outside the Tudan Resettlement Scheme in Kuala Baram, 20km from here, with simple essentials like cooking oil, sugar, rice and other foodstuff.

However, their dream of providing better lives for their families was shattered over the weekend by thieves who broke into their store and looted it of everything, including the plastic bags for wrapping goods. Also gone was more than RM100 in loose change.  

Devastated, James Ensering and Jackson Munggal said that even the mini organ with which they made their living with had been stolen.

Ensering lodged a police report at the Lutong Bazaar Police Station near Tudan.

Robbed: Ensering (left) and Munggal in their looted store outside the Tudan
Resettlement Scheme in Kuala Baram. Thieves had broken in over the
weekend and taken everything.

揥e don抰 earn much from our sales, only a few cents per item.  

揟his shop was meant to supplement our daily income,

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Post time 31-7-2007 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by de?erci at 23-7-2007 09:02 AM
Jobs online for disabled

KEPALA BATAS:Emysofiyan Jaafar Sidek抯 right arm was paralysed following a motorcycle accident in 2003 but he knows he has to work to support him ...

Actually memang btol ada perkhidmatan online mcm ni. The question is...ada pemantauan ke tak..bape ramai berjaya dpt kerja melalui JTK? My husband is a physical disabled, masa sedang cari kerja selama lebih 2 tahun ...memang ada padanan kerja melalui JTK online tu. Banyak kali gak husband gi selalu je kecewa..kenapa? Most of the company tu, he couldn't even go to the main office..sbb terletak di rumah kedai, guna tangga..gerak dengan bantuan wheelchair cemana nak naik tangga? Banyak kekecewaan yang kami lalui..ejekan, pandangan pelik etc....

Daftar SPA sama gak...dipanggil interview..mohon kerja dengan JKM lagi...jabatan yang menjaga 'kebajikan' golongan OKU di Malaysia nih...sama je...lagi bagus alasan penolakannya..katanya jawatan yang dipohon tu memerlukan bergerak ke sana ke mari..wp husband mobile, boleh drive tak diterima jugak. Akhirnya dpt gak kerja ngan 1 company yang sgt prihatin. Peritnya dugaan yang ditempuh Allah sahajalah yang Maha Mengetahui.

Kat Bangi tu..PLPP...banyak yg perlu dibaiki..banyak sangat...sbb smp hari ni masih ramai lagi lepasan pusat tu yang menganggur. Prasarana ada tapi perancangan utk latiihan dan pembangunan modal insan? Ntahlah..harap2nya sekarang dah berubah...moga pelatih yang keluar dari pusat tu lebih berdaya saing sekarang..

Please ...Mereka hanya kurang upaya fizikal atau penglihatan atau pendengaran....TAPI akal masih berfungsi dengan baik..sebaik insan normal lainor even better. So pleaselah berhenti pk yg org normal ni terer sume..hairan kan cemana org normal boleh berpk- takkan nak amik orang 'pekak' (please use OKU pendengaran) utk keje..cemana nak attend meeting? Apa salahnya kita yang normal sgt ni blaja utk communicate dalam 'bahasa' yang difahami mereka ni? Susah sgt ke? Kitakan normal? Takkan benda mudah mcm tu takleh nak usahakan?

Tanya diri kita sendiri yang majoriti normal ni...bape kali kita gunakan kemudahan tandas OKU? Bape kali kita letak kete kat parking space OKU? Bape kali kita wat tak dulik bila kita nampak kesusahan OKU? Approach kena betul bila nak membantu..tanya dulu...cemana nak bantu? Contohnya..kalau nak tolong OKU fizikal naik kereta..tanya dulu, apa cara biasa dia..jangan terus je nak angkat...kadang-kadang diorang ni ada masalah spasm (involuntary muscle movement)..kang tak pasal-pasal tergolek...

Layanlah OKU sama seperti orang lain...kita tak lalui kita takkan tahu dan faham kesengsaraan, tekanan dan penderitaan yang OKU lalui...jangan terlalu angkuh dan sombong dengan apa yang kita ada...sbb sume ni pinjaman..rasanya utk OKU fizikal...ramai dari mereka pernah jadi org normal..diuji dengan dugaan..kemalangan jalanraya, jatuh di bilik air, demam panas dan mcm2 lagi perkara yang merubah hidup mereka sekelip mata...Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul...

Untuk mereka yang prihatin dgn isu OKU ni..alhamdulillah..moga diberkatiNya...



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Post time 31-7-2007 11:19 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Mulan at 1-6-2007 05:31 PM
Alahai tadi dah taip tips

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 Author| Post time 5-8-2007 06:54 AM | Show all posts
AirAsia to provide disabled-friendly facilities

SEPANG: Responding to protests by the disabled, low-cost carrier AirAsia said it would spend RM6mil to provide ambulifts and aisle chairs for wheelchair-bound passengers.

There will be no additional cost for disabled passengers, the airline said.

It said it would also go one step further by hiring disabled people to provide services to disabled passengers, as they would understand their needs better.

AirAsia chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandes said all the facilities and services, including disabled call centres via their website, would be ready in about three months.

He said AirAsia initially wanted Malaysia Airports Berhad (MAB) to provide the facilities but had later decided that the airline could do it on its own for the sake of its loyal passengers.

He said the matter could not be resolved after discussions with MAB but they found solutions after discussing with members of Barrier-Free Environment And Accessible Transport Group (BEAT), a coalition of 18 non-governmental organisations for the disabled who led the protest last month.

"The move will see AirAsia acquiring two ambulifts; one for the airline抯 hub in Kuala Lumpur and another in Kota Kinabalu to transport disabled passengers directly from the ground to the aircraft and vice-versa," he said, adding that prior to this, airline staff had to physically carry disabled passengers on board the aircraft.

Aisle wheelchairs, he said, would be used to push disabled passengers to their seats, adding that BEAT had also offered to train AirAsia cabin crew and call centre staff to handle disabled guests.

Fernandes added that about seven disabled people, after being vetted by BEAT, would be employed as guest service officers and at disabled call centres.

He said that the facilities would be inadequate for totally immobile passengers, but added that for emergencies, AirAsia engineers remove some seats to enable such passengers to lie flat.


congratulations AA for taking the measure to improve and implementing  a service
to disabled people --

i am sure this will be much appreciated! -

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 Author| Post time 5-8-2007 07:03 AM | Show all posts
Deaf girl all set to graduate

PETALING JAYA: Deaf student Selina Ooi Shin Ping broke into tears last week when she learnt that her name was not on the list for her university's coming convocation.

Ooi has a cumulative grade point average of 3.3, but Multimedia University (MMU) requires students to get at least a Band Three score in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) to graduate, and she had only managed a Band Two.  

This week, however, the 23-year-old is all smiles and cannot wait to put on her robes on Aug 13 to collect her scroll.

Family time: Ooi (left) communicating with her mother using sign language as
her sister Jocelyn Ooi Shin Yee looks on at their home recently.

MMU vice-president (research & development and academic development) Prof Chuah Hean-Teik said Ooi抯 case was referred recently to the university senate, which unanimously agreed to award her the degree.

揟he Faculty of Creative Multimedia confirmed that she had met all the requirements except for the MUET exam,

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Post time 6-8-2007 02:20 PM | Show all posts
congrat to Selina Ooi Shin Ping !!!

i'm really inspired when she finished degree with cgpa withe high flyer !!!

however, Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia should review the MUET's exisiting regulation because this regulation don't see the clear picture of marking scheme for who disable student who have hearing impairment and deaf ....

the syllabus tesf of MUET such as speaking and listening test are stressed in marking scheme for all student but not state exception for hearing impairment and deaf student ...

i have already experience this problem before but stated the problem to the Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri for exception for listening and speaking test...

to MMU ... please understand the diffulties of Selina Ooi ... please change the rule and regulation of MUET passing mark for disabled student as relevant to the difficulties that disable student that maybe can't solve due to permanent impairment ....



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 Author| Post time 7-8-2007 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Kanak-kanak kurang upaya juga mampu untuk berdikari

BAGI kanak-kanak yang dilahirkan normal, ibu-bapa tidak sabar-sabar untuk menunggu anak-anak kesayangan mereka bertatih, memanggil mereka mama dan abah serta bermain kejar-kejar bersama-sama kanak-kanak yang lain.

Namun bagi mereka yang mengalami kecacatan mental yang teruk seperti adik Nur Atikah Ariffin, menganggukkan kepala tanda setuju atau mengucapkan 'helo' adalah sesuatu yang amat sukar untuk dilakukannya.

Nur Atikah atau lebih mesra dengan nama Manja kini berusia 11 tahun. Manja tidak boleh menggunakan anggota badannya atau bertutur kerana mengalami kecacatan mental sejak dilahirkan.

Ibunya, Norizah Ramli berkata Manja dilahirkan hanya seberat 1.05kg dan terpaksa diletakkan di dalam inkubator selama 44 hari.

Menurut Norizah, Manja hanya mampu menjerit dan mencampak atau membuang alat-alat atau mainan di sekitarnya apabila kecewa kerana tidak dapat berinteraksi dan bertahun-tahun Norizah dan suaminya yang bekerja sebagai seorang pemandu teksi mencari pusat kebajikan yang boleh menolong anak sulung mereka itu.

Manja disuap oleh ibunya Norizah sambil diperhatikan oleh dua daripada lima
adik-adiknya, Nur Afizah dan Mohd Afiq

Malangnya Norizah tidak mengetahui di mana anaknya itu boleh mendapat pertolongan kerana tidak ada pusat jagaan atau taska yang mahu menerima Manja.

Hanya sejak setahun yang lalu Manja dimasukkan ke pusat kebajikan Persatuan Orang Yang Amat Cacat Akal atau Society For The Severely Mentally Handicapped Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (SSMH) di Sea Park, Petaling Jaya.

Manja kini belajar meningkatkan keupayaannya untuk bergerak dan bertutur serta membuat aktiviti-aktiviti untuk merangsang otak serta mengenali fungsi deria-deria asasnya.

Manja kini memahami sedikit sebanyak arahan yang diberikan oleh ibunya seperti membuka mulut untuk makanan disuapkan dan bersalam serta mencium tangan orang yang lebih tua.

Sesekali Manja akan cuba membuang mainan yang diletakkan di hadapannya tetapi faham apabila perbuatannya itu ditegah oleh salah seorang guru yang sentiasa berinteraksi dengan kanak-kanak di SSMH.

Manja kini mengharapkan ada pihak yang akan menaja sepasang kaki palsu untuk membolehkannya belajar untuk berjalan tetapi banyak lagi cabaran yang perlu dilaluinya sebelum impian itu tercapai.

Menurut Naib Presiden 1 SSMH, Fadillah Yakin, pusat tersebut kini memberi penjagaan dan latihan kepada 14 orang kanak-kanak yang mengalami kecacatan mental yang teruk pada setiap hari Isnin hingga Jumaat dari jam 8pagi sehingga 1.30 tengahari.

Menurutnya lagi, program-program khas latihan khas diadakan pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad untuk 10 orang bekas pelajar pusat tersebut.

"Pihak kami kini sedang merancang untuk mencari lebih ramai ahli-ahli terapi yang boleh memberikan khidmat mereka supaya kanak-kanak istimewa ini mendapat bimbingan pakar setiap hari.

"Sekarang ini kami hanya mempunyai seorang fisioterapi sambilan dari Jerman yang berkhidmat di Malaysia tetapi beliau hanya dapat datang seminggu sekali pada hari Selasa," katanya.

SSMH, menurut Fadillah lagi, bercadang menggaji lebih ramai ahli-ahli terapi untuk fisio dan pertuturan, misalnya, dan ianya merupakan salah satu agenda utama SSMH.

Fadillah ditemui di majlis penyampaian cek untuk SSMH yang disumbangkan oleh pasaraya Giant yang berjumlah RM258,463.01, hasil kutipan dari orang ramai di pasaraya-pasaraya Giant seluruh Malaysia sejak setahun lalu

Pasaraya Giant diwakili oleh pengarah pemasaran GCH (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Ho Mun Hao dan penyerahan tersebut disaksikan oleh Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor bagi kawasan Kampung Tunku Datuk Dr Wong Sai Hau.

Turut hadir adalah Presiden SSMH Datuk Datin Paduka Ruby Lee

Fadillah berkata sumbangan Giant yang terbesar setakat ini yang diterima oleh SSMH benar-benar membantu pusat tersebut yang memerlukan RM20,000 sebulan untuk beroperasi.

"Bayangkan, segala perabot seperti meja dan kerusi dan semua keperluan asas perlu ditempah khas untuk mereka.

"Mujurlah ibu-bapa kanak-kanak istimewa ini banyak membantu kami dalam menguruskan penjagaan harian pusat kebajikan ini," katanya lagi.

Aisya Elena Awan yang berusia sembilan tahun gembira apabila menjalani
terapi Snoezelen di SSMH.

Pusat tersebut juga memiliki bilik terapi Snoezelen yang dibina khas untuk meransang deria, yang telah dibuktikan melalui kaedah saintifik bahawa ianya membantu kanak-kanak istimewa ini bertindak balas dengan lebih baik kepada latihan dan terapi.

Dr Wong di dalam ucapannya berkata peranan yang dimainkan oleh SSMH samalah seperti peranan yang dimainkan oleh wakil-wakil rakyat untuk kawasan-kawasan mereka.

"Bantuan yang diberikan oleh SSMH kepada anak-anak ini besar kesannya kepada perjalanan dan kualiti hidup mereka serta dapat mengurangkan beban yang ditanggung oleh ibu-bapa dan keluarga mereka," katanya.

Manakala di dalam ucapannya, Ho berkata Giant berharap agar sumbangan mereka dapat membantu kanak-kanak di SSMH memperbaiki kualiti hidup di samping memaksimumkan kemahiran asas mereka.

SSMH ditubuhkan pada tahun 1985 dan telah membantu beratus-ratus kanak-kanak seperti Nur Atikah untuk menjalani hidup mereka sebaik mungkin dan mengurangkan pergantungan mereka kepada orang lain.

Bagi mereka yang ingin menghubungi SSMH untuk menghulurkan bantuan atau mendapatkan keterangan lanjut tentang khidmat pusat ini, telefon 03-7874 6703


this issue is very dear to me and i think SSMH is doing an excellent
job in helping disabled kids to develop and improve the quality
in their life --
i hope for those who knew of any disabled kids - can try to help
them by sending to to SSMH in order for them to maximize
their basis skills and becoming less dependant --

this clearly will set the positive self esteem and self confidence
among them and they can embrace life the fullest -

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2007 03:59 AM | Show all posts
Empat anak cacat, ibu terima Anugerah Fatimah al-Zahra

KOTA BARU:  Seorang ibu hari ini menerima Anugerah Fatimah al-Zahra kerana pengorbanan beliau membesarkan empat dari sembilan orang anaknya yang kurang upaya.

Nooraini Ismail, 38, menerima anugerah itu daripada Raja Perempuan Kelantan, Tengku Anis Tengku Abdul Hamid di Balai Islam di sini, sempena Sambutan Hari Ibu Peringkat Negeri Kelantan 2007.

Untuk anugerah itu yang diberikan kepada ibu yang mempunyai anak-anak kurang upaya, beliau menerima wang tunai bernilai RM2,000, tiga keping dinar emas, tropi dan sijil penghargaan.

Empat orang anak itu, seorang lelaki dan tiga perempuan yang berumur setahun hingga 13 tahun menghidapi penyakit metabolik serta ketidakupayaan dari segi fizikal dan mental, yang sehingga kini belum diketahui punca penyakit mereka.

"Penyakit anak-anak saya dikesan seawal usia tiga bulan dan yang paling sedih, anak bongsu saya menunjukkan tanda-tanda penyakit seawal usia 40 hari lagi," katanya kepada Bernama.

Nooraini dari Tumpat berkata, rutin hariannya bermula seawal 5 pagi untuk menguruskan empat orang anaknya yang kurang upaya itu dan dua lagi yang masih bersekolah.

"Selepas memandikan dan memberi makan, saya menidurkan mereka untuk membuat kerja rumah yang lain," katanya.

Katanya beliau memerlukan bantuan suaminya, seorang tukang rumah, untuk memandikan anak-anak istimewanya itu kerana beliau tidak berupaya membuat perkara itu seorang diri akibat pembedahan perut yang dijalaninya tahun lepas untuk melahirkan anak bongsunya.

Beliau juga menerima sedikit bantuan bulanan dari Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.

Sementara itu empat ibu lain turut menerima anugerah iaitu Anugerah Khadijah al-Khuwailid bagi ibu yang bekerja, Anugerah Asma Abu Bakar (bagi ibu yang kurang upaya), Anugerah A'isyah al-Humaira (bagi ibu yang menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa) dan Anugerah Maryam Ummu' Isa (bagi ibu tunggal).


semuga kegigihan nooraini menjadi sumber inspirasi pada ibu2 semua
dan menjadi satu motivation -- janganlah jadikan disabilities of the children
sebagai satu beban pada kita  malah ianya mungkin satu rahmat dari Allah
untuk menguji kita --

bila Allah banyak menguji kita   tandanya Allah sayang kat kita  dan mahu
kita rasa humble dan bersujud dan bersyukir padaNya --

tahniah nooraini -- semuga  this award i think cant even close to match
your sacrifice  towards membesarkan anak2 tu --

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2007 05:52 PM | Show all posts
Disabled but they offer the best

A job at the YY Snow Wash in Kota Baru is a lifeline for some
of the workers

KOTA BHARU: Not many employers are willing to hire disabled workers, but a car wash operator here has six of them working for him.

And he has no regrets about hiring any of the deaf-mute workers. In fact, Chua Siong Thye finds them to be hard working, full of determination and responsible.

It all started five months ago when Chua was approached by a dishevelled-looking deaf-mute looking for a job. Using pen and paper to communicate, 27-year-old Wan Mohd Rozaini Othman抯 determination convinced Chua to hire him on the spot.

Rozaini抯 diligence impressed Chua so much that the operator of YY Snow Wash in Jalan Merbau decided to give other deaf-mutes a chance.  "Rozaini impressed me with his determination to work. When he first came here, he told me that he was not treated well at his previous workplace.

"My instincts told me that he was reliable. Since I needed workers, I decided to hire him. "Later, he told me about his friends who were having problems getting jobs due to their disability. Seeing how well he had adapted to the job, I told him to bring them in."

Chua now has six deaf-mutes among his eight workers. The workers, including a 16-year-old, work in two shifts and are paid RM12 a day, with meals.

They have learned the ropes so well that the 31-year-old businessman only needs to go to the car wash in the evenings and leave them to run it the rest of the day.

"I抳e picked up a bit of sign language since they came. We communicate through sign language or writing. "I am glad I could help them as some of my special workers are sole breadwinners, while one of them is still schooling and works in the evenings."

Rozaini, who has a certificate in mechanical engineering from the Shah Alam Polytechnic, said he was grateful for the job as he needed to save money for his wedding next year.

He also wrote that he had been cheated by his previous employers due to his disability. "I am glad to find work here. It抯 even better now that my friends have come to work here as we understand each other."


an awesome and an inspiring story -- and to know they are so hardworking
despite of their disabilities  should  motivate others  who are normal to work
hard and do something with their life -

although they know it is not easy to find a job due to their disabilities but
because of their determination and perseverance - and hard work - they are
having a ball  working in a place where they enjoy and where people didnt look
down at them  in fact, respecting their work and dedication -

lets hope this can be an inspire to others to achieve and be successful and happy
with their work as those guys -

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2007 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Geran RM22 juta bantu OKU berniaga


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 Author| Post time 12-8-2007 06:19 PM | Show all posts
Just the place to help special kids bloom
By : Sean Augustin

The SK Seri Budiman II playground is equipped with balancing beam,
balancing apparatus, a rope net, suspension rope bridge and a one-hole
golf course to develop the children抯 motor skills.

KUALA TERENGGANU: The country抯 largest and most complete psychomotor-therapy playground will open here next week.

The playground, half the size of a football field, is designed for pupils with special needs. It will cater for those with autism, Down抯 syndrome, cerebral palsy and dyslexics among others, a majority of whom have co-ordination problems.

Located at SK Seri Budiman II, among the 18 pieces of equipment are a balancing beam, balancing apparatus, a rope net, suspension rope bridge and a one-hole golf course.

Such facilities, according to scientists, help enhance the development and awareness of large muscle activity which, in turn, enhances motor development and learning. It will also improve self-esteem.

The Rotary Club Terengganu project is funded by HSBC Bank, Tenaga Nasional Bhd and Rotary clubs from Ampang, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The RM45,000 project, which started six months ago, is a pilot project for Rotary clubs nationwide.  Depending on its success, similar playgrounds will be built elsewhere.

While other such playgrounds exist in the country, they are much smaller.  Most importantly, according to Rotary Terengganu president Scott Steven, the playground would help special children integrate with others.

"Sometimes, children feel uncomfortable around those with learning difficulties. By playing together, they will gain a better understanding of each other."

The school抯 special children programme director Zanida Zaharah said her pupils needed such facilities to build their confidence. "This is important as it will improve their social skills," she said, adding that there were 48 children with special needs aged between 5 and 14 years old in the school.


NOW! this is what i called an excellent children programme for the children with
special needs!! --  ain't this will make the children feel happier and build up
their confidence as they grow up and give them much improve social skills as well -

it makes me almost in tears to read this project been happening there in terengganu
and i really surely hope that other states will follow suit  of this rotary club project-

i have no doubt  this will be a very successful program and will get a great co-operation
from the society and the community as well --

let's hope that this will improve the children self esteem and build their
self confidence  in facing the challenge world  -

congratulations for this awesome program --  

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Post time 12-8-2007 07:12 PM | Show all posts
Few years ago, slalu gune kemudahan komuter.  Tak nampak langsung ramp for wheelchair.  Especially stesen di Seremban.  And most of the time commuter yg dtg from kl akan stop di platform seberang.  Org yg sihat walafiat
kene panjat tangga tp but what about OKU terutamanya yg berwheel chair.  Tak tahu la kalau skarang dah berubah

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Post time 12-8-2007 07:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 12-8-2007 06:19 PM
Just the place to help special kids bloom
By : Sean Augustin
The SK Seri Budiman II playground is equipped with balancing be ...

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

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Post time 12-8-2007 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Minggu lepas aku berpeluang ke ibu pejabat syarikat aku dekat Tokyo untuk merekrut beberapa pekerja baru. Kat sana ada la terjumpa sorang mamat ni yang keje dia bahagian sumber manusia utk orang kurang upaya. Memang aku tak sangka la ada bahagian khas utk merekrut OKU. Pengarah cawangan M'sia yang ada bersama aku masa tu pun betul2 tertarik dengan cara dorang lla..

Dekat kilang pun dia ada bagi kemudahan utk pekerja yang berkerusi roda ni. Siap ada lif, ada kerusi roda "spare". Baru-baru ni disediakan pintu automatik untuk kemudahan diaorang. Sesetengah dorang ni walaupun cacat kaki tapi otak ligat. Rugi kalau tak amik dorang bekerja - walaupun keje dorang terhad pada pejabat aje la.

Dekat ofis aku pulak ada sorang mamat yang cacat pendengaran.. haha walau susah jugak nak berinteraksi tapi dorang boleh wat keje jugak, kadang2 lagi bagus dari yang sempurna tapi asik dok ngular jerr...



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 Author| Post time 15-8-2007 06:04 AM | Show all posts
Ibu bapa sanggup belanja ribuan ringgit perubatan anak


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 Author| Post time 16-8-2007 12:16 AM | Show all posts

a good reading -
hope we get some inspiration from this article -


Disabled pick up job skills through work

BLUSHING into the camera, the youths refused to be distracted.

In the flurry of snapshots, they continued counting and inserting straws nonchalantly into the transparent plastic sheets and passing the bulk to two of their friends in front who would then seal the pieces airtight.

Then, a curious Albie Yeo broke the silence and affably asked my photographer, 揔oh koh (big brother), what camera is yours and how much does it cost?

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Post time 17-8-2007 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Disabled lecturer beats odds to earn PhD degree


HE was doubtful that he would even manage to complete his engineering diploma while spending six months in hospital after a motor accident 15 years ago.

But yesterday, Dr Syed Sahal Nazli Alhady Syed Hassan's patience and grit was amply rewarded when he was conferred a doctorate at Universiti Sains Malaysia抯 (USM) 36th convocation in Penang.

The 35-year-old Dr Syed Sahal Nazli Alhady, who was paralysed from the waist down after the accident, said he was pursuing an engineering diploma at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) when the accident happened.  

揗y motorcycle抯 rear tyre exploded and my back hit the road divider after I being thrown off the bike,

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2007 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Ikuti pengajian berkerusi roda

PUTRAJAYA: Selama tiga tahun mengikuti pengajian Diploma Pengurusan Perniagaan di Kolej Poly-Tech Mara (KPTM), Nurul Shahidah Khalid, 22, terpaksa menggunakan kerusi roda untuk ke kelas kerana sukar berjalan jauh berikutan berdepan masalah berkaitan tulang sejak berusia 7 tahun.

Namun, pengorbanan anak pemandu dari Temerloh, Pahang itu tidak sia-sia apabila berjaya menamatkan pengajian dan menerima diploma pada Majlis Konvokesyen KPTM ke - 24 di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya, di sini, semalam.

Nurul yang mempunyai ketinggian 116 sentimeter berkata, dia bersyukur dalam keadaan tidak sempurna dan terpaksa menempuh pelbagai cabaran, dia mampu menamatkan pengajian.

Katanya, dia membuktikan orang kurang upaya (OKU) sepertinya juga boleh berjaya seperti orang lain asalkan ada minat dan kesungguhan.


tahniah  and moga2 kejayaan nurul menjadi sumber inspirasi
pada mana mana disabled people untuk terus berjaya
cuz there's nothing stop from anyone to be successful
sky is only the limit --

congrats again -

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Post time 19-8-2007 07:24 PM | Show all posts
thanz dexa.... u inspiring the disable societies by ur's contribution... There are disable peoples more to come with achievement that finally meet with hard effort and high spirit ... hopefully many OKU's people increase the contribution to Malaysia with a big heart ...

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